darkcitydeadman · 11 days
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Frändefors, Sweden - 2023
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scamillaebostrom · 1 year
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Cool but stukk warm, 2020
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tinkerreise · 20 days
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torsbysportbladet · 9 months
Nordvärmlands FF - Vänersborg FK 2-3 (1-0)
Nordvärmland tappade en 2-0 ledning till en 2-3 förlust i den viktiga sexpoängsmatchen mot Vänersborgs FK! Det skulle bli en väldigt händelserik match idag på Nyvallen som fick en väldigt dramatiskt avslut! Vänersborg fick en hörna i den 2:a minuten, det blev en variant men Nordvärmland var med på noterna och kunde täcka ut till en ny hörna. I den 7:e minuten slog slog Joel en fin boll ut till…
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nordichouses · 3 months
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vänersborg, sverige / vanersborg, sweden
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magicae · 9 months
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In the 1600s to 1800s, the poorest of the poor in Sweden would live in backstugor (slope cottages). These were built on unusable land, often built into hillsides or rocky areas. The people living there didn't lease nor own the land, and only owned the building in itself. Often most of the inside area of the cottage would be used for crafting equipment such as a loom.
[image ID in alt text]
1. Lima parish, Dalarna, ~1920. (G. Renström, Nordiska museet) 2. Klevshult, Småland, 1890-1910. (A. Steijertz, Nordiska museet) 3. Torsås parish, Småland, 1903 (J. E. Thorin, Nordiska museet) 4. Östmark, Värmland, august 1916 (N. Keyland, Nordiska museet) 5. Väne-Ryrs parish, Älvsborg, 1911 (O. Jonsson, Vänersborgs museum) 6. Halleböle, Högby parish, unknown (unknown, Kalmar läns museum)
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keepingitneutral · 2 years
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“Atri,” Sikhall, Vänersborg, Sweden,
This triangular model is a light-filled house with a wood-burning stove and solar panels attached to its slanted roof. Intended for energy production in both winter and summer, the two sources are robust enough to heat the water and provide electricity. For added assurance, the home contains another power source in case of extreme weather.
An on-site well also pumps drinking water, with any waste directed to the flower beds for filtering. These raised gardens line the perimeter of the first floor and are large enough to grow fruits and vegetables.
All images by Marcus Eliasson, courtesy of Naturvillan
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wildwood-faun · 1 year
I found a book of bread recipes today and apart from many breads I'm drooling over, it also has an entire chapter on skådebröd (usually translated as showbread but not the same thing as the Jewish variety) - a bread in Swedish tradition that's primarily thought of as decorative.
Some skådebröd would also be eaten, like the såkaka (sowing cake) that was baked around Christmas and used to decorate the Christmas table. In some regions it was crumbled up and sown with the year's grain come spring, and in others it was eaten by the sowers and their horses to bring luck to that year's harvest.
Here are some of my favourite skådebröd from the book:
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And I had to share this preserved såkaka from Vänersborgs museum (they have plaster casts of a few others as well but this seems to be the bread itself):
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se-mats · 1 year
Vänersborg railway station
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norsesuggestions · 1 year
A stone tool based society need to make ALOT of stone tools because when they break one (almost) always need to make an entire new tool
Compared to metal tools which one often melt down and remake. This ALSO means that there are less "thrown away" broken metal tools than stone tools
Anyway the archeological result of this is that the stone tool based epochs of swedens pre-history is just.
Drowning in stone tools, and the left overs from making the tools and etc
As an exemple, here pictured: many rocks found in archeological digs which have traces of human usage, not yet proper archived by archeologist:
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Later at the very same musuems collection, the archeologist appear to have sat down and tried to organize all these darn stone age rocks. Pictured below:
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Now digitalt musuem were i got these pictures do not SAY that this is what happened, but first pic got "rocks of unknown type and heritage" as description
But the rest of the photos got all the pictured rocks identified with what type of tool they are, from were etc
So reading between the lines, that is totally what is going on haha
Pictures are from Vänersborgs musuem. Via digitalt musuem.
Here are the source links:
Picture 1: link
Picture collection found via search word sune östlund: link
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djmqt · 1 year
AOTY 2022 curated by DJ Mqt
Another magical music year with a lot of California sounds...
Salvana – S/T (Barcelona, Spain)
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Sugar for the pill – Wanderlust (Athens, Greece)
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Young prisms – Drifter (San Francisco)
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Launder – Happening (Los Angeles)
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Deserta – Every moment, everything you need (Los Angeles)
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Whimsical – Melt (Dyer, Indiana)
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Stella sleeps – Anemic city (Vänersborg, Sweden)
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CASTLEBEAT – Half life (California)
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Letting up despite great faults – IV (Austin Texas)
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Catch the breeze – Into the wide (Aarhus, Denmark)
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акульи слёзы – Abrasions (S:t Petersburg, Russia)
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Submotile – One final summit before the fall (Dublin Ireland)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 27 July 1839
3 ¼
slept well – off at 4 17/.. – very foggy – found our cloaks on, not too much – pretty drive leaving the canal far left, but could see the white sails – at the river at 5 ½ - broad, wooded and very pretty – at 5 ¾ cross wooden bridge over beautiful (rapidy under the bridge) [?] of the lake, and drive thro’ fir-wood – at
Wennersborg [Vänersborg] at 6 11/.. – no horses – must wait 1 ½ hour – A- and I strolled about the town for 1 ¼ hour – long wood bridge (a couple of draw parts) over the neck of the lake – several new buildings in progress – wood on stone footings – the lake really looks like a sea – from 7 25/.. to 8 25/.. breakfasted at a ‘Restauration’ strawberries and cream and bread and butter – good – W- [V-] a nice town – burnt down all but the church in 1834 – but marvellously built up again – A- lost her pencil – off again at 8 55/.. – picturesque drive to Almo – ½ hour to wait there – same sort of drive to Raknĕbo [Raknebo] but no waiting there – off directly – and prettier drive than the last stage – I drove (1st time) the last and this stage (tired of the slowness last stage) till about 11 when A- feeling faint we had a little of Mrs. Tods’ Rice panăcacka – I drove thro’ Uddevalla
so far written over Sunday 28 July at Hogdal
situated on good town – very pretty fiord – at a farmhouse so little way from Herrestad (single house) engaged horses which were to
to follow us immediately – so that we were off again in 8 minutes – at 1 27/.. with one, as John called him, one gentleman driver – he drove very well – the most hilly stage we have had – I slept several times but awake enough to see that from Herrestad to Quistrum is the most picturesque stage we have come – Long and steep ascents and descents – another fiord at Quistrum at 3 24/.. 3 or 4 scattered wood-built houses – alighted at 3 35/.. and went into the garden of the post-station apparently the best house in the place – good 3 arch-stone bridge at the far end of the town – higher mountains vale narrow very picturesque our road improves in mountain height and narrowness of vale and fiord as we go along – 1 4/.. hour at Quistrum waiting for horses – terrible -  after being in the garden sat in the carriage writing, inking over Friday (yesterday) – a drop or 2 of rain before starting and afterwards a good deal of rain – stop in a shower at 7 25/.. at a little distance from the stage house to change horses and this man drove us thro’ the post station to Svarteborg a farmhouse to near Rabalshede [Rabbalshede], also a farmhouse, and we changed horses in the road – the owner of the horses being in his field our driver called him, and drove us to Hede, where we stopt at 9 ¾ the rain having continued the whole way – single house – the landlord in bed – supper till 11 10/.. bread and butter and milk and pancakes – F64 ½° at 11 40/.. pm; very rainy
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nordnews · 6 months
At 15.03–22.00 in P4Bandy Elite series ladies 15.00 Villa Lidköping–Västerås (Per Kahl)Men's elite series 15.00 Edsbyn–Bollnäs (Johan Bengts and Pelle Fosshaug) 17.00 Gripen–V...
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torsbysportbladet · 1 year
Vänersborgs FK - Nordvärmlands FF 1-3 (1-1)
Nordvärmland tog en viktig seger i Vänersborg idag efter en bra andra halvlek!
Nordvärmland tog en viktig seger i Vänersborg idag efter en bra andra halvlek! Viktig match för Nordvärmland, man hade halkat ner till sista platsen men vid vinst idag skulle man klättra en plats men än viktigare så skulle man bara vara två poäng från att komma över på rätt sida av kvalplatsen. Nordvärmland ska ha startat i en 5-3-2 formation idag och ha haft en riktigt bra första 15-20 minuter…
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nordichouses · 2 months
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vänersborg, sverige / vanersborg, sweden
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scamillaebostrom · 8 months
Birdie namn namn.
A spontaneously made graffiti painting of black, white and yellow birds hidden behind yellowed leaves in an abandoned area in Vänersborg.
Made by SCEB 2022
#sceb #camillabostrom #scamillaebostrom #art #vänersborg #graffit #graffitiart #mural #streetart #birdie #birds #bird
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