#when it goes full white. *vine boom effect*
poptartmochi · 2 months
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years
What would the 2ps do as youtubers?
2ps as youtubers:
Allen: Would be one of those fake ghost hunters that makes it onto Nuke's Top 5s.
"GUYS, GUYS, OHHH MYYY GODDD GUYYSSS,..... I THINK THAT WAS THE GHOOOSSTTT?? *pans to matt in a white sheet*"
Matt: Would upload funny out-of-context 5 second clips of his friends every 7 months. Gained popularity as a "top ironic humor figure"
Francois: His whole gimmick is staring into the camera for minutes on end without talking. People use him in reaction memes.
Oliver: Makes cooking videos, but in the style of Ted Nivision and twomad thanks to Allen's help with editing. Sometimes he swears in his videos, and when he does, his loyal following goes INSANE in the comments
Viktor: Makes audiobooks that peoples use as asmr to sleep. People who like Russian accents often flock to his videos as well
Xiao: Makes weed and vape reviews and 'hot boxes'; he collabs with matty smokes.
"WE'RE ABOUT TO HIT A FUCKIN OVER 9000 UHHHH DECIMIBITEABLES PUFF *coughing and gagging in mandarin*"
Luciano: Makes reviews of movies and games that have mafias and gangs. Is absolutely brutal in these critiques.
Flavio: Does makeup tutorials, fashion showcases, shopping vlogs, etc. Would basically be like the Lunch Club if it were full of drag queens
Lutz: Makes really obnoxious yet entertaining vlogs doing stupid shit around his country. Says offensive shit in a joking way that everyone is fine with. Has probably held illegal meetups in a mcdonalds
Kuro: "extreme japanese apoligizing" - makes videos along the lines of that, basically clowning on his own culture. occasionally makes anime reviews.
Gillen: Makes gaming videos out of his twitch streams. Sometimes Roland will just be walking in the background and go "Hi!!" and the chat will not shut up about him for next 2 minutes
Roland: He's like Sam O Nella Academy but Austrian- He'll mainly make parody videos of ww1 and ww2 because we all know the funny ww1 and 2 austria jokes. Since he can play guitar, he adds bits inspired by bill wurtz that are just jingles, ends up being used in memes
Andres: Uploads pirated, obscure Spanish music with blank descriptions and no other context
Egil: twomad videos, basically. everything he posts feels like adhd personified, at random points the video will go 200x speed and back to normal its chaotic
Loki: Is a prank channel, but actually funny because his pranks are "lets set shit on fire until the police get involved"
Denmark: His gimmick is making fun of Francois and trying to beat him in subscribers, but Francois doesn't even know he has a channel. People meme in a bad way like "look at this dumbass"
Bernard: Makes commentary videos like Memeulous and James Marriott, has an ongoing joke of making fun of the 1ps (in a friendly way). at random points a picture of Berwald will pop up with the vine boom sound effect
Thurston: Screams into his camera about things that make him mad, a bunch of teenage girls stan him because they think he's hot and relatable. He then made a video screaming about how much he hates his fanbase, which didn't help at all. It only attracted Bernard's fans who clowned on him
Hermes: Makes videos explaining the lore of Greek Mythology, in a girl-talk sort of way. He tried making true crime videos but kept putting his opinions in which nearly got him canceled.
Caligula: Too old to use youtube. Only has an account to like Luciano's videos.
Germania: Also too old to use youtube. But he does comment on the germanic countries videos with things like "LETS FUCKING GOOO"; has become the Justin Y. of 2p comment sections
Leonas and Franciszek: Have a couples channel that people HATE because they act so fake that it's dreadfully annoying. Has had videos made about them by Bernard, Lutz and Flavio
Anastasia: Makes videos about self-care for both men and women, similar to channels like Sexplanations. Also makes videos teaching young adults to cook simple meals, how to do unique hairstyles using wigs of different lengths and textures, how to have a clean house (making beds, doing laundry, organizing cabinets and fridges), etc. Has a large following of people who genuinely appreciate her work and motivation
Katya: Uploads vertical phone videos of her at casinos drinking champagne, playing darts, winning slot machines, etc
Egor: Similar to SomeOrdinaryGamers. Browses the deep web on his AmogOS system he made.
Raimonds: Viktor doesn't allow him to have a youtube channel
Paul: Takes videos of him rolling down hills and making fun of people at his school. Luckily doesn't gain much traction because people would definitely cyber bully him. Most of the adult 2ps have an agreement to not mention him in their videos lest their followers go after him
Wy: Takes behind the scenes videos of Oliver's videos; Her following is basically just Oliver's following who think she's his daughter (she's not) (This rumor caused a huge scandal within the Ollie simping twitter community)
Romeo: Doesn't have youtube, has TikTok and makes shitty e-boy thirst traps and POVs. Bernard wears his merch as satire in his videos.
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fluorescencefuture · 3 years
Hwayugi / A Korean Odyssey Episode 3 Thoughts
Overall Feelings About the Show So Far
Good god, why did they put so many effects without the budget for them
This is the worst Wukong outfit design I have ever seen
Why is every episode 1 hour 30 minutes I mean episiode 1 and 2 could've totally been one episode just saying
Not really feeling the chemistry yet
K-dramas use Vine boom sound effects and I cannot take anything seriously because of that
I’m saying it now, I hate the soundtrack
I use Samsung phones so I feel a visceral reaction every time I hear the ringtones in K-dramas. That Morning Glory alarm will forever haunt me
The Main Leads
Wukong couldn't just blow on blood to get rid of it in the original but it's not out of character for him or the novel to pull a bullshit power out of nowhere so I’m cool with it. He can also magically control traffic now, which I accept as canon
I don't like Samjang that much. I feel like they haven't quite struck the balance between headstrong and put together with bewildered and scared of the magical realm. I mean the latter is really accurate to Sanzang in the book but Sanzang in the book is horrible so
Is it the actress? I really don't vibe with the character of Samjang but looking at it again I feel like the script are totally fine. I think it might actually just be a miscast actress, or odd direction
Ehh, the double tsundere thing isn't really working as well as it did in What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, the other K-drama I half-watched
Honestly I wish they went the A Chinese Odyssey route and used White Bone Demon or Original Character Do Not Steal for Wukong's love interest because a version of Sanzang is too obvious of a choice for me and also this one’s kinda boring
Guanyin would totally have a version of the headband that inflicts emotional pain ahah. Making someone fall in love with you by using a device (like a love potion or gadget) is a trope I find egh but it's a little less awful here since Samjang didn't know it would do that and Wukong still has some free will
Rejecting his love gives him physical pain, wonderful. And hey, they've got that part right, the only wounds that actually hurt Wukong are emotional ones. And also Red Boy's fire
The Supporting Cast
I honestly really love Mr. Lee, the employee guy. He doesn’t deserve to be caught up in this.
"Even someone as boring as dogs and cows can become a celebrity?" he says unknowingly to the dog and cow demons
Demon Bull King is kind of overacted at times but he can be funny too
"Sha Wujing tweeted that Bull Demon King found Samjang" oh my god, he got destroyed by Twitter
That "time travel doppleganger" photo, I love that. And the dog demon secretary pointing at the fluffy doggo and going "hey it me!"
Oh shit, imperial Japanese flag, we in the occupation?! And the lady who got shot in front of him was Princess Iron Fan? Holy shit, that's one hell of a backstory for Demon Bull King
Bro, he loves his wife :'(
So DBK's plan was to hire Samjang to make Wukong do exorcisms and he would take the credit? That's...brained. Not small-brained or big-brained, just brained.
Hey look, it's the OG trio all together. ...It doesn't feel the same
Okay even if Bajie is too attractive he's still the same old Bajie inside so it's all good. DBK calls him out on being a coward, ahah. I also love that Bajie's still delusional over his power level compared to Wukong
Little Things I Liked
Wukong dropping off a monkey plush for her to hang out with when she's alone, that's fantastic. "This is Sun Wukong Jr. If he makes you cringe, please take this bracelet off me."
Wukong points out that he lived on a volcano island and actually though, is that why Wukong liked the snowfall so much in that one arc of the book? It never crossed my mind that being from a rather tropical region, he'd of course be a little sensitive to winter cold and amazed by snowfall in general
Wukong parks like a douche which is totally in character since he'd just walk into places and tie the horse up without any permission
"I don't have to take my heart out and show you right?" He can actually physically do that by the way
Wukong stocked the fridge full of Tupperwares of sauces and side dishes for when he eats Samjang I love that
What is that wand thing he's wielding? Is that what the staff is in Korean interpretations?
How are you still cold you bitch you're wearing that ugly ass fur coat all the time
Y'know, it is pretty nice to see a modern Journey to the West that focuses on exorcising more modern type ghosts and demons, I mean that'd be Wukong's best job in modern time
Turns around in bed, Wukong lying in a "paint me like your French girls" pose, he goes "Hey", I should steal that and turn it into a gag comic ahah
In this episode Wukong goes “Damn bitch, you live like this?” and “Alone on a Saturday night? God, you’re pathetic”
Demon Bull King implying that Stephen Chow and Angelina Jolie are demons
Who's this peacock demon?! There's no peacocks in Journey to the West! But for real heh, an Indian animal, keep referencing the original book please
That episode had more shit going on than the previous two, thank god for that cause the last two did NOT need three hours. I mean, this one's still too long but at least shit's happening.
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windpeakofficial · 3 years
         -  in which camelia goes on a planned expedition to open up the secrets beyond rovar's gap.
(i wrote this at 2 last night and i am REALLY rusty im sorry lol)
                                                   | ❆ |               [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 10:30 AM || DUNDULL, JORVIK ]                                                    | ❆ |
The sun struggled to shine through the thick, frosted over window panes of Dundull Stables.
Last night had marked one of the first harsh frosts to come this season. Sure, southwestern Jorvik had pretty simple winters, especially compared to the northeastern territories, or Camelia's hometown of Beauvista. Still, however, a chill managed to creep its way through a loose board in the barn - accompanying the sounds of mucking, horses making conversation, and the looming echo of the kitchen's radio playing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland."
As Camelia adjusted the girth of her treeless saddle, she received a calm nudge in her side from Pepper. Turning to face her, she received a face full of mare stare and a snort - causing her to giggle. "Don't you ever like anything on your back?" She chuckled, slipping a light brown bosal over Pepper's ears and mounting.
Before the team knew it, they were already on the way to Mistfall's Ranger camp.
Cam knew that it would only be fair if she brought this specific mount out for the trip into the Wildwoods. Being a retired Jorvik Ranger horse from right here in Dundull, she knew that Pepper would not only appreciate the gesture, but also guide her from years of taking the trails. She had received an invite from Alonso about a month ago, asking if she wanted to come and help out. Happy to oblige, and possibly find a few secrets, she agreed and booked a stall to board in.
                                                     | ❆ |     [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 11:00 AM || MISTFALL RANGER STATION, JORVIK ]                                                      | ❆ |
Coming up the hill to the station, she could already see 4-5 rangers come into view, one of them being a happy, waving Alonso. Though excited to meet everyone, she couldn't help but be apprehensive. How couldn't she be, really, considering that they were going into an area that hadn't been explored for years and she was doing it with none other than a bunch of strangers.
Waving happily, she dismounted and led her mare to the newly-lit campfire. Breathing in the scent of marshmallows, she grinned and introduced herself. Everyone seemed fairly sweet ( except for that Nova chick, no clue what her problem was ) yet something just felt... off. Rowan Allaway - but what really bugged her was the fact that she couldn't figure out why. They were just different, mysterious, confusing.. too much that could be feared, she supposed. They said that they'd "heard things about her" and that if they're true, she'd be useful... Regardless, she dropped the topic once she saw a familiar haflinger and its' rider approaching them.
Rania. That put her at ease. She smiled at her warm greeting, replied happily, and before they knew it they were off.
Cam heard everyone chatter amongst themselves and eachother until she became fairly certain that she was being ignored. She didn't know why, really, but it didn't matter. She had already zoned out - the only thing her subconscious picked up was the rambunctious stories that Rowan was telling and the occasional remark from Alonso, Rania or Yousef. She felt magic teeming stronger and stronger as they got closer to the passage.
"Camelia?" A voice called out, shaking her from her thoughts. "Can you join us for a group picture before we head in?" Rowan beams and her stomach churns uncomfortably. Her mouth twists into a smile.
"Sure, I'd be happy to."
                                                     | ❆ |            [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 11:30 AM || ROVAR'S GAP, JORVIK ]                                                      | ❆ |
Pepper nervously stepped up the hill, ears partially pinned in an uncomfortable listening position. She spooked when Astrid let out a loud gasp, stepping aside a few hoofbeats.
"Sorry everyone, she's a little on edge." Cam apologized "Astrid, is everything okay?"
"It grabbed me! It reached out and GRABBED me!" The ranger practically screamed. Cam's gut did flip-flops. There is definitely magic here. She sensed it.
The rest bickered back and forth, forcing Cam to try and focus back into reality even though her soul was trying to comprehend the magic. "Not now, Cam. Not now" she mumbled, sighing as she watched Yousef gallop away with Astrid and her steed in tow. Rania looked at her quizzically.
"What do you make of all this?" She asked softly, causing Cam to gulp.
"I- think there's a lot more to this place than what meets the eye." She blinked, urging Pepper up the mountain, still bothered by the underlying power.
As the team of two headed near the top of the hill, they fell back. This gave Cam some time to pull out her camera and sneak some photos of the beautiful landscape. Despite the fear factor, it was gorgeous nonetheless. Beauty carved out by the hand of Aideen herself and- what was that Enitan was saying up ahead?
"Enitan, what were you saying?" She trotted up to the group, slipping her camera back into her saddlebag. "Sorry, I was lost in the landscape."
This caused the man to chuckle "The deer, Camelia, it's very special. It watches over the woods." This also caused Tiera to laugh. What was up with awkward laughter today?
"It's a genetic effect called leicism, though sometimes certain environmental elements come into play - like radiation! Enitan, where do you come up with these stories?" She bickered, causing Enitan to sigh and look toward the gap that Rowan was standing in.
Cam and Pepper were speechless. Their hearts pounded in an almost perfect sync. This was a large valley with trees that touched the skies. They went on for miles, fresh breeze flowing through with hints of magic. It was stunning. The grasses grew wild, yet kept a manageable length. This place was truly a wonder.
And then it started to pour.
                                                   | ❆ |          [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 12:30 PM || WILDER’S VERGE, JORVIK ]                                                    | ❆ |
Pepper was almost eye to eye with Dellingr, keeping it together only through the bond they shared. One thing she had to say about that horse, he wouldn't leave Rania if his life depended on it. He pranced through the mud, huffing and puffing through the lowering temperatures.
Pepper leapt back what could've been called a foot. She exhaled heavily, watching Shay gallop away without his rider.
Cam blinked, exhaling with the same volume of her horse. She held Pepper's reins tightly and walked carefully toward a dazed Rowan.
"Someone's gotta go after Shay before he hurts himself!" And as soon as you both made eye contact, you knew who it was going to be.
Thunder boomed as Pepper tried her best to find her footing, huffing and puffing, snorting for the horse to calm down. Camelia's eyes blurred from the bitter wind hitting her face. As they neared the steed, the girl stood out of her saddle, leaning toward Shay until she managed to catch his headstall between her fingers, pulling back and letting out a pronounced "HO! EASY!"
The bridle slipped out of her hands, forcing her to find her seat again before Shay came to a sliding stop about twenty-five feet in front of them. Without hesitation, the tattered woman dismounted and began to step toward the panicked horse, humming softly. All of a sudden it was just her, this horse, and the world. She silently thanked Rhiannon for training her in the gift of wind whispering and soul riding in the back of her mind.
She loved the way the magic felt. It coursed through her veins like life blood, and everything felt so loud. Colors were brighter, feelings were stronger, and every sense she had was awake and vibrant. Before she knew it, her hand instinctually stroked his muzzle. She turned around and walked back to the gang, Irish cob in tow.
"Thanks for bringing him back to me, Camelia. He's a real beaut, but he's still learning the ropes." Rowan smiled. Cam felt an exhausted smile bubble to the surface of her mind, tired from the power she used in front of this unknowing, motley crew, but still being careful. Maybe they weren't so bad.
Enitan mumbled to himself "I think this forest doesn't want us here. It seems.. angry." A visible chill ran down his spine, either from the low temperatures or the fact that he was just.. scared.
"Stop getting yourselves all worked up." Rowan sighs "Nature holds no grudges, it only acts on its' own behalf."
Cam performed the most overly exaggerated eyeroll ever, stifling a laugh when she heard Tiera giggle. Nobody said a word and they continued on their hack, though Cam reached over and tapped Enitan on the leg, nodding understandingly at him.
She hadn't really realized this, but the rain had stopped completely. All that she recalled was that she felt the sun beaming on her skin when she was calming Shay. Who knows what happened, really. Magical properties were a fairly large gray area in Jorvik.
                                                         | ❆ | [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 1:00 PM || REDWOOD POINT RANGER STATION, JORVIK ]                                                          | ❆ |
Cam smiled fondly as they reached the abandoned lodge. She could tell this was a really cozy place at one point, though quite frankly, she also figured that there was a 99% chance that there were 1-3 dead people inside. Who knows, though!
Everyone was given their individual tasks, and Cam quickly volunteered to fix the paddock. She had done it several other times when working at other places, and it was quite easy as long as you had a couple nails on hand.
One fence, three fence, brown fence ... brown fence. She was done! She quickly slid her helmet back and wiped some sweat off of her brow. Hearing a twig snap and, assuming it was Pepper, she turned with a friendly greeting.
"Hey, Pepper, I'm done a-"
It was Enitan's deer.
That had to be what it was.
It had a sleek build covered in vines and glowing blue flowers. At the base of its neck emerged a proud, bright white coat with shiny, hollow looking baby blue eyes that strikingly resembled Rania's. Was it blind?  You know what, that doesn't matter right now.
Cam reached out and slid her hand down its wet nose. The creature sniffed curiously, making her giggle, and galloped off. She let out a delayed flinch and looked over to her mare, as if to confirm "Did that just happen?"
Yes, that just happened. She guessed she would just- go back to the station, then. Wordlessly, she slid onto Pepper's back and trotted back to Rowan and the cabin. As she approached them, they gave her a peculiar look.
"Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." They squinted. Cam internally argued with herself, trying to figure out if she should tell them or not - or rather, if they'd believe her.
"Nope, it's all good. The fence is in tip top shape." She smiled, putting on a facade. This is a discussion to have with Enitan, she decided.
"Alright, well, you should get some rest. You look dog tired." Rowan chuckles warmly. She grimaced internally at the thought of napping at the cabin. Hopefully someone brought something a bit more comfortable than the old sleeping bag she used in her junior year of high school. Nevertheless, she nodded and left to untack Pepper.
                                                        | ❆ | [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 3:45 PM || REDWOOD POINT RANGER STATION, JORVIK ]                                                         | ❆ |
Sighing to herself, Camelia turns Pepper out to pasture with the other horses. Grinning wildly, she watches them bounce and play with each other. The sun is already setting due to the season, so she seeks shelter inside the stable and begins to prepare a stall for her trusty mare. She feels her expression soften and, out of habit, begins to hum the same tune she did earlier.
A stall door closes and she doesn't bother to look, until she hears a familiar voice that could light up a room.
"Cam?" Rania questions "I recognize your humming. Is that you?"
Cam nods instinctually before snapping into reality and correcting herself "Oh! Yes, Rania, it's me. Do you need any help?"
"No," the dark haired girl grins softly "I just had a feeling, you know-"
"A feeling?" Cam blinks. "What kind of feeling?"
"Well, the rangers' exploration is over, but... I've a feeling yours isn't?" Her grin turns into a smile. "I felt what you did with that horse. I might not have been able to see it, but Aideen willing I felt it."
Cam trails off, just saying that the "humming" was merely something she's tried with other wild horses and it seemed to calm them. Rania clearly didn't buy it, but she knew that she could grill Cam on it later.
"Regardless," Rania taps the door of Dellingr's stall "what do you say you and I do a little exploring?"
Cam's face explodes from Rania's contagious grin.
And that's exactly what those two girls did, too. They wandered all over the woodlands with their mounts, taking pictures and describing landmarks.
FIN. 2161 WORDS.
                                                        | ❆ |                 [ 11 / 11 / 2020 || 6:30 PM || WILDWOODS, JORVIK ]                                                         | ❆ |
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( graphic credit: @helpfulrps​ )
Full Name
YASMIN ( yaz-meen ) → Variant of the name ‘Jasmine,’ which is derived from the name of the jasmine flower. || Just as Persephone spent half the year on earth and the other half in the Underworld, jasmine flowers bloom only from spring until autumn. In Pakistan, garlands of white jasmine and red roses are worn by both the bride and groom in weddings, and are also used in burial garlands to symbolize a final farewell. I think that’s fitting, considering how Persephone was married to the god of Underworld and ruled the land of the dead alongside him.
NAJM ( nuh-jhm ) → An Arabic word meaning ‘star.’ || Persephone has always been one of my favorite figures in mythology because of how she has control over both life and death; for half the year she brings life and bounty to the land, and the other half she escorts the souls of the dead in the Underworld. Science and mythology don’t often mix, but I had the life cycle of stars in mind when picking out Yasmin’s surname. When a large star goes into supernova, the shockwave can initiate star formation in other interstellar clouds, and the remains of the core can form a neutron star or a black hole. So going back to all that life & death symbolism, it’s just beautiful to know that the result of the original star’s destruction is the birth of something new.
Any Nicknames?
As of right now, only Persephone & Yas. Victoria might sometimes refer to her as “brat,” but that’s not necessarily out of affection.
Birthday / Zodiac Sign
March 21st, 1994 / Pisces
Spinning lazy circles around her latest conquest, acquisition, or interest, the Piscean woman is a mysterious, sensual mermaid, her secrets kept secure behind inscrutable dark eyes. She has a vivid mind, and is romantic and spiritual. Like the rivers and seas this sign swims in, Piscean women have deep emotions and strong undertows in their personalities, so watch out for still waters – they often hide a passionate, sensitive nature.
Spiritual, curious, and gentle, the Pisces woman is a true dreamer. She puts a great deal of emphasis on the unseen in her life, whether it be her own intuition, her emotions, or the world of spirituality and religion. This is a woman who is always looking for – and finding – deeper meaning, from the grand scheme of life itself to her own social interactions. She absorbs the events around her, making connections that other people would never even see. She observes patterns in the feelings and actions of other people, and can be quite insightful as to what motivates them.
Pisceans are often artists, expressing their inner passions through paint, dance or song. Their work is often whimsical and outlandish, but always enchanting.
She is sensitive and caring and considers the needs of others. This imaginative and dreamy woman must determine how she will swim through life: with the flow or against it. Pisceans are kind to their friends – and strangers. At any gathering, the Pisces woman will either be the shy one in the corner who will listen to people’s problems or the outgoing greeter who warmly welcomes each individual. It all depends on her current mood!
Pisces is ruled by dreamy Neptune, and her intuition runs deep. Like the stormy sea, her emotions are complex and changeable. Her challenge is to discern between essential truths of spirit and mere mirage.
5′6″ / 167.64 cm
Tattoos / Piercings
Had her earlobes pierced on her eleventh birthday, and got her belly button pierced when she was seventeen (though DEMETER didn’t find out about it until she was nineteen).
Wants to get a tattoo, but has no idea of what she wants. Has a journal solely for doodles and designs that she’d possibly like to have inked on her skin, but is never 100% certain of what she wants.
A saxophone being played in the midst of a crowded subway station. A bass after it has just been tuned. Birds chirping in the morning, crickets crooning in the evening. An old Billie Holiday record played at a dinner party. Her girlfriends’ collective chatter after a good show. Fish frying in the pan after a long day. Dante’s voice waking her up at the crack of dawn. Harvey’s booming applause at the end of her set. DEMETER’s storytelling voice. Hyas’ immediate bark at the sight of her face. Syrus’ laughter over the phone.
A vibrant green; New York fauna in spring, evergreen trees during Christmas, fresh vegetables at the farmer’s market, the herbs growing on her windowsill, leaves of the potted plants on all her shelves, the vines growing across her building’s exterior, the organic juice she makes every morning, her venus flytrap in the sunlight.
Her godparent, DEMETER. They’re the one person who has never left their side, willingly or unwillingly. They have given her everything and so much more, and there is nothing Yasmin wouldn’t do for them. Even while knowing all the unseemly things they have done for Olympus (and aware that what she knows isn’t even all of it), Yasmin’s faith in them is unwavering. That’s why every small act of betrayal she commits - whether it’d be about her dreams of leaving New York or the misplaced feelings of sympathy she knows she shouldn’t have - feels like a dagger in her own heart.
The first time she sang in front of an audience. She was only eight, and had a solo for her school choir. It was such a simple show but it impacted her in such a profound way, that nothing else compares. It’s one of the few memories she doesn’t have tied to the gang, and has no bittersweetness or sorrow attatched to it. It was her singing for her school, for DEMETER sitting in the front row. It was the beginning of many more memorable performances, piano and voice lessons, rounds of applause. It’s when she discovered she had a special power, one that could potentially help heal. It was the first time she found a purpose, a cause, a passion. It helped shape her identity, and the rest is history.
Central Park. Specifically, the Conservatory Garden.
Lying. It shouldn’t be as easy as it is, but Yasmin has found herself to be so good at it, and willing to manipulate for her advantage. With DEMETER, with Syrus, with herself - it’s easy and it’s how she gets through each day.
…been in love?
Often, and deeply. Yasmin has been a tiny bit in love with every person she’s ever been in a relationship with; the measure of that love just varies with each person. Yasmin loves being in love, and even when she attempts a “no strings attatched” relationship, a small part of her will stubbornly fall in love with that person. She’s incapable of being with someone without feelings involved. Even if her heart is broken in the end, she’ll never be able to fully shake off the bit of her that was in love with that person.
…done drugs?
Nothing stronger than pot, and she only smokes that socially. Harvey always gave Yasmin strict lectures about staying away from drugs as a child, and given his profession she found it both somewhat ironic and completely understandable. His attempts to scare her straight were effective, and she quickly gets turned off by people who depend on drugs or are frequently not sober.
…killed someone?
Has accidentally crushed insects, unintentionally allowed her plants to wilt, and ended up flushing her gold fish down the toilet. She was the only one who mourned for those lives lost, but aside from those deaths her hands remain clean.
…betrayed someone’s trust?
Only to the people she cares for. When DEMETER risked everything to keep her safe, she’d sneak out through her window and put herself in harm’s way. 
…had their heart broken?
Just as often as she’s allowed herself to fall in love, she’s been hurt as well. A piece of her heart chips away every time she loses a loved one, when she sees Frankie in the streets and dares to think of what could have been, when she notices that DEMETER isn’t being completely honest with her.
…lost someone?
If Yasmin had to sit and list every single person she’s lost, she’d break down before even making it halfway through all the names. Growing up within the gang means that she’s gotten too used to saying goodbye, has gone to more funerals than birthday parties.
…have any pets?
No, although she loves animals. Yasmin often cares after the strays in her neighborhood, leaving food outside and making sure that they end up finding a place at no-kill shelters. She also has a birdhouse right outside her window, which is often occupied by a family of sparrows throughout the year. Yasmin has also gotten familiar with Richard’s dog Hyas, much to the Titan’s chagrin.
…have a family they still talk to?
Has no living blood relatives, but Yasmin has never believed that blood makes family. DEMETER raised her, and Yasmin could never cut them out of her life. Even on days when she’s furious with her godparent, she still makes sure to keep in touch with them and is never more than a subway ride away. Her greatest fear is the day when DEMETER completely stops responding to her, because Yasmin knows it would never be by choice.
Although her relationship with Richard is still fragile and new, Yasmin believes that he has a place in her family tree. In some weird way, they’re almost siblings, and after losing so many of her family members there is no way she is going to take him for granted. Although she doesn’t know much about his relationship with Harvey, she is determined to get to know him.
…have a best friend?
Five of them. Yasmin has her own small gang of female musicians, who play with her at The Warehouse. They call themselves The Sirens, though they’ve made no effort to trademark the name and are happy to just play music on street corners.
Chell, the pianist who is also a full-time physics student at New York University. The rest of the girls suspect she might have made a deal with a demon a long time ago, or was created in a lab, because she manages to keep a 4.0 while juggling the band and an active social life simultaneously. Chell claims that she just knows how to manage he schedule, but The Sirens have seen the inside of her day planner and it is terrifying. No one knows when she sleeps, if ever.
Reyna, the bassist and makeup artist. Dropped out of high school the second she turned eighteen and went straight to cosmetology school instead. She always said she works best with a makeup brush in her hand instead of a pencil, and wears a different kind of look every day. Has the most Instagram followers out of anyone else in the band, mostly due to her mini makeup tutorial videos and professional selfie skills.
Fatima, the drummer seeking an early death. The daredevil of the group, giving the other girls a heart attack whenever she sends them a video of her dangling off the edge of a cliff or willingly jumping out of an airplane. Perhaps the most resilient member of the group, as Fatima always jumps back on her feet the second she’s able, no matter how much her doctors urge her to rest (Fatima claims that word isn’t in her vocabulary). She’ll often be up on stage with a cast or bandage somewhere on her body, and it’s almost a miracle she can still play.
Mariana, the saxophonist and amateur psychic. Has always claimed to have a connection to the other side, after she saw the ghost of her pet hamster when she was seven. Carries a stack of tarot cards with her everywhere, and her complicated pre-show ritual (which involves burning sage) has gotten the band kicked out of several venues. Though to be fair, they do perform exceptionally well on the nights she manages to complete it. 
…want to get married and/or have kids?
Getting married would be wonderful, but also not necessary. Yasmin was definitely one of those girls who made their own little wedding scrapbook, but all she really wants is to grow old with someone she loves.
Kids, on the other hand, are a more complicated matter. If Yasmin was certain that she’d live a long life in a safe place far from New York, then she’d adopt as many kids as she possibly could. However, she knows that there are no certainties in life, and doesn’t want to raise a child in her world.
…want to leave?
It’s her greatest secret, one she could never say out loud, not even to herself. Leaving New York has never been an option, only a fantasy. It’d be selfish to abandon her godparent and all that they’ve done for her, to turn her back on Harvey’s empire and the family that she’s grown up with. And yet, she wants nothing more than to do just that. Cast aside the Olympians, go off on her own, and see what the world has to offer. In another world, she’d be singing for an different audience every night, standing on a stage in a new country.
It’s difficult to convey everything with just words, and phone calls feel so much more personal. Yasmin will only send a text if she’s unable to take a call, and most of her text logs consist of sent photographs and voice memos. It’s much harder to convey tone and meaning through text, although emojis are a lot of fun. At the end of the day, Yasmin would much rather talk to someone instead of tiring her fingers out.
Yasmin was fortunate enough to never have to worry about money. And in the end, her bohemian ideals trump materialism regardless. If she has to live a starving artist stereotype in exchange for companions who will stand by her through it all, then so be it. Yasmin would gladly give up all the riches in the world in exchange for someone who has proven themselves loyal to her - not just to her godparent, to Olympus, but to her as a person.
Every time she’s given into lust, she’s left feeling empty. Love hurts tenfold, but she’d rather accept pain than the absence of feeling. In her opinion, there’s nothing better than feeling giddy over a new crush, or falling head over heels. Lust is fleeting, and fades away once the sheets turn cold. Yasmin remembers every person she’s ever been in love with, and cherishes even the heartbreaks.
Over the years she’s learned that five can very quickly turn to zero with the blink of an eye. People aren’t made to last, and perhaps she’d be less alone if she was had more people surrounding her. And perhaps it’d hurt less if she wasn’t as close to them when they inevitably left her.
However, Yasmin isn’t sure if she’s capable of just being casually acquainted with someone. She grows attatched quickly and falls deeply, whether she wants to or not.
Although New York summers can be brutal, Yasmin loves the season. It’s a time for sundresses and cold drinks and fresh fruit, and like a flower she thrives under the sun. Though she’s been living in New York all her life, Yasmin doesn’t fare well in cold weather. Her heating bill is astronomical in the winter, and she avoids going outside as much as she can during the colder months. Yasmin has an entire closet full of nothing but winter-wear, thick wool sweaters, quilts, and fuzzy socks. She wears no less than four layers all season, along with a comically large pair of faux-fur ear muffs.
Wanted Plots / Connections
( i’ll make an official page sometime in the future but here are a few stray ideas! )
( KIDNAPPING TW ) This is kind of dark but something akin to Persephone’s abduction, where Yasmin gets kidnapped, though I can’t imagine why anyone would want to do that unless they were out to piss Demeter off. Maybe in the future Yasmin’s curiosity gets the best of her and learns/sees something she probably shouldn’t have, and becomes a liability?
Someone matches with Yas on Bumble and it’s only until halfway through their date do the two of them realize that they’re affiliated with the Olympians/Titans. Awkwardness ensues.
Someone please teach Yasmin how to use a gun.
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