#what is basically anti-adhd rhetoric everywhere and it was so weird
k-dhd · 9 months
I was just recommended this blog, congrats on being the first adhd blog I've followed! :) My adhd is real bad right now since I can't get my meds, got that burnout going and I'm desperate for a new hyperfixation because all my other ones sound "too boring" for my brain. I saw that you enjoy talking about your hyperfixations, so my question is what things would you suggest and what would be your selling points for them? Shows, games, crafts, anything you can think of! Go wild my friend!
i feel unreasonably happy about being the first adhd blog that you followed and that it was because i was recommended to you!! 🥰 but i’m sorry about the meds. though i do enjoy talking about my hyperfixations so thank you for asking me about them.
right now, i’m really obsessed with castiel from the show supernatural. i have been for about two and half years, so it’s definitely lasted a while. plus the ship destiel (he’s the -stiel part of course), and the show are part of that hyperfixation. if you haven’t heard about castiel, he’s an angel who was sent to earth to be a soldier but he fell in love with humanity, plus he can be bitchy and really funny. he’s so pretty and just an all around lovable character.
i make gifs so i spend a lot of time watching his scenes and hoping to make other people love him too. plus the actor who plays him (misha collins) is really special to me too. i love him probably as much as castiel, and i’m actually going to meet him in september!!!!!
the show supernatural is 15 seasons and castiel is in them from the first episode of season 4 till the end so there’s quite a lot of him! this is him:
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oh and misha collins from above is also in this other show called ‘gotham knights’, it’s about these teenagers who band together after they’re accused of killing batman. i admit, i started watching the show because of misha collins, but the relationships between the so called gotham knights is really amazing to watch. the show got cancelled after one season thanks to the cw, but what they did with that season was so great.
misha plays harvey dent, and he’s a really good guy who starts to struggle with, for lack of a way to describe it, another guy in his head. he blacks out and does things he doesn’t remember because the other guy takes over.
it’s a really good show, and everyone, not just the cast but the crew and the writers and especially the costume designer (who interacted with me a few times on twitter) worked so hard on the show and it made me love it so much more.
another show i really like is called 911, it’s about these firefighters and paramedics in LA and honestly i didn’t expect to love it as much as i did. procedurals weren’t my favourite type of shows, but this one had me reconsidering. my favourite character is this guy evan buckley, or ‘buck’ as he goes by. he’s got like the worst abandonment issues but he’s really cute and fun and half the reason i love the show. i am terrible at descriptions but i think anyone who watches the show finds they love him. but the show is more about found family, which is coincidentally what supernatural is about 😆
this isn’t something to really hyperfixate on but recently i’ve been really obsessed with cats. i don’t currently have one but my sister got one about 3 years ago and for like 2 months, i’ve been looking for a cat myself. they’re just so adorable and small!!! i can’t get a cat until i get a job, and it’s seriously hard right now ☹️but i’m trying my best.
i mentioned this earlier but i make gifs. like… a lot. i love watching something and thinking ‘i can make this look even better.’ making a scene brighter and playing around with colouring and photoshop is really, really fun. it takes up a lot of my time because once i start, i can’t really stop. and being on tumblr is a perfect place to share gifs. if you have the means and the time, i’d definitely recommend it. you can be creative, rewatch a show and characters you love and find a community of people who do!
i know i haven’t given you many options for things to hyperfixate on, but this has been really fun to just rant about things i like, so thank you! i hope you find some things to hyperfixate on, but if not, adhd in and of itself is really interesting to learn about. but then again, psychology and neuroscience are what i’ve committed to studying so maybe that’s why it appeals to me so much. anyways, i wish you luck on your journey! thanks for following 💖
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