#way more ambitious than i'd intended but i got into it
thewatercolours · 13 days
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@cygnascrimbles, that's a great question, and there's no one right answer. I'll give you my two cents. :-)
tl;dr: I'd heartily suggest starting with Chapter One: A Knight to Remember from King's Quest (2015) because it's the game of my heart and is intended as a starting point. But many people would suggest King's Quest I ('84) because it was the very first, or King's Quest V ('90) or VI ('93) because they are often hailed as the best the older, original series has to offer.
So if the thing that's stoking your interest in King's Quest is my blog, what you're seeing is the King's Quest game released by The Odd Gentlemen starting in 2015.
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It's a reboot of the 80's/90's original games, but it requires no previous knowledge to play and is a fresh story. You play as Graham, who starts off as young lad dreaming of adventure and glory, and ends up having to unexpectedly take the throne he had planned on serving. Over the course of five chapters, you navigate the story of his life from those eager teen days straight through to old age, telling bedtimes stories to his grandchildren. It's a charming, quirky game with plenty of heart, a really gorgeous fairytale world of all hand-painted textures (they literally printed out the shapes for all the textures they needed, painted them with paint brushes, and then scanned them in to render in the game world! At least, as I understand it?), with a great sense of humour and some delightful characters. Graham himself is such a loveable dork in this version of the story, too,
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But I do have to give a caveat. This game, delightful as it is, is also seriously flawed. It was released episodically, and there were complications in the dev process as it went on, so the earlier entries are much stronger than the later ones. Some parts of it are kind of stupid, there are times when it drops the ball on storytelling principles and characterization, and some wonderfully over ambitious ideas were just that - overly ambitious - and never got paid off story-wise.
But I love it anyway.
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So my suggestion? Chapter One: A Knight to Remember (2015) is a free download, so I'd heartily say, "Try it out and see if you like it!" Most people think it's the best one of the reboot - it's a gorgeous, lighthearted story somewhat in the spirit of The Princess Bride (homages galore, and Wallace Shawn who played Vizzini features as one of the main cast.) It's a tale about a tournament, and a dragon's eye, and new friendships. It's self-contained if you want to stop there, and it's just full of joy and puzzles and a couple of surprisingly moving moments. If you want more after that, maybe check out a little of a playthrough of Chapter Two, which is also great but has very different atmosphere, and judge if it's something you want to shell out a shiny gold coin for.
All that being said, there's a sizable portion of the population who would suggest going back to King's Quest I (1984), which is where it all started and which turned forty yesterday! It was a huge mover and shaker in video game history back in its day. It's about Graham's attempts to recover the kingdom's three stolen treasures.
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Others would suggest starting with King's Quest V (Graham journeys to rescue his family from a wizard) or VI (Graham's son Alexander quests to rescue a princess in a tower. ) They were made in the nineties and many players consider them to be King's Quest at its best (VI especially is generally beloved.)
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You might find you enjoy these games much more than the reboot, but since I'm not as knowledgeable about the older games, I doubt I am the person to do them justice. If they intrigue you, you might want to do your own research or chat with someone who really loves them!
Anyhow, I don't want to talk your ear off. Thanks for asking, and let me know if I can be helpful any which way.
*whispers* ... and go download Chapter One: A Knight to Remember. It's free. You might like it. It's here:
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interact-if · 2 years
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Day 2 of our Pride Month Event, with Brigid!
Brigid, Author of Event Horizon
[EVENT HORIZON] is a science-fiction-horror story, set far into a future in which humans are not alone in a hostile galaxy.
The Failsafe has been activated. War lingers on the horizon. Five years ago, you were one of the last people to be selected for the Failsafe and Final Stand Programs. You were frozen in time, placed into orbit at the edge of the solar system. And now, you’re hurtling through space towards a ship you’ve never seen before. The Nomad. A secret mission beyond the edge of the solar system, to stop the Enemy before they can begin their second invasion. A suicide mission. A point of no return.
Read more about Event Horizon here. Play the Demo here or here. Brigid is also the author of Lost Birds (link) and CLOSEDLOOP (link).
Q1 - Please, introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your project(s)!
Hi! I'm Brigid, and I'm a writer, artist, and overworked college student, dabbling in writing IF. I've got quite a few projects in the works- all science-fiction, all overly ambitious.
Event Horizon is my main project; the story of crew as mysterious as they are doomed, on a one-way mission to stop the second alien invasion before it can even happen. It's a work of cosmic horror, split off into three massive "timelines", each of which showcases a different aspect of humanity (or lack thereof)- to fight, to change, to remember.
lost birds is a side project; a story told in many voices, all revolving around the end of the world and what comes after. Set nine years after the apocalypse, in the American Southwest, it concerns itself with a dead Ranger's quest for revenge- or something you can convince yourself isn't revenge- across the strange new wasteland, a world as hostile as it is beautiful.
CLOSEDLOOP is another side project; a fast-paced, cyberpunk-inspired tear through a dystopic City. Trapped in a time loop by someone or something calling itself "Control", the MC- just an average Citizen- navigates a day that repeats forever- and the consequences thereof.
In the near-ish future, I intend to publish a VN centered around the concepts of ecological succession, loneliness, persistence, and growth- a culmination of interests, and a capstone project for my art program.
Q2 - What or who are some of your biggest inspirations?
I'm unsurprisingly a huge sci-fi nerd, and it shows. Things like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Interstellar, Annihilation, Mass Effect, and many, many of the pulp sci-fi novels I read as a teen and young adult inspire my love of science-fiction.
Furthermore, my area of study (other than art) is ecology, so nature and the "nature of things" take huge precedence in my works for better or worse. Honestly, anything that captures my attention and thoughts are grounds for inspiration, things like poetry, tarot, paintings, music, obscure scientific theory, philosophical concepts. Or plants. Like 80% of my Event Horizon "research" was a Wikipedia plant rabbit-hole.
Q3- What excites you most about IF? What drew you to the medium?
I ran into IF completely at random- some artists I follow and look up to had posted art of IF characters and settings. Previously, I'd written short stories and bad notes app poetry, but this was more of chance to expand my horizons (pardon the pun). IF excites me because I get to make things- plain and simple. There's a joy to creating these characters, worlds, and stories- and in interacting with them- I hadn't even known was possible until I found IF.
Q4 - Are your characters influenced by your identity? How?
Yes, absolutely. I write what I want to see, and to me, that's greater gender diversity and WLW/NBLW representation in the realm of science fiction.
Science-fiction is male dominated, with a majority of authors and characters being male. The female characters I grew up with were token "girl on the team" characters, and nonbinary characters were often just robots or aliens, or other non-human characters. I wanted to do better for people who were like me, women and other nonbinary people. I wanted to create competent and multidimensional characters who didn't have to identify or appear as men to be treated as such.
As a lesbian, I like writing WLW and NBLW characters. I didn't really grow up with that representation, and when it was present, it felt wrong, usually because it was written off as a joke, or for men by men. By no means are the relationships I write between women (or the women themselves) perfect- but they come from a place of genuine care and nuance, and I sincerely hope the care I put into my characters and their relationships shows throughout my work.
Q5 - What are you most excited about sharing related to your project?
The move to Twine as a medium has been, by far, the most exciting thing to happen to my projects. I've got a lot more fine-tuned control over the way I get to present my work- and I'm just starting out, there's a lot more I can learn.
As far as content goes- there are a few major updates to Event Horizon and CLOSEDLOOP coming this summer, which I'm trying so hard not to spoil just yet.
Q6 - What would you like to see more of in LGBT+ fiction/IF community?
Is it selfish to say more WLW/NBLW characters and relationships written by women and nonbinary people?
Just in general, diverse authors writing diverse stories in a number of genres, anything and everything from slice-of-life to science- fiction.
Q7- Lastly, what advice would you give to your creators and readers?
Be persistent.
First drafts are first drafts for a reason; there is always room for improvement, you just have to be persistent enough to see or seek improvement. Stay curious, enjoy your work, and let the world as a whole inspire you. Make what you'd like to see, most of all. You're the only one who can truly tell your story.
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troutfur · 1 year
Sibling Bonds Rewrite: Preliminary Arc Rundown
Jotting down my most preliminary thoughts on the stories of each arc and how they play out in the Sibling Bonds Rewrite. These are the thoughts that got the cogs running in my head just this morning and I'm fully intending to expand on them as the project grows. But for now they're good to set a foundation of what I'm seeing as the story direction for the rewrite:
Dawn of the Clans:
The two most important sibling groupings of this arc are on one side Clear Sky, Gray Wing, and Jagged Peak, and on the other Thunder and Lightning Tail. The initial division of the Clans over the quarrel of the first and the founding of ThunderClan through the bond of the second are going to be the center pieces of the plot. I want these two dynamics to become the archetypes of sibling conflict and sibling cooperation in the folklore Clans, their stories passed down through to the present day.
Gray Wing's kids he raised alongside Turtle Tail, Sparrow Fur, Owl Eyes, and Pebble Heart, are also playing a major role, either in the second half of DotC or in side/post-arc content. Their positions as first deputy of SkyClan, second deputy of ThunderClan, and first meddie of ShadowClan put them in an interesting position with regards to access to power and set them up with having to deal with the entrenching divisions between the Clans post the death of the original Followers of the Sun Trail.
The Prophecies Begin:
I'm not fully married to the idea but I think I'm going to be drawing from that one time I threw out my concept for a rewrite of The Rise of Scourge.
Rusty and Scourge are thus now connected by their mother rather than their father. From their birth Scourge is very much committed to protecting his little siblings from the shadows. He reveals himself Rusty once he crosses the fence, urging him to turn back but ultimately respecting his decision to join ThunderClan. Though he lets him know that he can call on him in case any Clan cat gives him trouble.
Through the story Scourge keeps reappearing at key events such as Fireheart taking Cloudkit to ThunderClan or being made deputy, and the two form a bond. This makes it all the crueler when after rejecting Scourge's deal to split the forest the way Tigerstar promised they are forced into the battlefield. Firestar makes the bitter choice of taking his brother's life in the end, and as ThunderClan celebrates around him he mourns deeply.
Side/post-arc content for this arc would center Cloudtail, Ferncloud, and Ashfur, particularly centering in building the latter up for his later role.
The New Prophecy:
Following in the footsteps of Bonefall I'm going to make this an arc centered on Tigerstar's children and the aftermath of his reign of terror. However, I am making my biggest break with canon and keeping the cats on the forest. I do not like the move to the lake in the slightest and I feel it distracts from what I'm going for.
On one side, this arc will be about the reckoning with Tigerstar's supporters both on RiverClan and ShadowClan and the anti-HalfClanner zeal he ignited. Across the borders the arc will be about the deteriorating relationships between WindClan and ThunderClan as Firestar's willingness to help begins to be seen as interventionism. Through this, the ambitious RiverClan warrior Hawkfrost hatches a plan to leverage these conditions to attempt a power grab of his own, trying to enrapture his brother into being his right-hand man much as he made his sister Mothwing into his pawn.
Side/post-arc content in this arc would center, of course, Squirrelflight and Leafpool, particularly the latter as she comes to know Crowfeather, fall in love, return to the Clans, and give up her kits.
The Power of Three:
I've talked extensively already about how I'd rewrite Po3 and how I find that in itself the meandering plot could be strengthened if only it was intentional. As such, the fixes I have in mind are more structural than anything. Although, I would also say this is an arc deserving of 7 books rather than just 6 and I'll explain myself.
The first three books would develop the dynamics between the pairs of siblings, with the spare one having a subplot that gives them more of a supporting role to the plot. The Sight would center Hollypaw and Jaypaw and their career swap, Dark River would center Hollypaw and Lionpaw and their conflicts with letting go of their out-of-Clan friendships, and finally an original third book would develop a conflict and relationship between Jaypaw and Lionpaw.
Outcast would serve as a bridge, as well as fleshing out the relationship between all siblings and their secret half-sibling. By the end of this book Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Breezepelt would get their warrior name. Since the journey to the lake is getting gutted I do need to think up an excuse as to why they are journeying alongside Breezepaw and Crowfeather at all. Not to mention I need to come up with a destination for them to journey to. Ugh. ANYWAY!
The last three books will deal with the prophecy of the three, which I'm thinking to push the reveal of to Outcast. And along the way Sol would be introduced as a tempter figure which must be resisted and ultimately overcome. Eclipse would deal with Lionblaze's temptation: revenge against Heathertail. Long Shadows would deal with Jaypaw's temptation: abusing his religious authority. And finally Sunset would deal with Hollyleaf's temptation: answers about her biological parentage.
Jaypaw's side arc in Dark River I fully intend to tie to his canon time travel adventure, though once again with the journey thing gutted and the tribe probably tossed out alongside them there's definitely a lot to rework. But I think it's important because I like the idea of Jaypaw having lingering self-disappointment over his career change and internalized ableist attitudes which are challenged by coming to live in a more accommodating and peaceful society at least for a little while. This would be a big driver come Long Shadows as he has his brief period cooperating in Sol's plans.
Jay's Wing would be blind here. And the past life regression would probably be more like a vision than him piloting a guy from the past's body.
Also, pretty important change I've also talked about before. Following the parentage reveal Brambleclaw does not disinherit his sons. I want Jay and Lion to very spitefully declare themselves 100% motherless, and distance themselves from Firestar in order to put them in a position where Tigerstar and Hawkfrost can more easily lure them to their side. This keeps the ambiguity of the prophecy and makes, in my opinion, for much more interesting character relationships going forward.
Side/post-arc content would center the Po3 apprentice generation, particularly Kestrelpaw and Flamepaw and their own siblings, Harespring, Antpelt, Dawnpaw, and Tigerpaw. Build them up a little in preparation for their plot relevance in OotS.
Omen of the Stars:
A very important change here: Dovepaw is not one of the three, but rather she is chosen and granted powers by StarClan directly as their failsafe as they see Hollyleaf missing and Jayfeather & Lionblaze slipping from their influence. It is ultimately them that put all this responsibility and hound her about how urgent this all is.
An OotS reread is probably in order for me to really fill out more details. But I also think the overall plot is really, really solid, so long as we stay within Dovepaw and Ivypaw's perspective. Although important figures, Jayfeather and Lionblaze can fade into the background and we can center instead StarClan's insistence that Dovepaw fix the mess and Ivypaw's growing distance and resentment towards her sister that leads her to Hawkfrost's clutches.
The post-arc content litter for this one has got to be Fernsong, Hollytuft, and Sorrelstripe. I've been incredibly fond of them ever since reading Uncle Jayfeather Chronicles and I've always wanted to do something with them myself. Plus I may wanna nab some ideas from Bonefall's ThunderClan's Tempest for my own use. I'm absolutely in love with what he's put out about it.
A Vision of Shadows:
I... am not entirely sure what to do here. I for certain do know Sparkpelt should be given more prominence. I dare even say she's a better candidate for a protagonist than her brother who is more of a side-content character. But I'm very nebulous on this arc and I don't quite know what to do.
The Broken Code:
Even less idea what to do with this one. At least the previous arc I read through half-way, this one I only know the plot from deliberately spoiling myself. From my knowledge I do not see any angle to take with it. Open to ideas though!
A Starless Clan:
Sunbeam and Nightheart are OUT! Graypaw and Mistpaw are IN! This is actually the arc I've most thought about recently. I feel like ASC would work really well as a story about factions vying for power in the vacuum left by Mistystar and Reedwhisker's death. The three young protagonists growing up in this tumultous time are in a perfect position to give insight into the politics of the more grown up members of the Clan, and as they grow up to become players in the game themselves.
I'll have to see where the plot of the arc is going before committing to anything more concrete but this seems promising so far. Maybe Nightheart can even get to be a side-content character, centering his relationship to Finchlight and the rest of his generation, who knows?
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bbupdoots · 2 years
Random Post on Weight Loss...Just Because
So I don't have a lot of people in my personal life outside of my family to talk about this with, and it has been hard sometimes to just sit on my feelings when I have been going through one of the biggest mental health transitions of my life.
Since June I've been working to lose weight and I'm currently down 43 pounds. I have a goal to lose 50 by the end of this year, and next year I intend to lose another 50 at least (it'd be nice to lose more than that and get back to the weight I was in high school but really I just want to be comfortably able to shop in stores lol). Anxiety and depression skyrocketed my weight from about 2011-2016 and I've really been taking back my life. I got a long way to go regarding fixing the larger issues with my mental health, but I'm super proud of myself for setting and meeting goals.
I've not been doing anything revolutionary. Just tracking my calories and eating anywhere from 500-700 less than my daily recommended intake. Not depriving myself of food (apart from fast food which was the single biggest addiction I had to get grapple), not following some fad diet...just looking at food labels and going "fuck, I'd rather make a healthier choice." I've been cooking way more, specifically cooking international meals which have made eating healthier a lot more fun to do. Just exploring food options that aren't so stale and basic, and broadening horizons and curtailing my picky eater ways.
I've dropped two pant sizes. I fit way more comfortably into XL tops. And I just FEEL better...I got more energy everyday now. I sleep without tossing and turning from back pain. It has just been a life-altering change in every single way and while I wish I never got to this low point, I'm very proud of myself for overcoming this obstacle.
My next big project is to begin exercising which I simply have not been doing beyond getting steps in. Now that my busiest work season is over I will be walking a lot less in my job so I set a new, ambitious goal of running a 5k by the summer of next year. I found a good program to wean me into it. I feel ready to go, and motivated to do so too.
It sucks that I've withdrawn so much from others due to my mental health struggles that I don't have a ton of people to tell this stuff to. The hardest goal I set for myself is finally seeking therapy for conditions I was diagnosed with as a child...I'm really scared of opening up to the wrong person after my previous experience with therapy and how some people in my life reacted to it. But I'm doing better already, and I'm just really happier as a person for the first time in ages.
Anyway back to Survivor and eventual Big Brother shitposting.
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smallerplaces · 5 months
2024 doll #1: Kid Kore Jodi
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I'd been thinking that I didn't expect to find much at the Alameda Point Antiques Faire, but if I just happened to find a Kid Kore Jodi in a $1 bin, I was going to get one.
There were two booths specializing in fashion dolls. One was all vintage Barbie, including having cornered the market on Tutti (Barbie's youngest sister from 1965 to 1971, functionally replaced by Stacie in the 1990s). Prices there were ambitious. The other had a broader range of dolls, including a titian Kid Kore Jodi. I particularly wanted titian to go with my Kelsey. Want to guess her price?
Yep: one dollar.
Even after the fabric softener treatment, her hair could use more work, but I'm thrilled to have gotten her on exactly the terms I'd hoped for. This one, like newer Neveah (also probably intended as a Jodi, but by 2002, Kid Kore was on its way out), has a body slightly chunkier than Kelly. The Friends Club clothing from Dollar Tree fits well.
I'd thought "oh, I never got the leopard top outfit," so I stopped at DT and got one... well, two, to have jeans, as Evi Love also wears Friends Club, and with three dolls sharing the clothing, my existing supply isn't as generous as I'd thought when it was just Evi.
Turned out I already had that outfit, so now I have three of it. This makes the case for reorganizing doll clothes into those plastic drawer units, rather than the large bins full of ziplock bags that I have now.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
It's been a while since my last aside so I felt like sharing what I've been working on in my free time! I promise I'm not lazy, I'm just busy and also really like starting new projects halfway through working on 8 other projects for some reason haha
Speaking of starting something new when I haven't finished something I started previously, Minh and I were planning on making a collab Shulkelia one shot for Valentine's Day! Obviously that didn't pan out haha but it's still being worked on and it's extremely cute and fun :) Hopefully it will be ready to post sooner than later! And I also will hopefully be able to work on Constellations soon as well!! (Seriously I feel. SO. bad about my hiatus, especially since I know how many interesting and fun rough-draft ideas we brainstormed up for it that are just waiting to be finalized and shared with the world!!)
Another thing I wanted to do for Valentine's Day but extremely missed the boat on was mass dumping the few good NSFW Shulkelia pieces on here (with a planned warning ahead of time as well as copious tagging and hiding under readmores, of course!), including a full translation of a doujin! However, it being a nearly 20-page comic with dialogue and onomatopoeia all over the place meant I couldn't go the normal route of putting the translation below the art, it would just be way too messy and confusing. So, I decided to open up Photopea and replace the Japanese text with my translation! I felt bad about editing someone else's work (still do haha) but there was just no other way to do it, there is. SO so much onomatopoeia in there that it would be a nightmare to do it any other way. But that fact also contributed to why I still have yet to finish the translation: I got wayyy too ambitious in my typical perfectionist way, and decided to use the clone tool to edit out the hiragana and katakana handwriting for the onomatopoeia and place English text in their places, rather than just put it in small, parenthetical text next to the original writing like manga translations typically do. And oh my GOD I should never have done that there are literal HUNDREDS of characters I had to painstakingly edit out and I'm STILL not even done yet no no no... But I'm so close to finishing it!! I have only a couple pages left and then it's good to go!! Expect to see it along with the other NSFW art of them (again, with multiple warnings far ahead of time plus careful tagging to make sure you won't see it if you don't want to!!) in the near future!
Not XC related at all, but my most recent project has been making an Ao3 site skin (and, in the process, learning how CSS works) and it's been really satisfying! It's nothing super fancy, but it does create a noticeable improvement from the default (in terms of clarity/organization/readability, no offense intended at all of course!) and I'm very pleased with it so far! Once it's done I'll share it here, complete with notes on what each piece is doing to the layout and how, so anyone can use it and tweak it how they like! :)
I unfortunately haven't made any more progress on Xenoblade 3, sorry to say. And actually... it's partially because I'm worried that I'll end up liking Noah so much that I'll get even more distracted from writing Shulkelia or Xenoblade 1 in general haha... Like I'd never give up on that of course, 1 and its characters will always have a special place in my heart! But I can see myself getting swept away by The New Guy TM, much like I do with new project ideas popping into my head...
My FFXIV x Xenoblade 1 crossover has made some good progress! I've now finalized the outfits for over half of the characters I plan on making, after hours and hours of trying different chestpieces and dyes to get them as close to their canon outfits as possible! In fact, maybe I could share a little more about what exactly I'm doing, to show how I was having too much fun and made it a bigger thing than it had to be, to help explain why it's taking so long haha:
So originally the idea started out as "what FFXIV job best suits the playstyle/archetype of each of XC's playable characters?" (and I have a whole host of notes in my head about why that is from both a gameplay/kit perspective and a fandom-y General Vibes/Aesthetic perspective, which I will for sure post along with the pics). And if I could draw well, it probably would've ended there: I'd just have made some art of the cast posing with their weapons and call it done. But since 1) I can't draw the things I see in my head like I want to and 2) I like to over-complicate things for fun, I decided to pile onto this idea by not only adding more characters of (XC SPOILERS!!!) Alvis, Egil, Meyneth, and Zanza to the roster (including in terms of what jobs suit them each and why!) but also recreate everyone in-game! (I really wanted to do Dickson as well, but unfortunately there are absolutely zero mustache options that look like his :< There's only one that's even remotely similar, but the face is completely wrong for him (what facial features look like are tied to faces, for some reason; the Mustache Facial Feature creates a different type of mustache depending on which Face option you pick) so there's no way to make a character that looks sufficiently like him, at least to my standards. Maybe one day they'll add one that fits...? If they do I will for sure make Gunbreaker Dickson a reality!) This resulted in me needing to not only sit down for hours in XIV's character creator ensuring every detail was as close a match to their designs as possible, but also opening up 8000 tabs in Eorzea Collection and looking through every. single. last. glamour option. in the game for each. and. every. slot. for each. and. every. character. to find out how closely I could translate their weird (affectionate) XC clothes into weird (affectionate) FF clothes. Combine that with my stubbornness in wanting them to look as accurate as possible resulting in making two different outfits per character based on whether or not they can equip/glam the gear as the job that suits them most, (plus the fact that I'm doing [again, SPOILERS!!!] Mecha-Fiora in addition to Homs!Fiora as well as having three [three!] different job options for Shulk based on varying levels of both XC and XIV spoilers to avoid ruining twists for either game), and the fact that I went a step further and decided to also make alternate-race versions for the main party (that sounds... bad lmao. fantasy races, like elves and catboys and such) like half if-these-characters-were-instead-created-by-the-XIV-designers-in-an-alternate-timeline-what-race-would-they-probably-make-them-judged-by-me-like-their-jobs-on-both-lore-and-Vibes-TM and half if-the-XC-gang-existed-irl-and-played-XIV-what-would-they-make-their-characters-look-like, and reminder that each of these versions have two different outfit variants and each outfit needs a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 separate pieces each that also need to be dyed and have multiple different options to try on for every character and... it took a teeeeny bit longer than I was expecting to get through haha. But that's not at all to say it's a chore to get through; it's certainly been a process yes, but I've been having a lot of fun the whole time :) Finally getting every element just right, from all the details in character creation down to their eyebrow shape to finding the best option for every armor slot dyed just the right color, seeing it all come together and actually look quite a bit like the character is so satisfying! I can't wait to share them all, I hope someone out there enjoys the results as much as I did creating them! :) Oh, and I also will be making a glam list for each outfit as well as sharing my notes on what I picked in the character creator, so if you want to do an in-game/WoL cosplay as someone or maybe even make an alt named after one based on my recreation of them then it'll be easy for you! :)
Even though I haven't been keeping up with my fanfic writing as much lately, I do still get little ideas for things quite often and am typing them down in my doc for later! I have a gigantic backlog of things I could write: fanfics long and short, Shulkelia fics and Genfics, non-fanfic concepts both XC-related and not... rest assured, even if I'm not posting on here or Ao3 my mind is always buzzing with something and I'm always wanting to create more!
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i2mt · 2 years
Midterm Song Project
I made a song :-D
I'm pretty proud of it right now, I'm kind of surprised I was able to finish this before Tuesday. Instead of using loops, I really wanted to write my own stuff--which ended up being pretty ambitious of me lol. I also wanted to make something that had room for vocals, so left open some space for a vocal melody.
For the piano, guitar, and bass parts, I used Captain Chords and Captain Deep from the Captain Plugins suite. I don't have a particularly vast musical background, so Captain Plugins really helps me a lot with expressing and organizing my ideas musically. It definitely makes things faster too--there's no way I'd be able to write all of this in less than a week without it!! For the key and mode, I picked D Dorian... I like to reference this page about keys/modes and emotions before I write, and I was liking the idea of making a gloomy but upbeat song. I don't remember why I picked D, maybe I was in a bad mood or didn't want to take too long to decide. From there, I used my knowledge of chord tones and experimented with a lot of things until I found something that sounded nice!! I'm not sure if I completely stayed in D Dorian though, since I ended up tweaking the piano backing chords for the verse in Ableton's MIDI editor afterwards.
For my environmental sounds, the Beat Pizza, and my synth sound, I decided to include them all in the build-up to the chorus. I had a feeling that the car passing by would be the easiest one to incorporate into the mix, so I chose that one. The Beat Pizza and the synth sound were a little less straightforward... I knew I probably wouldn't want to use a Beat Pizza beat the whole way through (I'm not good at writing my own drum parts yet), so I made it simple and used the clapping from the trap drum kit on there. Originally I intended to sample the synth sound and use it like a keyboard, but I couldn't figure out how to do that in time, so I ended up using a sampler plugin I had (Output Arcade) and utilized a small bit of one of the synth recordings as a sound effect--it's that ringing noise that plays before the chorus. Perhaps it's not ideal, but it probably sounds fine...
And then for the drums, I used EzDrummer !! I've had it installed for a little while, but this is my first time really trying it out. EzDrummer seems to have a range of features, but for this project, I pulled from its vast collection of editable drum MIDI (which I didn't do much to, besides decreasing the overall velocity of the drum machine since the hits sounded a bit harsh at first), and I'm very impressed with the results!! I think it really boosted the mix a lot.
Speaking of the mix... It's really simple. By the time I got to mixing, this assignment was almost a day late, so I didn't want to take up more time that I had to... I adjusted some of the track's panning and volumes, and I EQ'd the guitar because it was a little too high-pitched.
Overall, I'm happy with this project, though I also think I could've made it better had I done better sound selection (this came out nothing like I expected it to,) and had more time to perfect it. I imagine this project as more of a song skeleton rather than a finished project--there's still a ton of mixing that I could do, for example. I think the first verse might also be a bit long/repetitive, if I kept working on this I'd probably put some more variation in there.
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berabeko · 4 years
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Piece for Week 2 of @kakairu-fest
- Iruka: teacher or office worker, has big project/studying for promotion and is pulling overtime - Kakashi: Runs a nondescript coffee shop for JUST coffee, ‘no I won't have any of that sweets nonsense Asuma get out of here, get your carbs elsewhere Gai’
Also wrote a longer than intended brain dump on it that’s half bullet point and half word vomit if anyone wants to read. :)
Kakairu Modern Coffeeshop AU
- Iruka's probably had too much coffee already today but he needs to pull an all nighter and work through the weekend to complete his project and his eyes are so heavy and hello is that coffee he smells from this shop that he'd always thought was out of business. - Tries to open the door but how come it doesn't open? Oh is it one he has to pull open? Literally makes no sense, all shop doors should be push to open. Stupid door designs keeping him from his coffee. But no, the door just isn't opening. He's been at this for a solid 2 minutes when the door finally opens and he stumbles into a wall. What kind of cruel joke is this building playing on him? Can't a man just a get a cup of coffee? Iruka's almost in tears at this point. - Hey mister, you should head home if you're drunk says a voice. - M'not drunk, need coffeeeeeee, Iruka slurs out and blacks out.
If anyone asked how Kakashi's able to open late at night, well, Kakashi's night and day were opposite the average person. Partially out of habit from his covert ops days when he operated mostly at night, but really it was a convenient reason to run his shop with minimal run ins with people. He'd enough money from his old life so he wasn't running his shop for profit. He opened late at night when the few regulars keeping odd jobs would stop by for a quick cup to go before their night shifts. Even then he only kept the store open for a few hours before he closed to spend the majority of his day going on long leisurely walks with his 8 dogs stopping more often than not under a shady tree to read his weekly rotation of Icha Icha books. Sleep? He catched a few hours here and there but not a big fan of it.
Just as Kakashi was pouring himself a cup, he hears the door rattle. He'd just let it go expecting them to take the hint that he's closed and move on. But the door keeps rattling for another solid minute and he hears and unintelligible moan from the other side. A pause. "Pakkun, have zombies finally hit the streets?" Pakkun looks back with an unamused expression. With a sigh and opens the door only to have a man stumble head first into his chest. If there was one downside to working so late at night was dealing with the occasional drunks. Gotta say it's the first time they've been this bad though.
[So Kakashi brings the young man in and seats him. Pours him a fresh cup of coffee.]
Iruka perks up as he hears the clunk of the mug being placed in front of him. Kakashi watches as the disheveled man twitches and fingers crawl up the edge of the counter and search for the mug.
"Zombie Pakkun, zombie," Kakashi hisses out of the corner of his mouth.
Iruka finally wraps his hands around the mug and manages to raise his head off the counter just enough to take a slow sip. The man's eyes remain closed and Kakashi observes as the man's face goes slack and once again drops his head to the counter.
He thinks about reaching for the broom to maybe give the guy a poke, but he hears a guttural moan that raises the hair on his arms for entirely different reasons than fear.
Kakashi glances over at Pakkun only to see him chewing on one of his Icha Icha books. He lets out an entirely undignified scream he will swear never happened and dives to save his precious book.
Iruka jumps awake at the noise, flailing around thrown off balance in the high seat trying to get his bearings as to where he is because the last thing he remembers is passing by the always closed coffee shop down the street from his home. The scent of coffee instantly zooms his focus to the mug in front of him that somehow miraculously survived Iruka’s spazzing. Iruka latches onto the mug and takes a heaping gulp of the still hot coffee and finally gains some sense of awareness enough to hear hisses and ruffs coming from behind the counter. Standing up from his seat, Iruka leans over to look down and finds a gray haired man involved in a tug-o-war with a pug. Is that Icha Icha they’re fighting over?
Iruka clears his throat hoping to get the man’s attention.
Both the man and dog freeze at the sound. Kakashi takes the opening to finally swipe his book back and tuck it into the pocket of his apron. With a sigh, he stands back up with hands in his pants pockets to face his now more aware customer.
Iruka flushes under the gray haired man’s flat gaze and clears his throat again, “I don’t remember exactly how I got here, but I should probably thank you.” He brings a finger up to scratch at the scar on the bridge of his nose, “I hope I didn’t cause too much trouble.”
Kakashi watches the man squirm in his seat for another few seconds, “Maa, as long as you pay for the coffee.”
“Oh, of course!” Iruka shuffles to find his wallet from his satchel. Kakashi begins cleaning up as he waits. After digging around thoroughly and coming to the realization that he’s misplaced it somewhere, a sense of panic rises in Iruka. Seeing the increasingly distressed man, Kakashi says, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Shit, I-I’m so sorry, I must have dropped my wallet,” Iruka puts his head in his hands, “I’ve been so focused on getting my teaching degree I don’t even know how to function anymore.”
Kakashi looks down at Pakkun’s bark.
“Your wallet wouldn’t happen to have cute little dolphins on them would it?” Kakashi crouches down.
“How did you know?” a round eyed Iruka looks back up.
“I suppose I should apologize for my dog stealing your wallet and getting his slobber all over it,” Kakashi sheepishly holds out a rather wet wallet with dolphin prints on it.
Iruka takes the wallet and checks inside. His photo with Naruto, his younger brother, is unspoiled, “I guess that makes us even then. My name is Umino Iruka," Iruka chuckles, "Yeah yeah laugh it up.”
'Cute.' “Hatake Kakashi.” 'Oh.' Iruka giggles.
Iruka starts to get up to go: Oh look at the time, I’m sorry you were probably trying to close shop.
Kakashi: Ah, opening actually. I close at 4.
Iruka: Huh, that explains why I’d never seen this place open. I would have definitely visited for a coffee if it had been. Thank you again, I really needed this cup.
Kakashi: You’re welcome to come in anytime after 10 if you ever need coffee late at night.
Iruka: I just might.
Kakashi watches Iruka leave. “Not a zombie at all huh Pakkun?”
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shannendoherty-fans · 3 years
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TV Guide, February 13, 1988
No Sassing Grandpa!
Our House's Shannen Doherty, 16, is concerned about her character's behaviour–and its impact on viewers.
By Helen Newton.
Shannen Doherty hunches over her high-school algebra textbook, reluctantly penciling problems in her least-favorite subject. Her teacher hovers over her. The two are alone in a small, dingy trailer that, despite a tacked-up poster and a forlorn bit of artwork, lloks nothing like school. This is the location classroom for NBC's Our House, whose three child stars (Shannen, 16, Chad Allen, 13, and Keri Houlihan, 12) are legally bound to squeeze three hours of daily lessons between scenes.
"It must be difficult," comments a visitor to the teacher, "going to school like this, all alone,no friends, no football games . . . ."
"Are you kidding?" interrupts the teacher. "They love it. What kid in his right mind wouldn't trade six hours in school day after day for this?" She gestures broadly at the controlledhubbub that fills the city park around her.
Just then an assistant director knocks on the door. "Time to get ready, hannen," he calls, and the actress, saved from solving for "x," bounces happily down the steps of the schoolroom, up the steps of her dressing room and into a costumer's impossibly conservative version of a punker's get-up.
Shannen's character, Kris Witherspoon, normally tends toward preppier attire–she does have her heart set on attending the Air Force Academy–but in this episode, she's trying to teach her crusty grandfather, Gus (played by Wilford Brimley), not to judge people ony by appearance. In Our House, one resident or another learns something uplifting every week.
"With our audience [young teens and families], I think we have a responsibility to set good examples," Shannen says earnestly. "There are drugs and so many other things that kids can get into trouble with that Ithink, if we can help, we should." But then good examples seem to come as naturally to Shannen as they do to Kris. Earlier this season, for example, she confronted a script that had Kris casually mentioning condoms. "It wasn't important to the plot. It was just a casual thing," says Shannen, her cheeks hinting at a blush. "I was uncomfortable with it and I thought Kris would be too, so I asked if they would take it out." They did. And Shannen tells of a scene in the episode being shot today that called for her to scream angrily at her grandfather. "I don't think Kris would sass her grandfather. She's let him know she was angry, but she'd be more respectful." Out came the sass.
Shannen doesn't believe in sassing her mother either, though she has ample opportunity: Rosa Doherty is with Shannen every day, all day, beginning with the hour's drive from their San Fernando Valley home. California law requires the presence of a parent or guardian until a child actor reaches 16, but Shannen, who will turn 17 in April, has asked her mother to stay on for at least another two years.
They're close, these two. "My mom's my friend," says Shannen unaffectedly, and you believe her. The two share a lot–beyond a mutual enthusiasm for Laura Ashley wallpaper, animals and their Baptist church, there's obviously their dedication to Shannen's career.
Rosa watches over Shannen carefully–what ordinary mother can confer with her child's teacher several times a day?–and she adamantly opposes allowing her daughter to work longer than the 10 1/2 hours required daily. But when Shannen is busy, Rosa finds plenty to occupy herself. Everyone on the set knows her: she joshes with the costumer, the hairdresser, the other children's mothers. She lays plans with Shannen's publicist and manager. And she readies Shannen's fan mail so Shannen can answe ir. ("A lot of kids ask me for advice," Shannen says. "Kris is so together that naturally she'd know what to do. Meanwhile, I look at the mail and think, 'Oh, no, what do I say?´")
But Shannen does know what to say–like the time two years ago at the beginning of ninth grade when she announced to her mother that she wanted to go to school like a regular kid. "It was the beginning of high school, and I wanted to get situated," she says. One semester was enough, however. "There are plenty of kids around work for me to be friends with," she says, when asked whether she misses the social experiences of high school. "There are Chad and Keri, and on the Lorimar lot there are the kids from Valerie's Family. And I met my boy friend"–she says this slihtly shyly, as if unaccustomed to the term–"on the set of Max Headroom." (Since then, Shannen has decided to attend school in her senior year. She plans to fit her TV work around her academic schedule.)
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The next week, the next episode, the next location–this time 40 miles north of Los Angeles on the woodsy shores of a lake. It's lunch time; long tables are set up above the lake and Keri trails Shannen around and between them as they play with the two assistant directors' walkie-talkies. Shannen's handle in this game is "Sugarplum," a nickname some of the truckers who worked for her grandfather in Memphis called her when she was little. The assistant directors look benignly, almost paternally, on.
"We feel lucky," says Rosa. "This show is like family. The crew is great. And Wilford really cares about people." Although Brimley refused to talk about his young colleague, citing a dislike of publicity, Shannen and Rosa say the show's star is generous in other ways. They've been guests at his Utah ranch. Shannen, sharing Brimley's interest in horses, bought one from him two years ago, though she's since sold it back to him. "It was a quarter horse,and I'm more interested in Thorough-breds," she says. And Brimley takes a deep interest in the health of Shannen's father, Tom, who, like Brimley, is a diabetic.
The week before, at the city-park location, Tom had shown up, clearly almost as at home on the set as Rosa. "Everyone loves my dad," says Shannen. "He likes to cook, and sometimes he brings food for the crew."
Belying his hearty appearance now, Tom Doherty suffered a stroke in 1983. Although Tom says it was the best thing that ever happened to him because it forced him to slow down, Rosa says, "It was very hard on the famiy, but we got through it as a family. the children came to occupational theraphy with us so they could understand and support the process." Shannen adds, "I used to draw him a picture every day and hang them all around. It cheered him up. It was pretty scary, seeing him not able to do a child's sorting game." Now almost completely recovered, Tom says, "I have an easy job that allows me to do things like stop by the set occasionally and spend more time with our son, Sean." Sean, 20, is ambitious, too,but his area is politics. A conservative, he's actively involved in his local Youth Republicans group. In 1986, he was elected a GOP official in Los Angeles. "Our son needs attention, too," Tom says, 2and sometimes his mother doesn't have time."
Rosa's timefirst became a rare commodity when Shannen was 10 years old. Over her mother's initial objections, Shannen became active in a children's theater company, where she was spotted by an agent. He arranged an autition for the role of Drucilla Shannon in Father Murphy. "It was like fate, because I have this lucky doll named Drucilla and my name is Shannen and I was determined to work with Michael Landon [creator of Father Murphy]," Shannen recalls. Drucilla the doll went along on the audition, though she stayed in the car, and sure enough, Shannen got the part. She also won the continuing interest of Michael Landon, who cast her in Little House: A New Beginning and in an epiode of Highway to Heaven.
"I'd like to work with her again sometime if she's available," comments Landon. "She's got a good head on her shoulders. She's very conscientious and determined." Those qualities were, in fact, what drew him to her when Shannen was a 10-year-old. "Even then you could see that she treated this as a business. She really wanted the job for herself. It was not a case of a parent wanting a show-business career fora child, which is often the case. I'm very proud of her."
William Blinn, co-executive producer of Our House, echoes Landon's thoughts. "Shannen is like her character. She's a very dedicated kid." With the show now in its second season, Blinn hopes the work will continue to be there for her. Our House has the unenviable task of taking on CBS's warhorse 60 Minutes. "It's counter-programming to the max," says Blinn of his show's effort to attract a young audience. And so, while the ratings have not been spectacular (the highest so far this season was 14.5), Blinn says NBC is pleased to be a solid second in its time period.
Whether the show has a long run or not, Shannen intends to. Like Kris, she has goals in mind, and if co-star Deidre Hall (Shannen's TV mom, Jessie) is right, "she'll get anything she sets her mind on." With her manager and her mother, she's looking into various film and TV projects. "I plan to get into feature films and eventually to direct," Shannen says confidently.
A visitor asks her what sort of actress she sees herself becoming in the future–the next Ally Sheedy, perhaps, or Molly Ringwald?
"The next Shannen Doherty! I'm one of a kind," she declares boldly, then lapses into a self-conscious giggle. "Really," she says, more seriously, "the person I try to model myself on is Katharine Hepburn. She's really into her work."
But before stardom, there's college. A California university makes the most sense if she wants to work at the same time, Shannen says, but there's still something about the sound of Harvard, Princeton or Yale. . . .
"Really?" says her teacher later. "That's ambitious. She'd better get to work on that math."
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atiny-piratequeen · 4 years
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Thank you for tagging me @cosmicmingi ! I'll tag @san--shine, @wonderlandsobsession and @fantastic-bby and whoever of my writing followers/mutuals wants to fill this out 👀👀 tag me if you do!
1)Okay so Against The Tide was such a hassle for me because I couldn't settle on one name and I resulted in a twt poll and asking my server of kpop friends for their opinions. Alternative titles were Quantum Immortality (from a theory and a Crywolf song), Through the Sea of Time (a pokemon mystery dungeon song, one of my faves), and Through the Eighth Sea (suggested to me by Alma. Bc the "Eighth Sea" is the sea of time. Get it? 8 ateez members, 1 sea to represent them all? Yeaaaaa-)
2) Okay so its so funny because it came before Wonderland even came out, but All Eyes On Me came as soon as I thought of the concept of an ot8 fic centered around Yeosang bc of him being shy and such. That's why there's a lot of cameras and depictions of Yeosang being especially excited at being watched, so I felt it fit perfectly 
3) so I made that AtT playlist (didn't realize the mofo was 6 hours long, jfc that might be why nobody's commented on the songs yet), and I'll just say I listen to a lot of Babymetal and Crywolf when I write. Not just AtT, but in general. Babymetal obviously for the "fie's on her anime fight scene bullshit" and Crywolf for my emotionally challenging (aka fucking HEARTBREAKING) scenes or scenes in general that have a more muted, down to earth feel to them.
4) As far as Ateez goes, I always have an abundance of fun writing Seonghwa and Yunho, tbh. Night Shift has me spoiled and now I'm in love with writing Seonghwa as a sarcastic, slightly passive aggressive being who's honestly just a big softie for those he loves and Yunho...Yunho has a heart of gold and I adore him uwu
5) Jongho is probably the hardest to write for me because I don't want to typecast him as this nonchalant, emotionless smartass, yknow? I wanna give him depth other than "big strong maknae boi" but I feel I might have to do a bit better to write him truer to his actual personality 
6) In All Eyes On Me, San and Yeosang's little cat and mouse game wasn't supposed to take over but I-and a lot of other people-enjoyed the dynamic of Yeosang building his confidence, all while San was getting exceedingly more hungry/sneaky. So definitely San so far.
Though Yunho is creeping up in AtT and yall will see more of that in the near future 👀
7) Reoccurring themes...at risk of sounding like a nut, the stories I put the most time and love into are ones like Against the Tide or for those who have read some of my BTS works, Still Standing. Fics that have intricate stories and characters feel real emotional, mental, and physical trials, but eventually they overcome. I do write these with supernatural, fantasy, and/or sci-fi twists bc i love those genres so much, but I just enjoy writing fics that make me and my readers go through the emotional motions.
8) I've honestly stayed away from hybrid fics for so long bc of how a lot of them sre linked to ABO fics that are written in very...high key problematic and exploitative manners, but thanks to Skunk San, I'm definitely gonna get back into writing hybrid fics. Or at least a oneshot. Idk man I'm giving him a tail. Bitches love tails. It's me, I'm bitches. 
9) I want to get better at making people laugh with scenes without making it seem forced. I've gotten lucky enough to have some people tell me they've laughed from my works and some scenes, so I'm hoping to throw some more giggles in for everyone without forcing it and ruining a scene. Plus we need something to counter all this damn angst.
10) Imagery. Again, back on my anime bullshit, but I've had a lot of people, both close friends and readers, tell me through the years that they can visibly see some of the scenes so visually. From the fighting, to the love making, a lot of people have complimented me on my visuals and descriptive imagery so I'm kinda confident in it c:
11) I know its early, but I'd love to see Against the Tide illustrated. My dream has always been to have something I've written, whether a scene or just my characters, drawn out. Its a little easier since the boys (almost) all have their halloween stages for their demon forms and such. I wish I were a better artist tbh. I'd love to draw some scenes from future chapters I have in my head.
12) I'm gonna pull from my BTS side for this and say Still Standing. Its already based off of a show (sense8) and it would be so neat to see sense8 but with a superpower twist to it~
13) I'd probably cameo in any given fic as that one person in the bg that disses some antagonist to the main charas in passing just bc they're assholes and they aint shit.
14) Hmm...i had an old wrestling fic eons ago that was a hybrid fic. I'd love to revamp it and clean up the wild storyline and make it a kpop fic tbh. It had potential and it incorporated a lot of mythology and I used it as a way to show people about some mythos they may not have been familiar with but I got too ambitious and it went all over the place. I'd like to make it over now that I'm more focused and mature in following my plot.
15) I honestly don't have one off the top :o I never thought about remixing someone else's fic or anything like that.
16) I don't often write about things I'm not comfortable writing with, but I'll probably say my casually unnamed wrestling fic comes close since I was in a very bad headspace at the time and poured a lot of my trauma into the story. It's… graphic. And I probably won't feel comfortable writing that type of content so vividly anymore. So hooray growth? 
17) I've never written an incubus fic to to completion, but @fantastic-bby makes me wanna try 👀
18) Honestly I adore the concept of sensates so much (from the show Sense8, and my BTS fic, Still Standing) and I'd love to revisit it but I'm not quite sure how to do it without making it too similar 😔
19) Both of them are BTS fics, but I've reread @haylokitteh We Need You and @readbeneaththelines Professor's Pet 🥵🥵
20) Hm..that's a hard one because I like to branch out to a lot of genres so it depends on what I'm trying to describe. But since I have to choose, I'll say Against the Tide, since I'm pouring a lot of love and care into this and I intend on showing you all full spectrum of what I can do with it.
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