#which will tank my free time for a lil bit (wont be too long anyways cause he also has a job i cant monopolize his time)
spearxwind · 9 months
oh btw to my commissioners: currently i have a bunch of you in the queue, I havent been able to send out invoices the past couple days bc I've been rly busy, I should be able to send them out AFTER tomorrow most likely but the next week (?) is gonna be a lil rough for me, and given the uncertainty of it I don't want to charge you yet in case my life gets thrown off rails briefly again
you can rest easy knowing that the second I charge you I will likely be able to draw your commission within a couple days like I've done for the past ones -w- and I will for sure do the ones currently in queue, I hope a few days/a week of delay isnt too big of a deal TwT
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coolgirl · 4 years
Jason expert rate Jason’s designs
sorry for being late i was busy with school but now i’m free so to celebrate. jason indulgence.
pre-crisis not robin
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very cute. i like that it has a lil more of flair to it? the collar and the lines on the gloves and the shorter cape.. also love it has pants. king rlly king. wonder if they already knew he was gonna be robin anyways or if they were still considering nightbird. anyways, 8/10 bc its cute
pre & post-crisis robin (bc its basically the same)
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i mean its a classic.. however it reminds me jason was the only robin who was simply given dick’s clothes rather than like. have an unique look? which sucks. 7/10 middle child syndrome is REAL
post-crisis robin (winter edition)
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OKAY NOW THIS. i absolutely love. is it tacky? oh yes without a doubt. i still love the pants and the sleeves. finally winter clothes for this child, especially considering his new titans scene where he was bitching about the costume not being snow proof. he got what he wanted! 9/10
new 52/rebirth costume by
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EPIC. IDC I LOVE IT.the circles on his arms and his boots.. the lines on his legs.. i just love it. i love the red mask too… it feels.. not more unique, but feels more jason-y than the other costume. 10/10
NOW. onto older stuff
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as u can see im VERY confusion about the pouches and the straps?? why??? whats the purpose.. generally its fine. the white strand moved a nation and i think the chest piece is cool, but everything else.. uglee. like the long as hell jacket and him looking 40 years old like why r u 19 looking like fifty? ugly white man. 5/10
winicks/utrh version
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LITERALLY A CLASSIC. i love this costume sooo much. like jason obviously grew out of it, as in it wouldnt make sense for him anymore to go with something like this as his main costume because i feel like this fit the utrh mood (him not veing a vigilante/hero/villain whatver but trying to be a mob boss n shit) and it just. fucks. i love the helmet just being plain with no stupid mouth or nose shape. i simply love it. 10/10
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its just. its just the nightwing costume. didnt even try he just stole that from dick. he still rocks it and looks better than dick, and u gotta give him points for accessorizing with his dagger. 7/10
red robin 
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im not. a big fan of this costume.. i think the cowl is ugly, it just does not work for someone as big as jason… however i do like why he took this mantle and what it meant.. 6/10 no words head empty. 
oh brother. furryman
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ITS SUCH AN UGLY COSTUME. muzzle batman walked so muzzle red hood could run. its just. ugly like ugly. i dont like the ears or again the muzzle or whatever the hell is going on in the arms.. its just so edgy. 5/10
Injustice 2 batman
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I2 HAD IT IN THE BAG BABY. i like that its like classic batman costume but again! with some jason touches! the red eyes, the electric tiddies making a comeback.. epic genuinely epic. 10/10
and if ur not into evil jason
100% dad ‘i have my life figured out’ batman jason 
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just like the nightwing costume this is just. batman costume. nothing special or different from it so its like did u even try? BUT in this scenario it actually means smth that he stuck to bruces costume.. sweet.. but boring. 7/10
speaking of. evil ugly designs. ugh i hate this.
this motherfucker
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ive never. ever. felt as humiliated by a costume than thetime jason wore this. like MORTIFYING RLLY. its DISGUSTINGGG. the helmet shape. the fucking WHITE. the SKULL PLEASE WHO DESIGNED THIS WHO HATES ME IN PARTICULAR SO MUCH??? THIS MAN DOES NOT FUCK! HES UGLY! HE STINKS!!!! the red guns are epic that much i can say. LOOK AT THOSE PANS GOD ITS SO HUMILLIATING. 0/10 WORST COSTUME EVER.
HOWEVER. winick and the artist spun GOLD from it, because next time jason wore possibly my favorite costume to date
this motherfucker…2!
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like look how much better it looks with a little of swag.. the helmet without eyes.. the belts.. the fucking leather jacket.. keeping the red guns/gloves.. like seriously i dont know a better man. the skull is still awful and i wouldve replaced the white for black and MWAH best costume. like the black part at the top make it all red and the white make it black.. god this jason fucks massively i love him. 11/10 my favorite by a landslide perhaps
new 52/rebirth red hood
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OKAY I KNOW theyre slightly different (rebirth has shorter sleeves and a more padded look) but to me its like. same thing. okay i think its.. fine. its not phenomenal but its not ugly.. i like the brown jacket more than the black jacket i have to admit, its more distinctive and i simply like the color more, however i do not.. like jason having the bat symbol.. but thats also a me thing about how badly written this is. anyways. the helmet with the mouth disgusts me and everytime its drawn like that its humilliating. like. 7/10. maybe 7+. when it has the mouth or like nose ANY FACIAL EXPRESSION RLLY its a 5. 
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oh i absolutely despise that helmet. he looks like fucking. terminator. its the ugliest shape ive ever seen and the visor is.. huge. i dont like the shoulder pads either idk what the fuck its going on with the thing around his neck either.. like hes. knockout batman and i HATEEE IT. damians costume slaps tho. i just… its… ugly. like.. 3/10. 
get damian back arc red hood costume
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oh im a HUGE fan of this design.i love how his costume is designed in a way thats like. if jason was a dnd character he absolutely would be a tank. the padding, the red undertones everywhere, i just.. love it. i like how all the costumes were done to reflect their personalities you know.. i like this robin red hood hybrid. 9/10 would even say 10/10 bc i just enjoy how gleason draws jason.
red hood/arsenal costume
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its like. i dont hate it completely (i love the way the hood+helmet looks) and thats.. yeah thats pretty much all i like about it. i HATEEEE the vest i hate it fr.i hate how huge the sumbol is and idk this costume just does not spark joy. 5/10
outlaw costume
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okay this one. this one drives me insane. because like. okay i dig parts of it. i like the lack of sleeves. i like the gloves thingies. i like the hood. i could get aboard him ditching the helmet - it breaks all the damn time anyways. i like the stripes on his pants in the boots. ALL SEPARATE? NEAT. now i hate. hate. the muzzle. like WHY IT LOOKS SO UGLYYY LIKE SO UGLY like unless the artist GETS IT and is SEXY it looks awful. look at this
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AWFUL. also like it made sense for when he was on the run and he had to make do and assemble a costume from what he had but like now hes sponsored by lex, get that man a goddamn new suit already please. anyways. 6/10.. like i said i like many elements from it but its still.. kinda ugly all together and depends A LOT on the artist.
three jokers
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im torn on this one.. i think its a bit boring.. i dont rlly like the top part, it reminds me SOO much of that one tt issue where he beat the fuck out of tim while wearing a robin costume like i understad the implications of him wearing a costume thats similar to the robin blouse but im not a big fan.. also i prefer the brown leather jacket. its like not his worst costume by far but not the best.. like pretty basic?  i would say 6/10
tiny titans & lil gotham
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okay these two are like. pretty much the canon versions of robin and red hood HOWEVER they both have details that are different from the original version and DESERVE a mention. the curls on robin jason and jasons red gloves/belt are ICONIC. whoever designed them knew what they were about, so 10/10 best bapy jason.
arkham knight
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does the person who designed this know how much theyve done for the lgbt community? i hope they do. i love.. a lot about this costume. i love the ears, i love how techno it is, i love the layers to it.. im.. not a big fan of the whole military thingy but i have to admit that applying it to the design itself is kind of neat.. i love the colors too and how.. practical it is while being. well. kinda dramatic? the whole bat aesthetic.. yeah. i love it. 9/10
arkham red hood
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this one.. when u think about it the outlaw version is VEEERY similar to this one: the pants, the hood, the jacket eve. however i like this helmet so much more, i have a weakness for eyeless (??) helmets.. i like the little details of it as well, i remember that pic going around of it being held together with like. fuckign stitches and bandaids. legendary. i love this look, i would say 9+/10
injustice 2 jason
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okay gonna go ahead and say it: not a big fan of the helmet. it looks like.. a bug? the lenses do not spark joy. this bitch has many styles and like toners etc and i will no rate them all. i think its a pretty basic design, not the best but not the worst either. like if it was an exam i would make them pass but make faces at what im reading like eeehhhgh. 7/10.
hag jason
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middle one is like literally, on the outside and superficial level, just. his usual costume. the jacket and the grey kevlar and the bat. now the gloves are sexy as hell.. and in the whit ebackground one u can appreciate the under costume better and i really like it?? i just.. like the design. I HATE HOWEVER the bat helmet. WHY IS IT HOLLOW?? BITCH HELLO?? AND THE BATMAN SYMBOL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! and i like things making sense!!!. we will not talk about jason in this book. like.. 8/10. maybe 9 if im feeling it.
hag jason 2: the hagger and the furious
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hes just.. a little old man.. he cannot change this.. i like this design. i like seeing jason grow old. wish it wasnt in this context. my father rlly. 8/10
am i forgetting any jays.. i wont do all animated robins because they all look the same and the one that doesnt i do not like. SO HERES my thoughts..
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askmyboys · 4 years
Real Name: Its something that cant be said around humans otherwise it hurts their ears (it basically sounds like static mixed with a high pitched noise, it can be damaging to the ears if not careful) | Human Name: Louie | Nickname: He really only has one nickname n that's Lou, sometimes he won't mind being called Louis either though | Gender: Male | Age: N/A- there's really no traces of how old he REALLY is, he's not even sure he remembers himself- | Sexuality: Pansexual | Species/Race: Demon | Height: 6'9" (he's a sizeshifter tho) | Hair Color: Umber Brown (his hair is SUPER messy and dirty looking, sometimes he'll wear a hat like a fedora or something to keep it covered, not like he gives a shit if someone comments on it tho) | Eye Color: Desire Red | Appearance: He'll sometimes wear suits out in public, albeit ALL his clothing is dirty, dingy, and dusty- he just doesn't give a shit about hygiene in general, but he's not too picky with clothes, it just depends on his mood, usually its suits, sometimes its more of a punk-like look, sometimes its just tank tops and boxers, he doesnt. give. a. s h i t- dont test this demon buddy, he'll take ALL his clothes off, he'll go out naked, fuckin public indecency his ass- your lil human laws don't apply to him- He's vERY chumby, got that chub going- big soft boy- His entire fingers ARE the claws, long sharp claws- he also of course has sharp bear trap teeth, his canines both top and bottom are a bit longer than the rest of his teeth of course, his ears are also pointed and he's got a few piercings in there as well and you know he's got the short boxed beard. | Personality: He's just a really carefree, lazy, laid back kinda demon dude- I won't say there isn't ANYTHING that won't piss him off or make him sad, bc you know there's ALWAYS something out there BUT- he just doesn't care, he takes compliments in the form of insults, if ya actually compliment him- well he dont expect that but eh your free to do so, either way it dont make him much different, I wont deny- he's got that SUPER big fuck energy, he be fuckin- he does make a LOTTA sexual innuendos, like a l o t of them- he's got that big chaotic evil fuck energy, dont give a shit what gender or whoever you are- you can want to be perceived as a threat- if he likes you he gon f l i r t- in fact someone wanting to be a threat- now thats hot, he's like a cat mixed in with a dog almost, can be very lazy one moment and he's up and going the next, will eat ALL your food and drink all your drinks even tho he legit doesn't need too and then HE'LL call YOU a bitch for not having anymore food or drinks. Big Bastard, I don't know if I'd say he's REALLY evil n shit, he does love to cause trouble, scare some people- but for murdering people n torture and doing all that? Bah, that's a bit TOO much work for him, now if he HAD too? Oh absolutely, he could and WOULD murder if it was necessary- but nah the most yer gon get outta him is scares, him causing trouble around your house or depleting your food and drink supplies too quickly (tl;dr: Carefree, lazy, laid back- he's ALMOST impossible to piss off or make sad, too many gross sexual innuendos, big bastard, chaotic evil fuck energy, can and WILL flirt with you, like a dog/cat mix one minute lazing around the next minute he's ready to go n bother people, hide your food and drinks if you wanna survive otherwise your gon be fucked ....n-not literally- I mean unless you'd want too, he's gross and smelly and will NOT take a bath, he wants to s m e l l like death and any other horrible things so fuck u) | Side Facts: This character is the death of me, he's broken the fourth wall which I wouldn't deny he could probably do and strangled me to death with his bare claw hands- I just genuinely wanted a gross, bit too sexual demon character for some reason but listen, he might be a monster but he's not a MONSTER and by that I mean if you dont wanna do the "fun stuff" in that regard he'll respect that, consent matters- he might be a creep and every horrible word in the world combined but he's not like THAT, he DOES have standards like THAT anyways. If ya don't wanna do that fun stuff at LEAST go out n scare some people shitless with him, or help him bother some humans- or if he's feeling particularly lazy, he'll crash at your place n just, well, bother YOU instead- and he'll probs try to scare ya once or twice too but eh that's to be expected- I will say- he's DEFINITELY a deal maker-like demon, he DOES make deals n stuff from time to time- he DOES enjoy doing it every so often, bc most of the time he gains ownership of someone's soul every now and then but other than that, its still a lotta work- like he doesn't wanna do it all the time, besides who's gonna care that he ain't making deals like he's supposed to. He actually doesn't stay in hell too often, its MOSTLY bc of preference for the living world, humans are there and their MUCH more easy and fun to mess with than other demons (other demons h a t e him, their disgusted by him which to him? ....G o o d, die mad about it then babe~) Satan and him tho- now Satan albeit he does NOT like the smell at all he hides that bc of Lou's personality, he can v i b e with him on the carefree n laid back part for sure ....justpleaseLouisastheliteralrulerofhellIamgoingtobegyoutopleasetakeabathorsomething...) He likes Satan much more than he thought he would, for the literal ruler of hell that dude's pretty chill- ....ok come on let's be honest here, you know as well as I have Louie has absolutely flirted with Satan once or twice, hell- he's flirted with MANY demons before- needless to say not uh many of em liked it which hey I mean its not the response he really wanted nor expected but pissing off a demon can be fun plus they can be REALLY violent ...he may or may not be a masochist and a bit of a sadist even? oh and uh before my dumbass forgets, he's got some powers aside from sizeshifting, he can shapeshift into a few things, mimic other's voices, or even like disappear really quickly- that's only if he needs to get out of situations or make it seem like a person's c r a z y maybe- just maybe but shh, etc- a few other things- you know how demons are- that's good enough for now I guess? I HAD more stuff to say bout him but I genuinely forgot- whoops- but if I think of it dont worry- ye'll know
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