#we should really exchange phone numbers bc im like never on instagram 😭
miss-celestial-being · 3 months
Also my friends brother who I liked a bit back but don’t really anymore
My friends (who I’m living with) told me today that the one girl T (live with) went into the councilors office where A (friend’s brother) does aid since he doesn’t have a class. So he delivers notes and such. A asked T ‘you’re Kylie right?’ And T said yes just for shit and giggles lol. Then I guess he said how he knows that I like him. So now he thinks T is me 💀 but also M (friend who I live with) and G (guys sister/my friend) exaggerate how much I like him. Like this morning M said ‘how you have a big fat crush on him’ …..
I hope that all made sense. Atleast some 😭I didn’t wanna say their names and everything
i half understood this ngl but like from what i understand, t asked a if he liked you and he said yes but thought it was abt t(?) and then your friends g and m say you really like him but you only like him a little or stopped liking him
am i correct??
if im not and youre comfortable you can text me or something with names but dont feel pressured!!
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