freespiritedlotus · 10 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by befit
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions you were tagged and make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you have tagged them.
Her Questions :
 1. Who is your favorite actor and actress?
Favorite actor would be John Cusak and actress would be Milla Jovovich. I have so many more but I love them!
2. Favorite book?
Probably This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti 
3. One country you’ve always wanted to go to.
4. Favorite meal to eat for breakfast?
Oatmeal with fruit and nuts or vegan pancakes :)
5. Have any dogs or cats?
2 dogs- Paula and Toto and 1 cat- Rascal 
6. Are you or would you ever become a vegetarian?
I've been a vegetarian for 7 years and vegan for 5 months ^_^
7. Favorite name for a boy and favorite name for a girl?
Boy- Nikolai David and Girl- Audrey Dawn
8. How often are you on tumblr?
Haha a lot, but not as often when I'm in school 
9. Favorite type of flower?
Calla lilies and orchids 
10. Craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Hmm I'm not too adventurous even when I wasn't a vegan. But my grandma made rabbit pot pie once and I didn't now what it was until she told me. I regretted it after and swore to never eat it again. I guess I was destined to be a vegan then 
11. Are you a coffee drinker?
Yes! And lattes :)
My Questions:
1. A movie your most excited for in 2014?
2. Favorite thing to do on a day off of school/work?
3. Favorite holiday?
4. Favorite vacation spot?
5. Favorite clothing store?
6. A celebrity you'd love to be bffs with?
7. Someone on Tumblr you would love to meet in person?
8. Favorite animal?
9. Do you play an instrument? If not what would you like to learn?
10. Favorite season?
11. If you won 1 million dollars what would you do with it?
I'm tagging:
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