helfury · 3 years
@callofthesnakes​ asked:   “ since I am here — I stay. and I will help you.” perhaps from Agatha Harkness
rp memes taken from lenobia’s vow, the house of night novella by pc and kristin cast.
the destruction of asgard has taught her a valuable listen: be wary when selecting minions. a witch holds potential, yes ... then again, she thought the same of skurge. the absolute idiot ... there’s no need in rehashing how that mistake panned out. conquering midgard is a plan that needs great execution and care. the population has grown since her last visit to this dull rock, and hela has no birthright here. she needs an army, and skilled, competent hands. 
“interesting,” the goddess comments, her hands perched into a steeple, “i’m not opposed. i’ll need more, however, before i let you at my side. i need loyalty, first and foremost.” 
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helfury · 3 years
@vorcotec​ ♡’d          the goddess still walks with a subtle pride to her step, though her stride is no longer as fast or as steady as it once was. nothing comes as it once did: if each step is a test of endurance, then hela has no prayer in seeking any vengeance (yet), or rallying a loyal few to her side. time will be her greatest ally, as will her own talents, once they too begin to heal. she is not, by nature, a patient woman, and yet it is the greatest gift her father ever burdened her with.
here, there is no hood to conceal the decay of her face;  why should she hide? this is not hela’s home, but it is ... good enough, with the destruction of her world. beggars, unfortunately, cannot be choosers, loathe as she is to admit it. nearly as much as hela loathes the next words that fall from her lips —
“aides,” she addresses the other; her head dips in acknowledgement; “consider ... a bargain, on my behalf.” 
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helfury · 3 years
@folkesange​ ♡’d          ...  once, the vastness of stars held promise. she saw the potential of empires, the might of kings and power of gods.  a galaxy is unyielding, and with that, so is her claim. now, as she stares into gleaming abyss, she is ... weary. there is a newfound sensation of dread that rocks hela someplace in her core. she is unnerved. 
she is unnerving ...  and hela does not move easily. perhaps it’s not the returned stare of the abyss that disturbs her but the vague awareness of what came before it. though she stands stoically, there is a quiver of awe buried in the goddess’s gaze.
“—  the power you have in your grasp ...”  hair as brittle as straw shifts with the motion of her head. a laugh escapes her lips; it's humorless, and knocked from her lungs rather than given freely.   
“the capability you have ... what i wouldn’t do with it,” it would be the beginning of the end of everything.”
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helfury · 3 years
tag dump two.
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