#which i don't think blizzard is gonna do unless they understand it is not just the rezz the problem
leiazher · 4 months
Put Vaseline up your nose.
I am entirely serious. It goes like this:
You live in a place which periodically becomes very cold, like below -20C° cold.
By necessity you spend a lot of time outside.
You have a nose.
Your nose has nose hair.
A LOT of it.
To the point where you believe putting wax up your nose and sticks in the wax isn't just for vanity, but for the simple reason that you don't want people to think your mustache starts in your nose.
Your breath is moist, as is the breath of all living things, I think.
Moisture becomes perspiration becomes fog.
When walking forward, that fog will land on your face.
It will also turn your impressive nose hair into icicles.
You now have a very uncomfortable problem which you have to solve by rubbing your nose every tenth to thirtieth second, depending on how cold it is and how fast the icicles form.
So what do you do? How do you avoid and evade this torturous condition, other than removing your natural air filtering nose hair, or trimming it twice weekly?
You put Vaseline in your nose. Or you do what I do, and put tjärsalva up there (tar salve, yes, tar) for a nice fragrance of smoke and pine.
Because fat doesn't freeze in the same way as water, and the moisture from your breath won't stick to the fat, and not only will your nostrils not dry out while breathing the wind from the devil's frozen cunt, they won't be dry enough to crack if you so much as twitch.
Other cold weather tips for going outside:
Layers. Top: Tank top, t-shirt, long sleeved shirt, sweater, and then jacket. Bottom: Tights, pyjama pants, sweatpants, thermo trousers if you have them (NO JEANS, they can't retain enough heat). Feet: thin pair of socks, regular socks, thick socks. Head and neck: Thin scarf, thick scarf, thin hat, thick hat. Hands: Thin gloves, thick MITTENS.
Mittens keep your fingers together which allows extra warmth.
Thin inner layers allow you to wear more of them, which will allow the air between the layers to heat up more and retain more heat, the thick outer layer is to keep that precious heat inside.
Don't move til' you sweat unless you're going to keep moving until you get to a warm place. No matter your layers, if you sweat and then sit still in freezing temperatures, you will get cold.
I'm working off the assumption that you don't own this whole getup in wool, but if you do, you're going to be so comfy, wool is the absolute best for thermoregulation.
If you're understandably lacking wool clothing, just use what you have and dress in layers.
Get spikes for your shoes, here in Sweden we call them "broddar", it's a piece of rubber with small metal nubs attached to them, you put them on your shoes, and they'll help you stay standing when it gets slippery (mine sadly got stuck in the fucking glacier in town square and I couldn't find one of them).
An overall is better than thermo trousers and a jacket.
Any object of clothing that is continuous is better than separate parts since you're not breaking off any warm air from body part to body part. (Jumpsuits, some underoos, overalls.)
MOISTURIZE! You don't want your skin to crack, it hurts, it stings, and it can cause infection. Slap some moisturizer on before bed if you don't have time or feel it's icky, but it's best to moisturize throughout the day. Don't care what others who might see your nightstand may think, put your moisturizer there.
Don't go outside with wet hair. If it's cold enough and the water freezes, your hair could actually break off. Not to mention you could get sick, but lets focus on vanity for once.
Sincerely, a Swede who's regrettably gonna have to go out into the blizzard tomorrow, several times.
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fugitoidkry · 6 years
I was watching before a video of an Overwatch player explaining why she was quitting Overwatch for good and all involved the issue with the character of Mercy.
And it made me think one of the things this person said in the video because it was about the incoming Mercy nerf and how that is not gonna change the situation (especially not in console) of Mercy being a must pick in competitive teams.
She said it was because the rezz thing which, frankly, it is one of the reasons why Mercy is a must pick in teams. But not the main reason. You see, Blizzard can make as much nerfs to Mercy as they want to try to balance their game, and they are not gonna fix anything at all, because people are gonna keep asking for an imposed Mercy player on the team before someone going another support.
And the reason behind this is a phrase I have heard a lot when picking another healer who isn't Mercy:
Random player of your team: ah, guys, Lucio/Ana/Zen/Moira isn't enough to heal the team. Either someone go second healer or our healer switches to Mercy.
The problem is not only rezz that gives always an advantage to your team, sure, but the amounts of healing Mercy does. Moira can also do an absurdly amount of healing, sure, but you run out of magic pee and you need to participate in the fight as much as the others so you can't fuck up and run out of magic pee when your tanks most needed.
But Mercy never runs out of heals. She doesn't get too much distrated by attacking the enemies like Zen or Moira to cure the team because she is the only one of all the supports who needs to switch from healing to using her pistol and not do both things at the same time.
In order to make the game itself more balance and fair, especially for console players, the solution isn't nerfing Mercy every month making her character less fun to play. It isn't either like EeveeA_ said by maybe making rezz an ability that you get as a reward for your work in the fight, because rezz is one of the problems of why this character is picked before an Ana and her nano.
Is fixing the character itself. I think Mercy needs a full rework. I think rezz should disappear as an ability to make games more fair and actually make players more focused on the game (because, especially dps player, relate way too much on rezz fixing their fuck ups and that makes you neglected in your games).
I think too Mercy shouldn't be a walking healing/boosting character but have the same opportunity as the other healers of being able to be 100% contributing on attacking the team. You could say 'But Kry you can use Mercy pistol when you don't have to cure your team because they are fine and participate as well' and you are not wrong, you can do that, but if you do that be ready to hear someone scream at you 'What are you doing shooting??? Boost me!/Heal me!' People usually get mad at Mercys when shooting.
Mercy should have only her pistol and be able to do like Zenyatta or hell, Ana, be able to throw something to your team to heal them or shoot at them to heal them but at the same time attack that asshole Tracer at all times.
A cool ability for Mercy instead of rezz and following the pattern of the other support heroes should be the invulnerability Mercy had for those few seconds when she rezzed people. Mercy and her team would be invulnerable for a few seconds like Lucio using his ult or when the nano makes you more stronger. A shield ability like most supports have.
Nerfing Mercy doesn't make a thing. Returning to the girl of the video at the beginning of the post, the reasons why she left the Competitive scenario and Overwatch wasn't only because Mercy new nerf but because having to play her all the damn time instead of her favorite character, Ana, or other supports. That nerf is not gonna fix the major problem that involves Mercy: the toxicity. The people expecting to have one in the team especially if the enemy team has one because otherwise you are on a position of disadvantage (which is bullshit I have won games without Mercy) or people getting angry if you, the only person on the team with a few hours of Mercy, doesn't go her.
Because it is not only rezz. It is her. It is her character.
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