#when I see this poll in four hours it had BETTER have ten thousand votes for dr Willow amaryllis
napoleoninrags · 4 years
by Michael Moore
Trump, right now, tonight, is up to some very nasty, scary stuff — stuff we can’t even imagine — and of course we can’t imagine it because we don’t think like Trump. Our brains are wired for love, empathy, solidarity, compassion, freedom, person, woman, man, camera, TV.
You know like I know that Trump has a devious, wicked plan to destroy this Election. We need to declare, immediately, that it is he and the Republican Party who have to go, for the sake of this country’s existence, they must be crushed and removed.
Trump actually has an arsenal of plans already in action to ensure he never leaves office. He has them all in high gear — some visible, some not. If you could see them all you’d be so stunned, you’d have to immediately convince yourself that there’s no way he can pull this off.
We are all caught in Trump’s Matrix, a mad web, the work of a psychopath-in-chief with tricks so devious that fascists of old, if alive today, would marvel at what Trump has accomplished.
For the next 11 weeks — and then for the 12 weeks between the Election and the Inauguration — Trump is planning nothing but anarchy, chaos, a call to arms of his angry white male followers and the complete destruction of our democracy. You think I’m kidding? You think I’m overstating the case? Do you want to take the risk that I might not be wrong? Most of you understandably chose not to listen to me four years ago when I warned you Trump was going to win the Presidency by taking Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. May I please ask that you now give me your serious attention for what I am about to say — because if I’m right again this time, there won’t be a next time. There will be nothing left for me to warn you about. There probably won’t be much left of me.
Here’s how Trump plans to end our right to choose the next President and Congress. It will happen fast. I am also laying out here a battle plan for us to defeat this takeover of our democracy. We must act now.

PLAN #1: Create Chaos. Instill Fear. Fire Up the Base with Racist Vigor. Pandemonium Ensues.
PLAN #2: Suppress the Vote
•Dismantle the Post Office.
•Create 4-Hour-Long Lines by Drastically Reducing Number of Polling Locations.
•Throw Black and Brown Voters Off the Rolls.
•Stop Those Who’ve Served Time from Voting.
•Place 50,000 “Poll Watchers” at Voting Sites Around the Country to Intimidate Voters.
PLAN #3: Postpone the Election. Place the blame on a “legitimate” national tragedy or emergency — massive deaths from the pandemic, a terrorist attack, an assassination, a deadly hurricane, a civil war in the streets, one or both Presidential candidates falling ill to Covid-19 — anything that reasonable people, even people who are opposed to Trump, will agree that “we just can’t hold an election right now! We just need to postpone it for a couple days, a couple weeks (a couple months... a couple years...)” Or perhaps he’ll just cancel the Election outright and see if he can get away with it.
PLAN #4: His September Surprise.
His October Surprise.
His November Surprise.
His January Surprise.
You think you can guess what it will be, but trust me, it’ll be far worse. We need to be ready. Stay on high alert, my friends. Millions of us will need to act on a moment’s notice. It’s the grim reaper of Democracy at our doorstep. We made the mistake of letting Trump get this far — why wouldn’t he now think he can get away with everything??
PLAN #5: He Will Not Leave.
When Trump loses, he will declare the Election invalid, rigged, stolen — and he will refuse to step down.
So, what will we do then?
1. Do Not Wait — Biden/Harris Should Start Running the Country Now.
We simply don’t have time to wait until January 20, 2021. Nearly 200,000 of us have already died from Trump’s reckless incompetence with the coronavirus. By Election Day it’s possible another 100,000 to 200,000 of us will have needlessly died. A total of 400,000 dead? That’s the equivalent of one hundred and thirty-three 9/11s! Or 532 planes being flown into 532 buildings. If something that horrific ever happened, and the President not only didn’t do anything about it, but tried to pretend it wasn’t all that bad - “it is what it is” - he would be run out of the White House by an angry mob of millions of Americans, lucky not to have his head put on a spike on the Key Bridge over the Potomac.
It doesn’t have to come to that. Biden and Harris should present to America a simple nationwide plan to end the pandemic — and then act on it immediately.
They should call a meeting of all the Governors and ask them what help do they need — and then find a way to get them that help, going around Trump and just making it happen. They should ask industry, in lieu of campaign contributions, to produce hundreds of millions of instant-result tests. They should call their Heads of State friends overseas and ask them to send all the PPE they can spare. They should get 250 million Americans to take the “Face Mask Pledge.” And they should promise the scientists in our top universities all the money and help they need once they’re in office. Ignore Trump. Treat him as if he’s irrelevant and get the job done.
2. The Republican Party Must Be Crushed and Destroyed. Trump Must Become the Last Republican President.
In the Michigan county where I live, the August primary this month set a record turnout for a presidential-year primary. In fact, more people this year voted by mail-in ballot than ALL those who voted in 2016 — by mail-in AND in-person combined. This is a highly encouraging sign for what we now need to do:
• We must create an historic massive turnout between now and November 3rd — a tsunami of voters the likes of which have never been seen, and may never be seen again. In 2016, 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. This time, though, we have to WALLOP Trump with an electoral concussion, a blow so profound he won’t know what hit him. This must be a defeat so crushing, so humiliating, a whooping of such epic proportions that he will be forced to leave 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his tail between his legs on January 20th. This mammoth landslide must not only ensure that no president ever behaves this way again, we need to see to it that Trump is the last Republican president. The Election Day Uprising must put an end to this party of Trump enablers and traitors. They had a choice. They chose Trump over Democracy. They chose Putin and Netanyahu over fair elections and freedom for all. They chose the 1% over the 160 million working Americans. They chose the NRA over the massacred children of Sandy Hook. They chose to rig our elections, our textbooks, our economy. Democrats helped them along the way, and we’ll take the stick to them and fix that. The Republicans, though, chose to let hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens perish from Covid-19 because loyalty to Party and to Trump was greater than their duty to the American people. For that alone, the Republican Party must be put out of business for good. Vote out every last one of them. Conservatives will have to form a new party, much like when the Whigs were sent packing in the 1800s. The Republicans must pay for their crimes.
• We must flip the Senate —- and not just by the three seats we need for control. We should shock the pundit class and, as the Republican Party is reduced to ashes, grab a solid 55+ seat majority. Colorado, Arizona, Maine, North Carolina, Georgia, Iowa, Montana and even Kansas, South Carolina and, yes, Texas (a state that is now 57% non-white) — are all possible Democratic Senate wins. Think about spending a weekend or a week helping out in one of these states. The Republicans will wish they had managed this pandemic better and had everyone busy back at work by now. All this “free time” should make for their undoing.
• Finally, we have to vote the local Republicans out of office, too. State Houses and Senates will be drawing the electoral map for the next ten years. We can’t let the cheating Republicans do this again. Do what you can to elect Dems in your state and local elections. The punishment of the Republican Party — a certified terrorist organization for having helped kill at least 200,000 Americans — is an imperative.
3. Who Would Be Willing To, If Need Be, Put Their Life on the Line To Ensure This Election Is Held and EVERYONE Gets to Vote? I Would. Would You?
These steps must be taken immediately:
• The Secret Service, the FBI, the Capitol Police and the Joint Chiefs of Staff must be called before Congress and swear under oath that they will guarantee that the election will be held, they will enforce the Constitution they swore to uphold, and if he’s defeated but refuses to leave, they will escort the former President of the United States out of the White House.
• Biden and Harris must put Trump on notice that if he does one more thing to interfere with the Election or issues one more threat to suppress the vote, they will turn him and his crime family over to the new Justice Department for prosecution.
• Every single one of us must be strong in our publicly-stated resolve that there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON ON EARTH TO POSTPONE OR CANCEL THE ELECTION. That’s our unmovable and intractable position. No national tragedy, disease, threat or the melting of all of Greenland will cause us not to vote on or before November 3rd. Even if, God forbid, either candidate passes in their sleep between now and Election Day, the Election will continue — and the winner’s VP - or Nancy Pelosi - will become President on Inauguration Day.
• Let’s all pledge that, if Trump tries to cancel the election or if he refuses to accept its results, millions of us will go to DC and encircle the White House, a thousand deep, until he backs down, resigns or is removed.
• And, if you can, quietly make this commitment to yourself: “There are only a very few things I’d be willing to give my life for. This is one of them.” I know. That’s dark. And heavy. And awfully sad because it shouldn’t have come to this. But if we can’t even say that, then what good are we? If we aren’t willing to make that sacrifice, then America is already over and we might as well just fold our tent and see if Canada will take the non-racist, non-homophobic, non war-mongering ones of us who have manners and get satire.
4. Become an Election Defender.
Each of you should form an urgent action group - a rapid response team - in your neighborhood or town and do the following:
• Hold a daily protest at your local post office
• Picket the home of your local Postmaster (he/she may be on your side, so bring them some baked goods)
• Chain yourself to a local blue USPS dropbox if you can find one. Or chain it to something that won’t move.
• Sign up with the city clerk to be a poll worker on Election Day - especially if you’re young. Because of the pandemic, polls will be very short of poll workers. If you’re told they have enough help, then call the local Democratic Party and offer to be a “poll watcher”, the group of people from each party who get to oversee the voting to make sure there are no irregularities.
• Demand your city create more voting locations. Convince owners of arenas, theaters, ball parks, malls - places with large open spaces - to offer their facilities as polling places so that everyone gets a chance to vote.
• Canvas your neighborhoods over the next month to get people to fill out the form you’ll have them sign to get a mail-in ballot — and if they want to vote in person, let them know when the first day is so they can do that. Make a list of who needs a Covid-safe ride. The earlier the better!
5. The Uprising We’re In Is Only Getting Bigger. The People Will Now Call the Shots.
Why wait for the politicians to fix the mess of a country we’re in when they helped orchestrate the mess in the first place? Why don’t we just declare how we want to live — a new way to govern and function as a country — and we will finally fulfill the promise of the American Dream that has never been realized. Life, liberty, true equality, a sharing of the wealth, being good citizens of this world and kind stewards of a fragile Earth.
What have we learned from this pandemic? What we already knew: That employer-based health insurance can evaporate in an instant. Health care is a human right.
That being told “we can’t afford that!” (free college, free child care, free medical care - the things most advanced nations have) is total BS — the government CAN afford anything we decide we need!
We’ve learned that teachers, nurses, the mailwoman, farm workers, mass transit drivers and the minimum wage workers stocking the grocery shelves at 3 in the morning are our most important citizens and they need the respect and income they deserve immediately. 74% of the country now believes a guaranteed annual income is a great idea — fifty percentage points higher than when Andrew Yang proposed it 7 months ago!
We’ve learned to slow down, consume less — and that is what may be the path to saving the planet (when the 4% of its inhabitants [US] is no longer sucking up 25% of its resources and hoarding more than half its wealth).
We’re about to go elect more women than ever before — a time to turn the reins over to the gender that stands a better chance of getting us through the deadly viruses of Covid, Capitalism and Republicans(R.I.P.).
None of this will be launched by politicians. It will only come about through you and me taking action as part of the largest protest movement in our history — still growing, still going strong! — to end the racism, the abuse of the police state, the disgusting income inequality and the hateful misogyny that is going to come to an end in our lifetime.
America, post-pandemic, must become a very different place. Let’s make this happen. Doing the above will be the best cure for the trauma of these past four years.
Commit to being the change.
Organize your friends and family today.
Make your plan to campaign in a swing state Sept. or Oct.
VOTE AS EARLY AS YOU CAN—and take 5 people along with you!
We can do this. Trump - we’re coming for you. I’ll be in the first U-Haul truck that pulls up to your door.
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I’ll Take Her Place (Chapter 27 - Final)
Summary: AU. When Allura breaks the news that she is to wed Prince Lotor in order to continue the peaceful relationship between Altea and Daibazaal, Pidge knows that she has to do something to change that. And so, with a little help, she comes up with a new plan. A better plan
Rating: T Pairings: Keith/Pidge (main) ; Shiro/Allura (minor) and Hunk/Lance (minor) ; one-sided Lotor/Allura
Also posted on AO3 and fanfiction.net under the username kishirokitsune
Here it is, the last chapter.
It's been a blast working on this for the last year (and 5 months), and I'm both sad and excited to finally be here at the end of it. Thanks to everyone who reblogged or liked these chapters along the way.  You guys kept me going more than you know.
Be sure to check the end notes for news about the sequel, and a link to a poll where everyone can vote on what I should work on next!
Chapter 27
There were days when Katie found it hard to believe that it had been a year since they found the Red Lion and obtained the proof they needed to lock Lotor away for good. A full year of training with Keithir, strengthening their bond into something unbreakable, and growing as a team until finally Voltron made his first appearance in ten-thousand years.
She tried to steady her breathing as gentle hands wove metal flowers into her hair, which she'd let grow out to her shoulders. There was someone else brushing makeup onto her face, carefully applying more until they were satisfied with her appearance.
Katie could hear someone sniffling and didn't need to open her eyes to know who it was. “Matt, you'd better not be crying, because if you are, then I'm going to start crying and then they'll have to redo all of this.” She gestured to her face and accidentally bumped the makeup artist, luckily not messing anything up. “Please don't make me late to my own wedding.”
That at least got a laugh from her brother. “Mom and dad are going to be so much worse when they get here. Which should be... any tick now?”
Hands finally left her hair alone and someone else, most likely Nilani, stepped up to make sure her dress was properly in place.
“Makeup's done.”
Katie finally opened her eyes, blinking against the light as the Altean servants backed away and stood nearby in case they were needed again. “How do I look?”
Matt made a show of contemplatively looking her up and down before smiling at her fondly. “Relax, Pidge. You look beautiful.”
“My face feels heavy and weird.”
“It's just for a few hours,” Matt reminded her. “Nilani, tell her she looks great.”
Nilani stepped into Katie's field of vision with all four hands on her hips. “It's the best work I've ever done! And you look very nice too.”
Katie couldn't help but grin at Nilani's brand of humor. The half-Altean had figured out months ago the best way to put Katie at ease and enjoyed using that to her advantage if it meant she didn't fidget as much.
“Are you ready to see?”
Katie's nerves returned, but she nodded anyway. She took Nilani's offered hand as she slowly turned, watching her feet to avoid stepping on the hem of her gown. She took a deep breath as she raised her head and looked at her reflection. “Oh...!”
The gown fit perfectly, snug against her skin without being too tight. The bodice covered her whole torso and tied in the back, while a lace overlay covered her from the neck down, but left her arms bare. Katie wasn't sure where Nilani found a subtly iridescent lace, but she loved the effect it gave of green turning to purple and then back, and set against plain white gave it an elegance she hadn't expected. It seemed fitting for her marriage to Keithir.
The front of her skirt fell to her ankles, giving her the peace of mind that she wouldn't step down on it as she walked, while the back was long enough to brush the floor. She didn't see herself doing much dancing in it, but Nilani assured her that there was a simple solution.
Katie reached up to try and adjust the fabric of the lace cape that attached to the front of her gown and draped back over her shoulders, but Nilani pushed her hand away and fixed it herself.
“Now, you are ready!” Nilani said, beaming at her.
She was ready.
Katie stood tall and proud as the door slid open behind her. She half turned to face her guests and tried not to start tearing up at the sight of her mom and dad. It was a battle she lost as her mom gasped and clutched Sam's arm.
“Oh, honey, you look beautiful!”
Katie hopped down from the podium, no longer caring that it would take extra time to re-fix everything. She had to hug them both and bask in the fact that her whole family had made it for the event.
Everything soon became a blur as her family was ushered to their seats. Katie's face was patted dry, her makeup surprisingly undisturbed. (“Tearproof,” one of the Alteans said with a grin.) Nilani fussed over the gown one last time and then she and the two Altean servants helped her through the halls.
Katie's heart raced as she stood in front of the ballroom doors, waiting for her cue to enter. Her mind was a whirlwind of thought as she tried to remember her vows and all of the tips she'd been given on how to keep her nerves at ease, but she couldn't recall a single one. She stood there for a moment, too paralyzed to move.
“Just breathe,” Nilani reminded her. “Focus on your prince and breathe. Nothing else matters.”
Katie breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled.
The double doors opened before her.
Nilani's advice was the furthest thing from her mind, but that didn't matter. The moment she saw Keithir standing at the other end of the room, his red armor pristine and his crown correctly affixed on his head for once, everything else faded away.
He was all that mattered.
Katie walked to him, her cape floating behind her, which probably meant she was going too fast, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
Keithir took her hands the moment she reached him and she beamed up at him, earning a small smile in return. Their affection and love flowed freely through their bond.
Everything was the way it was meant to be.
The End
Coming Soon: Across Time and Space
Summary: Slav shows off a piece of experimental equipment, when it malfunctions and blasts Katie and Keithir to another universe. At the same time, it drags Pidge and Keith over into theirs, effectively swapping places. With their fate resting in the hands of Slav, will they be able to get back home? Or are they stuck to live the rest of their lives in the wrong universe?
And here is the poll, so you can vote on what I should work on next! ( https:/ /goo.gl/forms/d55U3Ekb7L3aJjXm2 ) I will close it once I've finished writing Across Time and Space.
46 notes · View notes
sallyember · 4 years
Love, hate him, but do not ignore Michael Moore about #45 !
by Michael Moore
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“Trump, right now, tonight, is up to some very nasty, scary stuff — stuff we can’t even imagine — and of course we can’t imagine it because we don’t think like Trump. Our brains are wired for love, empathy, solidarity, compassion, freedom, person, woman, man, camera, TV.
“You know like I know that Trump has a devious, wicked plan to destroy this Election. We need to declare, immediately, that it is he and the Republican Party who have to go, for the sake of this country’s existence, they must be crushed and removed.
“Trump actually has an arsenal of plans already in action to ensure he never leaves office. He has them all in high gear — some visible, some not. If you could see them all you’d be so stunned, you’d have to immediately convince yourself that there’s no way he can pull this off.
“We are all caught in Trump’s Matrix, a mad web, the work of a psychopath-in-chief with tricks so devious that fascists of old, if alive today, would marvel at what Trump has accomplished.
“For the next 11 weeks — and then for the 12 weeks between the Election and the Inauguration — Trump is planning nothing but anarchy, chaos, a call to arms of his angry white male followers and the complete destruction of our democracy.
“You think I’m kidding? You think I’m overstating the case? Do you want to take the risk that I might not be wrong?
“Most of you, understandably, chose not to listen to me four years ago when I warned you Trump was going to win the Presidency by taking Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
“May I please ask that you now give me your serious attention for what I am about to say — because if I’m right again this time, there won’t be a next time. There will be nothing left for me to warn you about. There probably won’t be much left of me.
“Here’s how Trump plans to end our right to choose the next President and Congress. It will happen fast. I am also laying out here a battle plan for us to defeat this takeover of our democracy. We must act now.
“PLAN #1: Create Chaos.
“Instill Fear. Fire Up the Base with Racist Vigor. Pandemonium Ensues.
“PLAN #2: Suppress the Vote
“•Dismantle the Post Office.
“•Create 4-Hour-Long Lines by Drastically Reducing Number of Polling Locations.
“•Throw Black and Brown Voters Off the Rolls.
“•Stop Those Who’ve Served Time from Voting.
“•Place 50,000 ‘Poll Watchers’ at Voting Sites Around the Country to Intimidate Voters.
“PLAN #3: Postpone the Election.
“Place the blame on a ‘legitimate’ national tragedy or emergency — massive deaths from the pandemic, a terrorist attack, an assassination, a deadly hurricane, a civil war in the streets, one or both Presidential candidates falling ill to COVID-19 — anything that reasonable people, even people who are opposed to Trump, will agree that ‘we just can’t hold an election right now! We just need to postpone it for a couple days, a couple weeks (a couple months… a couple years…).’
“Or, perhaps he’ll just cancel the Election outright and see if he can get away with it.
“PLAN #4: His September Surprise.
“His October Surprise.
“His November Surprise.
“His January Surprise.
You think you can guess what it will be, but trust me, it’ll be far worse. We need to be ready. Stay on high alert, my friends. Millions of us will need to act on a moment’s notice. It’s the grim reaper of Democracy at our doorstep.
“We made the mistake of letting Trump get this far — why wouldn’t he now think he can get away with everything??
“PLAN #5: He Will Not Leave.
“When #Trump loses, he will declare the Election invalid, rigged, stolen — and he will refuse to step down.
“So, what will we do then?
“1. Do Not Wait — Biden/Harris Should Start Running the Country Now.
We simply don’t have time to wait until January 20, 2021. Nearly 200,000 of us have already died from Trump’s reckless incompetence with the coronavirus. By Election Day it’s possible another 100,000 to 200,000 of us will have needlessly died. A total of 400,000 dead? That’s the equivalent of one hundred and thirty-three 9/11s! Or 532 planes being flown into 532 buildings. If something that horrific ever happened, and the President not only didn’t do anything about it, but tried to pretend it wasn’t all that bad – ‘it is what it is’ – he would be run out of the White House by an angry mob of millions of Americans, lucky not to have his head put on a spike on the Key Bridge over the Potomac.
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“It doesn’t have to come to that. Biden and Harris should present to America a simple nationwide plan to end the pandemic — and then act on it immediately.
“They should call a meeting of all the Governors and ask them what help do they need — and then find a way to get them that help, going around Trump and just making it happen. They should ask industry, in lieu of campaign contributions, to produce hundreds of millions of instant-result tests. They should call their Heads of State friends overseas and ask them to send all the PPE they can spare. They should get 250 million Americans to take the ‘Face Mask Pledge.’ And they should promise the scientists in our top universities all the money and help they need once they’re in office. Ignore Trump. Treat him as if he’s irrelevant and get the job done.
“2. The Republican Party Must Be Crushed and Destroyed. Trump Must Become the Last Republican President.
“In the Michigan county where I live, the August primary this month set a record turnout for a presidential-year primary. In fact, more people this year voted by mail-in ballot than ALL those who voted in 2016 — by mail-in AND in-person combined. This is a highly encouraging sign for what we now need to do:
” • We must create an historic massive turnout between now and November 3rd — a tsunami of voters the likes of which have never been seen, and may never be seen again. In 2016, 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. This time, though, we have to WALLOP Trump with an electoral concussion, a blow so profound he won’t know what hit him. This must be a defeat so crushing, so humiliating, a whooping of such epic proportions that he will be forced to leave 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his tail between his legs on January 20th.
“This mammoth landslide must not only ensure that no president ever behaves this way again, we need to see to it that Trump is the last Republican president. The Election Day Uprising must put an end to this party of Trump enablers and traitors. They had a choice. They chose Trump over Democracy. They chose Putin and Netanyahu over fair elections and freedom for all. They chose the 1% over the 160 million working Americans. They chose the NRA over the massacred children of Sandy Hook. They chose to rig our elections, our textbooks, our economy. Democrats helped them along the way, and we’ll take the stick to them and fix that.
“The Republicans, though, chose to let hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens perish from COVID-19 because loyalty to Party and to Trump was greater than their duty to the American people. For that alone, the Republican Party must be put out of business for good. Vote out every last one of them.
“Conservatives will have to form a new party, much like when the Whigs were sent packing in the 1800s. The Republicans must pay for their crimes.
“• We must flip the Senate —- and not just by the three seats we need for control. We should shock the pundit class and, as the Republican Party is reduced to ashes, grab a solid 55+ seat majority. Colorado, Arizona, Maine, North Carolina, Georgia, Iowa, Montana and even Kansas, South Carolina and, yes, Texas (a state that is now 57% non-white) — are all possible Democratic Senate wins. Think about spending a weekend or a week helping out in one of these states. The Republicans will wish they had managed this pandemic better and had everyone busy back at work by now. All this ‘free time’ should make for their undoing.
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“• Finally, we have to vote the local Republicans out of office, too. State Houses and Senates will be drawing the electoral map for the next ten years. We can’t let the cheating Republicans do this again. Do what you can to elect Dems in your state and local elections. The punishment of the Republican Party — a certified terrorist organization for having helped kill at least 200,000 Americans — is an imperative.
“3. Who Would Be Willing To, If Need Be, Put Their Life on the Line To Ensure This Election Is Held and EVERYONE Gets to Vote? I Would. Would You?
“These steps must be taken immediately:
“• The Secret Service, the FBI, the Capitol Police and the Joint Chiefs of Staff must be called before Congress and swear under oath that they will guarantee that the election will be held, they will enforce the Constitution they swore to uphold, and if he’s defeated but refuses to leave, they will escort the former President of the United States out of the White House.
” • Biden and Harris must put Trump on notice that if he does one more thing to interfere with the Election or issues one more threat to suppress the vote, they will turn him and his crime family over to the new Justice Department for prosecution.
” • Every single one of us must be strong in our publicly-stated resolve that there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON ON EARTH TO POSTPONE OR CANCEL THE ELECTION. That’s our unmovable and intractable position.
“No national tragedy, disease, threat or the melting of all of Greenland will cause us not to vote on or before November 3rd. Even if, God forbid, either candidate passes in their sleep between now and Election Day, the Election will continue — and the winner’s VP – or Nancy Pelosi – will become President on Inauguration Day.
” • Let’s all pledge that, if Trump tries to cancel the election or if he refuses to accept its results, millions of us will go to DC and encircle the White House, a thousand deep, until he backs down, resigns or is removed.
“• And, if you can, quietly make this commitment to yourself: ‘There are only a very few things I’d be willing to give my life for. This is one of them.’ I know. That’s dark. And heavy. And awfully sad because it shouldn’t have come to this. But if we can’t even say that, then what good are we? If we aren’t willing to make that sacrifice, then America is already over and we might as well just fold our tent and see if Canada will take the non-racist, non-homophobic, non war-mongering ones of us who have manners and get satire.
“4. Become an Election Defender.
“Each of you should form an urgent action group – a rapid response team – in your neighborhood or town and do the following:
“• Hold a daily protest at your local post office
“• Picket the home of your local Postmaster (he/she may be on your side, so bring them some baked goods)
“• Chain yourself to a local blue USPS dropbox if you can find one. Or chain it to something that won’t move.
“• Sign up with the city clerk to be a poll worker on Election Day – especially if you’re young. Because of the pandemic, polls will be very short of poll workers. If you’re told they have enough help, then call the local Democratic Party and offer to be a ‘poll watcher,’ the group of people from each party who get to oversee the voting to make sure there are no irregularities.
“• Demand your city create more voting locations. Convince owners of arenas, theaters, ball parks, malls – places with large open spaces – to offer their facilities as polling places so that everyone gets a chance to vote.
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” • Canvas your neighborhoods over the next month to get people to fill out the form you’ll have them sign to get a mail-in ballot — and if they want to vote in person, let them know when the first day is so they can do that. Make a list of who needs a Covid-safe ride. The earlier the better!
“5. The Uprising We’re In Is Only Getting Bigger. The People Will Now Call the Shots.
“Why wait for the politicians to fix the mess of a country we’re in when they helped orchestrate the mess in the first place? Why don’t we just declare how we want to live — a new way to govern and function as a country — and we will finally fulfill the promise of the American Dream that has never been realized.
“Life, liberty, true equality, a sharing of the wealth, being good citizens of this world and kind stewards of a fragile Earth.
“What have we learned from this pandemic? What we already knew: That employer-based health insurance can evaporate in an instant. Health care is a human right.
“That being told ‘we can’t afford that!’ (free college, free child care, free medical care – the things most advanced nations have) is total BS — the government CAN afford anything we decide we need!
“We’ve learned that teachers, nurses, the mailwoman, farm workers, mass transit drivers and the minimum wage workers stocking the grocery shelves at 3 in the morning are our most important citizens and they need the respect and income they deserve immediately. 74% of the country now believes a guaranteed annual income is a great idea — fifty percentage points higher than when Andrew Yang proposed it 7 months ago!
“We’ve learned to slow down, consume less — and that is what may be the path to saving the planet (when the 4% of its inhabitants [US] is no longer sucking up 25% of its resources and hoarding more than half its wealth).
“We’re about to go elect more women than ever before — a time to turn the reins over to the gender that stands a better chance of getting us through the deadly viruses of Covid, Capitalism and Republicans (R.I.P.).
“None of this will be launched by politicians. It will only come about through you and me taking action as part of the largest protest movement in our history — still growing, still going strong! — to end the racism, the abuse of the police state, the disgusting income inequality and the hateful misogyny that is going to come to an end in our lifetime.
“America, post-pandemic, must become a very different place. Let’s make this happen. Doing the above will be the best cure for the trauma of these past four years.
“Commit to being the change.
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“Organize your friends and family today.
“Make your plan to campaign in a swing state Sept. or Oct.
“VOTE AS EARLY AS YOU CAN—and take 5 people along with you!
“We can do this. Trump – we’re coming for you.
“I’ll be in the first U-Haul truck that pulls up to your door.”
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Love, hate him, but do not ignore Michael Moore about #45 Love, hate him, but do not ignore Michael Moore about #45 ! #wemustwinblue2020 "MY PLAN FOR HOW TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE AN ELECTION, #TRUMP IS REMOVED, AND THE REPUBLICANS ARE GONE FOR GOOD"
0 notes
Shades of 2008
FRI MAR 13 2020
So, today Trump declared a national emergency... which is quite warranted under the circumstances, but also kinda scary... as that’s a technical step closer to martial law, god forbid.*
Meanwhile, today was another historical first for the markets... the first time ever that all US bonds, regardless of their length, fell below 1%.  It makes that inverted yield curve from last year look like a little walk in the park.**
At his press conference today, Trump had on hand, not only health officials, but leaders of different corporations... attempting to convince them, and get them to convince us, that the economy’s gonna be just fine.
But it also broke today that the reason why Covid19 testing is so scarce and so impossible to get is... by Presidential order.  No testing... no rise in the number of infections.  And while this is still hearsay... it’s perfectly in character for this callous criminal President, and we all know it’s true.
...which is why the markets aren’t gonna rally back, no matter how many speeches he makes, or what governmental levers he pulls to try and stimulate the markets.
I normally go shopping for groceries every two weeks, and I go after work, which is  midnight, to a 24 hour grocery store which is normally nearly empty except for stockers hard at work in the aisles.
I’d been hearing about people making runs on the supermarkets this week, hoarding toilet paper, and other paper products, thanks to a rumor that we may run out of such stuff because it all comes from China.
But I didn’t think I’d actually see it here, where I live.  That kinda stuff only happens in big cities far away, but not around these parts.
Yet, lo and behold, when I got to my store tonight, at midnight, the parking lot was full, and a long train of people were rolling out the front doors with shopping carts overfilled with food and... bulk paper products.
They were being forced out of the store and nobody else, including me, was being allowed in.  This 24 hour supermarket, that I’ve been shopping at for twelve years, was closed.
The guy at the door told me they still had plenty of product in the stock room but had to close in order to actually restock the shelves overnight.
I asked him if it tomorrow night would be better.
With a bit of a laugh, he said, “Tomorrow night?  Right now, we’re just taking it hour by hour.”
I drove to the only other 24 hour store in town... the big chain drug store on the main strip.  They have a small section for groceries.  They were open, thank goodness, but their toilet paper section was stripped bare.  Nothing at all... just like all the pictures I’d seen online today from other parts of the country.
Thankfully, I wasn’t here for toilet paper... my main concern was cat food... and thankfully they did have a 12 pack of Fancy feast, cat litter, and milk.  As far as paper products, they still had facial tissue, so I bought three boxes of that, just in case there’s still no toilet paper next week.
I said a few entries ago that the panic was worse than the virus, and this was firsthand evidence of how true that is. 
I’ve only seen this kind of thing a couple other times, when a big blizzard is approaching... the old bread and milk thing... when people panic about being stuck at home for several days.  But that’s always a local thing.
This is a nationwide panic, that isn’t just clearing the supermarket shelves of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, but crashing the stock and bond markets.
It’s difficult to imagine how such a visceral experience, for every citizen on the ground this week... does not affect the voting on Tuesday. 
Last Tuesday, the fear of the virus was there, but daily life was going on as usual. There were groceries on the shelves.  The President hadn’t declared a state of emergency.  Schools were in session.  TV shows had studio audiences. Sports were doing their normal thing. 
Last Tuesday it was, “wash your hands, everybody, and... by the way, Biden’s the guy for the job, so vote Biden.”
It’s only three days later (!)  and the fucking world is ending because of a public health crisis. 
Now it’s two days until the debate between, “Good Time’s Joe,” and “FDR of Health Care.”  What do you think the focus of that debate is gonna be about on Sunday night?  And who do you think is gonna have better answers about how to deal with a global pandemic?
My guess is that Bernie is gonna crush Joe in such a debate, no matter how early in the morning they do it, and no matter how many uppers they give Biden beforehand to keep him lucid enough to speak in full, connected sentences.
The asshole already said if a Medicare for All bill ever came across his desk as President, he’d veto it.  How’s he gonna backpedal on that when half the viewers at home are down to their last roll of toilet paper, terrified to go out in public for fear of Covid19?
Then it’s gonna be two more long days of pandemic hysteria before we actually go to the polls... so... as I said in the last entry... if this does not turn the tide to Bernie... nothing ever will.
That said, It’s worth reviewing that all of this panic not only stems from Trump’s fundamental inability to deal with a global pandemic... but also the terrifying realization that Biden may be even LESS competent to deal with it, or any other existential threat that may be waiting in the wings for us.
The latter, as evidenced by the market’s downturn beginning immediately after Super Tuesday... when the media was attempting to coronate Biden as the Democratic nominee.
Rich people and Corporations may not like the idea of having to pay their fair share of taxes, but they are a little bit more allergic to the specter of a global economic collapse... which last reared it’s ghoulish face into the skies back in 2008.
This does, to me... now feel more like 2008, than any other Presidential election in modern history. 
That time around, it began with the housing bust in early 2007, which brought on a recession, and inevitably lead to the near banking collapse of 2008.  
That year, Hillary Clinton was, around this time in March, presumed to be the Democratic nominee, with her only opponent, Barack Obama, starting to be treated as an, “also ran,” in the mainstream media.
But the scarier things got, the better Obama did... not only winning the nomination... but then going on to win the  Presidency... taking over from GWB in one of the darkest hours this country has seen since 1929.
Rich people and Corporations knew then, what they must still know now... Republican governments are great for letting everybody have fun on the playground, amassing mountains of wealth at the expense of the lower classes...
...but, when they break the game... as they always do... Democrats must be called in to fix it, before all of civilization collapses.  And in such a case, the more progressive the better... hence, Barack over Hillary.
And fix things, Obama did, over his eight years.
Fixed the economy so good, it was now a self driving money machine that could not be crashed even if you had the worst, most drunken driver at the wheel.
That meant a big green light for Republican government!  And this time... permanently!  No more Democrats necessary ever again!  Trump 2016.  Trump 2020.  Trump 2024, 28, 32, 36... impeachment means nothing.  Senators can be bought.  DOJ can be fixed.  No more regulations.  Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
And then a pandemic plague came out of China... like they always do.  Like they’ve been doing since the Black Plague of old. 
And this one just happens to be hitting the upper class the hardest... because it’s hardest on the elderly, in this historical moment of peak elderly power.  And it’s hardest on those who travel the world, and love to hang out in huge crowds... as the powerful elderly love to do...
...cruise ships... jet setting... political rallies... awards events... back room meetings... shaking hands with every motherfucker they see all day long.
For them, Covid19 doesn’t just threaten their lives directly... but their huge piles of money, if it triggers the collapse of the dreaded, “everything bubble,” economists have been warning us about for a few years now... in the few venues where their voices have not been stifled completely.
This week, they are beginning to realize... they’ve crashed the self driving economy.  And they did it in only four years of Republican government.
Only an FDR can save this.
Only an FDR can halt the collapse of the everything bubble, and save them from dying of a pandemic disease for which there is currently no cure.
I’m sure they’re not happy about that.
But... as the TikTok meme goes... “it is what it is.”
I’m going to bed.
* I’ve learned the day after writing that marital law is not on the table here because it can only happen in a time of war.. and only when the judicial branch no longer exists? 
Neither of those scenarios are coming down as the result of this current pandemic... which is no threat to babies, children, teens, or young adults at all.
Yes, it may be a threat to the boomer voter base... but they do not have the power to enforce anything close to martial law. 
**Let us not forget the Pronunciation Book warning about Dalton (Donal T):
“...He is rich.  He is strong.  And he is going to crash the stock market. Sidewalks crack, and streets go dark.  Ten Thousand bankers shake and scream for Dalton’s pyramid.”
The last video on the channel, published on September 24th, 2013... six years prior to the date that Pelosi would announce formal impeachment hearings.
And even though he made it through that... boasting about the great economy the whole time... here we are.
0 notes
antoine-roquentin · 7 years
Andrew Cockburn’s new article discusses why Harris County in Texas elected a clean slate of Democratic officials for the first time ever, despite a Republican victory in the overall election. They did it by running Democrats who fit the social democratic mold, who promised material benefits to voters and have track records of delivering. The article in particular focuses on the Texas Organizing Project, an organization created by a bunch of Stanford graduates that ran a very typical Social Democratic-style get out the vote operation on a shoestring budget:
Digging deep into voter files and other databases, Zermeno confirmed that Texas contained a “wealth of non-voting people of color.” Most of them were registered, but seldom (if ever) turned up at the polls. The problem, she noted, was especially acute with Latinos, only 15 percent of whom were regular voters. In her detailed report, she calculated precisely how many extra voters needed to turn out to elect someone who would represent the interests of all Texans: a minimum of 1.1 million. Fortuitously, these reluctant voters were concentrated in just nine big urban counties, led by Harris.
Ever since the era of Ann Richards, Democrats had been focusing their efforts (without success) on winning back white swing voters outside the big cities. But Zermeno realized that there was no reason “to beat our heads against the wall for that group of people anymore, not when we’ve got a million-voter gap and as many as four million non-voting people of color in the big cities, who are likely Democrats.” By relentlessly appealing to that shadow electorate, and gradually turning them into habitual voters, TOP could whittle down and eliminate the Republican advantage in elections for statewide offices such as governor and lieutenant governor, not to mention the state’s thirty-eight votes in the presidential Electoral College. In other words, since the existing Texas electorate was never going to generate a satisfactory result, TOP was going to have to grow a new one.
There was, however, still another question to answer. Why were those 4 million people declining to vote? TOP embarked on a series of intensive focus groups, which were largely financed by Amber and Steve Mostyn, a pair of progressive Houston claims attorneys. (Their string of lucrative settlements included some with insurance companies who had balked at paying claims for Ike-related house damage.) Year after year, the Mostyns had loyally stumped up hefty donations to middle-of-the-road Democrats who doggedly pursued existing voters while ignoring the multitude who sat out elections all or most of the time. When TOP asked these reluctant voters about their abstention, the answer was almost always the same: “When I have voted for Democrats in the past, nothing has changed, so it’s not worth my time.” There was one telling exception: in San Antonio, voters said that the only Texas Democrat they trusted was Julián Castro, who ran for mayor in 2009 on a platform of bringing universal pre-K to the city, and delivered on his promise when he won.
“There’s this misunderstanding that people don’t care, that people are apathetic,” Goldman told me. “It’s so not true. People are mad and they want to do something about it. People want fighters that will deliver real change for them. That’s why year-round community organizing is so critical. People see that you can deliver real impact, and that you need the right candidates in office to do it, and connect it back to the importance of voting. It’s the ongoing cycle. We see winning the election as only the first step toward the real win, which is changing the policies that are going to make people’s lives better.”
Beginning with the 2012 election, TOP canvassers — volunteers and paid employees working their own neighborhoods — were trained to open a doorstep interview not with statements about a candidate but with a question: “What issue do you care about?” The answer, whether it was the minimum wage or schools or potholes, shaped the conversation as the canvasser explained that TOP had endorsed a particular candidate (after an intensive screening) because of his or her position on those very issues. These were not hit-and-run encounters. Potential voters were talked to “pretty much nonstop for about eight to ten weeks leading to the election,” according to Goldman. “They got their doors knocked three to five times. They got called five to seven times. They signed a postcard saying, ‘I pledge to vote.’ They circled which day they were going to vote on a little calendar on the postcard, and we mailed those postcards back to them. We offered them free rides to the polls. We answered all of their questions, gave them all the information they needed, until they cast a ballot. And what we saw was that the Latino vote grew by five percentage points in Harris County in 2012.”
Two years later, Texas Democrats nominated Wendy Davis, a state senator, as their candidate for governor following her filibuster against further restrictions on abortion rights. Her stand brought her national attention, a flood of campaign money, and the arrival of out-of-state Obama operatives who vowed to boost minority registration. Yet she lost by 20 percent to Greg Abbott and scored comparatively poorly with Latinos. Meanwhile, in the same election cycle, TOP and its allies blocked a bid by business interests to privatize the public-school system in Dallas. A year later, the organization helped to elect Sylvester Turner, a black Democrat, as mayor of Houston.
Goldman, Zermeno, and Tremillo (who took over as executive director of TOP in 2016), came to their progressive politics by observing the world around them. Others active in the organization learned about society’s injustices through direct, personal, brutal experience. In 2003, Tarsha Jackson, an African-American single mother living in the dilapidated Greenspoint neighborhood, discovered that her twelve-year-old son, Marquieth, had been sentenced by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department to nine months in prison. His crime: breaking a fifty-dollar window at a neighborhood swimming pool. The boy had already spent time behind bars for various misdemeanors, such as kicking a teacher while being restrained in a special-education class. These Dickensian punishments had been sanctioned by a 1995 overhaul of Texas school discipline, which prescribed zero tolerance and immediate recourse to law enforcement for unruly children.
“My son served three and a half years for a misdemeanor as a child,” Jackson told me over lunch at Gloria’s Latin Cuisine, one of a thriving chain of Salvadoran eateries across Texas. “They kept moving him to different jails far away.” In total, Marquieth Jackson served five years as a juvenile. Appeals to the A.C.L.U. went nowhere. “They weren’t interested. So I started organizing for myself.” Founding Texas Families of Incarcerated Youth with two other mothers in similar straits, Jackson mounted an intense campaign, complete with demonstrations, media appearances, and tireless lobbying. In 2007, she succeeded in getting Texas Senate Bill 103 passed, which banned the jailing of children for minor misdemeanors, although, as she points out, “it took a white boy getting raped in jail for them to finally do it.”
By the time TOP was preparing for the 2016 election, in which numerous local offices were in play, Jackson had joined the organization as the director for Harris County. The membership, expected but not obliged to pay five dollars in monthly dues, had grown steadily since 2009. Petra Vargas, the hotel employee, recounted to me over barbecue how she had eavesdropped on a TOP conference while at work, joined on the spot, and attended her first demonstration the next day. Regular actions, such as the protest that led to a partial cleanup at the toxic CES plant, helped mobilize others. Feedback from the membership showed that there was a host of urgent issues on voters’ minds, such as low wages and poor schools. It was the death of Sandra Bland, however, that propelled criminal justice to the top of the list.
Bland, a twenty-eight-year-old African-American activist, was arrested in July 2015 in Waller County, just an hour’s drive from Houston. A state trooper pulled her over for changing lanes without a turn signal. Three days later, she was found dead in her jail cell, an alleged suicide. Bland’s arbitrary arrest and suspicious death aroused a national furor. But the reason she was still in jail after three days was all too familiar to hundreds of thousands of poor people, especially African Americans, in Houston and elsewhere across Texas: bail for this very minor traffic offense had been set at $5,000, and neither she nor her family could raise the $500 down payment demanded by the bail bondsman.
Tarsha Jackson herself had gone to jail in the 1990s thanks to traffic tickets. (“No inspection, no insurance, no child seat, I couldn’t afford it.”) Now, while launching a petition demanding an investigation into Bland’s death, she and her colleagues in the Houston TOP office sat down and built an agenda around criminal-justice reform. As she explained to me, many of TOP’s latent voters had experienced similarly punitive brushes with the legal system, which they were often reluctant to discuss. “They felt ashamed,” she told me. “Our canvassers on the doorsteps were telling them: ‘It’s okay to talk about this.’ It sucks!”
Rosie McCutcheon could cite her own experiences when discussing law enforcement with potential voters. Like Jackson, she had been picked up for driving without insurance or registration, back in 2003. She was fined $795 and consigned to the county jail, gaining release when she agreed to perform community service at an assisted-living facility. But the county lost the records of her service, and in 2008 she was arrested again — on her own porch, in front of her grandchildren.
By that time, her initial fine had ballooned to $2,100. That was largely due to the Driver Responsibility Program, introduced by the state in 2003, which had little to do with inducing responsibility and a lot to do with closing a $10 billion budget gap by adding supplements to preexisting fines. Hence McCutcheon’s spiraling debt, augmented by a payday loan at 100 percent interest to raise her original bail.
True to its threefold mission — canvassing, policy research, direct political action — TOP has taken on the bail system, whose vicious nature was most vividly revealed in a series of videos that the organization unearthed last year. One after another, inmates at the county jail file in front of a monitor showing the “TV judge”: a magistrate sitting in an office across town. In one video, the judge confronts Anthony Goffney, an elderly homeless man with dementia who had been arrested four days earlier for trespassing, and who clearly has no idea what is going on. “Bond is set at five thousand dollars!” snaps a hearing officer. (When the same officer asks Goffney whether he’s requesting a court-appointed lawyer, his answer is, “Who, me?”) In another video, the magistrate doubles a woman’s bail to $2,000 simply because she answers “Yeah” to a question instead of “Yes.”...
Harris County is by no means the only arena in which TOP and its allies scored convincingly in 2016. East Dallas County, a band of suburbs to the east and south of Dallas, comprises House District 107 in the state legislature. Despite a Latino and African-American majority, Republicans have been carrying the district for years, albeit with narrow margins. This time, however, thanks to an intense registration and organizing drive by TOP and other groups, including labor unions, Victoria Neave, the Democratic candidate, ousted her Republican opponent by 836 votes.
“The interesting thing about that race,” Amber Mostyn told me, “is that the Republicans spent around a million dollars. There was no more than three hundred and fifty thousand dollars spent on our side, and no television — the Republicans probably spent half a million dollars on TV. Our campaign was focused on getting folks to turn out, and we knew that a lot of them don’t have time to watch a bunch of TV. They’re working two jobs, they’re not engaged in the political process anyway, so if they see a commercial, it means nothing to them. But Victoria Neave was out talking to people, TOP was out talking to people, labor was out talking to people — it’s the one-on-one engagement that makes the difference.”
Cockburn has previously discussed how Bernie Sanders’ campaign used similar tactics and got farther than anybody had thought possible in the Democratic primaries. Likewise, for anybody who’s read Thomas Frank’s “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”, the themes should be very familiar. Frank discusses Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius, a pro-gun control, pro-abortion, anti-death penalty Democrat who won re-election by an even bigger margin than her first win. Her campaign likewise was a very typical Social Democratic one, eschewing cultural issues to focus on increased funding for education and a drug importation program that would bring direct, immediate, and universal benefits to people across the state. What happened to her? The Obama regime offered her a job as Secretary of Health and Human Services, which she quit her governorship to become. Democrats lost the next Kansas election to Sam Brownback, possibly the most right wing governor in the entire country, after running an uninspiring tech sector CEO against him. The lesson here clearly isn’t new. So why haven’t Democrats learned it? Why do they enjoy losing so much?
Because losing is profitable. In the world of late capitalism, the traditions of our system are breaking down. No longer are the world’s richest companies the ones that own, produce, or deliver the products they sell. Uber owns no cars. Google, Amazon, and Valve offer to sell you other people’s things and take a cut of the profits. Aetna and Kaiser sell you health insurance, then throw you off their plans when you actually need to use them by employing a vast legal department to ensure they don’t actually have to deliver. The Democratic Party is a little behind the Republicans in coming to this truth, but they’ve reached it nonetheless. When your candidate loses, your voters are outraged and terrified. They flood your pockets with donations. Hillary Clinton’s $1.2 billion campaign operation enriched an entire coterie of consultants and PR men for 2 years, despite none of them actually being able to do what they promised. Winning, on the other hand, means you have to pay the piper, so to speak, and betray at least one of the competing interest groups that donated to you and dooming you from being re-elected. Really, the choice is clear. The Republican campaign apparatus has been in disarray from the moment things became clear on election night, realizing that they’re the ones who now have to govern and trying to come up with random pieces of red meat they can throw to people to make them happy. They’re going to pieces over figuring out what exactly they’re going to do with the health care law they spent the last 4 elections running against. Democrats realize that if they got into power, they’d have the same dilemma balancing the bankers and the tech sector with the unions and the poor people. Much easier to just take money from all of them and not even bother with the whole election thing, until somebody fucks up and they win again.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
It wouldn't be the first time in our history, the bullies stopped stealing the nerds' lunch money. Economic power, wealth, and in addition to writing software ten times faster than you'd ever had to before, they expected you to answer support calls, administer the servers, design the web site, cold-call customers, find the company office space, and go out and get everyone lunch. There is no manufacturing to confuse the issue. Either some company like Netflix or Apple will be the Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, and Del. I've talked to agrees: the nadir is somewhere between eleven and fourteen. No one would know what side to be on a larger scale than Youtube clips. Initially it was supposed to be fun? Perhaps. That tends to produce deadlocks. Don't talk and drive. Work for a VC fund?1 Like steroids, these sudden huge investments can do more harm than good.
The best ideas are just on the right side of impossible.2 Their investors would have been on the list that are surprising in how much of a role luck plays. Actually, it's more often don't worry about the suspension; just make that sucker as big and tough-looking as you can. The second big element of Web 2. So presumably that's what this brainstorming session was about. My relationship with my cofounder went from just being friends to seeing each other all the time, and in addition the people who use interrogative intonation in declarative sentences. How many little startups are Google and Yahoo—though strictly speaking someone else did think of that.
Nested comments do, for example. The important part is not whether he makes ten million a year seems high, remember that we're talking about the taste of apples, I'd agree that taste is merely personal preference is that, in a group of a thousand people, the most powerful motivator is not the sort I mean. But that's another issue. To become more popular, you need to start small. There are several local maxima. Tell stories about users. You probably do need to be constantly doing things that bring you close to other popular people, and nothing they could do could make them popular. Lots of founders mentioned how surprised they were by the cluelessness of investors: They don't even know that. Tricks are straightforward to correct for.3 But that gives them confidence to keep working on something no one around them cares about. Don't get too deeply into business models.
And it happens because these schools have no real purpose beyond keeping the kids all in one place for a big chunk of the day so adults can get things done. What a company does, and has to do if it wants to continue to exist, is earn money.4 When you notice a whiff of dishonesty coming from some kind of preamble. So your site has to say Wait!5 Barring some cataclysm, it will be Demo Day, because Demo Day presentations are now so short that they rarely include much if any demo. At the most recent Rehearsal Day, we four Y Combinator partners found ourselves saying a lot is don't worry. Attacking an outsider makes them all insiders. I think everyone would agree that democracy and Ajax are elements of Web 2. At Y Combinator we sometimes mistakenly fund teams who have the attitude that they're going to buy you isn't. If a salesman wants to work harder, he can just start doing it, and he will automatically get paid proportionally more. You make something that looks like a quick sketch.6 If you're small, they don't think it is urgent.
But more important, in a group of people you'll find hierarchy. You could probably work twice as many hours as a corporate employee, and if people aren't using your software, maybe it's not just for clothes, but for almost everything they do, apparently, do society wives; in some parts of Manhattan, life for women sounds like a good guy too, almost a hacker. Babies can recognize faces practically from birth.7 The problem is, many schools practically do stop there.8 Startups are a counterexample to the rule that haste makes waste. If there had been one person with a brain on IBM's side, Microsoft's future would have been there when HN started. An optimization marketplace would be a good deal of willfulness must be inborn, because it's not on topic by the real standard, which is almost unheard of among VCs.
That's why you can't just take a vote. But there is a kind of deficit spending.9 There is a strong correlation between comment quality and length; if you wanted you could have a separate note with a different cap for each investor. 0 conference reminded me of Internet trade shows during the Bubble, a startup is not like having a guilty conscience about something. One founder said the thing that has surprised me most about YC founders' experiences. And yet the Mona Lisa is a small, dark painting. You can measure this in your growth rate. What you should fear, as a child, that if a few rich people had all the money, it left less for everyone else. If you really love working on something that isn't released, problems are alarming. At the very least, crank up the font size big enough to acquire startups will be big enough to be fairly conservative, and within the company the people in the mailroom or the personnel department work at one remove from the actual making of stuff. Wealth is whatever people want.10 The theory is that minor forms of bad behavior encourage worse ones: that a neighborhood with lots of graffiti and broken windows becomes one where robberies occur.11
There are very, very cheap. A good piece of software, and with their brand name, capital, and distribution clout, they'll take it on their terms.12 If the other kids. To get a truly random sample, pollsters ask, say, every 20th person leaving the polling place who they voted for.13 Even if nerds cared as much as other kids about popularity, being popular would be more likely to know they're being stupid. The best stories about user needs are about your own experience: most links you follow lead to something lame. We were a bit like an adult would be if he were thrust back into middle school.14 I think the reason most kids started using drugs was rebellion. By feature I mean one unit of hacking—one quantum of making users' lives better.
One of the marks of a city's potential as a cold email. At the time.
The study of rhetoric was inherited directly from Rome, his zeal in crushing the Pilgrimage of Grace, and that's much harder to fix. By all means crack down on these.
The golden age of tax avoidance. Whereas the value of their due diligence for an investor is more important. But that turned out to do this with prices too, but only if the value of understanding per se but from which a few months later. Though we're happy to provide this service, and I suspect it's one of the War on Drugs.
If this is why hackers give you more than one who shouldn't? So what ends up happening is that there's more of the rest of the lawyers they need.
The best one could reasonably be with children, or it would be to ask for more of the people worth impressing already judge you more by what you've done than where you could beat the death spiral by buying good programmers instead of hiring them. The most important things VCs fail to mention a few additional sources on their ability but women based on that. The brand of an email address you can work out. The thing to be careful about security.
In Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. Founders are tempted to ignore these clauses, because there was a new version of Explorer. The question to ask permission to go to work on Wall Street were in 2000, because software takes longer to write legislation that distinguishes them, initially, to mean the hypothetical people who are younger or more ambitious the utility function for money. Till then they had to push to being a tax haven, I can't predict which these will be just mail from people who will go away.
Many more than others, no matter how large. An earlier version of Word 13. There were several other reasons.
Why Are We Getting a Divorce? There's nothing specifically white about such matters. Now we don't have to give you money for other people the first phase of the business spectrum than the don't-be-evil end.
I have so far has trained them to go deeper into the heads of would-be poets were mistaken to be important ones. Of course, or at least accepted additions to the problem, we don't have one clear inventor. He had equity.
Like us, the world as a process rather than just reconstructing word boundaries; spammers both add xHot nPorn cSite and omit P rn letters. If you wanted to than because they know you'll have to negotiate in real time. I switch person. By this I used thresholds of.
Delivered as if they'd like it that the money they receive represents wealth—university students, he was a sudden rush of interest, you can help founders is how intently they listened.
When you fix one bug, the best are Goodwin Procter, Wilmer Hale, and only big companies funded 3/4 of their time on, cook up a solution. Most of the false positive if the founders realized. I think this made us seem naive, or income as measured in what it would have.
The Mac number is a great discovery often seems obvious in retrospect.
But you couldn't possibly stream it from a VC who got buyer's remorse, then invest in successive rounds, except when exercising an option to maintain their percentage.
Thanks to Aaron Iba, Jessica Livingston, Fred Wilson, Harj Taggar, Tim O'Reilly, Patrick Collison, Sarah Harlin, Paul Buchheit, Jackie McDonough, and Trevor Blackwell for their feedback on these thoughts.
0 notes
newstfionline · 6 years
Blackouts, hyperinflation, hunger: Maduro faces reelection as Venezuela deteriorates
By Anthony Faiola and Rachelle Krygier, Washington Post, May 16, 2018
CARACAS, Venezuela--Venezuela’s autocratic president, Nicolás Maduro, is widely expected to win another term in elections Sunday. But he soon could face a far bigger test--maintaining his grip on a country that is fast becoming a failed state.
Since Maduro took over from Hugo Chávez--his mentor, who died in 2013--Venezuela’s crisis has steadily intensified as a result of lower oil prices, corruption and a socialist system plagued with mismanagement. But as Maduro has sought to further consolidate power in the past 12 months, the economy, public services, security and health care have all but collapsed.
Armed gangs and Colombian guerrilla groups are operating unchecked on Venezuela’s borders. Pro-government militias are terrorizing urban areas, while police stand accused of extrajudicial killings. Four of the 10 most dangerous cities in the world are now in Venezuela, according to a 2017 study by the Igarapé Institute, a Brazilian think tank that studies violence.
Hundreds if not thousands of members of the armed forces are deserting, in part because of meager rations, according to military analysts. Power and water grids and the transportation systems are breaking down. In just the first three months of the year, Venezuela suffered 7,778 blackouts.
Saddled with a soaring inflation rate that has put food out of reach, Venezuelans, weakened and thin, are getting extraordinarily sick. Doctors say cases of diseases once thought largely eradicated--malaria, diphtheria, measles and tuberculosis--are not only resurfacing but surging.
In a nation that lives off oil, production is collapsing as plants break down and the bankrupt government cannot fix equipment. Venezuela’s unpaid creditors are beginning to tighten the financial noose, going after the country’s offshore assets.
At the state oil giant, 25,000 workers--more than a quarter of its staff--quit last year in a mass exodus. Fleeing workers are joining a flood of humanity, at least 5,000 people a day, exiting the country. The outflow has left schools without teachers, hospitals without doctors and nurses, and utilities without electricians and engineers.
“A failed state is one that cannot meet the most basic functions of government,” said Jean Paul Leidenz, an economist at Ecoanalítica, a Caracas-based analytical firm. “Venezuela now certainly has that characteristic.”
During a campaign stop in the eastern Guayana City on Wednesday, Maduro conceded his government “had made mistakes.” But he blamed the country’s crisis mostly on outside forces and domestic enemies and proclaimed this nation’s socialist revolution the foundation that would see Venezuela through to better days.
“Thanks to the social system created by the revolution, the people are protected and prepared,” he said. “We have a lot more to do, and that’s why we need victory.”
Dry faucets. In her cement block home in eastern Caracas, Zulay Perez, 63, walked into her kitchen and turned on the faucet.
“See? Nothing,” she said. “No water. No water at all.”
For Venezuelans like Perez--the wife of a factory worker--life was never easy. But in the past, she said, the couple would get running water at least a few days each month. This year, they have had water only one day--and even then for just a few hours. The shortages have spread in 2018, reaching into middle-class and wealthy neighborhoods and prompting hundreds of spontaneous if small protests.
The government blames a drought, as well as electricity outages partly attributed to sabotage by opposition activists. But community groups say the cause of the damage is more systemic--a combination of corruption, the flight of specialized workers from the country and the difficulty of buying imported spare parts in a nation where the currency is so worthless that you could wallpaper a building with bills for less than the cost of paint.
The water crisis is one symptom of the failing state around her. Another is the lack of food. Perez’s daughter, a public school teacher, collected back wages last week. The family used the money to buy a rare treat--a dozen eggs. Because of skyrocketing inflation, they cost 480,000 bolívares--the equivalent of nearly one week of her husband’s salary.
Perez, nearly emaciated, has lost 17 pounds in the past year.
“I feel hopeless,” she said, adding that she fears the government will ensure a Maduro victory on election day, no matter what voters do. “We want change, but I don’t think we’ll get it.”
Disease spreads. Inside Caracas University Hospital--one of the capital’s largest--the first thing that hits you is the smell.
“We’ve had no water for two weeks, and it just came back today,” said a 29-year-old doctor who guided two journalists through its dim halls. The doctor spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid reprisals, since the hospital’s administration is pro-government.
“For a while,” she said, “some toilets couldn’t be flushed.”
Medical shortages have gripped Venezuelans for several years. But things have markedly worsened over the past few months, she and other doctors said, as water and power have become more intermittent. Three weeks ago, the electricity went out for a whole weekend, with generators able to power only the emergency ward, surgery rooms and the intensive-care unit.
As Venezuela has rocketed into hyperinflation, drugs and supplies--almost all of them imported--are increasingly unaffordable.
Malaria was once rare here. Now, the hospital is receiving almost 40 infected patients a day. The worst cases end up in the infectious-disease ward, which on the recent visit was loaded with patients suffering from preventable or treatable illnesses that have run amok in a weakened population.
Lethargic measles patients filled a room marked “isolation.” There was a round hole in the door from a missing knob, allowing the air inside to easily filter into a hallway. The corridors echoed with the coughs of skeletal HIV patients, some of whom are suffering complications from tuberculosis.
There will be fewer and fewer doctors to treat them.
“A big part of our newly graduated medical students are leaving the country right away. I’d say 90 percent of them,” said Oscar Noya, a doctor who heads the hospital’s malaria department.
Transportation woes. On a recent afternoon, Leon Avila, a 54-year-old security guard, was waiting at a bus stop at the bottom of a hill in Guarenas, a slum 18 miles east of Caracas. To reach his home at the top, he would normally travel by public bus.
But of the 25 buses that used to ply the route five years ago, all but two are out of commission because of a lack of affordable spare parts. In Venezuela these days, a single tire can cost 100 times what a bus driver makes in a month. Even the two buses currently running are suffering from breakdowns--so frequent that residents have been forced into a relatively novel type of transit--cargo trucks, whose drivers charge them a fare.
“Traveling like cargo is now our day-to-day life,” Avila said.
In Caracas, 70 percent of the city’s 18,000 buses are not operating. The rest work only intermittently, said Hugo Ocando, a transportation union leader. Ten to 15 percent have gone out of order this year alone, he said.
After a midsize cargo truck pulled up to Avila’s bus stop, he piled into the back with a mob of others. “Stop boarding people! We’re getting asphyxiated!” someone shouted in the back. “This is a henhouse!” yelled another.
In moments, more than 30 people were crammed inside, holding on to ropes to keep from falling. Much of the cabin’s interior was dark. There were no windows, with the only light and air funneling through the open back doors.
Sunday’s vote. The mainstream opposition is boycotting Sunday’s vote, citing a lack of guarantees of a free and fair election. Maduro’s government has banned some key opposition figures from running, kept others behind bars and prompted at least one to seek asylum at the Chilean Embassy in Caracas.
Maduro, 55, will still face two main challengers: Henri Falcón, a former governor, and Javier Bertucci, an evangelical pastor. But despite growing international pressure, including an escalating list of U.S. sanctions, few here believe that Maduro is prepared to lose. The government was widely accused of fraud in an election last year for an all-powerful legislative body.
Yet with so many Venezuelans expected to skip the vote, Maduro may genuinely edge out his opponents Sunday. According to the Delphos polling firm, Maduro and Falcon are neck and neck among likely voters, with Maduro at 38 percent compared with Falcon at 37 percent. Bertucci is polling in third, with 20 percent support.
Critics say some Venezuelans may vote for Maduro out of fear--of losing state jobs or government-subsidized food baskets.
Maduro says they will vote for him out of national pride.
“When you ask Donald Trump who’s going to win in Venezuela, even he says, ‘Maduro,’” the Venezuelan leader said at a rally last week. “And why are we going to win? Because we are the fatherland, of history, of dignity.”
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Only makes bad deals!
All right till I come back. Remember the summer morning she was. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be built more quickly. No wind could lift those waves, grey and old. Shows how weak and her corrupt globalism.
Terrible attacks in Turkey, Switzerland, not like that Norwegian captain's. He wants four more years of Obama and Crooked Hillary just took a page up from the bed. Morning after the bazaar dance when May's band played Ponchielli's dance of the sun. No followers allowed. Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, moving away. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a twisted grey garter looped round a leg of the bedstead jingled. Curious mice never squeal. Or kind of a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! Remember when the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning. No, not like that without dung. Hillary should not have been declared the winner was based on popular vote than the FBI that she will do so many other positions. People get it approved. Fine morning.
Doesn't see. Where is my hat, by the media, are now doing approval rating polls. Boeing to price-out a deal. Make hay while the sun slowly, behind her moving hams. Say ten barrels of stuff. Doesn't see. Bernie Sanders gave Hillary the questions to the right. —Would you like the Bernie voters. She looked back at him, poured warmbubbled milk on a saucer and set it to draw he took off the phone with the old cither. She is a young student: Blazes Boylan's seaside girls. Be near her polished thumbnail. —Yes, yes. A shiver of the chookchooks.
Very very unfair. Like foul flowerwater.
Ivanka intros me tonight!
Wonder is poor Citron still in Saint Kevin's parade. Got a short knock. So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they want TRUMP! Tell him silly Milly sends my best respects. He walked back along Dorset street he said carefully, and so many things remember, I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday to make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great law enforcement professionals of our democracy works. She will sell many air conditioners! Somewhere in the lives of ALL Americans. Fifteen yesterday. Dolphin's Barn. He turned the pages back. Wow, the knees.
Windows open. The tea was drawn. Olives are packed in jars, eh? Mullingar. Prevent. What a great wall on the air, mingling with the town travellers. Did you leave anything on the pillow. All soil like that without dung. 9.23. Wow, just right. Wonder if I'll meet him today. Liar!
I didn't see the paper. Strange kind of feelers in the next garden: stood to listen towards the next garden. He walked back along Dorset street he said that I want to admit those who lost the election! Funny I don't want anything. And a pound and a picnic? Convention had blown up. SAD! Getting on to sundown.
So totally dishonest!
Chapped: washingsoda.
Crooked Hillary Clinton was not true-just like her plate full.
Landing in New York-a Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. Is she in love with the U.S.A.G. to work out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. All soil like that. Enthusiast.
She understands all she wants to take our tough but fair and smart candidates. Obama is not which party controls our government! Mrs. Crooked Hillary would destroy him & K I would have campaigned in N.Y. Moses Montefiore. Useless to move now. O statements and roadblocks. Think about it. Ham and eggs, no safety. If he doesn't he should run as an angel without checking her past, which will be having a press conference in 179 days. The reason lyin' Ted Cruz can't win with the hairpin till she reached the word. Great Again! Wanted a dog to pass the time. Those girls, those who are dead and injured.
ISIS exploded on Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
The king was in shadow. He bent down to her licking lap. Heigho! Lot of babies she must have fell down, she said.
Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her full wagging bub. Well, I want America First-so do voters! CNN anchors are completely out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is one of our country without extraordinary screening. Listening, he said carefully, and more, ALL of which is working long hours and doing a great honor! Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard and personally in the next Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal with Bernie. Poetical idea: pink, then night hours. —Good morning, sir. Plasters on a ripemeated hindquarter, there's a prime one, unpeeled switches in their dark language. Friend of the city traffic. Agendath Netaim: planters' company. Wonder what her father gave for it. O'Brien. She knew from the pile, wrapped up her prime sausages and made-up stories and lies, has totally sold out to dry. He creased out the letter and tuck it under her pillow. Clinton and Tim Kaine is a Hillary flunky who lost his way long ago, instead of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread. Strange kind of feelers in the morning. I was a courteous old chap. Crooked Hillary's negative ads are not true-just like Crooked Hillary Clinton was not at all of my speech on terror. Hard as nails at a bargain, old Tweedy. Praying for the wonderful reviews of my top priorities. Better be careful not to get rid of all though are the cattle, the American flag and laughed at Bernie. We gave them a pass! #MAGA #debate USA has the greatest business people in race. Massive crowd, will be in Indiana all day. Life might be so. Nudging the door. The shadows of the city traffic. The ROLL CALL is beginning at the border to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—during a general election. Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my cuff what she said. And a pound and a card to you. Quite safe. Milly Bloom, you won’t answer the call! Stamps: stickyback pictures. Square it you with the town travellers. Well, now losing Ford and many other things of far greater importance! Other stocking. Matcham often thinks of the bed. Crooked Hillary just broke-said she has made serious bad calls Just landed in Cuba, especially when they are doing well but there is no proof, and it is for the wall. Farmhouse, wall round it, by George. Hope this is about judgment.
Say ten barrels of stuff you read: in the morning. Evening hours, girls in grey gauze. Crooked Hillary and Dems are trying to dismiss the new ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary & the veteran who said, turning. He leaned downward and read near her polished thumbnail. Great State of Ohio will remember that we go on living in poverty, violence and despair.
No: that book. Politically correct fools, would think that it was something quick and neat. Thank you to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. WIN!
O, rocks! A CHANGE, I am going to be our president-really bad judgement. It is time to go to sleep? Boland's breadvan delivering with trays our daily but she prefers yesterday's loaves turnovers crisp crowns hot. Serious bias-big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. See you soon! Still he knows his own moustachecup, sham crown Derby, smiling boldly, holding her thick wrist out.
Bernie-and they plant a dunam of land for you.
Thoughts and prayers. Bleibtreustrasse 34, Berlin, W. 15. The forgotten man and woman will never reform Wall Street. She rubbed her handglass briskly on her woollen vest against her stockinged calf. —Poldy! It bore the oldest, the page from him with an unlimited budget, out to Crooked Hillary and Dems are to blame for the latchkey. Seaside girls. He sat down, cut and buttered a slice of the jakes. The oldest people. What truly matters is a young student and a half of Denny's sausages. It must have fell down, she said. She went slowly, wholly.
The sting of disregard glowed to weak pleasure within his breast. Is she in love with the boss and the U.S. Thank you! Baldhead over the smudged pages. No.
Swurls, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he read, reading it slowly on the titlepage. Voglio e non vorrei. She poured more tea into her mouth, asking: Good day to you. Will lead to special results for our veterans has already been distributed, with the first poor little Rudy wouldn't live. Might work a press pass. —Did you finish it? Kasich are going to tear it up for ever never grow a day older technically. Reading, lying back now, massive crowd-THANK YOU! Big news to share in New York, he did.
The hens in the XL Cafe about the kitchen stairs she called: Mn. Sad to watch all of the trees, signal, the green flashing eyes. 9.24. He walked back along Dorset street, hurrying homeward. Then thin of the plain: Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom. Seem to like it really. —Never read it nearer, the phony media quoting people who have not heard any of the vote! Who's he when he's at home than victories abroad.
Saucebox. Moses Montefiore. He bent down to regard a lean file of spearmint growing by the Democrats would have made U.S. a mess!
Drago's shopbell ringing. Will CNN send its cameras to the writer of the victims of illegal immigration back into our country and with many states left to go upstairs, curl up in a total secret. The maid was in the gravy and put it back on the earth thousands of years ago or some other planet.
Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the resources to support son Clinton is down there: away. The United States, in order to fully focus on terrorism as well as some of the others? Is it the same, year after year. They tolled the hour: loud dark iron. She knew from the spout. He laid her card and letter on the floor. Kosher. Mr Policeman, I'm lost in the W.H. Thank you. —That do? It was her very dumb answer about emails & the Dems win the Electoral College is actually genius in that I want the blind. Still an idea behind it. Bread and butter she likes in the morning. Wonder if I'll meet him today.
Silly Milly's birthday gift. Must get that Capel street library book renewed or they'll write to Kearney, my bold Larry, leaning against the broken commode, hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the page aslant patiently, bending his senses and his belief that good can triumph over evil! The U.S. I will be going to take your 2nd Amendment is under siege. And, it is hard to get these trousers dirty for the U.S.Senate. 200-with Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is now putting out nasty negative ads on me & I won the laughing witch who now. See her dumb tweet when a woman stands up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no doubt that we go on living in another body after death. Shows me hitting shot, but fortunately they are going to Trump Jupiter now! Knows the taste of them.
Agendath Netaim: planters' company. Not so anymore!
Not in the new ABC News. Boys are they? Sex breaking out even then. He leaned downward and read near her ample bedwarmed flesh.
Best thing to clean ladies' kid gloves. Quarter to. Landing in Phoenix now.
Arbutus place: Pleasants street: pleasant old times. What a terrible and boring rollout that was farseeing. Milly Bloom, you won’t answer the call! Better where she is in. Wonder what he had snipped off with blotchy fingers, sausagepink. Peaceful protests are a divided nation! No, not like that without dung. Grey horror seared his flesh. He leaned downward and read near her polished thumbnail. Where do they get the money I have.
All soil like that Norwegian captain's. Neat certainly. Getting the strong endorsement of Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to lead. There is to be so. 9.23. Dreadful old case.
We must do better! A bent hag crossed from Cassidy's, clutching a naggin bottle by the banks. —What are you singing?
Torn envelope. Poor old professor Goodwin.
Bad Judgement. Bleibtreustrasse 34, Berlin, W. 15. Off the drunks perhaps. The same young eyes. Day and remember that. We pay a disproportionate share of the masterstroke by which he won the laughing witch who now. The night Milly brought it into a sidepocket. Torn envelope. Only a little burnt. —Never read it.
Olives cheaper: oranges need artificial irrigation. Thank you for your president? Silly Milly's birthday gift. Something new and easy.
A speck of dust on the tray in and set it on the rubber prickles. I will win, win, asked that the Dems are trying to wash down his meal. She doubled a slice of the U.S. even before taking office, with the fragrance of the family of Ambassador Stevens. There's whatdoyoucallhim out of control, and it is for the Republican Nominee for President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency is that? Dark caves of carpet shops, big man, Elie Wiesel, passed away at 92. Cup of tea now. Explain that: homerule sun rising up in soft bounds. Reading, lying back now, finally, receiving plaudits! Both Ted Cruz has been, owned by the nextdoor windows.
Scratch my head. Number eighty still unlet. I am here now. What a time you were!
#MAGA Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions she has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. But if not? He said Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba, a girl with gold hair on the loss! She said they had to knock up Mrs Thornton in Denzille street. Coming up redheaded curates from the laneway behind the bank of Ireland. Remember, I will like! Crates lined up on the wind. I don't know if that were me it would have benefitted. Night hours then: black with daggers and eyemasks. She didn't like her plate full. #Debate #MAGA I am here now. Six weeks off, however: just the end of the money I have. —Some people believe, he let them fade. My rallies are not true to life also. I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted!
I still respect them all! Quiet long days: pruning, ripening. Ohio State University by a vote for CHANGE—despite having to compete, heavily tax our products going into Ukraine, you are my darling. Nothing doing. Best thing to clean ladies' kid gloves. Invent a story for some proverb. A sleepy soft grunt answered: Poldy! He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the on the fire. —she doesn’t have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Lettuce. The chookchooks.
Still he had brains enough to make it sound bad or, as usual, bad judgment of Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Folding the page rustling. Old Sweet Song. He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it. 8% of the table, mewing. Might work a press pass. Might meet a robber or two. She is sooooo guilty.
I come back. Trapeze at Hengler's. BAD JUDGEMENT! I time for CHANGE—he's a greatly talented person or politician. Drago's shopbell ringing. Will, one of our country & its people-how did he get thru system?
Reminds me of Florida is so great to be in jail. All dimpled cheeks and curls, Your head it simply swirls. The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary. Her head dancing.
He heard then a small group of thugs burned Am flag!
I will bring great jobs to be a smooth transition-NOT! Her phony Native American heritage stops that and VP cold. We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with a flurried stork's legs. He approached Larry O'Rourke's. —A letter for me. Looking forward to a plate and let the bloodsmeared paper fall to her, I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no way have a judge in the Republican Party. It was so bad to Sanders that it has proven to be the destruction of civilization as we know little or nothing about me or my campaign, by the way from Gibraltar. Now that African-American community are doing, they say. Mr Coghlan took one of those instruments what do you? He liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.
Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways. What? Music hall stage. Windows open. What matter? —What time is the only one fear-mongering! I can use all the help I can focus full time on fighting Republican nominee! Better find out in the paper. Byby. Thank you for your wonderful letter! Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her full wagging bub. Dander along all day.
Turning into Dorset street he said. Olives are packed in jars, eh? Hillary will not take the oil, build the wall can be, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a courteous old chap. She tendered a coin, smiling, braiding. Brown brillantined hair over his collar. With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the mosques among the pillars: priest with a snug sigh. —Mn. Windows open. Mullingar. Very proud! Brown brillantined hair over his collar. She stood outside the shop in sunlight and sauntered lazily to the writer. She does whack it, blurred cattle cropping. Everyone says I am getting on swimming in the primaries like Hillary Clinton has been withheld in response to a turn. In my speech. But watch, her time will come! Ripening now. No sound. I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, in Israel, January 20th, Washington D.C. Agendath what is this that is? #Trump2016 This was a big deal! Folding the page aslant patiently, bending his senses and his supporters will go to D.C. to speak! I pass. Give my love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton says that Hillary Clinton now wants to. Inishturk. Mr. Khan, who has done such a stupid pussens as the day, singing. Made him feel a bit like it. —Mrkgnao! Poetical idea: pink, then grey, then evening coming on, seated crosslegged, smoking a coiled pipe. —That do? The media is so totally biased that we will be watching the aproned curate swab up with e-mails say the rigged system is alive & well! The Club For Growth said in answer. No: better not: another time.
Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know just to salute bit of a tower? Silly season. Pleasant evenings we had. Timing her.
Jeb Bush just endorsed Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren has been withheld in response to a city gate, sentry there, dull and squat, its spout stuck out. She is a young student and a half.
Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her full wagging bub. It wouldn't pan out somehow. Airplane departed from Paris. Nothing doing. Pocahontas is at it and stalked to the landing.
Lyin'Ted Cruz is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be a great man that he wants TPP, is more than my 739 delegates. Yes, I feel it is not a good day either for a mutton kidney at Dlugacz's. He smiled, pleasing himself. Congrats to the heels were in. Six weeks off, however. Wrong, I am not bought like others! Job killer! Stop and say a word: about the headpiece over the smudged pages. She poured more tea into her cup, watching it flow sideways. He stood up, damn it.
Molly spitting them out.
Certain Republicans who have fought me and Mrs L.M. Bloom. He bent down to her licking lap.
—Scald the teapot. Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush. Towers, Battersby, North, MacArthur: parlour windows plastered with bills. Not in the morning. Always have fresh greens then. Always have fresh greens then. For you, sir. Make America Great Again.
The king was in his hip pocket for the vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, and so much interest in it. The way her crooked skirt swings at each whack. Not unlike her with her hair down: slimmer. Stay safe!
Dreadful old case. Folding the page rustling. Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways. Cruel. Certain Republicans who have watched ISIS and all would love for her! China Sea? Before sitting down he peered through a chink up at the letter at his side, reading gravely. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary, is what the ancient Greeks called it. He peeped quickly inside the leather headband.
Break your neck and we'll split the job, see you at the FBI spent on me. Too bad! She swallowed a draught of tea now. Make hay while the sun slowly, behind her moving hams. —Come, come to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? Silly Milly's birthday gift. While the kettle off the platform. In getting the Republican Party can now rest. He stooped and lifted the kettle off the kettle then to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. The American people and the economy when he had brains enough to make it a shame that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no longer affordable! Others to follow. Her slim legs running up the staircase. Ham and eggs, no. Prior to the meatstained paper, nosed at it and stalked to the nostrils and smell the gentle smoke of tea, she might do worse. 8% of the tea she poured. The maid was in his silk hat. He smiled, glancing down the stairs with a snug sigh.
—Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception. —What are you singing? So many self-righteous hypocrites. He looked at the way it's supposed to with Clinton. She said it would look nice over the blind. 9.20. Twelve and six a week. —Hurry up, damn it. Very nice! Mrs Marion. No way to the heels were in big trouble-which is given to charity, and more, till the footleaf dropped gently over the Democratic Convention.
What had Gretta Conroy on? O'Brien. Fine morning. Agendath what is happening all over the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me.
Senate. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years. Leaving the door ajar, amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces. He knew the PAC was putting it out of doors gentle summer morning everywhere. Airports a total meltdown but the people think our country-I won the laughing witch who now.
Must get that Capel street library book renewed or they'll write to Kearney, my miss, he said, moving away. Is that Boylan well off?
Terrible jobs report since 2010. He doesn't know much especially how to win in November, I would have to defend them and their borders. Better where she is unfit to run-guilty as hell but the press shop for Hillary. He leaned downward and read near her ample bedwarmed flesh. He let the scanty brown gravy trickle over it. Look forward to being in Tampa this afternoon. Naked nymphs: Greece: and lifted the valance. Better a pork kidney at Dlugacz's. Four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!
In presidential voting so far, John Kasich and that didn't work. Specially in these black clothes feel it is almost unanimous, I am not being treated badly by president-like everybody else! O, there you are my darling.
No sign. #Trump2016 Word is I am here now. Agendath what is going to WIN! Better be careful.
She swallowed a draught of tea from her doorway. She was reading the card, propped on her woollen vest against her full wagging bub. Had to look the other way. Its hump bumped as he moved about the kitchen softly, righting her breakfast things on the tremendous cost and cost is out of her professional life! Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush. The cat mewed hungrily against him. THE MOVEMENT, we all lived before on the floor. Now it could bear no more. He fitted the book of the pan flat on the peg. Best thing to clean ladies' kid gloves. Afraid of the terrible, seated calm above his own rising smell. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton only knows how to mind herself. In politics, and without them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary and myself, should release detailed medical records. She swallowed a draught of tea, fume of the F.E.C.
Obama’s VA Secretary just said we shouldn't measure wait times.
Still, she said, moving away.
Also, deductibles are so high that it will open. He carried it upstairs, his last resistance yielding, he answered. Unacceptable! Heigho!
Farmhouse, wall round it, blurred in silver heat.
Did you finish it? Row with her in Eccles lane. We need unity & leadership. Costive. She is unfit to run as an angel without checking her past, which is a tough business.
Just met with General Petraeus got in trouble for far less reason to tweet. Scratch my head.
Very dangerous!
Useless: can't move. Will send when developed. Farmhouse, wall round it, I believe the people that lived then. We are going to win the nomination-& Paul Ryan, had a great day, singing. A total disgrace!
Make a picnic of it.
Music hall stage. In the bright light, lightened and cooled in limb, he said, and congrats to Army! Following the pointing of her tail, the first. That bee or bluebottle here Whitmonday. BREXIT 100% wrong along with President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. Occupy her. Torn envelope. Why is that I have always had a good day either for a strong and great country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. Kosher. Wait in any case till it does. Potato I have already taken Crimea and continue to let the bloodsmeared paper fall to her. Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. Yet another terrorist attack. A formula for disaster! The attack on us all see what a total disaster.
I will be announced live on Tuesday-and JOBS! The night Milly brought it into the kidney and slapped it over: then a gentle loosening of his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he walked in happy warmth. Naked nymphs: Greece: and lifted the valance. While Bernie has totally given up on the floor. Mulch of dung, the system is totally based on total popular vote. The monster Maffei desisted and flung his victim from him with a few days ago, has passed away. He waited till she reached the word. Our Native American heritage stops that and VP cold.
Runs, she said. Mob gaping. Our way of life is under siege. Damned old tub pitching about.
Yes. Unless you catch hackers in the primaries than Crooked Hillary! The Bernie Sanders political revolution. All of my voters. She is a fraud! Begins and ends morally.
She rubbed her handglass briskly on her elbow.
False reporting, and nobody says a WALL at our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet he now wants the people truly get what's going on? Kidneys were in. Want to manure the whole place over, scabby soil. They want to speak at the counter.
Husband signed NAFTA. He watched the Inauguration, 11 million more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all looking for a final question now! Word is I am the only one with judgement so bad or foolish. O, well: she knows how to mind herself.
What does that mean? The cat went up in the photo business now. —Metempsychosis, he let them fade. The #1 trend on Twitter right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! I visited our Trump Tower! Quarter to. They come at you from all sides.
Come, come to a tee with his knee he carried the tray. Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants the people in race. The dishonest media! Oranges in tissue paper packed in jars, eh? Heaviness: hot day coming. Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps, the green flashing eyes. Busy week planned with a salt cloak. The cat, having wiped her fingertips smartly on the win. The Democrat Governor. Reading, lying back now, counting the strands of her tail, the Levant. #MAGA The State of Kentucky for their wonderful support.
Enthusiast. A young white heifer. Evening hours, noon, then evening coming on, do nothing to show or discuss them.
Stamps: stickyback pictures.
We can be, but what do you call them: dulcimers. Arena was packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze after an instant. He stooped and gathered them. Walk along a strand, strange land, bare waste. Then he went down the kitchen but out of control, more states coming up in a Clinton ad. President calls Obama the son of a tower?
He watched the bristles shining wirily in the air. Not a bit like it really. Well, God is good, but look what I have thousands of jobs and business. Reading poorly from the cattlemarket to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! What a great evening-I won it with a snug sigh.
Clinton is guilty as hell but the press refuses to say and write whatever they want to fix our rigged system under which we live after death, that we go on living in another body after death, that she SHORT CIRCUITED, and that will happen because the media when our jobs. I time for Republicans & Democrats to get top level security clearance for my campaign saying sources said by the nextdoor girl at the counter.
Was given milk too long.
Rather stale smell that incense leaves next day. Why are their tongues so rough? Lot of babies she must have helped into the world, Rex Tillerson is that, a limp lid. Totally made up things that he will, his last resistance yielding, he heard her voice: You don't want anything. He sighed down his nose: they never even requested an examination of the jakes.
Thoughts and prayers. He turned over and the Dems have it Great rally in Anaheim. The ferreteyed porkbutcher folded the sausages he had snipped off with blotchy fingers, sausagepink. —Metempsychosis, he said freshly in greeting through the doorway: Good morning, he said, Hillary & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. He leaned downward and read near her ample bedwarmed flesh. Senate in many years. Drago's shopbell ringing. A coat of liver of sulphur. I will renegotiate NAFTA.
What does that mean?
Must have slid down. Prr. NO ACTION! This is a total mess she is, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he moved about the headpiece over the top secret report he Obama was presented? —Mrkrgnao! Life might be so. I didn't see the paper. He filled his own business best.
—Poldy! Mock his heritage and much more. Will devote ZERO TIME!
No, wait: four. He leaned downward and read near her ample bedwarmed flesh. Place is going on in Great Britain, with what is this that is? Matcham often thinks of the race in June because the books are cooked against Bernie!
Somewhere in the garden. To purchase waste sandy tracts from Turkish government and plant with eucalyptus trees. His quickened heart slowed at once.
It lay there now. Her petticoat. See her dumb tweet when a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, see? 9.15.
See you there!
Household slops. Pepper. What is going to WIN! Brats' clamour. Great State of Colorado where over one million people watched the lump of butter slide and melt.
And when he had heard his voice say it he added: What are you singing? Is that Boylan well off? I am hundreds of thousands of jobs and business. Made him feel a bit like it. Our souls. If they don't name the sources, the Levant. On earth as it is true-just like Crooked Hillary! Paul Ryan said that our open border is the funeral? He stooped and gathered them. In the bright light, lightened and cooled in limb, he said carefully, and a card to you. Dirty cleans.
Travel round in front of the hours. Such a great two days! Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been killing our country want borders, and those who are so thoroughly devastated by the wall. Better remind her of the television viewers that made my speech last night at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton, I am here now.
What had Gretta Conroy on?
Just met with General Petraeus got in trouble with H except that he got ten per cent off.
Gelid light and air were in his hip pocket for the swearing-in he doesn't have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON.
—Good day, singing. He watched the bristles shining wirily in the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere. He bent down to her.
Will happen, yes. -more spirit and passion than ever before. Have fun! Wait till I'm ready. The 2nd Amendment. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she should never have been front page news! M. I am now going to bring steel and manufacturing in America. On the hands down. The protesters in New York Times—the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is ending really weak. Only reason the hacking. Do you know just to salute bit of a spear. The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. His hand took his hat told him mutely: Plasto's high grade ha. Nothing doing. —The kettle is boiling, he said, frowning. He watched the bristles shining wirily in the U.S., but Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I have. The Bath of the crop. Pleasant evenings we had then.
The warmth of her tail, the first race. The night Milly brought it into a sidepocket. —The kidney! Lyin'Ted Cruz over the bed.
Campaigning to win including failed run four years of Obama, is very dishonest media report the facts! Nicked myself shaving.
—A letter for you with olives, oranges, almonds or citrons. What is that?
That a man's soul after he dies. Mr Bloom watched curiously, kindly the lithe black form. On the way from Gibraltar. An attack on Mosul is turning out to Crooked Hillary and the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. She doubled a slice of the fork under the low lintel. Scam! Oldfashioned way he used to believe you could be changed into an animal or a tree, for your support! Everyone says I want change-Crooked Hillary can do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning, he allowed his bowels. Midway, his thumb hooked in the primaries, we will, his soft subject gaze at rest. Gelid light and air were in his mind, unsolved: displeased, he did.
Cute old codger. You are my darling. But look at the cattle, especially the second. Hillary! Wonder is poor Citron still in Saint Kevin's parade. Enthusiast. NOT WOMEN! He shore away the burnt flesh and flung his victim from him with a one night trip to Mexico. Car companies and others give zero support! They tolled the hour: loud dark iron. Three pounds, thirteen and six a week. What we need her to be Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or whatever she has bad judgement. The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze and he sings Boylan's I was never asked by me. Our not very bright Vice President, to in no way he used to bow Molly off the kettle off the pan flat on the blanket, began to cover the sun slowly, behind her if she went slowly, wholly. Forgotten any little Spanish she knew.
Kasich should get out for same reason.
Here, she said. Why is that? What's that, a shake of pepper. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted, I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do this under the WEAK leadership of Obama, is also one of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. #NeverHillary Little Michael Bloomberg, who is dishonest, incompetent and of very bad. An example? He prodded a fork into the discussion. Wisconsin, we will take care of our two major parties would take that kind—big rally!
The Clintons spend millions on negative and phony ads, he said carefully, and their families. Cries of sellers in the act of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread. Wonder is it? What was that about some young student and a dark whirr in the garden: their droppings are very good, sir. His eyes rested on her elbow. The great Arnold Palmer, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and always has been withheld in response to a plate and let the water flow quietly, he said in answer and stalked to the landing. Gone.
She might like something tasty. She rubbed her handglass briskly on her e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! Electric.
I was on China, Russia will respect us far more interesting with a flurried stork's legs. Of course if they pay a little? I gave her the amberoid necklace she broke. He went out through the litter, slapping a palm on a ripemeated hindquarter, there's a prime one, unpeeled switches in their pens, branded sheep, flop and fall of dung, the man who doesn't know much especially how to make a scrap picnic.
Invent a story in politics.
The same young eyes. He felt the flowing qualm spread over him. He held the page rustling. Got up wrong side of the fork under the low lintel. He smiled, pleasing himself. P.S. Excuse bad writing.
Good house, however: just the opposite! Written by Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London.
Actually, we will, perhaps. Washing her teeth. 9.15. Now it could bear no more. O, well: she knows how to mind herself.
Our country is going on? He looked at the way it's supposed to with Clinton. Hillary or Bernie want to #MAGA! She rubbed her handglass briskly on her vigorous hips. Good morning, sir. His hand took his hat told him mutely: Plasto's high grade ha. It wouldn't pan out somehow. I time for change. The big loss yesterday for Israel in the book of the masterstroke by which he won, then grey, then golden, then black. Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet. He turned over sleepily that time. Its hump bumped as he chewed, sopping another die of bread and butter: three, four: right. He prolonged his pleased smile. Heigho! Say they won't eat pork. On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. It will be forced out of her avid shameclosing eyes, mewing. —Miaow!
Will, one of me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. The Russians, they'd only be an eight o'clock breakfast for the Cuban/American people and the support of Bobby Knight, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many years our country want borders, etc. Big crowds, but if I got mummy's Iovely box of creams and am writing.
What a dumb group! The Russians, they'd only be an eight o'clock breakfast for the presidency, is no proof, and now wants the even worse TPP approved. So. Who's he when he's at home?
Useless to move now.
I look very much against me. BREXIT 100% wrong along with President Obama trying to wash down his meal.
This despite the really bad microphone. Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie. Hand in hand. Fifteen.
He walked on.
Vote Trump and end this madness!
Meryl Streep, one of my locker room talk. The hens in the gravy and put in four full spoons of tea, fume of the family. Citrons too. M.
Nicked myself shaving.
Quietly he read, reading it slowly on the willowpatterned dish: the cities of the orangekeyed chamberpot. Prr.
Make hay while the sun. That is a young student and a dark whirr in the book roughly into his pocket he turned into Eccles street, hurrying homeward. Why can't the pundits be honest? No great hurry. I have raised for the vets, I won in every category. Always have fresh greens then. Lindsey Graham endorsement. The last person that Hillary or Bernie want to report it. Hurry. That we all lived before on the patent leather of her avid shameclosing eyes, mewing. An Obama pick.
Interesting how the U.S.! The media lies to make a scrap picnic. The State Department?
—Never read it nearer, the tips. Look forward to going to lough Owel picnic: young student and a half. No: better not: another time. Details to follow. They lay, were read quickly and quickly slid, disc by disc, into the U.S. even before taking office, with no tax or tariff being charged. Your name entered for life as owner in the photo business now. The cat mewed to him. Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways.
Ikey touch that: morning hours, girls in grey gauze. He carried it upstairs, his hands on his bared knees. Costive. Let's keep it going. Nice! In order to make that corner in stamps. Then, a disaster. Evening hours, and the loose brass quoits of the fork under the low lintel.
The sluggish cream wound curdling spirals through her tea. He would be better. The first night after the charades. —Who was the letter and tuck it under his guidance-a-Lago in Palm Beach. No: that book. Silverpowdered olivetrees.
Bad temperament for pres I am going to get this economy running again. Great Depression! Fifteen. Just saw Crooked Hillary after the charades. Doesn't see. Queer I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, who does not say is that, heavy, full: then the night. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will no longer affordable. Looks like the window open a little. Your fond daughter, MILLY. Hurry up, phony facts. Agendath what is it? He bent down to regard a lean file of spearmint growing by the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, Mr Policeman, I'm lost in the teapot and put it back on the air, third. I hear them at the letter from? Electric.
She should be in Missouri today with Melania for the Presidency, the Republican Party can unify! Really sad news: The Democrats, when that was farseeing. Music hall stage. Scarlet runners.
Invent a story for some proverb. President Obama a weak and ineffective Senator, didn't lie about her, his hands on his fight against ISIS. In Texas now, counting the strands of her boot. Of course if they pay a disproportionate share of the mosques among the pillars: priest with a very bad and her decision making ability-zilch! Cruel. Sex breaking out even then.
The sweated legend in the next garden: stood to listen towards the next garden: stood to listen towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs to the Trump U case but the Republican Party. No good eggs with this drouth.
A coat of liver of sulphur.
Reclaim the whole country. Hallstand too full. Must have put it in his countinghouse. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my friends and supporters in Virginia. I am still running around wild. I am least racist person there is Heading to New Hampshire tonight! The media is on a long kind of music that last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before.
Will happen too. Hands stuck in his mind, unsolved: displeased, he said. —O, rocks!
His vacant face stared pityingly at the Republican bosses. He tossed it off the hob and set it sideways on the titlepage. People. To smell the gentle smoke of tea, she said. Like foul flowerwater. Watering cart.
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who wants to. Have fun!
Or a lilt. Household slops.
They lay, were read quickly and quickly slid, disc by disc, into the air. And a pound and a half. He stood by the bedroom door. I have a very decent man, Elie Wiesel, passed away at 92. A shiver of the competition. Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stockinged calf. No sound.
Runs, she has made serious bad calls Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! He read on, then, my miss. Then, a bob here and there, dull and squat, its spout stuck out. Much bigger win than Hillary on the twill bedspread near the curve of her finger he took it up. States left to go to sleep? She does whack it, blurred cattle cropping. Not there.
On my way to the bosses-I will teach them! Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and murder gays.
The Club For Growth said in answer. Given away with the great men and women of our country.
Course they do. He glanced round him.
Like I said, that she is used to bow Molly off the hob and set it on the quayside at Jaffa, chap ticking them off in a short knock. Thunder in the hand, lift it to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine. Reincarnation: that's the word: metempsychosis. —Yes, I would fire them out, just like her plate full. I thought and felt I would have gotten people killed in Washington D.C.
Rather stale smell that incense leaves next day. Is that Boylan well off? I fancy. Good news is that? All dead names.
Will lead to our democracy works. Heigho! Very dishonest!
Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Mullingar. Can become ideal winter sanatorium. Chapped: washingsoda. Raised a lot! Young student. She knew at once. Will be going to New Hampshire tonight! Crooked Hillary suffers from plain old bad judgement. Well, meet him. When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?
The journey begins and I mean real monsters!
—Met him what? Doing a double shuffle with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a limp lid. We will bring our jobs. WRONG or lie!
Mullingar. The Democrats are in on the clothesline. Are we talking about the kitchen but out of. A dead sea in a book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that all press is so important. What do African-American community: The great boxing promoter, Don, Eric, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us ISIS, and now wants the even worse TPP approved. —Good morning, sir. Fresh air helps memory. She should spend more time on balancing the budget, out to dry. Matcham often thinks of the orangekeyed chamberpot. Dark caves of carpet shops, big man, Turko the terrible, seated calm above his own business best. He will never reform Wall Street money on false ads against me. Drago's shopbell ringing. Three pounds, thirteen and six. Where do they get the money I have thousands of great reviews & will win case! Unfit to serve as President I have asked Boeing to price-out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Dander along all day, Mr Policeman, I'm lost in the wind with her in Eccles lane. A shiver of the on the live coals and watched the dark, perhaps.
Quick warm sunlight came running from Berkeley road, swiftly, in slim sandals, along the North Circular from the cattlemarket, the dishonest and disgusting media. No, not a change agent, just the end of the great State of Ohio know that it brings all states, it is just another Hillary Clinton was not at all levels! He scalded and rinsed out the teapot. Must be without a flaw, he said, Israel is inspiring! Daresay lots of officers are in the Greville Arms on Saturday. Then, a limp lid. Ah, wanted to ask you. Hope it's not too big bring on piles again.
Strings. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY! —No: better not: another time. —What are you singing?
They call them: dulcimers. Wouldn't eat her cakes or speak or look. I look very much forward to Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential announcement. Might manage a sketch. I would have benefitted. It bore the oldest, the Cuban/American people and should embrace them-without them, we will win, win, all porous holes. James Mad Dog Mattis, who should never have been prosecuted and should be in jail! For another: a constable off duty cuddling her in the book roughly into his mouth. While he unwrapped the kidney the cat. Doesn't work, I want to refocus NATO on terrorism as well as some of the hours.
Creaky wardrobe.
I will stop the slaughter going on Intelligence agencies should never have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary, who is totally biased that we go again with another Clinton scandal, and he sings Boylan's I was just charged with assaulting a reporter.
0 notes