#we're getting a frickin' library of solo tie-in material
countessofbiscuit · 6 years
“Aberrant clones numbered just 3.5% of each batch.”
(Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry, et. al. [Legends])
And this was considered a real feat. 
But according to the cloning system laid out in this book, clones were decanted in batches/cohorts of 36, which evolved into platoons. So that’s about 1 clone per batch that would have been terminated or reconditioned (presumably before the Jedi arrived on the scene). So in point of fact these “platoons” of 36 would had to have been supplemented. 
Maybe some batches were fully operational while others had multiple defects and aberrants. One would guess these batches would be nullified and the functional clones parcelled out to under-strength batches. 
Makes you wonder what the stigma for aberrance was. There had to have been some superstitions/rumors on Kamino about where the clones were taken when they were deemed ‘unfit’ and from whence they never returned. (In Rep Comm  Darman acts as if that’s very much the case, but the initial burn rate of commandos versus clone troopers would probably have been really skewed, i.e. aberrance was less tolerated in commandos than your average ground-pounder -- a fully-trained commando represented a far greater investment than a trooper -- so I think they might have been terminated at a higher rate early on? Just speculation.) 
One wonders if the ranks of support clones (sanitation, maintenance, maybe mechanics?) were filled by aberrant clones, as this would be more efficient than just terminating every clone that didn’t pass basic training or whatever. But the Kaminoans also strike me as a species intolerant of defects to the point of not being able to bear the idea of utilizing them elsewhere. On the other hand, the support arms of any army are seriously vital, so one could imagine Kaminoans breeding clones specifically for those roles (again, at least until the Jedi came along and ceased the terminations, arguing for aberrants like 99 to simply be reassigned). 
IDK massive thought dump. I’m going to do a blow-by-blow of the GAR-relevant sections of this book soon, because despite being a Legends text I really do think it’s a vital resource as we simply have so little canonical information to refute it at this stage. 
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