#which is way better than february 😑
ducktollers · 2 months
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airasora · 5 years
Was tagged by @pixie-skull to answer these questions. Decided to make a new post cause the original was getting real long 😂
Nickname: Don’t really have one? I’m called by my actual name most of the time. I guess Aira is as close as I’ll get to a nickname 😂
Gender: Female
Astrological sign: Libra. But I know enough about astrology to know that it means squat and “real astrology” would say my... house??? is what’s important in terms of my personality or whatever. I don’t know man, I just live 🤷‍♀️
Height: Uh... probably 165cm
Sexuality: Demiromantic bisexual
Hogwartz house: Slytherin! Yes, I took the damn test. There’s a video of it somewhere on the internet 😅
Favorite animals: Uh... birds? I guess. But I find most animals amazing and fascinating in their own ways
Number of blankets: 0. I use a duvet, summer and winter. If it’s too hot, I usually just throw it off me or cuddle with it instead x’D
Where I’m from: Denmark 🇩🇰
Dream job: Uh, unrealistically? Stage actress I guess. Always loved performing and have done some theater shows myself. But it’s too harsh a business and I’m just not willing to go through the mental struggle honestly. A SLIGHTLY more realistic dream job? Youtuber... Yes, I said it. Fight me 😂
When I started this account: February... 2017??? I think 🤔 Maybe 16.
Why I started this account: I went from AiraChica to AiraSora and deviantArt which was my picture platform back then makes you PAY to change your goddamn name. So I was like byebye and went to tumblr instead. Despite all the shit (especially with the NSFW ban 😑) it’s still a better experience to me than DA ever was.
I tag everyone who wants to do this. Yeah, no, I ain’t tagging 20 FUCKING PEOPLE x’D
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