#wew this got lengthy. i apologize i just have so many feelings about this game and its characters
pokemonruby · 3 years
Aerith or cloud maybe 👀
i’ll do both!! 
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual queen  Gender Headcanon: hmmmmm i like trans woman aerith... a lot..... A ship I have with said character: *bangs fists on table* CLERITH! CLERITH! CLERITH  A BROTP I have with said character: basically the rest of the party, but i especially like the concept of her being a big sister figure to yuffie c:  A NOTP I have with said character: uhhh i guess aerith/sephiroth because that is a thing that exists apparently.  A random headcanon: one of my favorite headcanons/theories is that aerith, in the ff7 remake, remembers the events of the original game (in the sense that the remake takes place in the future/alternative timeline), thus knows about her ultimate fate which could either help to prevent it or, considering that it was her power that enabled them to stop meteor in the end, embrace it. which is also why she tells cloud not to fall in love with her.... *cries* General Opinion over said character: i love aerith so much!!! she impacted me so much as a character throughout my playthroughs of both the remake and the original, and though i knew about what happens to her (pretty sure everyone does at this point) it nevertheless hurt me tremendously. she is an incredible, unforgettable character, and i adore her with all of my heart.  
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexy  Gender Headcanon: trans man cloud! trans man cloud! trans man cloud!  A ship I have with said character: as shown above, i really, really like clerith (but zakkura is pretty epic too.) A BROTP I have with said character: again, with the entire party because they’re just the found family troupe ok! but especially vincent and yuffie since they’re who made up my party so i consider these three to be especially close :) 
A NOTP I have with said character: ehhhhh i guess cloud/tifa? it isn’t a bad ship by any means, i just like seeing them as bffs more. i will admit that they are both very important figures in each other’s lives, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be romantic, right? plus i just think he has more chemistry with aerith.  A random headcanon: this headcanon is very personal but i also think it’s a widely accepted one but cloud is autistic! it’s more pronounced in the remake, but from his mannerisms to his difficulty in expressing his emotions to the way he interacts with the other characters and just the way he speaks... now i doubt this is what they were intending while creating him (cloud definitely suffers from ptsd and depression, which the developers themselves have basically pointed out) but still, the signs are there and as an autistic person it made the game all the more special to me.  General Opinion over said character: cloud deserved so, so much better. i wasn’t expecting to get as attached to him as i did, but god, by the 2nd disc i was absolutely invested in his character, to the point i nearly shed tears when they unveiled the truth about his past and the repercussions it had on him. i’ve never come across a video game protagonist with as much depth as cloud; he truly feels like a real person and it pains me when people just remember him as some brooding edgelord when there is so much more to his character. as a mentally ill person, i can empathize with cloud and everything he has gone through, which is something i think all writers should strive for when developing a good protagonist. make them complex, multifaceted, and realistic-- cloud achieved all of these, and now stands as one of my most favorite characters of all time. 
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pokemonruby · 5 years
rank the regions from favorite to least favorite, and tell us a little abt why if u want!! :D also the name+theme of the region u made!!! (i mightve missed it earlier hehe)
hoenn, of course! it’s the generation that truly got me involved with pokemon as a whole - the games, at least. honestly i could write a full-length essay on why hoenn is my favorite region and how precious it is to me but i don’t want to put anyone through that kind of torture so. long story short? motherfucking Trumpets  (also i already elaborated on why hoenn is my favorite region in the past and it was INCREDIBLY lengthy) 
unova! not only is it home to my favorite games in the series, but the region itself is just... incredibly well-made? i honestly believe they put more effort into making every location memorable into this region more than any other in the series. i think unova embodies the truest sense of “adventure” featured so far - which is saying something since pokemon itself is based around the concept of, well, going on your own adventure! not to mention it has the best variety of pokemon to select from in my personal opinion, especially the bug-types. i was discussing this with my boyfriend last night but unova made me, someone who normally detests bug-types, absolutely love each and every one it had to offer. leavanny is my fucking BABY. also the vanillite and trubbish lines are valid anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a genwunner. 
sinnoh! definitely one of the fan-favorites from what i’ve noticed.... like... y’all really want those remakes, don’t you. then again i was in the same position prior to oras was announced so, yeah, i totally get it. but sinnoh itself is an incredible region jam-packed with fascinating lore and i just love how... mellow it is? the snowy aesthetic is definitely one i can get behind and i am literally on my KNEES begging we’ll see another cold region here soon, because i am downright tried of tropical locations. honestly platinum is the game i pick up whenever i want to feel relaxed since... that’s the whole vibe sinnoh just gives off, i suppose? aside from its outrageous difficulty like what the fuck is that pokemon league 
now here’s an unpopular one: kalos! i love the overall aesthetic of the kalos region and while x/y definitely suffered in many departments, i think it made up for them with its amazing landscape and the wide selection of pokemon you’re able to obtain. not to mention it introduced fairy-type pokemon which i absolutely adore so, i think all this kalos hate should stop to be honest. yes it lacked in some areas but the games were overall good in my opinion. but that’s an entirely different topic i can tackle on a later date fkgflgskdfj
johto! though it’s tied with kalos if i’m being honest, i love the johto reigon! it’s simplistic but not to the extent it’s unbearably boring like kanto is - really, it’s just an improved version of it. also i have more nostalgia for johto than i do its predecessor so most of my adoration for the region stems from that fact. i don’t have much else to say other than the fact i love hgss but why is red’s team in the 80s when you’re barely level 50 after defeating every single gym in the game. Why. 
with alola, i do think it’s a feel-good region in general but i don’t possess the same fondness for it as i do the others i’ve mentioned so far. it’s not necessarily forgettable but sumo just aren’t games that i replay often so... i don’t think much about alola, i guess? but i do like the positive vibe it gives off as a whole! also why did only gen 1 pokemon get alola forms - oh wait, because nintendo is constantly baiting people’s nostalgia :/ 
and lastly, kanto... i don’t think i need to go into too much detail on why i personally dislike this region but, to put it simply: it’s boring. like, unbearably boring to the point i can’t bring myself to touch any of the kanto games because it fails to keep my attention. understandably they’re the first games in the franchise but nintendo has failed to make improvements with the remakes - though lgpe is more blameworthy of this than frlg, which i actually don’t mind that much. still, it’s this excessive kanto pandering that’s driven me further and further away from the region as a whole... like, yes... there’s definitely nostalgia but it isn’t enough to cure this region of how utterly monotone it is. at least the pokemon are good, with raichu being my favorite of all-time and pikachu a close, CLOSE second, but i don’t really count the pokemon because they’re a different circumstance altogether. 
WEW! that got lengthy, i apologize. in regards to my fan-made region, it’s called “fairel” and it’s primarly based off fairytales/myths instead of a real-life country like the usual trope is. though i have taken slight inspiration from greece because it’s pretty much the paragon of mythologies and all. the best way i’d describe this region is like studio ghibli aesthetic - a sense of endless adventure and mystery waiting to be unraveled. there’s a reason the champion is an archaeologist, after all! 
.... that being my sweet little angel, victor. he’s my main pokemon oc and i would die a thousand deaths for him. also, with my story taking place several years into the future - his boyfriend is the son of lance. who’s also a dragon master but unlike his father his team has actual variety & doesn’t own three illegal dragonites. 
the main plot summed up is that the multiverse is real and you should trust no one, not even your true self. 
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