#wc: valentina leblanc
kimsgoeun · 3 years
☪ (jeanette/levi, valentina/adrianna)
☪  five times our muses almost hold hands, and the one time they do.
one. For whatever reason, Levi’s a web of tension. He hasn’t said it, but she can tell from his actions. The class has broken up into groups and while she’s trying to stay on task, she can’t help but notice him from the corner of her eye. His fingers tap nervously against his leg. It’s clear he isn’t listening to what the other members in their group are saying, but she knows that none of them are going to say anything. Every once in a while, one of them raises a brow at her and tells her to say something silently. It makes her want to roll her eyes. Why anyone is scared of Levi is still weird to her and the fact that everyone wants her to somehow do something about him is just as baffling. But she does want to say something to him. Not because of them, but because she is concerned. She thinks about grabbing his hand to get his attention, but Jean can’t do that here. Not when everyone is watching. Instead she scribbles a note asking if he’s okay and passes it over to him as she nudges his arm. 
two. They walk side by side at a comfortable pace. Like every day, they grab a coffee and head to the next class together. It has easily become one of her favorite parts of the day. Levi says something sarcastic and she let out a laugh. His face softens looking at her and that warm and fuzzy feeling returns in the pit of her stomach. If she was a little braver, Jean might ask him what that expression meant. Does he like her? Does he think about her the way she’s been thinking about him? All of the questions swirling in her head and yet she can’t bring herself to bring any of it up. Not if it means losing out on his friendship. So instead she walks beside him and simply thinks about what would happen if she slipped her hand in his for once.
three. It’s one of those awkward moments where she can’t walk without tripping. It was her friend’s fault for convincing her to wear heels much too high for her liking, but it’s her own for drinking a cup of the mystery punch at the campus mixer. Sighing and trying to get her bearing, she takes another step forward, only to misstep. A quiet curse flies out of her mouth, but then an arm catches her. She’s expecting a stranger and doesn’t expect to see Levi beside her. “Thank you,” she squeaks out, grabbing his arm as she tries to right herself up. Making a comment about her being a klutz, he notes her shoes and ask her why she’s wearing them. Isn’t she plenty tall without them? Especially since she isn’t the most graceful person even in flats. He knows that already. “Just trying to leave. My feet hurt,” she complains, wishing she had been smart enough to bring a different pair of shoes. Levi asks if she wants his help and she nods her head. He offers his arm back to her and she has to bite her tongue from complaining further that she wants to hold his hand instead. 
four. Some movie plays in on her laptop, but she’s stopped paying attention ten minutes ago. Mostly because it hadn’t interested her to begin with, but mostly because Levi had fallen asleep sometime fifteen minutes ago. She doesn’t mean to, and she knows it’s borders on creepy, but she can’t help but watch him sleep. Sleep erases the tension in his brows and the frown on his lips. He nearly reminds her of the boy she grew up with, though she still likes him just as much now as she did then. Definitely more now if she’s being completely honest. If anything, she’s hyper aware that he’s leaning towards her in his sleep; his arm resting near hers. Jean keeps still, worrying the slightest movement would cause him to shift away. It’d probably be weird to try and hold his hand while he sleeps though, and so she attempts to pay attention to the movie once more until he wakes. 
five. He sticks by her side in a room full of people neither of them know. She’s grateful for it, but she can’t exactly tell if he’s enjoying his time babysitting her. He reassures her he isn’t, but it certainly feels that way. Especially when she catches other girls staring at him and she has to wonder if his night would be better spent with someone (in her opinion) prettier. Still, the idea of letting him do just that irritates her in a way that’s very much unlike her. Jealousy does not become you, she thinks in chastisement. But then another smile in flashed in Levi’s direction and she has to resist the urge to grab his hand and pretend to have some claim to his attention and company.
six. Her steps are slow and careful as she walks backwards so she can talk to Levi. A grin is on her face as she reiterates some story she’s heard. He doesn’t seem nearly as entertained as she is, but that hasn’t bothered her before. The fact that he’s listening at all is very much appreciated. Still, she wants to try and get a reaction out of him. So she says it again, this time exaggerating her gestures as she speaks. At the very least, he rolls his eyes and gives her a pity laugh--Jean happily takes that as a victory. She begins another story but Levi grabs her arm just as she’s about to bump into someone else walking. “Oops,” she says, and quickly apologizes to them before they continue on their way from them. His head shakes as he realizes she’s going to continue walking backwards and grabs her hand. This time the smile on her face blossoms for a different reason altogether and she squeezes his hand in reassure. “I’ll be super careful. Promise.” 
one. She lets Adrianna share the bed with her, feeling bad about letting her sleep on the uncomfortable couch in the other room or the floor of Val’s room. But they don’t know each other and it’s awkward now that it’s happening. Val feigns sleeps, giving the other woman privacy as she hears her still sniffling under the covers. She wishes there was something she could say to make her feel better, but any remarks in her don’t seem like what Adrianna would want to hear. A hand brushes her under the covers and she feels the other woman freeze at the contact, quickly pulling it away from Val and back into their own space. If only they knew each other better. If they did, she wouldn’t have thought about twice about reaching for her hand out of comfort. 
two. Trying to keep her mood up, Val drags her from one place to the next in the hopes of distracting her. Considering she invited her to stay, she feels like it’s her responsibility to not make the break a complete waste of Adrianna’s time. But it’s hard when she’s still learning how the other woman works, or what she did or did not like. So really it’s a lot of trial and error on her part, though to be fair they both had grown up here anyway. It didn’t exactly make her part of town all that interesting. “Come on. There has to be something you want to do,” she says, smiling pleadingly. “”Anything. I am game for anything, so just name it, okay?” She holds out her hand to the other, hoping it would help. Adrianna eyes her, maybe in exasperation, and Val constant enthusiasm to do something fun together. The other woman sighs, but ignores her hand before agreeing to something she wants to do. 
three. Another dumb attempt to distract Adrianna is to learn palm reading. Making the other woman lay her hand flat in front of her, Val traces the lines on her palm while going over the cheap instructions she found online. “So this either means you’re going to have a long life or it means a surprise is going to happen without you realizing.” The prediction causes a roll of the eyes from the other. “Hey, I am new to this,” she feigns offense before laughing. It isn’t as if she really takes much stock into these things. Her attention is still on her phone, reading over the lines, but she doesn’t realize she’s absent mindlessly tracing the lines on Adrianna’s hand still. The other woman clears her throat and Val’s eyes lift from her phone and back onto the other’s hand. Oh. “Sorry,” she quickly utters out, stopping herself from saying more. More like how she thought Adrianna’s hand felt soft under her fingers. 
four. It’s New Year’s Eve and nearly midnight. Val pulls close to Adrianna, knowing neither of them wanted to kiss some rando at the party Val found for them to attend in town. She turns to the other woman as people begin to count down and grins at her. “You gotta admit, I at least made the end of your year way better,” she teases, bumping Adrianna’s shoulder with her own. At least a smile is returned instead of the frown she’s seen on the other’s face countless times over the last two weeks. She really does prefer seeing her smile over everything else. The room around them explodes in the countdown: “Three, two, one. Happy New Year!” Cheers sounded and the women share a grin to each other. Valentina nearly wants to grab Adrianna’s hand, but instead she tips her glass towards the other in cheers. “Here’s to a better year,” she exclaims happily. 
five. It’s been a few weeks since they got back to school and she’s barely seen Adrianna. It’s weird. Going from seeing her everyday to now occasionally seeing her across the quad is a weird adjustment. And trying to figure out whether or not she should go up and talk to her as if nothing had changed was slightly awkward considering they led rather different lives on campus. Valentina doesn’t really have a reason to go up to her until she notes the other woman across the room in the dining hall. Adrianna’s face isn’t one of comfort, one she’d seen plenty of times over break, and she can only assume it’s because of the man talking to her. Feeling protective, she heads towards her, tempted to grab the woman’s hand and drag her out of the situation, but she doubts that’s what Adrianna would want her to do. Instead she butts into the conversation, ignoring the man for her. “Hey. So I was wondering if you wanted to eat with me today,” and promptly glares before continuing to man as he tells her she’s interrupting. “As I was saying, I think we should catch up. Let’s go over there.”  
six. Once they’ve hung out the first time, it’s easy enough to find reasons to continue being around each other. She doesn’t know how long it is until Val realizes the feelings she’s harboring towards Adrianna aren’t simply platonic. But the way her faces heats when the woman pays her a compliment is indication enough that somewhere along the way, she’s fallen for the woman she’d road tripped with only a month ago. Hopefully she isn’t completely apparent with her feelings. And when she slips her hand into hers so they don’t get separated in a crowd, she hopes the pulse beneath her skin doesn’t betray her. 
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kimsgoeun · 4 years
[text] You don’t need this shit. | [drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like (Valentina&Adrianna)
[text] You don’t need this shit. 
[ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: eh well it’s whatever [ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: i’m already over it dw
[drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like
[ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: first of all [ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: that sounds AMAZING [ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: second [ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: if you aren’t actually eating that we should go get that right now [ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: be ready in ten minutes. 
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kimsgoeun · 4 years
[text] I just want you to be happy. And you’ll be happier without me. (valentina/adrianna)
[ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: that’s bs and you know it[ valentina » adrianna 🖌️🌈 ]: you kno i dont let people decide how i should live my life that includes you
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
Do the sleeping hcs for any/all of our ships?
Who is a night owl: Belinda
Who is a morning person: Belinda :) She just always has energy even with a small amount of sleep. 
Are they cuddlers: Yes! 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Belinda likes being big spoon, but always gets all heart eyes if she’s little spoon. 
What is their favourite sleeping position: They end up sleeping facing each other, or Belinda will wake up with her face pressed against Kendra’s back or shoulder. 
Who steals all the blankets: Kendra, maybe. 
What they wear to bed: Tanks and shorts. Or oversized shirts with shorts. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Belinda. She always likes seeing Kendra in her clothes. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Kendra. Belinda always finds it cute and will tuck her in when that happens. 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Neither. 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Hmm neither? Or maybe Kendra. 
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Belinda.
Who is a night owl: Both probably.
Who is a morning person: If not Lacey then neither. Harley is useless in the morning. 
Are they cuddlers: Maybe not. 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: They switch off. 
What is their favourite sleeping position: Harley sleeps on her stomach or in weird contortions tbh. Probably is constantly right in Lacey’s space or pushing her towards the edge of the bed. 
Who steals all the blankets: Lacey. But Harley won’t mind because she runs hot when she’s sleeping. 
What they wear to bed: Harley wears either an oversized teacher or for special occasions silk nighties. Lacey probably does the same. That or they both just don’t wear clothes to bed lol. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Neither? 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Harley. 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Neither. 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Harley |: And then will try to make up for it with nice favors. 
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Both :)
Who is a night owl: Kenzie
Who is a morning person: Jesse
Are they cuddlers: Sometimes. 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Kenzie insisting on being big spoon lol. 
What is their favourite sleeping position: Jesse just sleeps on his back. If she doesn’t do the same, then I just imagine she’s just always moving around in her sleep lol. In which case Jesse accommodates by snuggling into her when she is close. 
Who steals all the blankets: Kenzie.
What they wear to bed: Jesse wears shirts and basketball shorts. Kenzie wears tanks and shorts? Or less? 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Jesse. He always thinks she looks very cute.
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Jesse. He feels bad when that happens, but he is a sleepy boy from all the work/studying he does. 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Neither? 
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Kenzie ;-;
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Kenzie. Ruins Jesse’s sleep schedule even more because of it. 
Who is a night owl: Kendal
Who is a morning person: Ellory
Are they cuddlers: Well Kenny is lol. Kind of does it regardless. 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Kenny will be big spoon.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Kenny sleeps on her back with her arm over her head or with the covers over her head. Ellory maybe just sleeps on her side of the bed on her back and side? But if Kenny is restless, she probably rolls into her. 
Who steals all the blankets: Kenny
What they wear to bed: Kenny wears tank tops and shorts. If Ellory doesn’t wear similar things, I’d assume pajama sets. And if it is the latter, Kenny always teases her about because she looks so cute. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Ellory (secretly). Meanwhile it usually happens because Kenny was forgetful and didn’t do laundry that week. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Ellory. 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Ellory or neither. Though if it is her, Kenny blames it on the fact that El stresses herself out too much with her working/studying.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Kenny 
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Kenny lol. 
Who is a night owl: Renee
Who is a morning person: Max
Are they cuddlers: Yes. 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Renee is the big spoon. 
What is their favourite sleeping position: Max sleeps on her back with her arms stretched out. I imagine they both find a comfortable position to be in and falls asleep next to each other. 
Who steals all the blankets: Renee. 
What they wear to bed: Max wears pajama sets with funky/cute patterns on it. If Renee wears something simpler, Max will buy her cute tank top/short sets. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Renee. Especially since her wardrobe is more impressive than Max’s casual wear. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Max. She even falls asleep while she’s drawing. 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Neither?
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Renee maybe, or neither lol.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Renee. 
Who is a night owl: Val
Who is a morning person: Adrianna or neither. 
Are they cuddlers: Maybe not? Val at least doesn’t really care for it in bed. 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon: Val will be big spoon just so she can comfort/snuggle Adrianna until she sleeps. Then Val will roll away.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Val will sleep on her side and face away from Adrianna. 
Who steals all the blankets: Val. 
What they wear to bed: Val will wear shorts and a tee. Adrianna does the same? Or regular pajamas? 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Adrianna. Though neither of them might not care as much about that. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Adrianna, maybe. 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Adrianna.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Val. Especially since she’s not used to having someone in the bed with her. 
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Val. 
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