ex-cogtfi · 11 months
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TW: sensitive content
As founders of a religious cult, David Berg and Karen Zerby knew too well the terror they could elicit in members by associating homosexuality with demons and demonic possession. They used this tactic to the fullest extent, going so far as to “exorcise” people’s genitalia and publicize the name of the demon they alleged incites homosexuality.
The spiritual and religious abuse that Berg and Zerby inflicted on members was not only deeply damaging and traumatic due to the distress experienced in believing one has angered an all-powerful God; it also inoculated Berg and Zerby against being criticized or challenged for their words and actions, since speaking against them would be speaking against God. An example of this is the quotation where Berg, instead of owning his hateful views, claims that “the Spirit in me was repulsed & revulsed by that horrible thing,” thus invoking the fear and veneration members felt for the Spirit of God.
Again and again, over decades, Berg and Zerby weaponized religion and spirituality to facilitate their corrupt agendas, lend authority to their vitriol, and sanction their oppression and abuse.
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