#we didn't even get any answers about what mimi was doing involved in alex's kidnapping in s2
lovecolibri · 2 years
You will never see me asking for more M*ria content, but killing off Mimi immediately at the beginning of the episode and then barely doing anything with it for the rest of it was another deeply weird choice. Entirely missed emotional beats for everyone, I guess.
It was suuuuuch a waste of time! What did she even die of? Why did no one attempt CPR? It was all just to get m*ria to dig through her stuff and find that drawing? She couldn't have done that when they were going through all the other stuff last week? Dallas couldn't have recognized the fruit tree or something? And it didn't even lead to talking about Rosa and where she is when she's supposedly (as we've been told but almost NEVER shown once she was alive again) m*ria's best friend? Just say it was just for the *drama* to give m*ria something to do because she’s still superfluous to the story 🙄🙄🙄 Also stop trying to make us feel bad for her, especially if you’re going to turn around and have her being rude to Dallas, and mean about Liz, and acting like no one wants to help her while having literally everyone falling all over themselves to try and her not accepting help, then complaining no one is there for her! Nothing about this was needed and all it did was take time in the final season away from other characters and storylines. You’d think they’d have learned their lesson after season 3 and how much time they wasted with her doing absolutely nothing helpful that wasn’t already being done by someone else and yet, here we are. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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