#was 24bpm
halogalopaghost · 4 months
I just found out that a tilt table test isn't like, getting tilted back and forth for a while, you lay there for thirty minutes and then they tilt you upright REAL QUICK, im gonna fail that test so hard lmao
#at first I'm like hmmmm idk if I meet the criteria for orthostatic intolerance idkkk#and tested my HR a few times from laying/standing with a few minutes in between#but if it's THIRTY MINS at rest before they flip me?#I'm fucked lmao#the biggest increase from sitting to standing that I've seen in the last two days#was 24bpm#that's like...not the worst. it's outside the normal range but it's not BAD#it's not pre syncope levels of bad#but I've also deliberately increased my salt intake ever since the PT said POTS to me on Tuesday so#hmmmmm#sometimes I feel like my fucking around and finding out isn't very science based and k can't possibly accurately diagnose myself and then#this stuff happens...#I'm so fucking tired bro#I got so confused and frustrated about a really stupid and simple thing today that I just started crying#I've been crying a LOT in the last two weeks#BUT#only two more shifts and then I'm free from this job forEVER!!!#and I can focus on my health or lack thereof#I don't expect cures or even really effective treatments at this point I just want to know WHY#like WHAT is happening with my body bro#it's never worked particularly well or normal but the last time I felt physically healthy was early 2022#it's been almost TWO years since I felt healthy and I'm 25#and I feel like it's getting progressively worse. not by huge increments but enough#maybe that's just symptoms stacking? idk#maybe it's just extended fatigue without really feeling rested#I have no clue which is why I would loooove to know bro#sigh#little Victorian boy wasting disease
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leftfoxparadise · 4 years
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drravindersinghrao · 5 years
Best Heart Expert in Jaipur
The heart is the most important part of our body as it works is to supply the blood with oxygen to other parts of our body. Best Heart Expert In Jaipur explaining the anatomy of the heart. Heart work like a pumping station of our body that circulates blood throughout the body. The heart has four chambers consisting of two artra and two ventricles. Ventricles pump the blood and atria receives the blood. Some medical term of heart
Aorta: it is the largest artery of the human body which carry blood to all parts of body
Inferior Vena Cava: deoxygenated blood carrier
Superior vena cava: it is the largest de-oxygenated blood carrier vein
Explanation of Cardiac Cycle
Best Heart Expert In Jaipur explains the cardiac cycle of our heart. Main work of the heart is to pump the blood so it does this nonstopping repeating sequence which is known as the cardiac cycle. According to the Best Heart Expert In Jaipur in the cardiac cycle, the heart pumps the blood by contracting and relaxing the muscles through electric signals. Contraction of heart is known as systole and relaxing of the heart is known as diastole. Herat beats nearly about 100,000 times in a day. Heart muscles consist of a cardiac muscle cell known as cardiomyocytes.
Some facts about our heart
the the heart is control by the electric system of our body
the human heart beats nearly about 100000-115000 times a day
heart pump 2000 gallons of blood
our the body has nearly bout 60,000 miles of blood vessel
the the normal heartbeat of an adult is 70-74bpm
In whale it is lowest about 24bpm
and fastest in shrew1200 bpm
the study of heart is known as cardiology and doctor of heart is known as a cardiologist for more details please visit www.drravindersinghrao.com
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onilopolitano · 3 years
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Confronto entre policiais e criminosos deixa três feridos em comunidade de Japeri
Rio - Policiais militares do 24ºBPM (Queimados) realizam, nesta sexta-feira (24), uma operação na comunidade Lagoa do Sapo, no município de Japeri, na Região Metropolitana do Rio. Durante a ação, criminosos fizeram disparos contra as equipes policiais, que reagiram. Após o confronto, três pessoas ficaram feridas e foram socorridas para a Policlínica de Japeri. Até o momento, dois homens foram presos.
Segundo a corporação, na ação, foram apreendidos três pistolas, um revólver, cinco rádios comunicadores e entorpecentes, que ainda serão contabilizados. 
O #24BPM, com o apoio de unidades do #3CPA, realiza operação na comunidade Lagoa do Sapo, em Japeri. Na ação, dois criminosos foram presos e outros três se feriram. Com eles, os militares apreenderam quatro armas, cinco rádios comunicadores e drogas.#PolíciaMilitar pic.twitter.com/JlWcnMiGCW
— @pmerj (@PMERJ) September 24, 2021
A ocorrência segue em andamento.
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harryzroze · 7 years
For anyone wondering: Steven heard 2 of Lars's heartbeats, which had a roughly 2.5 second in between each beat. Because of this, Lars's heartbeat was resting at-scarily enough-roughly 24bpm. Please note that Lars had said that he felt "really freaked out" and was stANDING. THAT WASN'T EVEN HIS RESTING HEARTBEAT
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minhaalerj · 7 years
@zaqueuteixeira: @PMERJ Enquanto se a PM trabalha p "prender" carro o crime cresce de forma assustadora na cidade de Queimados.Vamos reprimir o crime. #24BPM
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