pokemoncanoncalls · 1 year
Wallace fictive - gen 3.
Frankly, looking for anyone to have as a friend. Simply mind the dni, and we will be fine. Doubles are more than fine. Body is a minor.
@wallaci to reach us - you'll have to state why you dmed however, Incase we forget we did this.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
@ Pokémon starter asks
Big response here! For fictives in our system:
Grimsley- purrloin. It was a gift from his parents that he had for a long time before starting his journey. Her name was Silver
Volo- his is a weird technicality. Technically the first Pokémon he ever met and bonded with was Giratina, but from a trainer perspective, his starter was a togepi. Her name is Pecha
Wallace- a luvdisc! He remembers having her since he was a child while he was learning how to do Sootopolis Things:tm:
Arven- Mabosstiff (kind of obvious). Oddly enough he can’t remember if he raised him from a Maschiff or if he was always a Mabosstiff.
As for kin answers!
Corrin- from a region that isn’t canon, but I like the story so! Me and my twin brother both had lunecanpys! They’re little space/moon themed wolves. And me and my brother got a brother and sister lunecanpy from the same pack!
Guzma- wimpod
Astro (swsh protag) - I chose sobble! His name was River!
Nox- it was my houndoom! I can’t remember if I met them as a houndour or not but I was originally from Hoenn before moving to Orre! And they were from hoenn too! Came with me on the move :>
Ingo- litwik
AZ- floette (kind of redundant I know)
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