#which sucks bc i love it but i fear imma have to force myself to leave it again bc i cant go on like this lmao
minimoefoe · 1 year
s5 of oitnb is feeling like it's going on for fucking ever and idk if that's bc it's boring or bc im just in a nicky phase rn and she's all I care about so when she's not on my screen I'm like damn idc about this
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servingliesarch · 7 years
anyway, some things to clarify bc i love merlin but things are happening:
i’m sorry i’ve been extremely spotty, but things have just been shit. plain and simple.
as in, i’ve been sick for over a week and i can’t get better even tho i have really strong antibiotics and shit ?? i went to sleep at 6am last night bc of this awful coughing fit. my dad had to go buy meds at 5am. which is inconvenient.
it’s inconvenient because on tuesday i have to leave for six days. we have this mandatory media trip to this shithole in the polish mountains. will probably be beautiful, but in the middle of nowhere and we have to shoot material and make a project there.
things suck personal wise also. and family wise as well. it’s a long story on both accounts, let’s not. but some highlights here.
my sister’s bullies are back and she’s a mess, and everyone is fucking pissed off. only bc they decided out of three groups in her year, two will be mixed for some classes, and she’s in one of those ?? (for some reason one is just a fucking saint group of saints). long story short shit got so bad bc she’s a lil weird and entire group of girls in her ex class would torment her, and now she’s forced back to have classes with them bc her new class is one fo the mixed ones.
my lil tiny two month old cousin whose godmother imma be in like two weeks is having a kidney operation bc things suck.
i kind of want to slap myself in the face and i have been doing absolutely shit, but i gotta stay strong bc like..... inconvenient time to break down.
i tried to like get some help even tho i am absolute worst at sharing and asking for help, and he told me to buy a book bc my mind is sea and horse, i shit you not, so you know, who cares really.
i am also constantly anxious. and i fear i’ll be left by my friends like i used to be, not because they are bad people, but because they will all live in one place aka the dorms, and i’m the only one FROM this city so i live at home.
i need ?? to finish my portfolio ?? find a job for the academic year ?? literally what the fuck is this stress.
idk what to do with my future also and it’s my final bachelor’s degree year.
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@focusfixated asked me my top 5 people who made this year more bearable, and top 5 new things I discovered/got into in 2016.
This is the long version.
Made the year more bearable:
I work with a really lovely team. I consider myself very lucky to have fallen in with such a good crowd in my very first job. But it is a very stressful job sometimes, and it can be quite exhausting some days, and although almost everyone I work with makes that easier, rather than harder, my top spot for this would have to go to E, one of our nurses, who is hardworking, good at her job, and has this wonderful infectious excitement about things. She has a “Friday dance”, she renames the patients when she thinks their own names are boring, she can always be counted on to indulge in a chippy lunch alongside you, she taught me Irish dancing in her kitchen last month. She is cheery and personable, and even if she is pissed off or not having a great day, she never makes a drama out of it and she is just generally a joy to work with, and also to hang out with otherwise. (I have reduced her to an initial bc idk it seems sl better etiquette when discussing a colleague on your blog, y’know.)
Light of life, my sun and stars, Pamela. My best friend, living so many miles away from her now sometimes fucking sucks, but she continues to make every day more bearable by her existence. There is so much I could say about her. It is a really beautiful and comforting and just incredible thing to have a person. And she is my person. I am thankful every day that I met her and by some fluke befriended her and tricked her into thinking I’m cool.
You, tbh. Visiting was a highlight. Feel pretty fucking blessed to call you a friend these past... ten years? Wild. Thank you for letting me wax lyrical about things you know nothing about, and letting me semi-force you into caring about them too. Hahaa.
Becky, one of my more frequent visitors in my new location. She comes bearing freshly baked cookies and gifts she has forgotten she had for me that have been in a cupboard in her house for eight months. I live vicariously through her entertaining love life. She gets lost every time she visits. (That is not unique to my most recent residence.) She and another friend visited me at home on boxing day and she got briefly lost on her way then too. She is the kind of friend you shouldn’t really be able to make in a small group forced together by circumstance - such as one’s vet school class; in that we have a genuine sort of same wavelength connection - pov, taste, sense of humour - that is really lucky to find in another person. I love her dearly. I miss living with her.
In general, the most prominent feeling I have about any of my friends is ‘lucky to know them’. More in the ‘lucky to know of them’ category, imma give my fifth position to Lin Manuel Miranda, for being a beautiful beacon of light in my year. What a guy.
Discoveries: While 2016 was a shit year in a lot of categories, it was a dream for my media intake tbh. I fell very in love with quite a few things that massively improved my year.
Hamilton - The soundtrack to my year. A fact to which my neighbours (whom I have never actually met) can almost certainly attest. I have listened to the cast album, and more recently the mixtape, just a ridiculous amount. I’m kind of relieved spotify doesn’t keep a playcount. (I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually start listening to it ‘til 2016, so it counts.)
The Adventure Zone - who knew three brothers and their dad playing D&D would be the highlight of my year? It was certainly one of them. I was vaguely aware of the McElroy brothers, but hadn’t heard or seen any of their other projects before I started listening to the Adventure Zone. Which in some ways is a shame, because I don’t think anything else will be as fantastic. TAZ is a fun amusing romp from the first episode, but dear goodness, does the storytelling get better and better. It’s just supremely good and never not hilarious. I strongly encourage you to give it a try if you have even the smallest suspicion it might be your thing. Let Griffin McElroy be your dungeon master and your best friend. Meet and fall in love with occasionally competent dwarven cleric Merle Highchurch, folk hero and artisan carpenter Magnus Burnsides, and my favourite shitty wizard Taako Taaco.
The Raven Cycle - I do not need to explain to you the ridiculous hole I fell into regarding this series. I am genuinely not sure if there has been a day that has passed since I read them that I haven’t thought about one of those kids (Adam Parrish - I mean, not alllways, but lbr, mostly yes). I care about them a great deal. God bless tumblr for knowing what’s most definitely up my street.
The Kingkiller Chronicles - this is another finding thanks to tumblr. Actually, I think all of this list are so far? But yes. This one was thanks to just one user I follow (shout out to @kvothes) whom had mentioned it enough and with such fondness that I had to give it a look. I read the Name of the Wind when I was in Turkey with my fam. I like fantasy in general, magic specifically, and adore stories about stories, books about books. So yeah, I was quickly sold on Kvothe’s tale. He is such an arrogant little shit, I love him. I’m only a little bit of the way into the Wise Man’s Fear (the second novel) and already know I’m going to hate the wait for the next one once I finish it.
Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary - more of a “made 2016 more bearable” than something you get into, as such, but not a person so putting it here. Best addition to my tumblr dash this past year. I care about these beautiful old dogs a lot. Get so worried when any of them get hospitalised. When I am old and ready to retire, send me to ofsds. It looks like a lovely place.
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