#which GUESS WHAT!!! comes off way creepier than just saying hey man you look amazing i love your whole vibe
medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Angels of Death
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my-dear-hammy · 6 years
Falling Through Time: Book 3
It’s been forever, I know. I have no excuses for you. Well, I do, but they don’t matter. *Debates rewriting this entire thing...again*
Jamilton Series Masterpost
Basking in Starlight
Part Two
Warnings: Sass
Alexander had a similar obsession with the Founding Members. A group of random people coming together to throw off a tyrannical and oppressive government, fail, and push through twice more. Amazing really. Sure, the world wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than it used to be. Records indicate that things plummeted and became a real hell hole.
What really bothered him was that Jefferson and Hamilton had kept intricate records of everything, right up until the accident. When Hamilton got shot...again.
Jefferson and Hamilton or George Fredericks, nothing was clear between those three. Alexander's best guess was that some sort of deal went down. History books didn't cover it very well and every real history nerd knew that history was biased. The winners write history. That's how it's always been.
Alexander looked up from his holopad, letting it blink off as he leaned back and looked up at the sky, his back hitting the cold stone behind him. It was green, just like everything seemed to be these days. It would've been a wonder to see whole cities of sparkling glass structures that reached into the sky. Most of the ones they had now had been overrun by plant life, vines shattering the windows and crawling through office spaces. Flora bloomed everywhere and trees grew taller than some of the skyscrapers. It was all just so green. A shame Alexander wasn't born three hundred years ago to see the sparkling glass towers and the busy city streets.
The blue sky was wonderful, sure, but Alexander had seen what colors it could turn and what nature really was. Disasters and mankind's natural enemy. He tore his gaze away from the waving branches to the grass covered ground and the weather eroded white stone he sat atop of. This was his favorite place to go just to think and write. He read the markings on the stone upside down.
Alexander Hamilton
He didn't bother reading the dates or the epitaph. Alexander had read it enough times to have it memorized. That's right, he was sitting on top of a Founding Member's headstone. Thomas Jefferson's was just one grave plot over. The founding member's graves were spread all over the country but Hamilton's and Jefferson's were together in death just as they were in life. It was kinda funny really, it was kinda obscure where they were planted in the end. No one really bothered to remember. Alexander stumbled across them though he supposed with proper research, someone could find them.
They'd been buried right beside the original Founding Father's graves at Monticello. It was kinda creepy but Founding Member James Madison had insisted. How could anyone refuse? So it was Jefferson, Hamilton, Jefferson, Hamilton. Hey, if Alexander died, could he be buried here too? People would get so confused.
That's when he noticed he had been clicking his pen absentmindedly, accidentally turning the holopad's screen on and off over and over again. He clicked it back on, playing with the settings until his pen reformed into a quill. It wasn't a real quill, obviously, they were too difficult to travel with since they needed inkwells and shit. Summoning holopads and going for the look was much easier. Alexander let the floating screen disappear and kept the pen active, lying back and drawing in the air. Just doing random designs until he spaced out, his hand continuing on its own.
He'd come so far in so little time. He felt like he had some sort of purpose, something he was supposed to do and he just couldn't figure it out. Alexander was looking for something and it eluded him. "Did you feel the same way, Hamilton?" Alexander joked. Who was he kidding? He was sitting in a graveyard in Monticello talking to a dead man.
Alexander refocused on his drawing. "Aw shit, not again." The writing swirled through the air, light shimmering in each floating letter. Thomas "Yes, yes, I know. Thomas. Do you know how many people named Thomas there are in the world? Every other person you run into is named Thomas or Alexander or fucking Aaron. Seriously. How does this help? A last name would be much more useful. Great, now I'm talking to myself and holopens. Fucking great."
"Just pretend you're talking to the dead people you've never met. That's a lot creepier," another voice drawled.
"Holy shit!" Alexander jumped, the sudden voice startling him and sending him flailing off the gravestone and crashing into the ground. "What the fuck man?!" Hamilton demanded, pushing himself off the ground as the other man laughed.
"Did I surprise you? To involved in your conversation with yourself?"
Alexander flushed with embarrassment, "Shut up, asshole, you're the one who snuck up on me!" Alexander exclaimed, taking in the appearance of the intruder to his peaceful place. Tall, lean, dark-skinned and curly haired. He dressed a little too well for wandering about in the forest. Sure, he dressed simple, dark slacks, a magenta button up with the sleeves rolled up, and a gray vest buttoned over it, but the fabric itself was too pristine.
He shrugged, walking over and examining Jefferson's grave, completely ignoring the light that was shimmering in the air. "It's not my fault you weren't more aware of your surroundings. You think you would be with all the dangerous wildlife wandering about." He stood up and looked at Alexander. "So, what's your name?"
Alexander crossed his arms, "Alex. Yours?"
He held up a finger in a sign for Alex to wait for a second before walking over to Alex's scribbling and gestured dramatically at the shimmering name written there and taking a dramatic bow, "Thomas, at your service."
"Fucking great, another Thomas, who would've guessed."
"You're one to talk, Alex."
"Shut the fuck up."
"You say that a lot."
Alex was about to repeat it again but stopped himself. "I was peaceably seeing to my work and I'd like to get back to it if you'd please leave."
"Work? You mean scribbling your boyfriend's name in the air and mumbling to yourself? I'm actually here for a reason other than drawing little hearts so I have every right to stay."
"Oh? And what could possibly be so important?" Alex asked.
"I'm researching the Founding Members."
"Well so am I and I was here first so you can fuck off. In fact, I actually professionally write about them so I have even more reason to be here."
"So immature. Isn't it possible for both of us to stare at a thousand-year-old graves that will tell us absolutely nothing whatsoever in the name of research?"
Alex felt personally called out by that statement. "Why are you so interested in them anyway?"
"Well it started with sharing the same name as him," Thomas jerked a thumb at Jefferson's grave, "And it just kept growing."
"Oh yes, you're so special, sharing a name with a founder just like all the other millions of Thomas'"
"Fuck you," Thomas said, setting down his black case by the grave, "Not everyone can claim the last name too."
"Your last name is Jefferson?" Alex snickered, "You can't be serious."
"Like yours is better."
Alex smirked, "Hamilton. Way better than Jefferson, I think."
Thomas froze which caught Alex slightly off guard, he had been expecting a comeback. "Hamilton?" he asked.
"Yeah, what of it?" Alex asked, getting slightly nervous. Sure, it was cool to share a name with a founder but he never got reactions like that.
"You're the first Hamilton I've ever come across."
"It's-nothing," Thomas answered.
"I'm insulted."
"You're entire existence is an insult."
"Go away," Alexander said.
"Why? I'm rather comfortable.
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alittleimagine · 7 years
a helping hand pt. 7
Oliver Queen x Reader
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part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
It had been a long time since you’d managed to go to a fancy event. Working from home rather than at the main office in Keystone meant you missed out on most of the office events. The dresses that you had in the back of your closet often went ignored in favor of jeans and t-shirts and pajamas.
Jane, an old college friend who had moved to Star City (back when it was Starling City) after graduating and began working for the paper, had texted a week ago to invite you to a charity gala. When she could Jane liked to bring someone along to help keep away the creepier sort of guest.
It had not been particularly difficult to convince you to go.
So you’d dusted off your favorite little cocktail dress and even bought yourself a new pair of heels. You were ready to, very sneakily, eat every hor d'oeuvre you could get your hands on.
Jane had stuck around beside you for a good few minutes, but she was there for work and now and again she would scurry off after a particular notable figure in an effort to get a quote. You were content to watch the wealthy and powerful of Star City rub elbows (and there was also this amazing apple chutney prosciutto crostini that would haunt your dreams for weeks to come if you didn’t get your fill).
You were watching an older gentleman try to tell an elaborate joke from a distance. Your lip reading skills weren’t spectacular, but it was fun to try and figure out what the setup and punchline were.
“You’ll want to avoid him.” A voice said behind you.
You turned in place and looked up. Mayor Queen stood smiling down at you. He was dressed crisply in a sharp suit and you couldn’t help but note that however attractive he was on tv was nothing compared to up close.
You swallowed the last bit of crostini and glanced back at the older man you’d been watching. “Is he a creep?” You asked.
If you hadn’t known any better you would say the smile on Mayor Queen’s face was fond. He glanced past you at the man. “No. Or, I don’t think so. But if you get him talking you’ll need someone to pull the fire alarm to escape.” He leaned in conspiratorially as he spoke.
Instinctively you leaned in as well. “Should we save those people.” You stage whispered.
He immediately shook his head, still smiling. “Everyone suffers it at some point. They’re on their own.”
You laughed into your champagne flute and wondered where Jane was. She would have loved a chance to speak with the mayor one on one like this. You weren’t exactly sure why he was talking to you.
“Oh.” Mayor Queen said and dipped his head as if he was hiding. “Careful now, I think he’s looking this way. We should hide.” He made a questioning gesture with his head toward the right of the room, out of the man’s direct line of sight.
Without thinking about it you followed him. When he cupped your elbow as a means to steer you didn’t even blink. It felt familiar.
You both made your way to stand by the wall of ballroom. You were laughing to yourself, almost a giggle, and while he wasn’t laughing outright you could see the humor clear on his face.
You’d gotten rather good at reading what you could of expressions and body language since you’d first met the Green Arrow.
“My name is Y/N.” You said after you’d stopped laughing and held a hand out for him to shake.
“Oliver Queen.” He said, as if you didn’t already know plenty well who he was. His handshake was warm and firm.
“I guess I should thank you for saving me. I never come to these things, I would have been trapped.” You glanced around, looking for Jane still, but you were content to stay and talk with the mayor so long as he continued to be nice and charming.
He shook his head. “It was the right thing to do.” He said, acting as if he hadn’t just refused to save the people the man had already been talking to. “If you never come to these things we don’t want you to have a bad impression of it. What brings you to this event, by the way?”
Before you knew it you’d spent several minutes talking with him, explaining Jane’s job and your role as interference (which you were clearly failing at), insisting that he try the apple prosciutto crostini, and ending up mentioning the diminishing number of bus routes. Several minutes had turned to half an hour before you’d even had the chance to think of it.
He was charming, amused and interested by what you were saying, and he was so pleasant to look at.
When someone called his name he sighed, resigned, and looked at you apologetically.
“Such a popular mayor.” You joked. To be perfectly honest you were a little disappointed.
He leaned close for a second, just a moment. “Don’t leave without saying goodbye? I’ll find you.” Only when you nodded did he go in the direction of whomever had called him.
And less than a breath later Jane was on you. She had a number of questions, mainly about how you’d snagged Oliver Queen’s attention. You had no answer to that.
You didn’t leave without saying goodbye though. You walked around with Jane, you ate one of every hor d'oeuvre, you met work acquaintances of Jane’s. It wasn’t a thrilling night, not an adrenaline filled one at least, but it was more fun than you’d actually expected it to be.
As the night was winding down and Jane was grabbing a quote from one of the later arrivals you found your way to the outside benches. With all the people in the ballroom it had gotten warm and you just needed a little breath of cool air.
You were on your third glass of champagne and wondering if the wealthy bothered to drink anything else at high functions when you heard a throat clearing. You looked to your right to see Oliver Queen once more standing there.
It would not be a lie to say you were surprised he’d actually looked for you. But you were pleased.
You perked up from your seat. “Hey! I didn’t think you’d end up coming back around.”
He glanced back at the party, even the music had slowed, and walked over to sit on the bench beside you. “I said I would.” He loosened his tie and shrugged out of his suit jacket.
It was distracting, seeing the mayor, who you were now on first name terms with, just a little rumpled. You should have, you realized, been practically drooling. But you knew why you weren’t.
You were, if nothing else, self aware.
“Yeah,” you said, “but you’re in high demand. I would have understood.” You were tempted, suddenly, to bring your legs up under you like you would have done on your couch at home. At home however you wouldn’t have damaged your new shoes or maybe exposed yourself for a moment. And surely your couch was more comfortable than the wrought iron bench.
Oliver shook his head. “I wanted to get another chance to talk to you.” He rolled his shoulders in a particular way and leaned forward to rest his arms on his knees.
Whatever concern you might have felt at the idea that maybe Oliver was ‘interested’ in you melted at the motion. It felt so familiar, so reassuring, you let it pass. You didn’t think at the moment, however, why it felt familiar.
“You hadn’t gotten enough of listening to me jabber about crostinis?”
“It was a really good crostini.”
“It was. I’m going to get some extra groceries and make sandwiches inspired by it tomorrow.”
There was that fond look again, you swore. “You’ll have to let me know if they’re good.”
“I’ll make you one.” The offer was out of your mouth before you had a chance to think it through.
He smiled at you and you felt warm. So, perhaps you weren’t as invulnerable as you’d thought to people who weren’t the Green Arrow.
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
He met your eyes directly and you both sat in silence for a beat, two beats, three beats. He broke your little staring contest to look past your shoulder and when you followed his gaze you could see Jane standing awkwardly in the entryway. He sighed so quietly you almost missed it. You turned back to him and found him smiling.
“I guess your friend is waiting for you.” He stood and held out a hand to help you up. Wholly unnecessary but still appreciated. He gave your hand a squeeze before letting go. “I’ll be waiting on that sandwich.”
You grinned at him. You hadn’t exchanged numbers and he hadn’t offered (his number was far more important than yours in the scheme of Star City), but you’d find a way to get that sandwich to him. “It’s going to be amazing.”
“I don’t doubt it.” He nodded softly toward Jane behind you. “It was really good to meet you, Y/N.”
Something tingled in the back of your mind. You ignored it. “I’m glad you saved me from the endless conversation.”
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lwoorl · 5 years
Fanfic retrospective 2018
I have seen 2 people doing this and I thought, oh, why not?! So lets revisit all the fics submitted last year!
Online Hero Need Friends:
Summary: Izuku makes some online friends when he's in middleschool that he keeps when he becomes a pro hero. But he never told them he's The Deku.
Thoughts: This fic was kind of unexpected for me! In a lot of ways. I got inspiration for the idea from a post of Tumblr, but wasn't really going to do anything with it, and one night, suddenly, I just started to write it! I finished the first chapter around 3am on a work day and the response was… Unexpectedly amazing? I remember watching at my phone just seeing the numbers growing and growing, so many people just loved it!!! So I decided hey fuck it let's make it have multiple chapters so, I sort of did that. All chapters were written on moments between classes and it's amazing so many people liked this because it's mostly just a self indulgent piece of fluff with some ocs hanging out, a friend described it as “A long ass fic where nothing happens” (Which is super accurate) but I enjoyed making it and I loved creating the characters!!! I'm gonna finish it sometime in 2019. Sorry for everyone who's been waiting for the epilogue, but I promise this isn't abandoned!!!!
This is my most successful fic to the date which is honestly fucking weird. I'm serious guys, this is a story where NOTHING happens, just fluff with no substance and not even with characters you already know beforehand!! The hell is wrong with you?!
I don't believe you. You aren't like THAT:
Summary: Dick tells Damian he's gay. His brother doesn't take it well.
Thoughts: Ooof this fic. This was a vent fic. I made it after some stuff happened, mostly cause I relate super hard to Dick's relationship with Damian. Tbh this is just a self indulgent wish fulfilment piece of crap, but hey, that's what fics are for, aren't they?! It's actually super embarrassing to think this was my first DC fic, because, again, self indulgent trash. I'm honestly never ever ever gonna recommend anyone to read it, it's, well, embarrassing!!! I hope no one who knows me in real life ever touches it, they would immediately know which situation made me write it and I would just combust with embarrassment on the spot. Ugh. I've thought about orphaning it because, again, super personal and super embarrassing!!! But it's also kind of close to my heart? So I don't think I could just throw it away ever.
Night Habits:
Summary: Damian has a nightmare and goes to Dick's room to feel better. It's not the same as before. (Talon!Dick Grayson series)
Thoughts: This is another fic that was surprisingly popular!! I was thinking of writing a talon!dick story for a while now, and one day I just sit and wrote this. Again, Dick and Damian's relationship is SO precious to me, so of fucking course I did it about that. To be honest I feel this story is lacking because it lacks any context whatsoever, it's a problem I've noticed with all that series, it's just cute or sad moments without much context. But then again, it's fanfiction, and I learned a while ago to stop worrying whether something I post is good or not. Personal enjoyment > Quality.
Grappling Hook:
Summary: Little Dick Grayson goes missing soon after he moved to the manor. Bruce finds him sleeping in the cave as a grappling hook. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: Oh man. Listen, one day I just thought “Hey, I wanna see a soul eater AU of the batfam.” Then I looked and looked… And there wasn't any!! Can you believe it?! So I started to think of my own, not really knowing if it would be a comic or an ask blog or a fanfic. 
Soon it became more of a soul-eater-inspired thing than something actually related to soul eater, because honestly the only thing I really wanted was an au where everything was the same except people turned into objects. I shared the idea with a friend and we started to brainstorm worldbuilding and headcanons. One of those headcanons was that one day Dick just sorta disappeared and Bruce found him as an object sleeping somewhere. I'm not sure why I wrote this first? But I guess I had to start the series somehow and people liked it. So, yay.
Bo Staff:
Summary: Tim turns into an object for the first time. And then accidentally gets locked in a closet. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: My fingers puked this fic THE MOMENT I finished Grappling Hook. Listen, at that point I had been around 6 months without classes and bored out of my mind so, can you blame me? A ton of the following fics also happened DAYS after these, so, yeah, I guess I just really needed something to do, the following weeks were just insanely productive for me.
I like the contrast this fic creates with Dick's. Overall, I think it's ok. I'm not sure if I want to subscribe to the portrayal of Tim's parents here? I like the idea that they care but just are too absorbed on their work to actually notice the kid exists, but I think here they came off as downright hateful. Oh well, I can blame it to it being from Tim's POV I guess. Unreliable narrator and what not. I also think I didn't make it as angsty as I wanted it to be, but most people said it was still pretty sad, so, I guess that's ok.
How (not) to cope when your brother is turned into a zombie that might or might not still be him:
Summary: Tim realizes he's (just maybe) been fucking up a little bit. (Talon!Dick Grayson series)
Thoughts: Oh, this thing. I liked how this thing turned out! I don't 100% like my portray of Talon!Dick on this series. I wanted to make it kind of like Rei in the evangelion movies after she becomes an empty doll, but, like, not so drastic? But idk man, I just have seen way more interesting portrayals of Talon!Dick before so maybe that's why I feel like it's lacking. 
I really enjoyed writing this one fic tho, there are some scenes I really enjoyed writing in here, like when Tim got kicked out of his team for an university project hahaha. Also this was my first time writing a nightmare and it made me realize my deep love for writing dream sequences. Since then I'm trying to restrain myself from adding a dream to every single one of my stories, since I feel it's more powerful with moderation, but believe me when I say the tentation is there…. Hm. Maybe I could write something that's nothing but compilations of characters dreams???? Sure would be a cool character exploration exercise. Hm. Hmmmmmm… I might just have had an idea….
Summary: Jason asks Dick to help him training on being a shifter. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: This was a fun thing to write!!! I wasn't sure about writing young Jason, but it turned out alright, and overall I just had fun making this!!! I think I portrayed Dick and Jason's relationship well enough, maybe a bit more friendly than they were at the time, but fuck it, I liked this story.
Changzhou Comb:
Summary: Cassandra has a hard time forgetting old habits. (Shifters AU series) 
Thoughts: Oh man. This thing. This thing. Listen I didn't know Cass that well before writing this, I knew some about her and her backstory, but I wasn't really that interested in the character. However, I got this thing that makes me want to portray characters that aren't mine really well, so, naturally, I read every single one of her issues as Batgirl as preparation. Twice.
And. I. Loved it. I loved it so much!!! I loved her so SO much!!! She was such an amazing, endearing, interesting character!!!! Then I finally sit down, and started the story. And let me tell you I was SUPER worried this would turn out mediocre, I wanted to portray the character well but didn't think I could. But then, then something, I don't know what, but something possessed me and I just… Began writing. And it turned out amazing. This is one of my best fics to date. I'm super proud of this one and it's a shame it's the least popular story of this series.
Grandfather's Collection:
Summary: A funny cute little story from Damian's childhood: The first time he pets a cat! (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: This fic was fun to write! It allowed me to show some stuff I wanted to show and it's always a treat to use an unreliable narrator. Also Damian as a tiny little kid excited because of a cat is a treasure. I guess I wish this had been a bit creepier??? But then again, it's hard to make anything truly creepy when your narrator is a tiny kid who's having the best day of his life.
Summary: Some time after coming back to life Jason discovers something's changed. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: I got conflicted feelings about this one. On one hand, I like how the narrator for Jason turned out, and I think the story is fine, it just feels… Idk, contrived? It does depart from canon by a lot (I'm sorry but I just love aus where Jason stays with Talia and Rah's for some time) and I worry Rah's motivations come off as, you know, kinda shallow??? He feels like a Disney villain. And I honestly like writing him like a Disney villain???? I know he's complex in canon and stuff but… Idk, I kind of really enjoy writing him as the embodiment of evil who can decide if you live or die in a whim, so I will probably keep writing him like that, even if it's ooc.
Summary: Tim asks Jason if he knows a good tattoo parlor. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: This one was fun!!! This was a bit of worldbuilding I wanted to show since I first invented this AU, and I think it turned out alright. I'm satisfied with Jason and Tim's interactions. I think including the conversations with Kon and Bart at the end was kind of forced maybe??? But fuck it!! It's fic!!! Personal enjoyment > Quality!
Summary: Damian has a nightmare. Set during Dick's time as Batman. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: Hellooo again my love for writing weird ass dreams!! This fic was fun, and I like how it ended. From Damian's nightmare to Dick comforting him, it was nice. Just, a nice fic overall. I don’t have much else to add, just. I liked it, I had fun. I really like this one.
Summary: Jason refuses to shift back, Bruce is out of his depth. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: Honestly this is bad. Just, a bad fic. I really wanted to write something with this general plot, but I don't know if I just wasn't inspired or what but at some point I just went “Ya know what, fuck it.” And rushed it, just, getting out of the way the list of things I wanted to include. Which is a shame cause the basic premise was good!!! I think I might rewrite it someday, I would like to actually write something good out of that plot. Hm.
Let's dance in my borrowed shoes tonight:
Summary: Dick is missing. Someone has to cover for him. (Talon!Dick Grayson series)
Thoughts: Another Cass fic, another idea I wasn't sure I could live up to, another amazing fic that turned out better than expected. I don't know why but Cass just awakens some poetic part of me I guess. It's funny, the more I write her, the more she starts to turn into my favorite character.
I like this one, a lot. Cass as Nightwing is super super cool, and I like how awkward and insecure she is with the whole thing. I really liked the whole watercolor thing too. I was practicing how to use watercolors around the time I wrote this, so you can bet that line came directly from that. I liked to describe the city as painting, I think it suits it. I just. Liked that part a lot.
Also you get a random girl trying to kiss Cass, so what’s not to love?!
Hight morning last minute visit:
Summary: Jason visits someone he hasn't seen in a while. (Talon!Dick Grayson series)
Thoughts: I had this idea for a while now, almost since the beginning of the series, a friend gave it to me and I wanted to write it but I wasn't sure how. I think this turned out alright, I liked my portrayal of Talon!Dick in this one for a change, and I really really liked adding that part where Jason admits he didn't actually kill anyone and tells the story of the kid.
Also, I had this idea for the happy birthday, and I even told my friend “I'm gonna end it in happy birthday Dick and it's gonna be super sad” and she was like “uhhh… Ok?” And I made sure the last line was a gut punch, and based on the reaction of everyone in the comments I succeeded!!!! It was important for me that the last line turned up the sad a lot, it was the whole point of the fic, so I'm glad I could make it work!!!!!
And by the way, the title isn’t a typo. I know how to write “high”. 
Training II: Teacher's teacher
Summary: Someone had to teach Dick how to be good at shifting before he was actually good at it. (Shifters AU series)
Thoughts: Oh man, this whole thing was basically just an info dump disguised as fluff. I needed to add some worldbuilding before moving to some stuff in this series so I used this to get it out of the way, I really hope it wasn't too confusing!!!
In general I liked this fic, I had a ton of fun writing it! I had this idea of Lois being an absolute beast in this AU and I'm happy I could finally show it off, even if I kind of feel she's a tiny itty bit out of character.
Also, there are tons of fics exploring Dick's relationship with Clark, but not so much with Lois. I wanted to make them closer in this AU than in canon and I like how their relationship was portrayed here…. Lois is just a ton of fun.
I also really like how when Lois talks about being a shifter her speech is exactly the opposite of what Dick tells Jason, just a fun detail that shows everything the characters say is just their perspective and everyone got a different opinion on how they see being a shifter, no one’s 100% right.
This was the last fic of 2018 and you got no fucking idea how hard it was to have it ready in time. I almost didn't include the last part because of lack of time, but!! At the end I was able to add everything I wanted to!!! And publish it in time!!!
Special fic
Syntax error.
Listen. Listen. This. This is a special one, that's why I'm talking about this apart from the others. Why is this fic a special one you ask? Oh, I don't know, maybe because I've bEEN WORKING AROUND EIGHT MONTHS ON THIS SHIT BEFORE EVEN PUBLISHING IT?!
Listen. Just. Just listen. I spent way too much time just plotting this story. Way too long. I spent hours just ranting about this to my friends. I made a fucking playlist for this thing. I spent days just figuring out what the chapters will be named. I spent HOURS. DAYS. Researching each character to write them properly, there are chapters I've written like four times for this shit.
Now, is this perfect? Hell no. Specially the first chapters are unpolished as hell and you know you're gonna find typos because I always miss at least one. But as far as I'm concerned this is the only thing I'm actually putting effort into. All the other fics? All the other fics and series I've talked about? Those are just projects to pass the time. Stuff I do when I'm bored. I love them, sure, but it's not like it took more than three hours to write any of them. They're fun stuff, they're entertainment, they're something to pass the time. I will write them between classes or when I'm bored and open drive in my phone and write them without much planning or care. They're just that. Fun
But this thing? This thing right here? Syntax error? That's my baby. That's my goddamn main project. This thing right here already stole hours of my goddamn life and it will only keep stealing more. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I honestly don't give a fuck how many people read this one, I'm past the point of caring. I have and will keep pouring tears, sweat and blood into this shit. This is something I actually care about. This. This is such a personal project guys…. I…. Love… This one…
So that's the retrospective of fics published on 2018!!!!
Man, that was fun, let's just hope 2019 is also a fun, productive year!!!!!
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demoisellebeauty · 7 years
It seems I have been tagged by my partner in crime @princebete to write a shitty explanation of my character so AWAAAY WE GO
Hello, my name is Belle which means “beauty” and damn did my parents have good foresight because I’m a banging piece of ass. Or well when I say parents I mean my dad since my mom was brutally murdered by the company that made this movie for the sole reason that she is my mom and I’m not allowed to have a mom except to have her memories make my dad angsty and shit because if there’s one thing that really needed explanation it was the reason that I’m living in a village? Not really a question I had as I’m more interested in wondering why I can’t have a mom but what are you gonna do?
Anyways this village is pretty much the French equivalent of Hicksville, probably including the incest for all I know. Like we’re talking ultra conservative “women who wear their hair down are going to the Devil” type people. So obvs they don’t like the fact that I’m literate even tho let’s be real they’re probably also jelly of my mad skills at simultaneous reading and walking without bumping into shit. I got that fucking mastered and I’d like to see you try it and look as fly as I do. And I really just wanna get the fuck outta here but because I have a dad who’s dangerously close to blowing up himself and our house at any given moment I don’t have a lot of choice. Also we’re poor and if you’re poor you’re kinda fucked if you’re not spending every waking moment working your ass off.
It doesn’t help that there’s this fuckboi named Gaston who doesn’t know the meaning of “you ain’t getting NONE of this.” Damn jerk always throwing my books in the mud, do you know how expensive books are in this time period? Ass. And then he talks some shit about how women shouldn’t be reading and thinking and I’m like... ew. Like Gaston’s pretty hot but if his looks are a 9 out of 10 his personality is a 0. And I’m a pretty modern girl for my time, right? Like I’m all about women’s rights so it REALLY fucking sucks to be stuck in a time period where all they want you to do is get married and pop out babies until you die of the plague.
So I’m pretty damn happy that Dad’s finally got his amazing if probably lethal judging from how it can either chop you into pieces or give you a concussion invention and he goes off to a convenient fair so that we can get rich and get the fuck out of this place leaving me by myself which, really? You couldn’t take me with just this once? I know we got a farm to take care of and all but you remember fuckboi Gaston? BARGES THE FUCK INTO MY HOUSE AND PROPOSES TO ME, AFTER GETTING MUD ON ANOTHER ONE OF MY BOOKS. Did I mention he already had the wedding set up because he didn’t think there was any way I would say no? What a douche. NOT TO MENTION THAT I DON’T KNOW HOW HE HASN’T PICKED UP ON THE FACT THAT GETTING MUD ON MY BOOKS DOES NOT TURN ME ON.
After very literally dumping fuckboi in the dirt Philippe just HAS to interrupt my wistful longings for a better life to let me know that Dad somehow managed to fuck up a simple trip to the fair meaning that I have go and find him.
Naturally, my Dad just HAD to turn out to be in a spooky haunted castle straight out every gothic novel ever ruled by a giant ass talking and rly extra dramatic buffalo-lion thing that’s fugly as hell. I don’t know at the time whether he’s actually a giant animal or just a furry but both options are not ideal. I end up promising fugly buffalo-lion guy that I’ll stay in exchange for dad’s freedom and he agrees only for the asshat to drag my dad out without even letting me get to say goodbye smh. But I barely have time to think about that before it turns out that to make the castle even creepier, a shitton of the furniture is alive and walking and talking and it’s horrifying in a “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” kind of way. It’s really messed up when you try to think about what that must be like. But that said, dancing plates makesfor great dinner theatre, Toby’s should hire these guys.
Once I’m done with dinner I sneak out into the West Wing. Yeah, buffalo-lion guy said not to but I DO WHAT I WANT OK. And I mean yeesh if he’d wanted me to stay out of his room, maybe he should have told me that it was his room instead of forbidding it. Guy was asking for someone to come a-knocking. But damn, his room is more trashed than the aftermath of the worst frat boy party you’ve ever seen but hey, at least there’s a portrait of some random but hella fine dude but oh wait, there’s a pretty glowing floating rose that’s pretty obviously magic so I do what any reasonable person would do and try to touch said shiny floaty flower.
Of course I nearly shit myself when buffalo guy just comes in out of nowhere and starts screaming at me for invading his man cave (beast cave?) and tells me to gtfo I’m like “I can do that. I’m noping out, that’s it. im out bitches” Except maybe it wasn’t a brilliant idea to ride a horse out into a blizzard and thick woods filled with starving wolves. Thankfully buffalo guy saves me before dramatically collapsing and making me having to drag his ass back to his castle. Do you have any idea how much that guy weighs? It’s a good thing I work out cause I was this close to giving up. Its around then that I start to realize Buffalo guys (who’s name I never catch for whatever reason) might look scary but he’s actually just a large hairy man child and once he gets his shit together he’s not that bad a guy I guess.
Course it doesn’t hurt that he gave me a whole library. definitely turns me on more than dropping my book into mud. Not that buffalo guy turns me on but like he’s nice, you know, actually kind of sweet but im not thinking about him that way ya nasties. except ok maybe a little cause like we had this dance and everything and it got really sensual and idk what would’ve happened if I hadn’t cockblocked us by wondering about dad. Which, turns out buffalo guy (how do I still not know his name?) has a magic mirror that shows you shit (and I really hope he hasn’t been using it to look at me at certain times in the evening cause usually around then im either singing off key in the shower or masturbating over weird kinky beast sex).
dad’s in trouble fucking AGAIN cause the poor guy can’t go ten minutes without me around to bail out his ass and Buffalo guy lets me know and its really nice but I friendzone him for the moment and out to find dad and take him to the village instead of the castle where we might find better medical care and comfortable conditions for him. not one of my greatest ideas I admit. Things still would’ve been if only GASTON MCFUCKBOI hadn’t come to fuck everything up by trying to extort me into marrying him by throwing my dad into the insane asylum, which yes, he’s a little insane but like I’m into bestiality so... I can’t judge him. I try to wipe the smile off fuckboi’s face by proving buffalo guy exists only... now fuckboi wants to kill buffalo guy so I kinda fucked up . 
I eventually get back to the castle just in time to save buffalo guy only not really because GUESS WHO FUCKS ITS UP FOR EVERYONE? if you guessed fuckboi you’d be right cause he just goes full Shakespeare and stabs buffalo guy right before falling to his death, which sucks maybe but I’m more sad about buffalo guy (SERIOUSLY WHAT’S HIS NAME) dying before I could tell him that I was up for kinky beast sex but instead of that I just tell him I love him.
Then I swear it was like I had an acid trip or something because Buffalo guy suddenly starts floating and glowing and going through a magical girl transformation into the hella fine dude from that portrait in his room and- ooooooh I get it he was cursed it was super obvious, you’d think a smart girl like me would’ve caught on to something like that but I guess not. 
But the good news is that buffalo guy is human so I don’t have to worry about being into bestiality and we kiss and there are actual literal fireworks which is awesome and there’s something about a spell or whatever idk but i’m more concerned with asking WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR REAL NAME SO I CAN SCREAM IT IN BED.
But yeah we live happily ever after and all that jazz cause I’m a princess now and don’t have to do my own shit anymore. Moral of the story is find a hairy sugar daddy cause he’ll turn out to be secretly hot and not mind your weird kinks.
TAGGING: all the shitty muses
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