musicalislife · 10 months
Our supporting king, a true ally 💚. The way he said yippee is so damn cute 🥺. ​He also apologised to the kid who is probably too young to be there.
(Video from @kaarijasboyfriend on TikTok)
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lasthumaninwales · 6 months
Bonus from yesterday
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Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu...
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corr1e · 8 months
Made a Välikuolema digital painting. Summer has ended, our boy did ALL THOSE GIGS and now he gets a well-deserved vacation! I hope he gets some rest and nobody will be shouting this at him for the next few weeks!
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hirunoka · 11 months
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Saw this amazing post, and after seeing this part below:
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I thought I would share this part of the song as a little “thank you” gift for @kindafooey​ and also for everyone who wants to wake up to Jere screaming them to wake up 😂💛 
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wednesdayday · 6 months
okay so ive seen TWO finnish people say they dislike välikuolema. what is this, a FINNISH CONSPIRACY???
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teal-skull · 5 months
To all välikuolema haters, dislikers, whatever, with love and affection i say to ye:
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hotcat37 · 8 months
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The collages I made for the Käärijä playlist posted separately :3 They're so messy cuz I have no concept of composition but they were rlly fun to make 💖💖
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damiannasworld · 11 months
Satamaravintola Kaisla, Tampere 15.05.23
🎥 siitviis
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demi-eurovision · 10 months
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He is LOPPU you guys!
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 1 year
Käärijä - Välikuolema
Käärijä - 'Middle death'
(Taksit on jo pihalla!)
(The taxis are already outside!)
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
Mut en haluaisi vielä nukkumaan
But I don't want to go to sleep yet
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
On se kyllä rankkaa kun *juotetaan
Tough indeed to be pushed to drink
Sekä *kisakondista koetellaan
and have your race readiness tested
Nyt mun on pakko saada välikuolema
I must now take an intermission
Hei anna mulle minsa, hei
Hey gimme a minute, hey
Mä lupaan että tää ukko on taas
I promise this gaffer will again be
Täysissä voimissaan
restored to full power
Tuli taksit pihaan, ei olla menos himaan
The taxis arrived at the yard, we aren't going home
Karin ja muiden kaa pidetään kivaa
We're having fun with Kari and the others
Meil on mukana mukava määrä glögii ja simaa
We've got a nice amount of mulled wine and mead with us
Mikä mussa on vika ku ei jaksa yhtään (?)tinaa(?)
What's wrong with me, I don't feel at all up to boozing
Kovasessa on yritys kova ja kovasta yrityksestä huolimatta
Hard efforts (?)in the taxi(?) and despite trying really hard
Mä nojaan selkänojaan
I'm leaning against the back rest
Vaik haluun joraa, mä tarviin vodaa
Even though I wanna dance, I need water
Ei jaksa dokaa
Not feeling up to boozing
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
Mut en haluaisi vielä nukkumaan
But I don't want to go to sleep yet
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
On se kyllä rankkaa kun *juotetaan
It's tough indeed when you're pushed to drink
Sekä kisakondista koetellaan
And your race readiness is tested
Nyt mun on pakko saada välikuolema
I must now take an intermission
Hei anna mulle minsa, hei
Hey gimme a minute, hey
Mä lupaan että tää ukko on taas
I promise this gaffer will again be
Täysissä voimissaan
restored to full power
Tai sit en herää ollenkaan
Or I may not wake up at all
Wake up!
Anna mun pliis vielä hetki lepää
Please let me rest just a bit more
Wake up!
Mitä jos ei nyt vaan jaksa enää
What if I'm just too tired now
Wake up!
Onko mun siis vielä pakko vetää
So must I then keep boozing
No jumalauta passaa sitä flindaa
Well goddammit, (?)pass me(?) the bottle
Tää välikuolema on kestäny jo ihan liian monta timmaa
This intermission has already lasted for way too many hours
Mis me ollaan?
Where are we?
Tääl ei oo enää ketään vaikka meitä oli sillon lähtiessä tosi monta
Nobody's here anymore even though there were so many of us when we set off
Paljon kello, mikä homma?
What time is it, what's going on?
Se on jo yli puolenpäivän ja se vast on uskomatonta
It's past midday, isn't that unbelievable
Nyt mennään päivää, tokaa
Now it's day, second one
Ja vielä meikän päähän sattuu, kovaa
And still my head aches, hard
Ei uppoo rommi, kola
Rum, coke... not going down
Mä tarviin vodaa
I need water
ei jaksa dokaa
not feeling up to boozing
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
Mut en haluaisi vielä nukkumaan
But I don't want to go to sleep yet
Mä oon aivan loppu, loppu
I'm so done in, done in
On se kyllä rankkaa kun juotetaan
It's tough indeed when you're pushed to drink
Sekä kisakondista koetellaan
And your race readiness is tested
Nyt mun on pakko saada välikuolema
Now I must take an intermission
Hei anna mulle minsa, hei
Hey gimme a minute, hey
Mä lupaan että tää ukko on taas
I promise this gaffer will again be
Täysissä voimissaan
Restored to full power
Tai sit en herää ollenkaan
Or I may not wake up at all
Wake up!
Anna mun pliis vielä hetki lepää
Please let me rest just a bit more
Wake up!
Mitä jos ei nyt vaan jaksa enää
What if I'm just too tired now
Wake up!
Onko mun siis vielä pakko vetää
So must I then keep boozing
No jumalauta passaa sitä flindaa
Well goddammit, (?)gimme(?) the bottle
Tää välikuolema on kestäny jo ihan liian monta timmaa
This intermission has already lasted for way too many hours
Wake up!
Anna mun pliis vielä hetki lepää
Please let me rest just a bit more
Wake up!
Mitä jos ei nyt vaan jaksa enää
What if I'm just too tired
Wake up!
Onko mun siis vielä pakko vetää
So must I then keep boozing
No jumalauta passaa sitä flindaa
Well goddammit, (?)gimme(?) the bottle
Tää välikuolema on kestäny jo ihan liian monta timmaa
This intermission has already lasted for way too many hours
This isn't an official translation. I'm just a random fan, and not even an professional translator.
Välikuolema explained in Wikipedia:
From väli- (“middle-, inter-”) +‎ kuolema (“death”). 1. (colloquial) A pause to rest from partying or substance abuse.
My translation of välikuolema here is 'intermission'. 'Interlude' was another word I toyed with.
Rambling about finnish culture, and lines/words I struggled with. And my reasoning for what I came up with:
"Sekä kisakondista koetellaan/and have your race readiness tested"...
First all I'd like to try explain 'race readiness', so here's my LONG essay.
A literal translation of 'Kisakondis(-ta) would be something like 'fitness for the competition'. Kisa = competition/trial/game, kondis = physical (or emotional) condition/health/endurance/fitness
It was originally a sports reference. Anytime there's some sports event coming up, finnish reporters keep speculating/asking if an athlete is healthy enough/at an ideal level of mental and physical fitness for the competition.
Eventually the never-ending speculations of 'competition readiness' became an ongoing joke.
And since finnish party/alcohol culture tends to be very ...moist... ...Jokes about someone's 'kisakondis'/competition readiness' - or lack of it - often refer to alcohol tolerance/level of inebriation/party endurance.
But kisakondis is not just about alcohol tolerance and endurance to keep partying, it's also about grace, appereance and skillset.
Yk, since a 'competition ready' athlete is obviously 'the ideal human'. A competition ready athlete looks good, is mentally prepared, skilled, has great endurance, can keep going no matter what... And so on.
For example if a finn runs into someone they know and that person is super drunk, doing all sorts of embarrassing things, and looking super haggard while doing all that... The finn might be tempted to gossip that they saw "X" and "X didn't look quite ready to compete".
Sometimes people bring up 'kisakondis'/competition readiness as a roundabout way to refer to someone's physical appearance. Or at least I've seen the term used like this. Obviously athletes tend to look like gods and a 'competition ready' athlete especially so... Which is why people may compliment each other like 'wow, aren't you in a great 'kisakondis'!") etc.
So even though finns tend to translate references to 'kisakondis' to be all about alcohol tolerance, that's not the whole truth.
Someone who's totally sober and losing a darts game might joke about not being 'prepared to compete', someone who struck out when they tried to hit on someone could joke about not being in an ideal 'kisakondis'. Etc.
Anyway, sorry about the essay. The rambling is quit irrelevant because in Välikuolema I'd say that the "race readiness that is being tested" does almost certainly refer to alcohol tolerance because that's the theme of the song etc etc.
'Mikä mussa on vika ku ei jaksa yhtään *tinaa(?)/What's wrong with me I don't feel at all up to boozing
*NOT SURE if the lyrics go 'tinaa' or 'hinaa'. Some websites say hinaa, but I'm like 99.5% sure I'm hearing 'tinaa'. Tbh I think 'tinaa' makes more sense. Another translation also appears to think so.
Anyway, tinaa/hinaa is slang... And either way I'm thinking it translates to drinking alcohol. 'Tinaa' definitely does.
And even if the word is 'hinaa' I'd still translate it the same way. Some finns may disagree with me, but the reason I'm thinking that 'hinaa' would also refer to boozing goes like this:
Other meanings I could come up for the slang word 'hinaa' simply do not make sense for this song, line, or artist! Mainly because Käärijä seems like a cool dude, I doubt he'd suddenly switch from rapping about drinking to err.. slinging homophobic slurs..
But also, the slang word 'hinaa'/'hinata' originally means 'towing'. Towing is near synonymous to dragging/pulling... and the verb finns use for dragging or pulling is 'vetää'... And 'vetää viinaa' (viinaa = booze) is a word combination very often used for consuming (lots of) alcohol.
So I think 'tinaa'/'hinaa' means 'to drink alcohol'. I went with 'boozing' since the original line is also slang.
And anyway, I'm actually fairly sure the word I hear in the song is 'tinaa'. It's repeated twice and it sounds to me like 'tinaa' both times.
Anyway, the lyrics do actually also contain the verb 'vetää'. Käärijä mentions he's not feeling up to 'vetää'.
I translated 'vetää' to 'boozing', but tbh, finns use the word 'vetää' pretty creatively. It can be used for drinking, but also for smoking, for taking pills, injecting drugs, or even eating something like candy, burgers... grandma's mashed potatoes... So what's happening really depends on which word 'vetää' is paired with.
HOWEVER, I'd say that since 'vetää' is usually, and has probably since the dawn of time been, paired with the word 'viinaa' ('booze'), I feel like booze is suggested even when the word 'vetää' is used more ambiguously, on it's own. Plus the song keeps talking about drinking, and if Käärijä meant something that's not booze, I think he'd word it another way.
'Kovasessa on yritys kova'/Hard efforts in the taxi...
I struggled with this line for ages 😅 I'm still not 100% certain 'Kovasessa' means 'in the taxi".
The sentence goes something like "There is lots of hard effort... in/at/within 'kovanen"...
This 'kovanen' (origin 'kova' = tough/hard/stiff/severe/intense.. +'nen' a dimunitive) is an unfamiliar word to me. I don't even know if it's slang or something Käärijä came up with.
He also uses the word 'kovanen' in Viulunkieli. In that song he's rapping about being in a bar where the general mood is tense, and he's got the money so he 'orders a Kovanen'... Which is why I'm thinking Kovanen is either a taxi, or a stiff drink 🤷
'Kovasessa' could refer to drinking. Finns sometimes say "kovat juomat" when talking about "stiff drinks". Also, "kovassa humalassa" is a common way of saying 'to be extremely drunk'. Kovasessa/ ('in kovanen') could mean 'in a state of severe drunkenness', and 'Kovasessa on yritys kova' could translate to 'When one is very drunk, one tries very hard..'.
But let's make it extra confusing and stumble to my idea about the taxi:
Kovanen sounds like a family name! '-Nen'-ending is super common for Finnish family names.
So... "Kovasessa on yritys kova" could then translate to "(A person called) Kovanen is trying really hard"...
But!! after decades of dithering I came up with 'in the taxi' because a Google search told me that there's a finnish taxi company called Kovanen. And since the lyrics already mentioned taxis, I think he's singing about being in a taxi... A taxi, which carries the nickname 'Kovanen'.
Either way, the associations I'd expect my fellow finns to have when they hear the word 'kovasessa' make it sound like a word play. Maybe he's simultaneously saying that he's drunk AND in a taxi?)
"No jumalauta *passaa sitä flindaa"/Well goddammit pass me the bottle.
😅 So to be awkward, this could also mean the total opposite: "Goddammit take a break from the bottle, then"
The line confuses me because the verb 'passaa' has more than one meaning. It means 'to hand over', 'to offer', but it ALSO means 'to skip'/'sit out' - like how players sometimes skip their turn, intentionally, in some card games. And the verse sounds like dialogue which adds to the confusion 😅 Who's talking here? I don't know! Do you know?
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Käärijä Battle of the Bangers - The Final
From 16 fine songs, we have whittled it down to the two that the people loved most, including me 😁 My favourite song has made it all the way. Let us see which will emerge triumphant in the final Battle of the Bangers.
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musicalislife · 10 months
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The bracelets💚
Pic from his instagram story 2023.07.08.
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oliviatexts · 6 months
only appropriate reaction to välikuolema
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amatesura · 9 months
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chailattehotte · 11 months
Wonder if at any point during their night out, Jere taught Bojan some of the lyrics from Välikuolema
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lasthumaninwales · 5 months
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To the surprise of no one...
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