#veth's big naturals
undead-knick-knack · 1 year
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essektheylyss · 1 year
World Wizard Entertainment Final: FUCKING TROUBLE
(And is Vince McSam in the room with us now?)
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Well folks, this is it. The final.
We've lost some good wizards along the way. Also some evil ones. Probably some neutral ones as well, I dunno, this wasn't the alignment quiz. We've campaigned, cat-fought, and cried crocodile tears for who was the most wizard, who was the strongest wizard, and sometimes, who just made the funniest argument.
And in this last round, we've had to say goodbye—for now, but not forever—to our champion, our guiding star, our last hope....
A moment of silence... for Veth's Big Naturals.
But do you know what? It's what she and her huge, wizardly knockers (and, maybe, somehow, also Cerrit's roguely big naturals?) would've wanted. Her boy, Caleb Widogast, in the final round, up against the Calamity's dearest heart of hearts, Laerryn Coramar-Seelie.
Pfffft, alright, enough of that heartfelt fuckery.
There's no crying in wizardry, as they say! If you want to see previous polls, rankings, and methodology, please check the tag here. Otherwise, let's get to the trash talk!
(But for real, again, keep it weird and funny, not just... mean. Contrary to popular belief, people can in fact tell the difference. This is for fun.)
Our final round match-up, wizard to wizard:
So come, one and all, and vote for the last wizard remaining! Laerryn, give it your best shot. And Caleb, AVENGE THOSE TOTS!
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Wanted to draw my girl showing off the goods, also i don’t care if she “loses” at the wizard polls, veth sweep is FOREVER
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vethsbignaturals · 1 year
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In this house we vote veth
(click for quality!)
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revvethasmythh · 6 months
do you guys remember during #Vethsweep when the party line somehow got around to be "Vote Veth - do it for Cerrit Agrupnin's Big Naturals!" because I honestly think we peaked as a fandom when that happened
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starrazorr · 1 year
genuinely and unironically in love with the amount of essay-length meta each wizard poll has created it's my FAVORITE part
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narukyuu · 1 year
I hope @quiddie is sharing all the love for Veth's big naturals with her ex husband Sam Riegel because I do need him to make an ad spot about this craziness
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At this point, I hope someone draws Veth like in the style of a Gandalf's big naturals meme. I know she's always got them, but I'm talking she's in those wizard robes and has a gnarled staff as if she's cosplaying Gandalf for the occasion of the World Wizard Tournament. Yanno, to display her wizardly assets.
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utilitycaster · 29 days
@disastergenius replied to your post “perhaps unpopular but while I do agree the EXU...”:
re: this party doesn't talk much; i think that narratively, fcg's death isn't the call for them to talk in the way that molly's was? Molly's death happened early and bc of molly, but it was the wake-up call the party needed while separated and to actually begin to work together. bh's have different problems and fcg's death wasn't a result of party but was fcg's decision. so it also makes sense that it's not bringing the group together or anything, it's just mourning
​So I think this is part of it but I also wanted to post this as a full response because I've been thinking a lot about this! In short...having experienced a death within a friend group, people respond in weird ways, and for the most part, with the caveat that this was a friend among my friends from college and she died when we were all adults in various different cities and therefore not necessarily closely in touch all the time, we did not have a big sit-down and go around talking about our feelings. It's much slower. And I've talked a lot with people who have experienced a death within a friend group that was closer. Sometimes the group falls apart dramatically. Sometimes it just drifts apart. Sometimes it's sort of a weird blank space no one knows how to deal with.
I found Ashton's behavior in particular to be really well done on Taliesin's part and deeply affecting. They're exhausted not just mechanically but emotionally, and they don't want to really talk to anyone, but they do very much want some kind of comfort that doesn't require a lot of effort and most importantly, they don't want to be alone. When I had to learn about the (Jewish) religious practices surrounding grief and mourning, one of the things they tell you about sitting shiva (and to be clear this is not unique to shiva, it's just that Judaism has very clear time delineations of the mourning process) is that sometimes you just go there and sit with someone who doesn't want to talk much. His reaction felt incredibly real and natural, is what I'm saying. Grief can be isolating and tiring and difficult to talk about.
It feels right for the others too. Like...we can talk about the rapid pacing but that's been the case for much of the campaign, and no, I didn't like the EXU decision but what's done is done. I think deciding to, as Chetney said in 92, "make it count" seems very natural. I do hope there are conversations in Zadash and/or Aeor but at this point "we're drunk and tired and aren't ready to really feel this", especially since in-world, everything might be over in a week or so, makes a lot of sense. I also think FCG's death has united the party at least in the sense of purpose, and I think some people just dislike that the purpose is "double down on the moon plot." I think at the very least we'll have to visit it when they tell Imahara Joe (and hopefully Dancer, too.)
Ultimately, again, while I do love the episodes after Molly's death, episode 27 only has three party members in it, and episode 30 is arguably more about Fjord and Jester and Yasha being rescued (and on a meta level, welcoming Travis and Laura back to the table after parental leave) and incorporating Caduceus into the group as it is about Molly being dead. A lot of the conversations are about that, and 31 is very much about fucking around in Zadash and doing weird shit! Jester and Veth make Molly illusions not long after while on Darktow! The effects of Molly's death ripple through, quite honestly, the entire rest of the campaign and the grief is very nonlinear. Again, I adore episode 2x30, but I think one should be careful not to overly romanticize it; the party is still very much working through those initial feelings throughout the entire pirates arc, which takes place over the span of a couple of months. Bells Hells might not have months, and it might not get explored to the same extent, but I do think we'll see the effects nonetheless.
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Beauty and the Beast centric VM and Mighty Nein? S/O is cursed to take the form of a beast and the VM/MN S/O helps to break the curse?
Eeekk yes! I dig this!!
If you ever felt insecure about your beast form, the Druidess is so sweet and good to you, shifting in form to help you feel more comfortable around her
You and him bond over what has always been a shadowy part of your lives, and even to the mage, he thinks you’re a true vision in beast form
To the tiefling, it feels like something out of one her romance novels, but the reality of it with you has all the highs and lows that she would never trade for anything else
He’s naturally curious about your condition and wants to learn more about it, learn more about you. Scouring over every book to read up on what can help you
The ax wielding barbarian just thinks you look awesome, are awesome, and your beast and/or human form always looks perfect in his eyes
She feels safe with you, always makes you feel good about yourself, and looks up to you
He feels less “alone” with you, your form and his raven wings are the parts of each other you find comfort in
The monk will admit she was bit scared when she saw your beast form
Another soul you find solace with, and it doesn’t hurt that her soft voice equally matches the
The half orc has traveled the seas and seen all sights, and you are an eldritch oddity and beauty to him.
As an individual who dealt with a demon, he knows what it’s like to be taken to that edge but even you in your state are not like that and knowing your vulnerabilities urges him to protect you
As someone who has gone through her own transformation, she relates to you so much and you bond fast over time.
He had seen all walks of life, big and small, in the circus with Yasha so your beast form does not scare him. Rather you feel flattered by his sweet compliments of “darling you’re fabulous”
She was hesitant to let you join the party at first, but seeing as how protective you are to the party in beast form, it just becomes some unspoken thing for you to stay. Over time, she begins to trust you, talk to you more, and wants to learn more about you
He is ever the calm and collected individual who keeps you grounded during transformations, and he promises you that he’ll find a way, whatever he can to help you.
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essektheylyss · 7 months
Veth "putting the girls away" Brenatto vs Fearne "taking the tits out of my marsupial pouch" Calloway
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tadfools · 1 year
None of this woulda happened if we had Veth’s Big Naturals
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vethsbignaturals · 1 year
In love with the new url and also very jealous I didn't snatch it first!!! A very good joke. You are very lucky :D.
I just knew I had to snatch it up 🤣 here’s a Veth pondering her orbs in consolation
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
After losing Best Tits in Wildemount twice, I'm so glad to see justice for Veth's big naturals coming around. Her most wizardly component. Them honkers
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vethbrenatto · 1 year
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She may not have won the tournament, but she won our hearts.
#VETHSWEEP today, #VETHSWEEP tomorrow, #VETHSWEEP forever
Condolences to Caleb, Cerrit, and most importantly, Veth’s Big Naturals.
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I haven’t posted since 2020 and this is my first Critical Role fanart, and my first fanart piece since like, 2018. Hi, tumblr. Anyway Fearne’s probably my current favourite PC from campaign 3 and I wanted to draw her.
Ref from the official campaign 3 art. Also congrats to Caleb for best wizard and congrats to Veth for her big naturals
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