#visual image. : damon salvatore.
ac1numarch · 8 months
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@shadowbrn required an incorrect quotes. tyler lockwood &. damon salvatore edition.
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cedarteef · 7 months
welcome to the deep forest, try not to step on the cryptids
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i’m cedar, kinoko, or whatever else you find fit.
disclaimer: i’m new to tumblr after avoiding it for years, so be patient with me
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refer to me as whatever you what
i’m an 18 y/o college student. i work as a server/waiter and, in the future, i plan to help the youth in the criminal justice system emotionally succeed. other than that, i am just a small little unknown mustelid.
pronouns, sexuality, gender, etc. it’s all up to you. i’m just someone struggling to grow beyond the curse of girlhood and however you define that is yours.
who i am is shown through the art and words i publish here, void of labels and societal standards :3
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what you’ll find here:
there will be trigger warnings on some of my posts. my writing/art is usually focused on my struggles with body image, family issues, and mental health struggles. i welcome you to find solace in our shared troubles
i have very bad habits and i self-medicate along with my prescribed medication. these actions are NOT encouraged. there will be trigger warnings for any mention of medication, smoking, getting high, drinking, or vaping.
i look up to dionysus for comfort and guidance, meaning i WILL talk about him and my worshipping of him. he is not my friend and i will not refer to him as such, considering he’s an omniscient being and i am just a follower. please do not disrespect him or any other greek mythological beings while on my page out of respect for my beliefs. the same respect for your religious/spiritual affiliation is always extended to you :>
i try to write poetry and short stories ! i’m not particularly proud of my work, but i will share some of it for the sake of vulnerability and expression.
i love to view and make art. i hold the belief that no form of art (visual, auditory, etc) can ever be labeled as “bad art” so feel free to interact and give tips geared towards growth.
i’m back into my warrior cats phase from 11 years ago, so pray for both me and my ocs teehee
if i was a furry, i’d be a ferret. that specific thought won’t ever come up again but i need you to know this. i fucking love ferrets oh my gawrsh (in voice of goofy)
i love psychology and analyzing works through the lens of the creator’s mind. i also love to read psychological studies and shit. share your findings and theories with me please.
i’m strange and off-putting sometimes. rabid, if you will. however, if i ever make you uncomfortable don’t be afraid to speak up or just block me ! it doesn’t matter whether we’ve interacted before, just do whichever puts your mind at ease.
i have the hiccups right now what if i DIED
update: it’s 10 minutes later and the hiccups are gone. praise the lord.
I LOVE DOCTOR WHO and horror and FNAF and supernatural and warrior cats and family guy (idfk man) and um and ferrets and women and damon salvatore and ICP and P!ATD(not urine man) and breaking bad/better call saul and domo and matthew lillard and SHIFTING (not shifted) and tattoos and tattooing
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some things i want for my blog:
- respect, which will ALWAYS go your way
- unbridled criticism that focuses objectively on the technique and not the content of my artistic and poetic works !!
- different opinions !!!! diversity and curiosity are the root of the human experience, don’t feel the need to fall in line with anybody here.
- be yourself
- NEVER BE AFRAID TO TALK TO ME ABOUT ANYTHING AT ALL !! i wrote that in all caps to put emphasis on it but now it seems like a threat. either way, yes.
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--> you, my beloved reader, can’t be controlled by me or anyone. i just ask for consideration and respect for myself and others. i welcome you to block me if you so desire :)
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my insta-blocks:
-> outward disrespect for my beliefs or the beliefs of ANYONE at all
-> outward disrespect for dionysus or other greek mythological beings
-> harassment
-> ideologies or actions i see as harmful or detrimental to myself or others
(my use of the block button is, infact, selfish and geared towards my own growth. my respect for you and for myself coexist but if one fails, the other is likely to as well. my goal is to live peacefully on here !)
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
‘Legacies’ season 2, episode 9 review: ‘I’m THEE…Ted. I’m Ted. Sigh.’
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I am so glad that Legacies season 2, episode 9 has brought our Salvatore School crew back. And now that we’ve met the Alyssa Chang, I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Before we took a break for the holidays, we saw Hope return to everyone’s memory, Landon choose to get back together with her, leaving Josie alone, and none other than THE NECROMANCER! was unveiled as the creature beneath the red cloak wreaking havoc in Mystic Falls. For a full refresher on Legacies season 2, episode 8, check out our review.
But now, it’s time to dig into all things Legacies season 2, episode 9, “I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You.”
From ‘Master of Death’ to ice cream scooper
I really didn’t know what I wanted after learning that THE NECROMANCER! was back at the end of the Legacies season 2 midseason finale. I never expected to get an entire episode of Ben Guerens as a completely human, suddenly powerless version of our hell-raiser. This was absolutely freaking delightful, and while I don’t know how long he will continue to be hanging around causing all sorts of trouble, I can’t help but be delighted to have his enthusiasm back.
Watching him take his journey from powerless mortal back to the necromancer he’s always been was interesting, and now I can’t help but wonder what role Chad will be playing as the season rolls forward.
Introducing Alyssa Chang
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Is there anyone who wasn’t excited to see Olivia Liang portray Alyssa Chang? We’ve been hearing about her since the pilot, so I was more than excited to finally meet the witchy powerhouse.
I don’t know if I expected to love or hate her, but I find I’m pretty much neither. I’m intrigued by Alyssa Chang. While I wasn’t too happy about her treatment of Hope in regards to the whole roomie thing, I did love how loyal she felt toward M.G. Our favorite, comic-loving vamp needs more people in his corner, especially when the Saltzman twins keep running hot and cold on him all the time. It’s nice to know there’s someone else around to have his back when Kaleb is MIA.
I’m not sure if I love how she set Sebastian up to fail his test, or if I resent her for casting judgement on him before giving him a chance, but, I’m willing to give her loyalty to Lizzie and M.G. the edge here. Maybe it’s the Damon fan in me, but I keep seeing how similar Sebastian’s vibe is to TVD season 1 Damon. He’s just been resurrected after a VERY long dessication, and he’s not the good, kind-hearted vamp at heart. If he sticks around on Legacies, I can see a long and winding road to redemption for him, much like we watched Damon Salvatore tread.
Break-up and make-up awkwardness
It was inevitable that this episode was going to be full of awkwardness, with Josie and Landon still getting past all their break-up awkward, Hope and Josie trying to navigate a world where they both love Landon, and Hope and Landon trying to find their way back to some semblance of the normal they felt in Legacies season 1.
My greatest sympathies lie with Josie, even if I do think that Handon is my couple of the moment. While Hope and Landon are good together, I really do want to see Josie happy, so imagine the size of my grin at the end of this episode where all three parties find ways to bond in their new awkward and put the hard stuff behind them. I was basically brimming with glee whenever they were on screen.
“This is a seminal work of fiction, not something to run your horny clock out.”
I’m glad that M.G. is keeping Lizzie in her place a little. I thought it was cute that she wanted to bond with M.G. over his comics, but when we learned that it was just an effort to distract herself from Sebastian, I quickly turned on her. Not cool, Lizzie. Not cool. (Even if the tie in to the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event was super fun to see.)
But, seriously, though. Good on M.G. for standing up for himself and his interests and not allowing her to use him to distract herself. He deserves better, and I’m glad he recognizes that.
Is Landon really powerless?
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There was a lot of heavy-handed talk about Landon’s lack of power in Legacies season 2, episode 9. No matter how long Sebastian and him spent together, the ancient vamp could not stop trying to emasculate Landon for being less powerful than Hope.
While I’m really happy that Landon isn’t afraid to be less powerful than his tribrid lady, I can’t help but wonder if we’re being set up for another huge reveal in the second half of season 2. Legacies season 1, episode 13, “The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do” was the episode we learned Landon was a phoenix, so could Legacies season 2, episode 13 be when we learn the extent of a phoenix’s powers?
Because there’s got to be more to being a phoenix than just coming back to life. Having a power like that at your fingertips has to mean there’s more he can do. It’s just going to take the perfect set of circumstances to bring forward any other powers he might have boiling under the surface. I’m wondering if there isn’t some healing, superspeed, or SOMETHING else waiting for him to discover.
Is Chad going to be this season’s true hero?
I mean, his introduction, death, and resurrection in this episode has me wondering what role he might play as season 2 goes on. Will he be THE NECROMANCER!’s undoing? Or just a simple, loyal acolyte to the king of the undead? Only time will tell, but I won’t be forgetting him anytime soon, that’s for sure.
Josie’s little premonition
There are exactly three visuals that we see when Josie starts magically messing with the mora miserium. They are: someone smashing the mora miserium in front of a large fireplace, an image of the entire Salvatore School engulfed in flames, and an image of Josie who had clearly gone full Dark Willow. (Like, seriously, the look of it is SO reminiscent of what Willow looked like when she went dark on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)
I’m curious if this was just the mora miserium trying to convince her to let it out, or whether this was a true sort of premonition of a future that could be if they don’t find a way to get rid of the mora miserium safely.
Friendship restored!
That three-way hug!! I’m really glad that Hope, Josie, and Landon have been able to individually work on their relationships. We saw Hope helping Josie, Josie helping Landon, and Landon leaning on Hope. Everyone is doing the work to get back to the friends they were before all the Malivore-memory-related shenanigans.
I really need Hope and Josie to keep bonding, because I love them having each other to lean on. With all the craziness going on for both of them, it’s really important to me that they have each other to go to in times of trouble, stress, or emotional upheaval.
KYM IS BACK!! Now where’s Kaleb?
Okay, so I didn’t think twice when Dorian kept mentioning his intern, but OMG! It’s Kym! Talk about ecstatic. I don’t know where Kaleb was supposed to have been for the entirety of this episode, but knowing that soon we will have Kaleb, M.G., and Kym all together again is giving me life. I loved their dynamic earlier this season when they were investigating the Croatoan, so there is bound to be some great stuff for them coming down the pike.
Bye Sebastian… the pirate vampire?
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So, Sebastian is most definitely in TVD season 1 Damon mode. He’s purposely pushing Alaric’s buttons, he’s head-over-heels for Lizzie, and he’s unable to control his need for chaos. The only question remaining is: Will he end up down a Damon-like path of redemption, or will his story meet a swift and bloody end? Or did it already?
Also, there were a couple of references to Sebastian having a pirate past in this episode that had me wondering where they are taking our new vamp troublemaker. Alaric’s book, Alyssa’s reference to a boat, and when you think back to the Croatoan and the whole Roanoke situation, it would make sense that a pirate could have ended up on the island for all that craziness.
And that original outfit we saw him in. I definitely think it had a pirate-like quality.
I’m definitely eager to see how his pirate-hood may play into later storylines, especially since Alaric did something with him for the time being. Is Sebastian back in his coffin? Is he dead? Did the vamp really choose to leave? I’m sure we’ll find out in Legacies season 2, episode 10, “This Is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans To Muppet Babies.”
Altogether, I think was a great midseason return. We got to see how THE NECROMANCER! came to be back in Mystic Falls, we watched as Sebastian proved himself incapable of following the Salvatore School rules, and we saw Josie, Landon, and Hope well on their way to healing all the ills the first half of the season brought.
I’m anxious to see where the rest of this season takes us after Legacies season 2, episode 9. Have we seen the last of Vardemus? Could we meet the real Vardemus at some point? Is Clark really dead? Is Hope still friends with Maya and Ethan? The questions floating around in my head could go on and on and on and on. But for now, I’ll just trust that there’s a great storyline ahead, and we only have to wait a single week til it arrives this time.
What did you love most about ‘Legacies’ season 2, episode 9?
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vampiriaunderworld · 4 years
Steps to become your true aesthetic self. I will answer all of them and then you can try.
I am working on truly becoming myself. And that is my goal for 2020.
First discover or re-discover who YOU are. Here’s some questions for thought. Reflect or write down your answers.
What do you like?
Alot of mythical things, spirituality, horror, witchcraft, creepy things, art, music, creative writing, fanfiction, styling my hair, paranormal, knowing the unknown.
What do you dislike?
People that bring me down, people making fun of my insecuries, being alone, being ignored, boring people, toxic people, people underestimating me.
Describe your personality.
My friend would say I am all cupcakes and rainbow and I am😂. I like all types of weird things and dark things😏. I am a really caring and very intuitive, empathic. I present myself as confident cause I am. I can be an introvert and an extrovert depending on my mood.
What do you love about yourself?
I love my hair, body, skin, mind, heart and soul.
What does your ideal day look like?
I switch my style up all the time. Its to dark clothing, cute, hippy, lazy. So I really don't have an ideal look.
List five unique things about yourself.
I can tell when someone is lying even if they cover it up real quick. I present my self uniquely and confident. I'm pretty mythical and I feel like that's pretty unique about me. I'm not afraid to try different things, how I express myself creatively, and my hair😂
How do you want people feel around you?
I want people to feel some type of comfort. I want them to feel like I'm there big sister. I want them to smile and feel happy around me. I want them to have a change of mood when around me.
List some words / quotes you love.
The only person that can change your life if you
You know yourself best
Don't let anyone knock down you temple, keep your head up high and strong and you are made of armor no one can draw a sword in you
Normal people scare me
Be as weird you can be, normal is boring
My aesthetic and who I am is largely influenced by a collection of inspiring materials and persons. Who are your inspirations? Consider:
Fictional characters
Damon Salvatore
Derek hale
Bonnet Bennett
Harley Quinn
Klaus mikealson
Fashion icons
Ideal lifestyles
Mythical, horror school life, me being friends with all the slashers and supernatural beings, and me going on mission to solve mysterious etc.
It has to be cute, dark, pretty, hippy, chill and a art how kind of style. I really love dark lip sticks so I will have a collection of that. Different colors weaves and braiding hair will be in my wardrobe. Colored palletes, plaids, rings, fake tattoo stickers(I think thats what its called), dark nail polishes, hair clips and pretty hair ties. And on the side if I really want to get in tuned with my mythical self I would keep fangs, elf ears, flower crowns, crystals, colored eye contacts etc.
Curating a mood board is my favourite way to see what I like and want clearly. I like to use pinterest and make a private board for re-evaluating my ‘aesthetic’. Some ideas of what to pin:
Go through your ‘things you like’ list and pin accordingly.
Imagine your ideal lifestyle - how you want to spend your mornings, trips you want to take, hobbies you want to try etc
How does your ideal home / bedroom look?
It would be vintage styles house living it a fairy forest, where there's very bright sunny morning. There would be different fruit tres around me and a beautiful flower garden. My bedroom will have a fairy, vampire, gods and goddess, spiritually theme to it. Big matress wuth fluffy blankets on the bed and big Duffy and fluffy pillow. My whole bet soul be violet, red and black color to it.
What clothes and outfits are you drawn to?
I do have a cute look to me but mysterious at the same time. But I am drawn to the grunge, art hoe kinda look.
Pin scenes from films and tv shows that inspire
Art & quotes that make you feel how you always want to feel
Images with colours that speak to your soul
Red. I see the color as loveable, caring feeling but also dark and mysterious.
& voila, you are looking at a visual representation of you!
Now, you are in touch with what you like & why and how you want to live your life! The key to a cohesive and strong aesthetic is being able to curate. To curate means to select, organise and present. We have selected our visual inspiration and now we organise.
Start unpinning things that don’t belong. Maybe you pinned a lot of images of outfits you like but there is that one outfit that doesn’t belong. Maybe your pinterest board is very consistent with colours, but there’s that one pin that doesn’t fit in your colour scheme. This doesn’t mean your aesthetic limits you, but simply you are learning how to present your interests and loves in a way that is organised and cohesive. Try finding the same idea in a different image that does belong.
This process will help you truly understand your aesthetic. Soon you’ll see consistent colours, consistent patterns, consistent content that you like.
In real life: Now let this curation phase spill into all aspects of your life. Let it inspire you to achieve the bedroom you want, to donate the uninspiring clothes you own. You’ve just outlined what makes you happy and what makes you feel like your best self - so let that take over. Its ok to want to reinvent yourself to the person you want to be - but don’t forget our first step ‘the definition of you’! Be your biggest inspiration.
Digitally: I thought I also better talk about your aesthetic on Instagram, as this is something I asked about a lot.
Take a read of my blog post ‘5 Tips for a Cohesive Instagram Feed’. This has some great tips for how to present your aesthetic on Instagram.
Be yourself online. Remember your personality, what makes you unique. Also consider how you want people to feel when they look at your images & read your words. I know this sounds ultra cheesy, but when I really discovered the importance of this and started to show more of my inner self online - that’s when I was happiest, my instagram was growing and I felt so much more confidence.
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
TVD fanfic 9X03 (part 2) Hope you enjoy!=)
Cut to – next day, Alaric’s office. Caroline and Alaric talking.
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ALARIC: What? How is that even possible, Caroline?!
CAROLINE: I know it sounds crazy, that’s why I wanted to tell you myself. Also, so you wouldn’t freak out if you saw him…
ALARIC: He is alive?
CAROLINE: Yes, Lexi too. Unfortunately, so is Katherine, she took one of the house rooms but don’t worry, we locked her in last night; so, she isn’t going anywhere.
ALARIC: I still can’t understand… how?
CAROLINE: Well, seems like when Bonnie linked to the source she linked to everything in existence… and some lost, or unfulfilled souls caught a ride back with her… I guess? I really can’t understand it either… but, they are in fact back and very much alive.
ALARIC: I have to talk to Bonnie… this can’t be good.
CAROLINE: Didn’t you hear me? Stefan is alive, how is that not a good thing?
ALARIC: I did hear you Caroline, and I’m happy for you, but you know that there are always horrible consequences with these types of things…
CAROLINE: Not always Ric, and we don’t even know what “these types of things” really are, so, I would appreciate some positivity and support.
ALARIC: I’m sorry, this is just a bit much for 8am. Have you told the girls?
CAROLINE: Not yet, I want us to tell them together. I asked them to meet us here after their first class.
ALARIC: So, where is Stefan now?
CAROLINE: He’s still asleep in my room.
ALARIC: And Lexi?
CAROLINE: She took off early this morning.
ALARIC: We’ve been through some pretty crazy things before, but this definitely tops it… Have you told Elena?
CAROLINE: Not yet, she went back to Whitmore last night, and I really don’t think this type of news should be given over the phone, so I’ll drive up to see her in a couple of days.
ALARIC. Make sure you get some drinks in her first…
CAROLINE: Oh, for sure!
ALARIC: Listen, Radka talked to the student’s parents, asked them if they would be fine with us having a memorial…
CAROLINE: Yes, of course!
ALARIC: They want nothing to do with us, don’t want us at the funerals, don’t want to hear or see us ever again…
CAROLINE: What? Why?
ALARIC: Can you blame them? I mean, if their kids hadn’t come to this school, they would probably be alive…
CAROLINE: We don’t know that; they were targets to that freakshow of a cult, they would have gotten to them here, or anywhere else.
ALARIC: Well, whatever the case, we have to respect their wishes.
CAROLINE: I know, but we are still having a memorial in their honor.
ALARIC: Radka said the same, she’s already prepping everything, the ceremony will be tomorrow evening.
CAROLINE: Good… (they hear Bonnie screaming, they run out).
 Cut to - Bonnie sleeping in her room; she is screaming; Damon runs in and finds her shaking and elevating, along with everything in the room.
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DAMON: Bon-Bon? Bon? Bon, wake up!
 Bonnie wakes up, everything drops back to normal.
 DAMON: Bon, are you O.K? 
BONNIE: I’m fine, what are you doing in my room? I was sleeping…
DAMON: You were screaming so I came to check on you. Found you and everything else in this room floating… You scared me half to death...
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BONNIE: Sorry, must have been having a nightmare… had way too many shots last night…
 Stefan comes running in, Alaric and Caroline briefly after.
 STEFAN: What’s going on? Bonnie, are you O.K?
CAROLINE: What happened? We heard you screaming…
BONNIE: Just a bad dream is all.
DAMON: Oh, it was more than that, Bon! The entire room looked like a scene from the exorcist!
BONNIE: I’m fine Damon, so drop it.
DAMON: Literally what happened with everything, including yourself, when you woke up, Bon…
ALARIC: Do you remember anything? Any images, flashes?
BONNIE: Nothing visual… all I remember is having a terrible feeling that something was very wrong…
CAROLINE: Oh my god Bonnie! (Hugs her) Listen, I think that what you need is to rest, and some good old-fashion pampering; you haven’t had any downtime after everything you just went through…
BONNIE: I really don’t feel like sleeping after this…
CAROLINE: You don’t have to sleep, just rest, OK? I’ll bring you some breakfast in bed, we can watch some T.V, just tune out for a bit…
BONNIE: That actually sounds kind of nice… but what about our little roomie problem? Not to mention our little “where is Waldo” situation. We really need to deal with that.
CAROLINE: Don’t worry about Katherine, we’ll make sure she stays put, and, we’ll deal Mr. MIA later. For now, let’s just take a breather.
DAMON: I agree with Blondie, Bon, let’s take some timeout before the Avengers reassemble…
BONNIE: Well, guess there is nothing wrong with taking some downtime…
CAROLINE: Great! These guys (referring to Alaric and Stefan) and I will go make breakfast. (They leave the room).
DAMON: (Puts on the TV) OK, Bon, so what’s it gonna be? GoT?
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BONNIE: (Gives him a smirk) You know me too well… (Damon gives her a wink).
Cut to Salvatore kitchen – Caroline and Stefan are making pancakes, Alaric is attempting to help.
 ALARIC: (To Stefan) So, welcome back…
STEFAN: Thank you, Ric, not sure you would be too thrilled by it…
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ALARIC: Hey, we are passed all that, I really am glad that you are back (bro hug). (To Caroline) So, I talked to Radka, her and Sergei will help run things while we figure this whole thing out.
CAROLINE: That’s great; Bonnie needs our full support. Can you even imagine what she is going through?
ALARIC: Not even a little bit. Having that much power…
CAROLINE: And dealing with what that asshole almost made her do. Never thought I would ever say this but, we should’ve listened to Damon.
STEFAN: Anyone care to fill me in? I was dead for quite a while…
ALARIC: Didn’t you guys do that last night?
CAROLINE: We decided not to go into that and let this (referring to Stefan being back) sink in first; it’s not every day a person comes back from the dead. Listen (kisses Stefan), what do you say if, later today, you and I go to our spot… I’ll put you up to date then.
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STEFAN: That sounds great.
CAROLINE: For now, let’s have breakfast and binge some GoT, which I’m sure is what Bonnie and Damon are watching… and we’ll take it from there.
STEFAN: Can I have an aspirin first? Forgot about this nasty human side-effect…
ALARIC: Here, take one of these (opens a counter, gives him a pill), works for me every time. (To Caroline) What about the girls? I thought we were talking to them after first period.
CAROLINE: I was thinking that we can talk to them after school instead? We can hide Stefan for a few hours.
ALARIC: Sounds like a plan. You guys mind if I leave after breakfast? I need to keep researching this source thing…
CAROLINE: Of course, the more we know about it, the more we can help Bonnie.
Cut to – Matt and Khuyana at their house. They are lying in bed.
 MATT: I’m so happy you are back, I missed you so much (kisses her). You have no idea how crazy these past days have been.
KHUYANA: I can only imagine… from what you told me, sounds straight out of a horror movie. I’m really glad you are O.K, but promise me you will be careful, this is dangerous ground you’re walking on…
MATT: I promise…
KHUYANA: Tell you what, let me go make us some breakfast, we’ll eat in bed.
MATT: That sounds amazing, I’ll come with you.
KHUYANA: No, it’s fine, sleep for a bit, you need it. I’ll be back in a few. (kisses him and leaves, Matt gets a call).
MATT: Hello Mayor, is everything O.K?
EDWARD POWELL: Sorry to disturb you on your day off Sheriff, just wanted to let you know that the “situation” has been handled, I’ll brief you in detail tomorrow morning.
MATT: Thanks for letting me know.
EDWARD POWELL: It’s my duty, Sheriff. I’ll leave you to rest now, you’ll need it for what is coming… Good day.
 Matt hears Khuyana scream and sounds of a struggle; comes running down with his gun. Finds her arm locking an intruder on the floor, he is faced down.
 MATT: (Pointing his gun at the intruder) Don’t move! (To Khuyana) What happened?
KHUYANA: I came downstairs, found him in the kitchen so I arm-locked him… (to the intruder) not on my watch!
MATT: (Points the gun to the intruder’s head) Listen, you piece of….
TYLER: Matt, Matt! Don’t shoot, it’s me…
MATT: Tyler? What the…
Cut to – some weird old mansion library.
 MAN’S VOICE: Well, that didn’t go as expected… I’m quite disappointed, I thought you had everything under control?  
DARIUS: Everything is under control, granted there were some unexpected twists, but I will handle it.
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MAN’S VOICE: I trust you will, we are running out of time, and I’m running out of patience.  
Cut to – Salvatore mansion, Katherine in her room.
 KATHERINE: (To herself) It’s a beautiful day to be alive! (Admires herself in the mirror, gives her self a smirk).
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Rebirth agrees with me, I look so young!… (lip signs as she is looking at herself in the mirror) H-O-T (winks at her reflection). God, I’m starving! Wonder what these losers have in their fridge… (Tries to open the door and realizes she is locked in). Those little…
Cut to – Bonnie’s room, the gang is having breakfast and watching GoT. Caroline gets a call from Matt.
 CAROLINE: (Before she picks up…) Guys, it’s Matt, should I tell him about (looking at Stefan) well, you know?...
BONNIE: I think it’s better if you ask him to come over, we’ll tell him in person…
CAROLINE: True. (Answers the call) Hey Matt! How are you?
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MATT: Care, I really need you to come by my house…
CAROLINE: Is everything O.K?
MATT: Everything is fine… I think, not sure…just, please come over.
CAROLINE: I was about to tell you the same thing… we really need to talk to you too…
MATT: Care, I can’t right now… I’m in the middle of a very strange situation, it’s either that or I’ve gone completely mad…
CAROLINE: What happened Matt?
MATT: Care, really, if I could tell you over the phone I would, but you can’t say these types of things over the phone, plus it would help if you see for yourself, and verify that Khuyana and I are not insane…
CAROLINE: (Putting the pieces of the puzzle together) Wait… does this have to do with… well, let’s just say, Night of the Living Dead thing? (Pause for a bit) How did you find out about Stefan?
MATT: Wait, what? Stefan? What about Stefan?
CAROLINE: You know… Lexi and Katherine too…
MATT: What?! No, wait… I’m talking about Tyler…
CAROLINE: Oh my god! Tyler too!!!
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MATT: So much for not talking about this over the phone… What the hell is going on?
CAROLINE: Tyler is alive!!!! (To the gang) Guys, Tyler is alive!!!
 They all look incredibly happy, except for Damon who seems a bit more worried than happy.
 MATT: Wait, so Stefan, Lexi, Katherine, and Tyler are alive? … Wonder if anyone else rose from their tomb… Listen, we definitely need to talk about this in person, all of us, we’ll head to the mansion.
CAROLINE: Perfect, see you soon. (Hangs up).
DAMON: So, wolf-boy caught a ride too… good for him, he was gone way too soon (everyone gives him a look).
BONNIE: You are lucky no one seems to remember exactly how they died… except for Katherine for some strange reason…
CAROLINE: Speaking of, we should check up on our little house guest…
 Cut to -Katherine’s room, she is desperately trying to open the door. The gang walks in, Caroline sustains her.
 DAMON: Should have gone for the window Kitty Kat, I’m sure you would’ve landed on all four…
KATHERINE: Let me out of here! I just needed a night’s rest. I’ll be on my way now.
CAROLINE: Not that I would want anything more, but there is no way in hell we are going to let you out until we figure this whole thing out.
KATHERINE: What is there to figure out, Barbie? I was dead, now I’m alive, there is justice in the world, the end! (To Stefan) By the way, didn’t get a chance to tell you last night, but you are looking fine! (Gives him a smirk)
STEFAN: Listen, Katherine, you need to tell us what you remember…
KATHERINE: I thought I made it clear last night, you and Damon… (shakes her index finger) bad, bad, bad… And don’t even get me started on you Bonnie, except you, get a free pass for the ride.
 Alaric comes in the room.
 KATHERINE: Oh great, professor Xfailure is here…
ALARIC: Bonnie, I found something… you need to come with me.
DAMON: I’m coming with, my allergies are starting to kick in (gives Katherine a look. Alaric, Bonnie, and Damon leave the room).
STEFAN: (To Katherine) You are going to need to stay put for a while, so, just kill some time… you can look at yourself in the mirror all day, I know you love to do that. We’ll be back.
KATHERINE: (As they are leaving and locking her up again) Stefan, don’t you dare! Stefan! (In resignation, stands in front of the mirror admiring herself).
Cut to – Salvatore mansion library
 ALARIC: (Hands Bonnie an old book) Look at this…
BONNIE: Ric, this can't be real…
DAMON: What’s going on, Bon? Let me see…(Reads) No… this is impossible…
ALARIC: I think we are way passed impossible by now…
 Cut to - Salvatore living room, Caroline and Stefan coming down the stairs. The doorbell rings.
 CAROLINE: That must be Matt and Tyler!
STEFAN: That was fast…
 Caroline opens the door.
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  KLAUS: Hello, love...
TVD Fanfic 9x03 (part 3) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy!=)
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geekofmanyforms · 4 years
New Beginning  Chapter Twelve
***Sorry it took me so long to update. I'll try to get the new chapters out more quickly next time. Please review and let me know there is still interest in this story. As always this is still being posted on both AO3 and fanfiction.net***
The music was played loudly through the intercoms of every room in the Manor. I absentmindedly wondered how the loud music didn't hurt Damon's heightened hearing but shrugged it off.
Vicki's hair bounced as she swayed dangerously close to the edge of the table I had just vacated. I watched her from my position on the couch, needing to cool off for a moment. I, after all, didn't have Damon's blood giving me an extra boost of energy.
It had been two hours, Stefan was still MIA, and I was beginning to lose my patience — he should know better than to goad Damon like this.
I made my way to the window and slowly pulled the heavy drapes back just enough to peek outside. The sky was still blue, the sun still shining. I glanced at the tree line, hoping to see Stefan, but saw nothing. I bit the inside of my cheek and grumbled in frustration. I turned around and put my hands on my hips as I watched Damon dance with Vicki, his body pressed against hers, and shook my head. This was not my idea of fun.
"Oh man, what did you give me?" Vicki murmured, her face inches from Damon's.
His answering smile was vicious and calculating. "Some blood. You loved it," he said.
I scoffed lightly and walked over to the bookshelves on the right side of the room. I ran my fingers across the spines of the first few books. I was reading the titles when Vicki spoke next.
"I did? Wait. I'm confused," She asked, stepping back one step, "How did we get here?"
I looked over my shoulder and watched a shocked and confused expression flitter across her face as she moved her head from left to right, taking in her surroundings. I pitied her and hoped Damon kept his cool. The books in front of me caught my attention again as Damon chuckled darkly.
"We met in the woods. You were drunk. I attacked you. Then I killed all your friends and brought you here, and gave you some blood. You loved it," Damon said, pulling her closer. "And now we are going to play until the sun goes down,"
I sneered in his direction and took a black leather-bound book from the shelf and glanced at the cover; Dracula, how perfect. I giggled and shook my head at the image of one of the Salvatore brothers buying this specific book. The absurdity of the situation had to have been very amusing. I made my way back to the couch and sat down. I lifted my legs up and crossed them underneath me, snuggling down with the book in my lap.
"Find something to pique your interest, El?" Damon called from across the room.
I peeked over the top of the book and eyed him warily. He was still pressed against Vickie, his hands on her hips.
"It's better than watching you fondle a zombified version of Vickie. Does it even bother you that she isn't really aware of what's going on?" I asked, with real interest. "The idea of messing around with someone you've tricked into wanting you turns my stomach."
He smirked before taking Vicki's wrist in his mouth and biting sharply. I scrunched up my face and grimaced as she took his wrist into her own, biting down and then drinking heavily.
"That answer your question? Believe me El, she knows exactly what she is doing,"
His lips were stained crimson from her blood. I ignored him and looked back down at my book, hoping it gave me the escape I needed. The music faded into the background, and I barely noticed what was happening around me as I sunk myself deeper and deeper into the pages of the book. I didn't look up again until I heard a loud thump as something fell to the ground. I closed the book and found Vicki on the floor a few feet away from me. Damon stood beside her, his expression was bored and carefree. I flew from the couch and looked down at her body, noticing the unhealthy angle of her neck.
"Dammit, Damon! You knew what she meant to Mattie and Jer," I said in exasperation, kneeling down beside her.
I knew that she wouldn't be dead for long but waking up as a vampire wasn't much better, not for her, at least. She wasn't the kind of person that could survive immortality. She was an addict for a reason — she had a rough life, and I was damn sure she didn't want an eternity of it. I leaned back onto my feet with a sigh and looked up at Damon, who was leaning comfortably against the bar looking at the clock on the table beside me. He looked completely at ease, and it irritated me to no end. How could he be so cavalier about ending someone's life? I stood and pulled my shirt down, this whole ordeal was becoming more than I could calmly handle. I was about to blow up on someone, and the closest person was a vampire hell-bent on destroying his brother and, in turn, my family. I stomped over to the cocky vampire in question, and with one swift motion, slapped him firmly across the face.
"This is your mess Damon, and you can deal with it on your own," I spat, my shaking hands balled up into fists. "But so help me, if someone I care about gets hurt in the process, I will make you pay!"
I turned on my heel and walked swiftly to my car. I'd officially had all I could take of Damon Salvatore.
I drove back home with one thought on my mind. What do I tell Jeremy? Deep down, I knew Vicki wouldn't make it, and it would break Jeremy's heart. I slipped out of the car and slammed the door shut as hard as I could. The car creaked and groaned with my effort, and a significant dent was clearly visible. I swore under my breath; how was I going to explain that to Jenna?
I placed my hand on my forehead in frustration. I couldn't help but think how much easier things would be when I started over. I grimaced at my thoughts and felt terrible. I headed into the house, pulling out my cell and dialing Elena's number. Where the hell were they, anyhow? As I was walking up the stairs, I reached her voicemail once again.
"Listen, Lena, I don't know what you and Stefan are planning, and frankly I don't want to. But you should both know that whatever it is won't end well — for anyone. Call me back," I said in one breath. "please."
This day just kept getting worse and worse, and I had yet to live through the hardest part — my conversation with Elena and Jeremy. I made my way to my room and threw open my closet door. I grabbed a change of clothes, something I wouldn't mind being ruined. Once I was redressed, I pulled on my black biker boots and refastened my hair into a braid; I had a feeling things were about to get dirty.
I checked my hidden black backpack of supplies, the one that I hoped I would never need. I loaded the bag with a few extra items, a pocket knife, a few tangles of nylon rope, and a couple of stakes coated in vervain — these I really hoped I didn't need to use. When I had first found out that the Salvatores had returned to Mystic Falls, I had started putting together supplies, things I thought might come in handy: wooden stakes, vervain, baggies of human and animal blood. Anything that I thought might help when shit inevitably hit the fan. I ran the bag to the closet under the stairs and hid it away, still hoping that I wouldn't need to drag it out later.
Returning to my room, I sat down at my vanity and quickly reapplied some facial moisturizer as the doorbell rang. I closed my eyes and visualized the front porch, my brow furrowing when I sensed Vicki. I stood up and ran out my door and down the stairs just as Jeremy opened the front door. I flew in front of him and gently pushed him away from a slightly hungover looking Vicki.
"Hey. The sun is killing me. My eyes are on fire," she moaned, placing her fingers on the bridge of her nose.
Jeremy fought his way in front of me, and I struggled to stay between the newly minted Vamp and my very human brother.
"Where have you been?" he asked, his voice rushed.
I chewed my bottom lip between my teeth and looked at the two. What was I supposed to do? She probably had no clue what she had become.
"Hey Vicki, how are you feeling?" I finally asked, defeated.
She walked past us into the house and headed straight for the kitchen. "It's good. Everything is good," she said, waving her hand dismissively.
Jeremy and I followed her into the kitchen, and she took hold of the back of Jeremy's neck, pulling him into a swift kiss. I raised my hand ready to knock her through a wall if necessary. As their kiss deepened, I looked away, feeling awkward and intrusive. I cleared my throat and tapped my foot, thanking every God in the book when they finally pulled apart.
"Did something happen?" Jer asked when she pulled away from him, heading for the fridge.
She ignored his question as she pulled open the door, peering inside our fridge for something to help satisfy her ravenous hunger. I felt terrible that she wouldn't be able to find anything — at least not in our fridge.
"I'm hungry, what do you got to eat?" she asked, leaning into the fridge.
Jeremy looked at me, and I tried to keep my face from showing the regret I felt.
"You're high?" Jeremy said, inching closer to her. "Vicki, its the middle of the day,"
I pulled him away and shook my head. Where the hell was Elena and Stefan? I pulled out my phone and send a quick text to Matt. When this all went bad, I didn't want my family to be implicated in her disappearance. As she raided our fridge eating anything she could get her hands on, we patiently waited for Matt. About twenty minutes later he burst through our door, his face bunched up with worry. I greeted him in the living room and pulled him to the side.
"Something is wrong with her Matty," I said softly.
His blue eyes widened, and he rushed past me into the kitchen. I stayed back in the living room, giving them some space but keeping my ears open. I was pacing in front of the T.V. when they brought Vicki into the living room. She had her hands hovering near her ears, pain marring her features. Matt and Jeremy babbled over Vicki's moaning. I continued pacing back and forth, trying to remain calm. It wasn't until Jeremy mentioned the police that things turned sideways.
"No!" Vicki screamed, shoving Jeremy away from her "Don't call the cops, you can't call the cops! Get away from me! DON'T TOUCH ME!"
Her screams were shrill, desperate, almost out of control. She grew violent, throwing silverware at Matt and Jeremy and knocking the dining room chairs into their path as they tried to restrain her. I was about to restrain Vicki with magic when thankfully Elena and Stefan arrived,
"What's going on?" Elena said, moving beside me and placing her hand on my shoulder.
I stepped away and leaned towards Stefan. "A gift from Damon," I whispered so only he would hear.
His head snapped towards me and then back to Vicki in a nanosecond. He slowly looked her over and closed his eyes in anger.
"I told you this wouldn't end well," I accused, again for his ears only.
Logically I knew it wasn't really his fault, but I still held a grudge. He knew what provoking Damon would do and yet here we were.
"She's really messed up," Matt worried.
He stood next to where Vicki had sat on the floor. Her body curled into itself. Elena walked towards her, hands outstretched.
"Elena, back up," Stefan said.
I took Elena's wrist and pulled her away as Stefan took her place in front of Vicki. "Vicki, look at me. Focus. You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's gonna be ok," he said, directing his last few sentences to Jeremy and Matt.
They lifted her, taking most of her weight as they helped her up the stairs. When I knew they could no longer hear us, I lashed out, not caring who could see. I flung my hand outwards, using my magic to knock the lamps from the tables beside me. They landed on the floor with a crash, the glass flying across the room. I could feel the air sparking around me, but didn't care. I was so angry, at Damon for his stupid grudge against Stefan, at Stefan for antagonizing his brother, and at Katherine for creating their feud in the first place. A tiny intake of breath caught my attention, and I slowed my ragged breathing long enough to remember my surroundings. I clenched my fists and fought back the rush of magic that was crackling around me. Elena was standing behind Stefan, who had felt the need to shield her from me. As if I'd ever hurt her. The ridiculousness of his action snapped me out of it, and I ran a hand over my face.
"Ellie?" Elena whispered.
She was peering out from around Stefan's shoulder, her big brown eyes surprised and frightened. I cracked a half-smile and shrugged.
"Well, this was not how I wanted things to go. But it's too late now, I guess."
Stefan snorted and stepped away from Elena walking towards me. "You in control, Elandra?" he asked slowly.
I nodded and looked at the damage I had caused, with a flick of my wrist the broken lamps lifted into the air, the glass reforming. Once the work was finished, they lowered back onto their respective tables. Elena was still standing on the other side of the room, completely shell-shocked. She shook herself out of it; literally, her brown hair flinging around her.
"Can someone please tell me what is going on," she squeaked.
I fiddled with my braid, trying to come up with a way to explain. "I'm a witch, Lena. I was born this way. There is a lot more to it, but for right now that's the easiest part to explain," I said.
Stefan stayed beside me, making sure I wasn't going to lash out again. I felt a bit put out by his behavior. He was acting like I was a danger to Elena. When I inched towards her, he flinched and started following behind me, right on my heels.
I swung around and used my magic to push him away a few feet. "Come on, Stefan. You and Vicki are the most dangerous people here. Back off," I spat.
His face fell, and I immediately felt like crap for reminding him of what he was. I started to apologize, but Elena's strangled groan interrupted me. "What?" she said.
Both Stefan and I turned towards her. "Vicki is in transition, Lena," I explained. Her face paled, her doe eyes frantically flittering to the stairs where our brother and Matt had disappeared. I put my hands up and tried to reassure her.
"They are ok. Stefan and I are both keeping an eye on the situation," I said.
She looked at me in confusion. "How can you be keeping an eye on them?" she asked.
I stood beside her and brushed her hair off her shoulder. "I can't hear them but if I focus I can sense where they are in the room and what they are doing," I said.
Stefan joined us and watched me intently. He was just as curious about what I could do as she was. I sighed and folded my arms. I had never tried to explain this to someone before.
"It's kinda like X-ray vision. If I focus on their auras, I can almost see them." I closed my eyes and inhaled. "Like right now, Jeremy is sitting on the edge of his bed, Vicki lying beside him,"
I focused on Matt's blue aura. It was almost the same color as his eyes. I could see him standing by Jeremy's door speaking to him. His lips moved, but no sound came. That was one thing I couldn't do, hearing distant speech wasn't in my repertoire.
"Matty is standing in the doorway speaking to Jer. I can't tell what he is saying," I finished, opening my eyes.
Stefan titled his head slightly and listened. "He is worried. He's never seen her like this before," he said.
Elena looked between us and shook her head. "How is this possible? We were born minutes apart. We're twins! Am I a witch too?" she asked.
I exchanged a knowing look with Stefan and clamped my teeth together. She wasn't a witch, but a doppelganger and Stefan still hadn't told her.
"No, you're not a witch. I promise I will explain the rest later. Right now we have bigger problems," I said, looking to the ceiling. "What are we gonna do about Vicki?" I asked, directing the question to the only other vamp in the house.
"Right now she doesn't know what she is, but soon she'll have to decide whether to feed or not," he said.
Elena looked at him her face set in sadness. "The same choice you made?" she asked.
I looked away, unable to meet his gaze. The same choice he had taken away from Damon. Before Stefan could answer, a loud yell echoed down the stairs. Seconds later, Matt bounded down and to the front door. "She was fine, and then she just...freaked out and left," he said, huffing for breath and heading out the door.
I ran towards the closet and grabbed my recently packed bag. I pulled the strap over my shoulder and looked at Stefan.
"We can track her," I said.
He nodded and eyed my bag.
"I'll do what I have to, Stefan," I said.
I didn't want to use the vervain stakes that resided in the bag, but I would if I had to.
"Go," Elena said.
I pulled my eyes from Stefan's worried gaze and ran out the door. It was time to hunt.
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