#what is canon if not a pithy thing to be bent to my will
reiverreturns · 2 years
not enough stories exist where maverick actually wanted bradley to fly when he was older. he could feel it in his bones, see it in the stars. he showed the kid around a toolbox and taught him to strip an internal combustion engine and scrubbed the oil off his hands before he went home to mom. taught him to drive stick (probably underage lets be real) because it’s important to feel the bite and the grip and how the revs drop when you shift up. more than once he found bradley sitting in the idle car with the engine on because the dull roar helps him think - mav understands that feeling better than anyone. and yeah carole’s not thrilled but she’ll come around because one day she’ll see what mav sees. right? right?
she doesn’t tell mav she doesn’t want bradley to fly until she’s sick. until the lucid days barely outweigh the confused. there isn’t time to fight back, to talk her round.
so maverick doing what he does and pulling rooster’s papers isn’t just tragic because he’s making a choice that hurts his boy. it’s tragic because he’s shattering his own hopes and dreams for rooster. he’s sold him on a lifelong feeling and a passion and a lie that he never meant to tell in the first place.
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autumnslance · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
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Tagged by: @elveny​ and @illegiblewords​.
Tagging: Whoever wants to, including YOU.
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion
Name: Online I go mostly by LynMars, sometimes with a 79 appended depending on availability. Some guildies still refer to me by my old WoW char names. On Discord I often add this blog to my handle and keep the characters in my note.
Fandoms: Right now just FFXIV. I debate rewriting and reposting some of my old WoW stories. I haven't written for other fandoms I peek at. I mostly hold fandom at arm's length.
Most popular oneshot: Depending on metrics used, on Ao3 it'd be "A Constant Distant Thunder", my fic on Thancred's recovery in the ARR patch series, up to the Slyphlands events (and referencing quests that sadly no longer exist in game).
On Tumblr it's "Rules for a Warrior of Light" followed by "Never Gets Easier." Both are on Ao3 as well, the former in “Ruminations” the latter by itself.
Most popular multichapter: I only have a couple true multichapter fics featuring an actual coherently plotted story; I have several compilation fics of scenes over time held together by a theme.
For my few actual multichapters, "Rogue's Prelude" is going to be the clear winner. I do want to write more, and it’ll likely be another Damned Rogue piece.
Depending on metrics, "Downtime" and "Unexpected" are neck and neck, but they are compilations, not true multichapter stories.
Actual worst part of writing: Starting something, not getting too impatient and skipping or cutting necessary elements, then actually editing and deciding it's finished and being brave enough to post it, or not hampering myself with "well but I want to write other things in order and..."
The whole process has its highs and lows.
How you choose your titles: Really depends. Sometimes I have the title before anything else. Sometimes it's obvious. Many times I'm struggling to find something pithy that works. Sometimes what I think is the draft's working title so I know how to find it in my docs ends up becoming the real title after all; usually it changes, though.
Do you outline: Depends. For longer works, yeah; there'll be something resembling an outline. This can be for multichapters or simply longer/heavier one shots, like "A Constant Distant Thunder" or "Return to Dreams of Ice" where there are certain scenes and/or elements I want to ensure I've figured out.
For most prompts or one-shots, though, I don't really worry about outlining. I may jot notes down, especially when taking a break, so I recall what I want to say/do next, but it's generally not a huge thing.
Even when I do outline, it's more some rambling notes to myself.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: So many. I can't even think of them all. And some of them will likely get reworked into other stories anyway.
Sometimes I think of AUs, but I'm not a big AU fan, but it's one of those 'wish I had the bent toward that' sometimes.
Callouts @ Me: Hey, a lot of those WIPs and drafts ARE as ready as they're gonna get and should be posted to “Living Memory”, “Unexpected”, or just go ahead and make threads for Aeryn's adventures as the WoL each expac. Procrastinating just because it's not in a linear order is silly.
Best writing traits: I dunno? I'm bad at gauging myself, really. I guess I'm good at dialogue and getting into characters' heads to make them sound believably close to canon and existing as people in their world.
Spicy Tangential Opinion: I dunno; my opinions tend to change as I gather more information and perspectives, and that's a good thing. I can be wrong about topics and people and shift my mindset and expectations accordingly. When I don't, it often leads to hurt on one end or another. I mostly try to be chill these days because most of the time fandom is just not worth getting worked up about, even if I hate an opinion or dislike a person. I can easily just Unfollow/Block/Mute/Scroll Past/Ignore, it costs nothing--especially my own time, energy, and emotional stress. It's taken me too long to learn that and I still can slip up sometimes.
I guess that's my spicy opinion, given modern Fandom and social media.
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resting-meme-face · 7 years
Self-rec fic tagging meme
Tagged by @crystalsoulslayer, after having an hour long conversation about why I didn’t want to do this and the confusing sexual habits of my neighbors with @whifferdills. Welp. *shrug*
When you get tagged, write down your favorite fics that you have written and tag other writers.
1. Tiny Twelve, an anti-capitalist fairy tale masquerading as an AU for a popular long-running sci-fi show. Basically, the Doctors are toy/plant things. Clara gets one of the 12th models. Then she starts a revolution.
2. Iconoclast/Orbitoclast, musings on identity, autonomy, and loneliness in the modern world, disguised as a character study fic about this one hot alien lady I like from this niche sci-fi show. I gave Quill a girlfriend. And an existential crisis. What happens next may or may not surprise you.
3. Matrix-Touched, part attempt at trying to reconcile the Doctor’s reasons for leaving Gallifrey as per Hell Bent with the greater canon (madness, I know), part playing with the idea of naming and prophecies and destiny, part just having fun writing Susan and the First Doctor. One of my less read pieces, probably because I can’t find a pithy way of describing it, and it dives into classic Whodom. But, one of the pieces I’m proudest of as well. I like the playing with tenses and names I do within it.
At this point, you might be asking if there’s anything I do that’s NOT high concept.
Why yes, yes there is.
4. The Curious Case of the Doctor and the Cat, I wanted to write about kitties :3. 12 and Clara team up with an orange Tom cat to save the world, 7 blocks in a suburban neighborhood, and a small child, in that order.
5. The Metaphorical Entity. Or What Quill Birthed. Have you ever wanted to know what a baby!fic would be like if it was written by a woman with a massive phobia for both pregnancies and children? Well, then have I got a fic for you. It’s this fic. In case you were wondering.The baby’s a meme, Ram’s 90% sure Quill had sex with the internet, Tanya’s the only remotely competent person in this group, and Quill needs vodka, badly. No deeper meaning, unless you count sublimating your own neuroses into a meme as a ‘deeper meaning.’ It’s just good, old-fashioned, completely inexplicable fun. Plus, it hasn’t been Jossed yet in anyway, so it’s almost definitely canon.
Tagging: look, if you’re on my dash, chances are you’ve done this meme, or you don’t write fic. If you haven’t done this meme and you write fic, consider yourself tagged. And called out
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