#using paint thinner to make the paint easier to mix and blend since fuckigb no one online wants to explain sbit or fuck all
cultofthepigeon · 1 year
i want to use these new oil sticks but no one online wants to say what a good brush for them is. they all want to be as vague as assholeishly possible like "Well Um Actually It Depends In What You Want to Do" like????? paint. i want to paint. i want to make a nice landscape or portrait or a silly whimsical fuck nothing
i would like to be able to move paint across a canvas and blend my paints together to make new colors and make small details and big brush strokes???? like????
never mind trying to figure out what the difference between solvents and mediums when youre just trying to MIX YOUR PAINTS and eveyone wants to be as obtuse and needlessly whishy washy as possible
The fuck outta here with this
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