#whereas Peter was the first person to be born of a Neverland Human and Never Fairy
Headcanon #5 - Pirates!
While there have been a few crews of pirates in Neverland, there have been very few Neverland Pirates; one of the only known real Neverland Pirates being James Hook.
He was actually born in Neverland, although he grew up in the Human Realm. His mother was a Pirate who managed to find Neverland and made truces with some of the other groups of citizens.
James grew up hearing stories of Neverland from his mother but believed them to be just that, as she had retired pirating by the time he went to school.
The other pirates get along fine in Neverland and even enjoy it there but, other than James, it doesn't feel like home to them. James finds the island welcoming and, even though he hadn't been there before, it felt familiar to him.
Although he never manages to recreate his mother's truces quite as well due to his past transgressions (and continued transgressions) towards the others, he does manage to become somewhat friendly with them and gain some level of trust – to the point that he can trade with them and is even welcomed on some occasions.​
James has an innate understanding of how Neverland works, although he doesn't want to accept it sometimes. He finds it entirely reasonable that attempted murder is fine but betrayal is a major insult; which makes what he did to Zarina so bad.  ​The other pirates don't really feel this way but they're pirates so they don't mind attempted murder either way. ​
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