#wather 2013
peeterparkr · 6 years
20 questions
tagged by Hannah! @thedailybvgle  (thank you bby!) and @peter-stark-parker (love you Selin)
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers to do the same
name: nancy
nickname: nan, NC, little one, nanny
height:  5′2 
orientation: bi
nationality: mexican
favorite fruit: mangooo
favorite season: autumn! 
favorite plant: sunflowers 
favorite scent: Chanel n°5, how roses smell, or when something is clean, or 
favorite color: pink and yellow (sunflower yellow) 
favorite animal: dogs 
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: all three, depending on the time of the day and the wather
average hours of sleep: 7 or 8 ??? Yes, I do sleep
dogs or cats: dogs (i really like cats tho)
favorite fictional character: tony stark 
dream trip: london, nyc, Verona and Prague 
when was your blog created: back in 2013 but I didn’t really use it until like half a year ago
number of followers: 2.8k
random fact: i am allergic to pineapple 
something you’ve watched many times growing up: harry potter
make one up: If you could either choose to become an important character in your favourite book or your favourite movie, what would you choose? Movie or book? important character in my favorite movie: Hercules 
for the ones I tag: who was your FIRST celebrity crush? 
tagging: @ghostofya @hollandharrison @misformarvel @the-crime-fighting-spider @embrel @supernaturalpllfan1 @spiderbliss @spidergirlwanab @spider-gwenscanary  @nobledoritoman @itureyy @spiderwoman-on-the-run @bucky-is-love-bucky-is-life @i-am-irxnmxn @the-crime-fighting-spider @beautiful-holland @peterparkyourassonme @lokiislowkeyhot @what-is-yeet @petersnmyhead 
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jekrisa-blog · 5 years
Nelson Mandela
Today I am going to talk about the legend Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela or Rolihlahla Mandela was born into the Madiba clan in the village of Mavezo, in Eastern Cape, on july 18th 1918. His mother’s name was Nonqaphi Nosekeni and his wather was Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela. Mandelas father was a principal counsellor to the acting King of the Tembu People, Jongintaba Dalindyebo.                                                                                                                                                    
When nelson mandela was 12 years old, his father died and the young Rolihlahla became a ward of Jongintaba at the Great Place in Mqhekezwein.
Mandela attended primary school in Qunu where his teacher, Miss Mdingane gave him the name Nelson, because there was a custom of giving all schoolchildren “Christian” names.
Mandela was increasingly politically involved from 1942, however he only joined the African National Congress in 1944 when he helped form the ANC Youth League (ANCYL).
In 1944, he married Evelyn Mase, a nurse. She was Walter Sisulu`s cousin. They had two sons and two daughters, but one of the girls died in infancy. Mandela and his wife divorced in 1958.
Mandela rose through the ranks of the ANCYL and through its efforts, the ANC adopted a more radical mass-based policy, the Programme of Action, in 1949
Mandela was chosen to be the National Volunteer-in-Chief of the Defiance Campaign with Mauliv Cachalia as his deputy, in 1952. Because of this campaign he and 19 others were charged under the Suppression of Communism Act for their part in the campaign and sentenced to nine months of hard labor, suspended for two years.                                                                     A two-year diploma in law on top of his Ba allowed Mandela to practice law, and in August 1952 he and Oliver Tambo established South Africa`s first black law firm, Mandela & Tambo.
At the end of 1952 he was banned for the first time. As a restricted person, he was only permitted to watch in secret as the Freedom Charter was adopted in Kliptown on June 26th 1955.
Mandela was arrested in a countrywide police swoop on December 5th, 1956, which led to the 1956 Treason Trial. The trial ended when the last 28 accused, including Mandela, were acquitted on 29 March 1961.  
On January 11th, 1962 Mandela adopted the name David Motsamayi and secretly left South Africa. He visited England and traveled around Africa. But he ended up getting arrested in a police roadblock outside Howick on 5 August. He was charged with leaving the country without a permit and inciting workers to strike. He was convicted to sentence for five years of imprisonment. Several of his comrades were also arrested when police raided a secret hideout used by ANC and Communist Party activists.                                                                                                      On October 9th, 1963 Mandela joined 10 others on trial for sabotage in what became known as the Rivonia Trial.
On 11 June 1964 Mandela and seven other accused were sentenced to life imprisonment. Mandela and five others were sent to Robben Island.
Mandela`s mother died in 1968 and his eldest son in 1969. He was not allowed to attend their funerals.
Mandela was taken to the hospital in 1988, where he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. After spending a lot of time in different hospitals he was finally transferred on 7 December 1988 to a house at Victor Verster Prison where he spent the last 14 months of imprisonment. He was released on Sunday 11 February 1990
Mandela immersed himself in official talks to end white minority rule and in 1991 was elected ANC President to replace his ailing friend, Oliver Tambo. In 1993 he and President FW de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize and on 27 April 1994 he voted for the first time in his life.
On 10 May 1998 he was inaugurated as South Africa`s first democratically elected President. True to his promise, Mandela stepped down in 1999 after one term as President. He continued to work with the Nelson Mandelas Children`s Fund hes et up in 1995 and established the Nelson Mandela Foundation and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation.
Nelson Mandela never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he never answered racism with racism. His life is an inspiration to all who are oppressed and deprived; and to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation.
He died at his home in Johannesburg on 5 December 2013.
Written by Kristina
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sistemieconsulenze · 7 years
Sistemi & Consulenze Impronta Ambientale
Gli impegni volontari delle imprese per la valutazione dell’ impronta ambientale, carbon Foot e Water Foot,  stanno assumendo un ruolo sempre più significativo per il rafforzamento delle azioni previste dalle norme e dalle politiche governative nell’ambito del Protocollo di Kyoto. Da parte sua l’Unione europea, con la Raccomandazione 2013/179/CE, ha ufficialmente introdotto la Product Carbon Foot Water Foot Environmental Footprint, una metodologia che regolamenta il calcolo, la valutazione, la convalida di parte terza e la comunicazione a tutte le parti interessate dell’impronta ambientale dei prodotti e dei servizi. L’approccio seguito dalla Commissione Europea mette a disposizione delle imprese un metodo che consente di elaborare una rosa di indicatori ambientali relativi alle principali categorie di impatto ambientale (emissioni di gas ad effetto serra, efficienza nell’uso delle risorse, impronta idrica, etc.) che il produttore, previa convalida effettuata da un soggetto terzo, è legittimato a utilizzare liberamente a fini competitivi, in particolar modo nella comunicazione di marketing e nei confronti del mercato#ambiente #sostenibilità 
#carbon #wather #foot #lca
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