#when I tried to update the bracket it crashed my computer
bleached-socks · 1 year
Women’s Soul Reaper Association Interview
By Shuhei Hisagi
Interview of the President of the Women’s Soul Reaper Association Lieutenant, Yachiru Kusajishi, and Vice President of the Women’s Soul Reaper Association, Nanao Ise by Lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi from the Seireitei Bulletin
SH: Hello ladies, it’s good to have you here.
YK: Hiiii Hisa-Hisa!
NI: Thank you for having us.
YK: Yeah! Thank you!
SH: So you guys are running the Seireitei Sexyman Tournament
NI: Yes, we’ve been working very hard at it and we are very pleased so far.
SH: So tell me, how did you come up with the idea.
YK: It was my idea!
SH: It was… your idea?
NI: Well sort of…
YK: It was! When Kenny and I went to the World of the Living looking for Ichi, we heard some people talking about a big thing, it was a… tumbler sexyman tournament I think? Then I came back and suggested we do one of those. I’m still not clear on what it is but it’s very fun!
SH: Ah I see.
NI: Once she told us about it, we, and by that I mean I, researched it to see what it was that she was actually suggesting we do. Once we did, we thought it sounded like a great idea. It combined the motivation we had during our photoshoot fundraiser, but doesn’t violate the subjects’ right to privacy.
SH: You’ve marketed this tournament as a fundraiser. How exactly are you making money off of this?
NI: Well, the thing is, we were so excited planning it that we didn’t actually think of a way to make money off of it.
SH: That does clear some things up.
YK: But it’s fun though, so who cares?
NI: *sigh*
SH: So anyway, how do you think the tournament is going so far?
NI: I think it’s doing well in terms of popularity and distribution. There has also been a decent amount of campaigning for various competitors. It’s lovely to see people getting so into it.
YK: I was campaigning for Kenny!
NI: Vice President, you don’t even know what this tournament is about.
YK: Nope! But I think Kenny should win anyway.
SH: Uh, moving on, might I ask for comments regarding the large delay between the quarterfinals and semifinals, the later of which has not yet been sent out?
NI: Unfortunately, that was due to a problem with the program that we used to make the tournament. The app that Miss Inoue from the World of the Living recommended us to use kept crashing and causing our computer to freeze up.
SH: Wow, that is very unfortunate.
NI: I know, I was so ashamed that I was unable to fix it.
YK: It’s okay Na-Na, computers are mean.
SH: So, have you been able to fix it?
NI: Yes we have. We’ll begin getting the polls ready as soon as this interview is posted.
SH: Excellent. I have one final question, and this one is not from me.
NI: I’m a little wary, but go ahead and ask.
SH: During my brief interview with him, he expressed interest in wanting to sponsor the tournament. And he’s asked me to ask you if you’d let him be a sponsor.
NI: You mean… You mean we can actually make money off of this tournament now?!
SH: Uh, yeah, that’s what he was proposing, pay you to get his name on the bracket. He says it’ll be a good advertisement.
NI: Absolutely yes. We would be honored.
SH: And that’s all I have for you. Thank you both for being here.
NI: Thank you for having us.
YK: Thanks Hisa-Hisa!
*end interview*
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just-mirko · 4 years
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Mirko x F!Reader
Warnings: swearing. nothing much yet ;)
WC: 1.3k (short because its just the beginning)
You were just a simple hacker. Exposing buinsess leaders and gathering information for whoever offers the highest amount. But when you take a strange job and are suddenly invited to an underground school for the best hackers in all of japan, Life is suddenly far from simple.
Hey so I basically stole most of the school design and hierarchy from Kakegurui (the amazing gambling anime 10/10 would recommend) but twisted it to match a hacker style au. Idk I guess 707 is getting to me. Reader is female, but there isn’t any lemonade here so if need be I can change the pronouns if anyone wants. :) Other than that, I hope you like the first chapter! I hope to make this a series Maybe like 50k max. Anyways, lets get onto the story. This is my first dedicated fanfic so bear with me if I don’t update that much! 
The consistent waves of tapping sounding from the keyboard below me was the only sound present in the room, save for the occasional rubbing of my blinds up against my windowsill. The slightest breeze flew through the crack in my window, billowing and swirling around my fingers.
          It was something I knew I should not be doing. God knew it was all forms of illegal, but of course, that would not stop me. I mean why would it? I got a burner drive, 2 VPNs and at least a dozen forms of encryption on my ip address, but something felt off. This job was too easy.
          From the beginning I knew it would be simple, but that never meant a simple job could not take hours. It had only been 30 minutes sitting at my computer before I cracked the first firewall with ease.
          An “anonymous” (or so they thought, I could back-trace to their identity within a minute) client had requested for a high-risk job. My brain instantly told me to turn it down, as messing with companies was one thing, but the government was another. Lucky for them, the hefty offer of almost $3,000USD easily swayed me.
          I continued my assault on my keyboard before a small little black tab on my screen showed up and began spewing out information. To anyone who did not know what to look for, they would see it as mindless code, but there. Right there, nestled between two little brackets was a chain of numbers. Copying it by hand onto a scrap of paper then switching onto another computer monitor, I entered the digits onto a pre-determined code with one purpose. To track.
          Normally this phase could take up to 1 hour depending on how hard the person on the other side of the screen was trying to hide their dirty little secrets, so I sat back, and watched the progress bar begin to tick forward in slight increments.
          I had to stop taking money orders. One day I would be found, and with how often I accepted the jobs, and how little I cared these days to change up my encryption methods, it’s not going to be long before I got caught. Yet I still did it. Was it the headlines on the news? “Local millionaire exposed to embezzlement?” I found that out, the work had my name all over it. Was it the knowledge that I maybe, just maybe, might be helping the world just a little bit?
          I knew it was not. Deep down, I knew it was the thrill. God each time I feel the power. I can break down corporations. I can break down people! I can destroy careers and I can mess shit up. Ha!
          Maybe the pride was getting to me. My popularity was rapidly growing on the black market as more and more people demanded to have their enemies exposed. The thing is. Only rich people can afford to get rid of their enemies, which puts me in a very profitable place.
          Another factor was a few special rumors going around. Apparently, there were ‘hacker hunters’ trying to match people’s signature corrupt handiwork to a name. Online we all went by pseudonyms and pen names mine being Shad0w, but in the real world I guess we all were people too, none of us  aware of what we were capable of.
          At the amazing age of 17 I became the 12th most popular hacker-for-higher. And at the opportunist age of 18 I got my first jab to the neck. I guess got paid by a pretty sketchy person and faced his consequences. That day I had to physically destroy one of my old hard-drives just out of fear that someone was still coming for me. I did not get hurt physically of course, but the threats they shot left a deeper mark than a bullet could of. Since then I have been careful. Always covering my steps and hiding in the shadows of the web. No matter how hard I tried though I cou-
          A loud hum from my computer snapped me awake, and after further inspection, the loading bar was complete. The neon colors were taking their toll on my eyes. What a struggle it was to keep them open.
          The whole ordeal barley took an hour… and I was getting paid $3000? No. That could not be right. My cursor stood above the ‘next’ button that would retrieve all the data from my target, and hesitantly, I clicked it.
          The little loading circle of doom (kasdjfkdjkdfd) spun around my screen before disappearing leaving nothing but white.
          Nothing but a white screen.
Just a second. Did my computer crash? What is this.
          Nothing but a white screen.
          What is happening? This CAN’T be right. It was supposed to lead my to the retrieval page. I should be collecting my pay right now.
          “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuu” I whispered to nobody other than myself. As I clicked around the screen, even tried existing before sitting back and looking at it. It was dauntingly blank, and panic was slowly beginning to creep it. It must have been a trick. They have all my information now. Is it just a virus or something more what is going on?!
          As if the computer could read my mind, it began to release a distorted sounding audio from the speakers before a voice finally came through. Obviously having gone through software to make it unidentifiable, the voice was deep and smooth.
          “Dear (y/n) (l/n). Hello. We have been watching your progress for a while.”
          Oh no. They know my full name. At this point, they might know everything. This is bad… really bad.
          “Since you began at 17 years old, you have successfully destroyed a lot of people’s lives. Good for you.”
          As dull as the computer augmented voice was, it was dripping with sarcasm.
          “Despite this, you have led to the downfall of quite a few toxic corporations. No matter your good though, these actions are obviously quite illegal. If you have no intention of getting well hacked yourself then it would be in your best interest to accept.”
Accept what? The voice paused before all noise cut out completely. What screen dimmed slightly before text began showing up line by line in the blandest of fonts.
The text only read:
This is your request to attend UA, the prestigious underground academy for the architypes of modern genius.
We welcome you to our decryption and data collection course.
Below we have attached the address and date for when courses start.
Should you choose not to attend, pretend you never saw this.
Should you choose to hand the address over to authorities, We will know and stop you before you get the chance to.
We look forward to seeing you in class.
Principal Nezu.
UA High
222 Enshu St.
Musutafu Japan
First semester start date:
April 14th, 2276.
You may arrive at the school 1 day before to set up in dorms. Failure to arrive on time on the fist day will result in termination from the course.
Welcome to the class of 2280 (y/n)(l/n)
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lille082 · 4 years
a fic fulfilling the “betting pool” and “the mystery of q’s name”  squares on the Trope Prompt Table (004) by @mi6-cafe
There are only two people employed by MI6 who know Q’s birth name other than himself. One, by virtue of his position, is Mallory. He’d seen the redacted files on the Quartermaster shortly before they’d been destroyed as part of Q’s paperless initiative.
The other found out through sheer, dumb luck...
R finished combing through the debugging program she was working on, glaring at the screen when she found the exact line of code where she’d missed a bracket. The irony was not lost on her.
Glancing at the clock, she noted that a solid fifteen minutes had passed since Double-Oh Six strutted out of the branch. Enough time that she shouldn’t arouse suspicion by heading to Q’s office.
She made a show of stretching at her station, rolling her neck in circles and twisting from side to side in an attempt to crack her back. Victor appeared to have returned to his work but Amara kept referencing the paper on Trevelyan had given her, likely updating their database.
R grabbed her nearly empty mug and stepped back from her desk.
“Eddie, I need a warm up here. You have the conn.”
“Aye, Captain,” the younger tech grinned and saluted her.
She waited until he’d put his headset on before taking her’s off, logging out, and putting her computer to sleep.
“Don’t let Q hear you call me that. You’ll never hear the end of it,” she joked as she headed for the kitchenette in the break area.
She tossed the dregs of her tea down the drain and grabbed one of Q’s mugs from the sideboard. Relaxing into the routine of making tea, she took the time to doctor Q’s with precision. R knew she excelled at what she did, but she suspected that her promotion had been sealed when it came to light that her and Double-Oh Nine were the only people in the building Q trusted to make his tea exactly as he liked it.
A mug in each hand, she carefully made her way back to Q’s office and knocked on the bottom of the door with her boot.
“Come in.”
She pushed against the door with her hip but it was latched shut. She kicked the door once more and heard her boss huff before a wheel scrapped across the floor.
“You honestly couldn’t op—,” Q’s grumbling cut off as he flung the door open and saw R standing there with a cheeky smile, holding his mug out for him, “Oh! Thank you, R.”
“Do you have a moment?”
“Of course,” Q nodded and stepped back. He accepted the outstretched mug, studying her closely as she closed the door behind her.
“What can I do for you, R?” Despite the kind smile on his face, his voice was neutral and diplomatic as he returned to his seat.
She recognized the concern in his tone and waved her hand as she sat down, trying to assuage his worries.
“It’s nothing serious, but I thought you should know that Victor and Amara’s, um, project is beginning to expand beyond the current parameters.“
The corners of Q’s mouth turned down and he appeared to wrack his brain for the details of their current assignment before he realized what she was talking about.
“The betting pool?” Q laughed, cautiously taking a sip of his too-hot tea.
“Yes, sir. It seems that Double-Oh Six just bet 100 quid and you know Trevelyan won’t be able to keep that to himself.”
“100 quid?” He gaped at her before recovering swiftly. “I thought entries were only five?”
R nodded and took a delicate sip of tea.
“They are, sir. He came in with a list of 20 different names.”
Q snorted, shaking his head.
“I knew they’d gotten the cleaning crew in on it, but I didn’t think they’d push the boundaries any further than that.”
“Rod’s team? If they’re in, it’s no wonder Double-Oh Six knew about it.”
Q shrugged with a wry smile.
“For being in espionage, people around here are terrible at keeping secrets.”
R laughed.
“I think it’s more to do with knowing national security isn’t exactly at stake if they gossip. Do you want me to shut it down?”
Q considered the question but had to agree with R’s summation. He waved his hand dismissively.
“No, let them have their fun at my expense. If it allows them to blow off enough steam for us to avoid another stapler incident, it’s worth it.”
R snorted and they shared exasperated grins. They sat for a moment in companionable silence before Q cracked.
“Okay, I have to know. What’s the current front runner?” His smile was puckish and R couldn’t help but notice how much younger it made him look.
“I don’t know.” She said, shrugging.
Q raised an eyebrow as she threw the end of her hijab back over her shoulder where it’d slipped off.
“Oh, come on. You must have some idea.”
“Well. . .I don’t know what the actual name is but last I heard the odds favored something terribly modern, like Kasper with a ‘K’ or Maddox. If I recall correctly, the guesses are mostly split between more, um, current names with extraneous letters or the standard top tens. You know: Thomas, Christopher, Daniel, Michael, Andrew—popular ones.”
She leaned forward, a conspiratorial smile on her face. ”Though there seem to be a few favoring names that start with Q—Quincy, Quinlan, Quinten, Quigley.”
Q laughed loudly at that and R smiled, happy to be able to keep pulling him out of the rigid, no-nonsense persona he put on at work.
“Quigley, that’s amazing. . .” He chuckled as he raised his mug to his lips. “And what did you put your money down on?”
R offered him an indulgent smile.
“I’m not the betting kind.”
“No? Well, you must have at least a guess.”
“I. . .may have some theories.”
“Like?” He smiled, indulging his curiosity.
She narrowed her eyes as she set her cup of tea down on the desk, leaning forward to study him. Q stared back passively, waiting.
“I don’t think it’s anything modern or obnoxious. It’s not overly common or terribly simple, like Mark or Jeff. It’s something that’s a little old-fashioned, maybe, but smart without sounding pompous.”
Q’s smile grew across his face even as he tried to hide it.
“So? What’s my real name then, hmm?”
R laughed, shrugging and reached for her mug.
“I don’t know. . .Ethan? Theodore? Isaac? Malcolm? Simon? Freddie? Oliver?”
If R had been looking at Q as she carelessly tossed out her guesses instead of focusing on her tea, she would have seen Q’s posture abruptly stiffen, the smile on his face chased away by flashes of shock-confusion-fear before silent fury took hold.
The sound of his chair crashing into the wire rack behind his desk as he abruptly stood up made R jump, sloshing tea over the side of her mug. She watched, shocked, as he promptly snapped the blinds to his office window shut and locked the door.
He turned slowly on his heel to face her, tension radiating from him. His voice was tight.
“Where did you find it?”
“Find what?” R frowned and tried kept her voice as calm as she could among her growing confusion. She deliberately placed the cup of tea back on his desk, not breaking eye contact.
“Don’t, R. I know you’re smarter than that. Where was it?” He took a step towards her, voice low and dangerous.
“Q,” R stood, trying to gain some footing in a situation quickly spiraling out of control without her knowing why. She held her hands out, open and placating. “I’m not—“
Q’s jaw twitched and she cut herself off as she saw him glance out of the corner of his eye towards the gun he’d been working on where it lay next to the toolbox on his desk. Panic coursed through her and she vehemently shook her head, but wasn’t able to say anything before he continued.
“Why would you be looking that far back? Fuck!” There was a fierceness in his eyes she’d never seen before. He took another creeping step towards his desk and continued, his voice barely above a whisper. “That name’s been dead and buried for a long time. Who are you working for?”
R felt her lungs freeze inside her chest and she blinked. If the betrayal in his tone hadn’t clued her in, that certainly did the trick.
She’d later blame the utterly lethargic firing of her synapses on how blindsided with panic she’d been at the idea of Q turning a gun on her.
She knew his current alias and his cover identities. When they’d first started working together, years ago, he’d been called Colin—but, just as she’d been given the name Naima when she was promoted to R, she knew he’d been assigned that one too. She didn’t know the name he used before that, let alone the actual name that had been put in ink on his birth certificate decades ago.
There was no way. . .
She opened her mouth to say something—anything—but eventually closed it when it nothing came out that could be construed as actual words.
Q, still as could be, watched the play of emotions across her face before everything clicked into place.
His eyes widened in what R would’ve considered a highly comical fashion had her heart not been close to beating out of her chest. His expression cleared as he realized just how dumbfounded R was.
“You. . .You have no idea, do you?”
She shook her head, still completely gobsmacked.
“So I--I guessed right?”
Q began laughing and immediately deflated as all the tension left his body in a matter of seconds. He placed a hand on his chest and exhaled in obvious relief.
“Yes. Yes, you did, love.” He said, shaking his head in amazement as he pulled her into a brief hug. “Shit, R. You bloody terrified me. I thought it was a lucky guess at first, but then you had my middle name too and—Christ, I thought you’d defected! I was afraid I’d have to shoot you right here if you tried anything before I could call someone in.”
R laughed weakly and took a step back from him.
With a delighted grin and a wondrous huff of laughter, he leaned back against his desk and crossed his arms.
“I know you said you’re not one to gamble, but maybe you should buy a lottery ticket on your way home, yeah? That or start a psychic hotline.”
R managed a grin as she sat back down, reaching for her tea with a shaky hand.
“Er. . .Permission to speak freely, sir?”
Q snorted and waved at her to continue.
“You are bloody terrifying when you need to be, did you know that?” She exhaled and took a fortifying sip of her tea.
Q looked rather pleased with himself.
She smiled up at him before continuing.
“You know, I reckon we’d get more of our equipment back if you got angry like that with Double-Oh Seven.”
“I’m, ah, afraid he’s a lost cause,” Q hedged, reaching across his desk for his cuppa. Based on the rising blush and how he avoided her eyes, she got the distinct impression he’d done just that but with a vastly different outcome than what she’d proposed.
They sat in silence as their heart rates returned to a somewhat normal range. By the time they’d finished their tea, they were back to arguing about just which rifle Double-Oh Four should be issued for her upcoming mission.
An alert pinged on Q’s mobile and they grinned sheepishly at each other.
“Back to it, I suppose. . .”
R collected their empty mugs and made it to the door before Q spoke again, his voice quiet.
She turned back with a soft smile.
“I’m sorry. I know you would never—“
R nodded, not needing words to assure him that he didn’t need to elaborate further. He returned her smile gratefully.
“Um. . .I wouldn’t say anything if you happened to make a bet, you know. It wouldn’t technically be cheating since you guessed correctly and all.”
R laughed.
“And ruin their fun, sir? Absolutely not. Besides,” she unlocked the office door and opened it, giving him a cheeky smile over her shoulder, “you didn’t actually tell me which one was correct.”
(i have no idea what this is?? but i hope it’s clear they’re bros) 
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Large File Editor For Mac
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Older news is available in the archive section.
glogg version v1.1.4 released
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This is a hotfix for one serious bug.
Main changes from v1.1.3:
Fix a race condition whereby a changing file can crash glogg incertain conditions (observed on Windows).
Please see the git log at http://github.com/nickbnf/glogg/commits/master for the detailed changelog.
—18 May 2017
glogg version v1.1.3 released
This is a further bugfix release for 1.1.x to fix a few important issues.
Main changes from v1.1.2:
Improve auto-reload of files produced by some applications (such asputty) on Windows.
Fix a display bug when in following mode.
Fix two (rare but important) crashes when loading a file.
Add support for multiple files on the command line.
Please see the git log at http://github.com/nickbnf/glogg/commits/master for the detailed changelog.
—22 Mar 2017
official Mac OSX / macOS installers
Thanks to several contributors on github, many people (including yours truly)have been running glogg on Mac for a few months already.
Now that the main blocking issues have been fixed, please enjoy regularofficial glogg builds from v1.1.2 for Mac OSX (now macOS)!
Enjoy glogg on Mac and please report any problem you might find.
Update 8/11/2016: The initial macOS build for 1.1.2 had a problem andwas linked to a local library not available on most systems, and thereforefailed to run. This is now fixed and a new installer(glogg_1.1.2-1_installer.dmg) can be downloaded.
—01 Nov 2016
glogg version v1.1.2 released
This is a bugfix release to polish a few rough edges and annoyances on1.1.x. And to introduce full macOS support.
Main changes from v1.1.1:
Allow case insensitive filters.
Scrolling with j/k in filtered view now scroll the main view too.
Full support for macOS.
Various minor fixes.
Please see the git log at http://github.com/nickbnf/glogg/commits/master for the detailed changelog.
—01 Nov 2016
glogg version v1.1.1 released
This version introduces a few new major features, most notably support formultiple encodings. Only UTF-8, in addition to the usual 8 bits ISO-8859-1, issupported in this version, but more will be added later.
Main changes from v1.0.3:
Support for UTF-8 file, in addition to ISO-8859-1.
New icons!
A new icon on each tab shows whether new data have been detected.
Pulling the file beyond its end with the mouse triggers following.
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Please see the git log at http://github.com/nickbnf/glogg/commits/master for the detailed changelog.
—26 Apr 2016
How To Open & Manipulate Large (>100MB) CSV Files On A Mac
Have you ever struggled to open and manipulate a large CSV file on a Mac? 100MB? 1 gigabyte or greater? Extremely large CSVs bring most spreadsheet utilities to a halt or the computer. I set out to figure out how to open and manipulate these files in a free and somewhat accessible way that was fast and didn’t risk crashes.
As a software engineer with a history of supporting marketing teams, I often encounter extremely large datasets including customer segment exports or analytics event logs that can be larger than a gigabyte. A good text editor can open these large CSVs but you lose spreadsheet capabilities like rearranging columns and filtering data.
In this post, I’ve outlined the different ways I’ve tried to manipulate large CSVs and their results. I’m using a 2018 Macbook Pro with a 2.6 GHz 6-core i7 and 16 GB of RAM. If you would like to skip the story and go straight to the best free solution, please click here.
Numbers & Excel
Numbers honestly performed the worst. It has a hard row limit that seemed to be independent of file size. This made it useless for my task. Google Sheets worked for some files but would tend to crash or hang past a certain file size. Excel for Mac performed well but it is a paid solution so I did not consider it viable for many developers. Typically, opening large CSVs is a relatively rare occurrence unless your a data analyst, so I tried to find a free solution that would work well. Additionally, Excel’s file size limit appears to be 2 gigabytes, so it won’t work well for anything larger than that.
Google released a handy tool now called OpenRefine that enables lots of handy data manipulation operations. I was hoping this would be my answer to manipulating large CSVs. However, it definitely started getting really slow and crashing with files greater than a hundred megabytes. This is based on my memory from several months ago, I may test to get some better data around when it starts to crash.
CSV Explorer
I found a great SaaS solution for the problem, called CSV Explorer. They built a web tool to solve this exact problem. They have a free plan that has a limit of 5 million rows. If your data is column-heavy, this may be a great solution. The paid plans support up to 20 million rows. It’s a great solution if you don’t mind paying. Like I said earlier in the post, I desired a free solution so I kept researching.
MySQL Import Using Sequel Pro
Many database management programs give you the ability to import a CSV file. I had Sequel Pro installed so I decided to give this method an attempt. Sequel Pro is a free MySQL graphical management application for Macs. It has a great CSV import feature because it will help generate a table based on the CSV automatically. Here is a quick overview on how that works:
Select the database you want to import into (or create a new one) and then go to File -> Import…
Select the appropriate CSV files and make sure the import settings match your file’s needs.
It’s best practice to name the table the same name as the file. This is especially important if later importing a much larger file into the same table.
Just like the other methods, the program crashed or froze when sufficiently large files were attempted. Specifically, my 1.32 GB CSV made Sequel Pro crash instantly.
MySQL Import Using Sequel Pro and the Command Line (Working Solution)
Finally! I found a solution that works reliably for large CSVs. Additionally, you can do complex sorting, filtering, and transformation operations if you are proficient with SQL.
For the sake of this example, let’s assume we are working with a CSV file >1GB that is called very_large_nov_2019.csv.
First, you must create a CSV file contain only the first 10-20 lines of your large CSV file, we will call it very_large_nov_2019_abridged.csv. I prefer to use a text editor to open the large CSV and then copy and paste the first 10-20 lines into a new text editor window and saving that file with a .csv extension.
Then, utilize the Sequel Pro import method described above. Make sure the table name matches the name of the original CSV file. In our example case, the table name should be very_large_nov_2019. Once the new table is created, go ahead and delete the rows in the table in preparation for the import of the large version of the CSV.
Use the following command to import your CSV file. I have enclosed data you must change in brackets ([ ]).
The table name should match the CSV name. If you created the table using Sequel Pro, this should be easy to accomplish. If you need to use a table name that is different than the filename, you can create a symbolic link:
To learn more about mysqlimport, it’s best to refer to the command on your system. You can read the man pages which are lengthy but thorough:
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Or you can read the brief help output:
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If you have any questions about this article or would like to get help with your MySQL problems, feel free to contact me.
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Hacker news discussion here.
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