megashadowdragon · 1 year
UVA Student Caught Lying About Classmate For Fame #UVAHoax #UVAFail #IamSean90 In this video I discuss a story of a so-called Karen at UVA who turned out to be completely innocent. I explain how an activist managed to use her racial privilege to ruin this girl's life & how even now 3 years after the incident & 2 years after the full exoneration the victim is still suffering the consequences
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How is this not a lawsuit against the school for infringing on her constitutional right? The case was about a possible threat of violence. They determined and admitted that never happened and that it was all a lie, but still punished her anyway! This is ridiculous This accuser needs to face a defamation lawsuit if she intentionally fabricated a story in order to progress her narrative or to ruin another person’s life This is absolutely disgusting! These “activists” have got to be held accountable for creating such situations. Kind of like all the “plowed into protestors” news headlines when it was a car trying to escape the area slowly but being attacked or made a wrong turn. If these judges were held to the same standards they judged people on, they would be the first ones screaming First Amendment. everyone who makes a false allegation should have the punishment the person they wrongfully accused would or did get. If someone actually gets prison or fine then the person who made the allegations should have double the punishment.
It's going to get to a point that people will stop paying attention to these "cry wolves," especially when they escalate to a point that isn't in their favor, and I'm ok with it because they brought it upon themselves. Society as a whole need to shame these people and start calling them "cry wolves" and disregard anything and everything they say and throw the book at them when they stick a toe just over the line.Show less
“We know you’ve done nothing wrong and the prosecution lied through their teeth, but in the 1900’s someone said something racist right where you’re standing and since you’re also standing there, you’ve embodied and agreed with what that person said. We sentence you to death without parole” When the demand for racism outstrips the supply. Thank you for making us aware of this, now we can all show this young woman support and be HER ally. Mob mentality is disgusting and weak. These people WANT an altercation. They WANT an excuse to act out and justify violence. People who falsely accuse someone of a hate crime should be held accountable for committing a hate crime themselves. Ditto for proven false rape accusations. Whatever the punishment would've been for the accused if they hadn't been able to prove their innocence should be applied to the accusers. Instead, more often than not the false accuser profits from their accusation while the victim's life is destroyed. what's even WORSE is that that LIAR will never be held accountable for her despicable actions.  She'll go on the rest of her life probably lying for her benefit ,no matter whose life she ruins, with zero consequences because evil skates through life unhindered.
No matter who you are, when you're surrounded and people are not letting you move or drive, that's scary as shit.
They keep doing these because they see no repercussions and still end up getting their demands met even after it is exposed as a hoax.
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