#which seems more doable given the apparent budget
icantalk710 · 1 year
This "to rent, your gross income should be 40x the rent" idea feels a bit iffy to me when practically I've gotten around 40% of each biweekly gross paycheck deducted for taxes and benefits... (is it that much for other people I wonder [also a shame what those taxes do and don't go into but that's another convo])
Though with what I've saved up as backup, that should still theoretically work for me; doing some math accounting for a recent raise I'm getting at work, assuming two paychecks a month (and no more than 30% spent on rent), I think my rent budget ceiling would be around $1300/month, but ideally would be around $1000 as a max (lower for a good-quality place if possible would ofc be nice)--then I could be smart about withdrawing half the total with each check [along with utility/etc splits] and factoring in spending on other things that way. Just spent some time tracking how much I've saved from each of my last paychecks and it kinda seems feasible enough to do. Hmm...
Also, any NYers use Roomi/etc for finding good roomies? Trying to get around to a profile on Roomi, since I've heard some good things about it/seems promising from some listing browsing, and get a handle on this whole moving-out thing [which tbh feels like I've been overthinking on some level but have been trying to take some time to browse some listings and see what prices look like/etc]
since i'm turning 33 this year, it'd be nice to be able to quit just talking about wanting to move and actually do it with the savings effort i've put into it [assuming i also get to hold onto my student loan refund check for extra assurance biden]
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waywardmasquerade · 4 years
is there any reason you dont make a dragon dice bag with the regular lesbian flag? I have never seen that femme flag before
Unfortunately the answer to that is very long. Apologies if I repeat myself or overexplain, events around the world have me rather frazzled.
To my knowledge, there is no regular lesbian flag. There have been multiple proposed lesbian flags, but in my research I’ve never found one that has broad community support.
There’s the purple labrys flag from the 70s or 80s (I think?), which apparently has historical issues and isn’t widely recognised today.
There’s the lipstick flag, which has much more recent issues related to it’s creator (transphobia, biphobia, racism) as well as not resonating with the butch & non femme parts of the community.
There have been multiple edits to the lipstick flag, first the lipstick kiss was removed, though I don’t know who by or the intention behind it. Then it was simplified to include more orange and brown.
Then it was simplified again to the five bar orange/pink flag.
All these edits have been called different things by different people.
There have also been a LOT of other proposed flags, including a “sapphic” lesbian flag (based on one of Sappho’s poems), which is interesting in itself because historical Sappho was thought to be bisexual. If you go hunting you’ll find dozens of proposed designs.
At the time I was researching and designing the lesbian pride Dragon Bagon, the lipstick flag and sapphic flag were the ones that showed up most in my research. I did not feel comfortable using the lipstick flag, and the sapphic flag was not recognised by the folks in my beta group. So I settled for modifying the first or or second iteration of the modified lipstick flag (there was no way I could fit all those slightly different shades in) and because I knew it didn’t resonate with many of the butch lesbians I had feedback from, I called it the “femme” lesbian Dragon Bagon, because I did not feel comfortable making a decision and putting a label on the entire lesbian community when it clearly didn’t fit a lot of people in it. I have since been keeping an eye out for a possible butch flag or symbol, there was support for a plaid Dragon Bagon, but plaid microfleece has not become available despite my searches. I’m hoping that will eventually change.
As it is, I am gathering feedback regarding the 5 bar flag, and while some of it has definitely been positive, some has also been negative. I also don’t feel comfortable just making a unilateral decision on behalf of the lesbian community when it does not yet seem like there is yet community consensus on a flag, though the 5 bar flag definitely seems to be steadily gaining popularity. I’ll have one person tell me that it definitely IS the “community flag”, while another tells me they don’t identify with it at all.
There are also another couple of factors:
I realise that folks who don’t do the job I do will not necessarily realise the level of work involved in prototyping and putting a design into a level of production that makes it affordable. Suffice it to say, there is a lot. So I can’t take changing established designs lightly. The Pride Dragon Bagons are already underpriced for the work that is involved in them. That was a conscious choice I made because I wanted to give something to a community I value. Making the price they’re at even remotely doable for me means we need to produce pride dragon bagons in batches, not one by one. It also means that I have to think carefully before making more of the designs that aren’t like to sell as well. Making new pride designs is not a low cost enterprise, but I want them to be there to at least say to as many of the less represented members of the LGBTQIA2+ community as possible: “I see you”, even if they never buy a Dragon from me, seeing how the photos make people happy is a boost. So I’m balancing the need for representation with the budget as well.
How well a design sells (and therefore funds us making more) is a combination of factors, for a start, it’s a matter of how many people there are within a given section of the wider LGBTQIA2+ community, and then what segment of that group has the disposable income to afford a handmade Dragon Bagon, plus what segment of that group wants to spend that much on a handmade Dragon Bagon. All that comes into play before we get to how pretty the design is, how well it matches the flag, how well I can reach that specific group, etc. Then there’s if there are multiple flags that segments of those groups identify with (e.g. Genderqueer vs Non Binary), and there’s also the matter of folks identifying with multiple flags, which usually means there’s one they want a Dragon for one more than others, which adjusts the numbers as well. And as cold and calculating as it might feel to me sometimes, I do have to keep an eye on the numbers if I want to be able to keep operating (and as a result, producing pride dragons) at all.
The next thing to consider is the availability of fabrics and colour matching. As it is right now, I only have access to colours that would possibly be an acceptable match for two or three of the colours in the 5 bar flag in your avatar. That may change in the future, and I’m always looking for new colours. I also need to consider that while a colour is available now, it may not be in three months time, which means if I want a reasonable supply I need to buy a lot in one go, which for a small business running out of my lounge, is not insignificant. So I need to be sure I can use the fabric before I buy it. While I don’t expect to profit hugely from the pride dragons, I do need to cover my costs and make something of a living for myself, and my helper deserves to be paid a living wage for their time and effort as well.
The last thing is that, despite putting more time and research into the lesbian pride design than any of the others, it has been the one that has received the least support both in terms of sales, and in terms of actual engagement and feedback on the design when I have called for it in the past. It’s also the community (or at least, the community that folks being unpleasant presented themselves as being from) that has directed the most aggression towards me. Even when I have clearly labelled the Lesbian Pride design in the lineup, I have received less-than-pleasant comments about “forgetting” lesbians or demands to know “where is the lesbian one”. Yet when I have called for feedback in the past, there was far less engagement than with many other groups. So it feels like a rock and a hard place for me, it got so hurtful that I actually stopped researching potential new pride designs for quite some time.  So when there’s been very little support in terms of feedback, engagement, and sales from this community, alongside some fairly unpleasant comments as well. I don’t know what else I can do, and it doesn’t help with inspiration and creativity. I realise that a few angry people who apparently don’t bother to read posts before lashing out do not represent the whole community, but it’s only been recently that there’s been an increase in useful feedback on this particular design as well.
Will I make a new lesbian pride dragon? Maybe. I can’t give a timeframe, I can’t say which flag it will follow, because I don’t know. I’m doing research as and when I can, and keeping an eye on a lot of different factors. That being said, IF I make a new one, I will be trying to prioritise rep for butch lesbians, since I have not been able to give them that so far.
All that being said, I am 100% willing to make custom custom Dragon Bagons for those who want them, and that can definitely include pride designs. They cost more, but I do try to keep the cost down as much as possible.
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kariachi · 4 years
Okay, so now I’ve gotta get to work finding shit out for trainers, because I’m apparently horribly self-destructive. The problem is here’s where I have to figure out the one big thing- just how much does it cost for the standard person to live in the pokemon world, and the corollary- how much does it cost a wandering trainer to live in the pokemon world?
(To read the first post on this topic, focusing on contests and coordinators, start here)
Okay, so, given Pokemon Centers appear to be free I think we can assume the pokemon world has free healthcare (I should hope we’d get free healthcare before free vet care) so we don’t have to worry about that.  There’s also free board at them, but I’ve been running with the assumption that it’s for people with trainers licenses (which are probably common, honestly, given kids can get them, they’re probably cheap to get but less so to renew) and the accommodations are probably pretty barebones. Still, you don’t really see people going around without homes, and with pokemon the costs of construction are probably lower. We still have the filthy rich, but they seem less filthy rich than we have to deal with (I don’t think we’ve seen a billionaire yet in pokemon, I could be wrong) so mayhaps this free healthcare is because the fuckers are actually getting taxed properly.
So, healthcare probably isn’t a thing and housing is probably cheaper (we see a lot of people in apartments, but maintaining the environment is a big deal in this world so it makes sense people would build up and have multi-family homes rather than spread out). Food bills are probably higher for most households, if just because most people have pokemon and those things gotta eat. like I can’t help but think a Houndoom probably eats more than a similarly-sized dog, ya know? Though there’s still the question of availability. One would expect food to be easy to come by, given all the benefits pokemon bring and how quickly things like berries grow, how much Miltank produce, but then we’ve got Jesse’s backstory... I don’t know.
Public transportation also seems to be free, at least for trainers, which re can probably tie back into the whole ‘they actually tax their rich’ thing.
So, I think for this I am going to base numbers off a family budget calculator I have bookmarked (you’d be amazed how often it comes in handy), looking at a single adult with no children living in a mid-range area to get my baseline, then removing things like transportation and healthcare from the costs while adding to the food bill to account for pokemon. We’ll assume the average for the pokemon is half the food expenses of the owners, because we want to feed our friends well and the variety of species means a wide range of needs (an Aron eating metal is not going to be fed as cheaply as an Arcanine with pokechow).
So, going by those numbers, our estimated cost of living for a single, childless adult is $20-25k a year in the pokemon world. Of course numbers will vary, but we’re not here to get so deep we’re gnawing seagrass so we’ll just take that as our baseline. Which means hey! Our second friend from the contests income post was doing better than expected! Still not enough to live off of alone, but definitely a good way to making a decent living.
Of course we still have to worry about the cost of living for a wandering trainer though. They’re going to have more pokemon who are more active, and be more active themselves, so we’ll just straight double the food budget from what just the trainer alone would need. Plus they’re going to need the extra supplies of pokeballs and potions and the like- first aid needs are going to be huge. But they don’t have household expenses, which should help them a fair bit.
I’m using thru-hike costs as a baseline here, since hiking seems to be the major method of travel for these things, so individuals unable to do long hikes for one reason or another are likely to have very different numbers. I won’t go into them here but think longer travel times, differences in gear needed (if you’re in a wheelchair and trying for the ‘authentic’ experience the gear needed is going to be much different and probably more expensive), or even simply more time spent in town while taking vehicular transport around the place. Though even still it’s annoying because does anybody have a good average cost dear fuck. Some people recommend $1,000 a month as a minimum, some $700, some as high as $2,000, and these of course are all including things our trainers don’t need and missing our additional pokemon feeding budget.
We also need to account for various factors that thru-hikers don’t generally deal with. For instance, in areas with things like snow trainers are likely to spend a good portion of the year in town, with free rooms and healthcare but higher expenses, while they wait for weather you can safely travel in.
$1,000 seems to be a good average, and we can easily slot things like extra trainer gear into the budget space normally reserved for hotel stays. We still need to add in the pokemon feeding budget, and account for things like extra time in town due to seasonal changes though. So we’ll bump that number up to, say, $1,700, which is high but allows for these things. This means that our estimated cost of living for a wandering trainer is about $20,400. So the low end of the cot of living we already put down, and it could go higher or lower depending on the needs of the individual (someone with only one pokemon who doesn’t have to worry about weather will be spending less than someone with health concerns who lives somewhere it snows six months out of the year) but it’s a solid average to have.
Now, though, we need to work out how much they can expect to make from their profession, and for that we’re going to have to figure out the most consistent source of income for a wandering trainer- gym battle winnings. They have an advantage over the coordinators here. They may have to sleep in tents a lot, but they also don’t have to pay an entrance fee to try to make money.
First up we need to find out how much one earns from beating a gym, monetarily. The games have a whole set-up, but ti’s very much set on the whole gaming scale and we’re working beyond that. Instead we’re going to average the prize money from a game and call that the standard. We’ll be using my favorite region, Johto, and my favorite games in the regions, Heart Gold and Soul Silver, because I’m biased and I can.
(1560 + 1800 + 2280 + 2760 + 3720 + 4200 + 4080 + 4920) / 8 = 3,165 which I think we can safely round up to $3,200 per gym.
Now, if we assume that one can hit eight gyms a year, 3200*8 = $25,600 in gym winnings a year. Which not only would cover their expenses but also give them some wiggle room. Heck, even if they can’t hit all eight in a year (though it should be doable, I can’t imagine most regions take more time to traverse than the US would and nine months to cross it on foot is more than doable) even just getting six gets them most of the way to their expenses covered, and this isn’t even counting prize money for battling other trainers, or selling items found along trails as we see trainers do in canon.
Heck, a person could probably make some nice coin just getting a team of pokemon with Pickup and selling what they find, especially since when you’re out hiking those items are less likely to be potions and antidotes and more likely to be berries, mushrooms, and nice rocks.
But fuck, while I’m here I probably ought to do something with that whole ‘prize money from battling other trainers’ things, shouldn’t I? It’s kind’ve a big part of the whole mess... We’ll do that, then move onto the League Championships and how much money I think is probably earned for that mess.
The problem with working the trainer prize money out is that in-game mechanics aren’t really any help here. So, we’re going to have to work shit out for ourselves and because I do have limits on how difficult I want to make things for myself- shocking, I know- I’m going to say that the number varies from battle to battle and trainer to trainer. Custom dictates a minimum amount of money you can give to a trainer who’s beaten you (the cost of a potion, about $5) but otherwise it’s figured out by the trainers themselves. Upon agreeing to battle the trainers will negotiate a prize, normally never more than $1,000 but sometimes you find an obnoxious rich guy you know you can take and, well. As a result income from battling other trainers can vary wildly, but one can make some decent pocket change that way. Just don’t pick on the little kids.
Now, onto the League. This one’s gonna get the same treatment as the contests
Pokemon League Championships (Entry Fee: $250 + 8 badges from within the region)
1st: $9,000 + League Cup + League Champion title
2nd: $5,000
3rd: $3,000
4th: $2,500
5th: $2,000
6th: $1,500
7th: $1,000
8th: $500
This may seem rather low if you’ve also looked at the numbers for contests, but entry is also... not easier but certainly something more likely to be obtained. It’s not fair, but little in life ever is, really. As it stands the league otherwise functions the same as the Grand Festival- each region’s requires a certain number of prizes already won to prove one’s place and this requirement must be repeated for each. If you enter a Grand Festival or Pokemon League Championship than the ribbons or badges you use to do so will be registered and cannot be used for the same purpose again. You’ll have to re-earn them to have another go.
Most wandering trainers don’t bother, only going through a region once or twice before moving on to the next. It’s the balance between the two professions. You may never make a living being a coordinator, but you can have a stable home if you so wish. A wandering trainer will be able to make a living off their work, but as the name implies to do so they have to stay on the move, always searching for that next challenge.
But, if that’s the life you want, is that really a bad thing?
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mrsteveecook · 5 years
update: employer will only reimburse interview travel expenses if I accept their offer
It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.
Remember the letter-writer who applied for a summer teaching job and was told the employer would only reimburse her interview travel expenses if she accepted the job? Here’s the update.
I’m the college student who wrote in about a teaching summer job. Thank you for your advice, and all the commenters for their input! I wanted to give you an update of what went down and, as I have a feeling I may get internet-stoned in a minute, preface this email by saying that I did indeed take your advice seriously and assess my options with this organization and their proceedings carefully.
When my letter was published, I had already gone to the weekend-long interview-seminar. In hindsight, I remembered that there was already something minor red-flaggy during the application process besides the unreasonable time investment, namely that the organization explicitly asked for a headshot to be submitted. Although having a photo of yourself on your application is common in the country I live in (not USA), especially young people and less traditional industries don’t do so anymore (because it’s irrelevant to your skill set and your looks shouldn’t at all determine if you get an offer, etc.). Anyways, I brushed it off as ‘weird but whatever’ and went to get headshots, but reflecting on the whole process, it just added another layer of questionable requirements.
About a week after you published the letter, I received an offer from the organization. Because of all the issues you – and the commenters – raised, I was reluctant to do any work with them. However, they were short with applicants for another position that I didn’t apply for initially and offered me that one, too. It was better paid and would only take three weeks, with the same kind of work but under different circumstances (group to teach, location, etc). For context, as this came up in the comment section: the salary they offer for any positions is always fixed. The listing I applied for seemed to pay not too bad originally, but they kept adding on duties which made the compensation sink far below minimum wage when broken down to the hours needed to accomplish the tasks. Because these additional duties were apparently just ‘common sense’ (their words, not mine), they weren’t included in the job description and offer or considered for pay. The new position included the same duties, but also more pay, which made it worthwhile for me.
As the new offer’s pay was good enough that I decided to go for it under specific terms. First, I made sure that all of my travel and accommodation costs would be covered. For readers who didn’t catch up with all the comments: the teaching takes place in different places around the country, and I had hoped to get placed near where I (or friends or family of mine) live but wasn’t. However, the organization only provides a very, very limited housing budget (about $250/month, independent of the area you get placed in – in the country I live in, it’s very hard to find a place for $250/month, and impossible in any larger town or city, which is where most people were placed. Additionally, the $250 are also supposed to cover commuting costs from the rented place to your actual workplace, which is just not doable). Summer-jobbers were expected to cover expenses that exceed this budget, which I was not willing to do because I believe that if you hire people to do jobs hundreds of miles away from where they live, you should provide them with a place to stay that they don’t have to pay for themselves. Especially given that they hire college-students exclusively.
By the way, there were some other curiosities in the contract/job duties, for example that there would be no pay when you’re sick (which is illegal where I live, and they would get in major trouble if you took them to court for it) or that us teachers are supposed to host meetings with parents, including a BBQ with both parents and students (36 people in total), but without being given any budget (?? I guess we’ll have air-burgers with invisible hotdogs, then). Anyways, they found me a shared apartment to stay in, which I was fine with, and sent out letters to the families asking them to bring their own food and beverages to the meetings and BBQ, which was also fine with me. As for the no-pay-when-sick-clause, I thankfully don’t get sick often and also have legal protection, so I knew I would be safe there. Less high-stakes yet noteworthy, they also sent out emails at very odd hours (hand-crafted ones, not automated messages).
What really irked me, though, is that they told us (after signing the contract, of course) that we would only be paid after we send back all the materials. Which, you know, I get, but it was expressed in the same tone you would tell your 5yo “You can only have dessert when you finish your veggies!”. Of course, I wasn’t planning on keeping their materials and I understand that they need them back; I just think we’re all adults and I felt it was somewhat inappropriate to hold people’s pay above their head like this. Also, we were expected to “bring from home” (aka, buy from our own money) many of the required teaching materials. And there were other things like this, e.g. there is a certain amount we’re allowed to spend on lunch for the students, but we’re instructed not to spend the whole amount. Like, what’s the purpose behind instructions like “You are allowed to spend a maximum of $50. But don’t spend all of it!”?
The work itself was fine – all the students were nice and the families were kind enough to chip in and bring food for everyone so we still had fun gatherings. In the end, I filed the summer job under “experience” rather than “job”. After all, I still didn’t get minimum wage when you break down the work… But I wanted the students to have a good experience and learn something, so that’s on me. Anyways, I got my school to credit me part of the job as an internship, so I would say it was worthwhile for me. I don’t think I would do it again, though.
Some commenters mentioned that they perceived the application process/organization as cult-like, which, looking back, I can kind of agree with. There is a lot of “but we are non-profit!”-talk (a lot like the “but we’re faaaaamily”-logic) albeit that’s not a reason to pay people badly or pressure them with not reimbursing expenses/withholding pay whilst expecting them to go out of their way for your organization. All in all, the organization people I was in contact with were nice, but it was overall unorganized, inefficient, and too red-flaggy. For a three-week summer-job it was bearable but I certainly wouldn’t do any long-term work with them. Furthermore, the experience made me aware of what to pay attention to during application processes and how to spot questionable work places. Thank you very much, Alison, for giving me a reality-check. Thanks to all the commenters who took time out of their day to offer suggestions and input, too! And in general, thanks for this blog which is so super helpful, especially for people who are new to the working world and don’t have a good feel for what’s normal/reasonable yet.
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4 updates from letter-writers
update: employer will only reimburse interview travel expenses if I accept their offer was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager https://ift.tt/2GoXHF0
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kivircikedebiyatii · 6 years
Search engine optimization (SEO) And Translation
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Why is the Search Motors struggle to keep those outcomes pure is the fear that will another engine will do the better job and cut straight into their market share. SEO's are usually symbiotic with the Search Motors. Being a good SEO is definitely really being a specialized company marketing consultant. An SEO will take the info about your product or even service and can help a person get noticed by your potential customers on the Search motors like google. What does an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Rock Star constitute? In Research Optimization, a Rock Star might be anyone who has not really only had success in obtaining their clients noticed however they will have also been so great at it which they cause Lookup Engines to take notice plus perhaps change. Billions are currently online. These types of online users apparently spend the third of time online viewing videos. 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Democrats turn to a socialist economic agenda ahead of midterms
Democrats turn to a socialist economic agenda ahead of midterms
Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their agenda.
Last week, a group of roughly 60 Democrats established a Medicare for All Caucus to rally support for a government-sponsored single-payer health care system, an issue that is fast becoming a priority for almost every 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful.
On Tuesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia unveiled a plan for debt-free higher education and free tuition for two-year community colleges. The bill stopped short of more far-reaching proposals for free in-state college tuition, with the authors explaining they wanted to keep the plan “within a reasonable budget.”
As the November midterms approach, the mainstream of the party is championing economic-populist policies that will shift the cost of services, like health and education, from individuals to the federal government.
According to recent polls, the majority of Americans support proposals for universal health care, free college tuition and an increasing number (46 percent) support the idea of a government job guarantee.
The policies may be popular, but the cost and potential size of the new federeal programs have raised doubts about whether the agenda is feasible or if politicians are adopting the message to rally Democratic turnout in November.
“Each and every Democrat is serious about our agenda,” insisted Rep. Barbara Lee of California, a member of the Progressive Caucus running to replace Rep. Joe Crowley of New York as the next Democratic Caucus Chair.
“When you talk about universal, accessible health care, debt-free college education, good paying jobs, the living wage, a better standard of living, that’s a serious agenda, it’s not just messaging,” she told Circa.
Still, there is a difference between advocating policies and enacting them, especially when it comes to paying for the programs.
Universal health care is probably the best-studied proposal after Bernie Sanders, a self-declared democratic socialist, popularized the idea during the 2016 presidential race.
According to Sanders’ own analysis, the program would cost $14 trillion over ten years and would be paid for through a higher income tax and higher taxes on employers and the wealthy. Other analysis estimated the cost of the Medicare for All proposal was above $34 trillion.
However, there is a reason many politicians who campaign on universal health care typically abandon the idea after taking office, explained Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the conservative Pacific Research Institute.
“Many Democrats have walked back their enthusiasm for single-payer after getting a look at the just how much public money they’d have to come up with,” she said, citing state lawmakers in North Carolina, Vermont and California who canceled their programs before they were implemented. “That’s because single-payer is cost-prohibitive.”
There are similar problems with tuition-free college and proposals for a government-guaranteed job and minimum salary.
Sponsors of the new House bill to provide free two-year community college don’t yet have an estimate of how much it will cost or how it will be paid for. During a press conference, Rep. Scott acknowledged it will be expensive, but added, “I can guarantee you it’ll be a lot less than the tax cut.”
That may be a salient point for some voters, explained Mark Harkins, a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Government Affairs Institute.
In past elections, Harkins said he would have dismissed the socialist-inspired policies as electioneering but otherwise impossible to implement from a fiscal standpoint. “But in the last year we’ve watched Congress do two things that fiscally don’t make sense and the public doesn’t seem to care,” he said.
Between the Republican Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the two-year budget agreement, Congress added roughly $2 trillion to the federal debt in the past year and set a course for trillion-dollar deficits beginning in 2019 and continuing for the foreseeable future.
“I haven’t seen the pitchforks yet,” Harkins noted.
Given voters’ apparent lack of concern about the federal debt, “it’s not impossible” for Democrats to advance an agenda that would almost certainly add another couple trillion dollars to the debt over the next decade, he added.
Politically, even if Democrats win back the House in November, the Senate and President Donald Trump could still reject a far-left agenda, implying some political posturing on the issues.
“It sets the stage for 2020, to be blunt,” Chairman of the House Progressives, Rep. Raul Grijalva told Circa. “So it won’t become the law we want it to become, but it certainly sets the expectation and the template for…what is doable.”
Republicans, particularly President Trump, have seized on the Democrats’ shift to the left as a vulnerability. In endorsing Republicans in competitive races, Trump has blasted their Democratic opponents as “weak” on crime and border security and tied them to Nancy Pelosi and other polarizing figures in the party.
Other conservatives and some moderate Democrats have warned against a radical shift to the left as a response to President Trump, saying they risk losing the centrist vote, which has traditionally made the difference between a party winning or losing the majority.
Recently, former FBI Director James Comey pleaded, “Democrats, please, please don’t lose your minds and rush to the socialist left. This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that.”
A former aide to President Barack Obama replied, “No one is asking for your advice.”
Conservative commentator and author of “How the Modern Liberal Thinks,” Evan Sayet argued that Democrats could face a backlash in 2018 by putting up candidates that are too liberal.
“A lot of Americans don’t embrace the socialism of the left,” he said. “It’s the story of the frog in boiling water. They may have turned it up so high and so quickly that they jump.”
Washington State Democrat Pramila Jayapal disagreed, citing Progressive Caucus polling conducted across 30 swing districts.
“That just really doesn’t play out in the polling and policies that we look at,” she said. “We found independents, just like progressive surge voters, want bold change in our economy. They don’t want incremental change.”
Asked if she was concerned about losing the traditional center of the electorate, Jayapal noted, “The country’s in a different place.”
As some incumbents face serious challenges from the left, like California Sen. Dianne Feinstein who was snubbed by the state party as too centrist, other Democrats said they will continue to fight for the center.
“The big middle needs to be addressed. It’s been ignored by the leadership for too long.” said New York Rep. Paul Tonko.
Striking a less absolutist tone on the party’s national agenda, he noted, “We’ll modify as we go forward. Building by consensus is what it’s about here.”
In order to win back the majority in the House in November, Democrats need to hold all of their 194 seats and flip at least 24 Republican-held districts.
In the Senate, Democrats face a bigger challenge with ten incumbents running in states that voted for Trump in 2016.
Read full story here
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viraltnteam · 6 years
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