#whether A is simply a gentle energy that is sometimes sensed or a full-blown poltergeist is up to you
skooglybear · 2 months
I know we don’t know ANYTHING about A but I like to imagine that they were a fine artist. I think all of the children at Wammy’s House were definitely gifted but there are different KINDS of gifted and I need an artistically or musically inclined successor NOW.
And maybe that successor was none other than A. L’s very first next-in-line would meditate on facts given to them while busying their hands with painting or sculpting or whatever else they may have dabbled in. Personally, I think the subjects within their art would probably be pretty objective, especially if it was a thing they worked on while their mind was occupied with something else. HOWEVER, it could also be something more stylized and bold. I wouldn’t know, we never met A.
Regardless, it was abundantly clear that they were artistically gifted from a young age and at Wammy’s House it was approached in a “sticking your art to the fridge with magnets because we’re proud of you” kind of way. A’s art was admired and revered and, when they died, their paintings remained framed on the walls of the orphanage. Some feel a chill up their spine when looking at them.
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