#ur telling me.... ive had elevated wbcs/leukocytes/eosinophils/etc for three years.........
daydreamertrait · 2 years
sorry that ive been making so many personal text posts lately i just need to rant about something else srry i'll put it under a read more
ive been lying in bed crying for the past hour trying to go to sleep but i cant because i feel so fucking sick and ive been feeling sick for so fucking long, ive had abnormal bloodwork results going on THREE YEARS now and ive seen about five different specialists and not one of them can figure out what's wrong with me.
ive basically been told "oh, there's nothing we can do" over and over again but ive also been told by a hematologist that i have some type of infection in my body due to what my bloodwork is showing, but NO ONE can figure out what the problem is?? it's been YEARS!!!
i constantly feel like i have a cold. my nose is always stuffed and i cant talk for very long bc i have a sore throat and it hurts. i feel exhausted all the time and no amount of caffeine can help. i genuinely go to bed every night thinking im not going to wake up because there's something wrong with me and no one knows what!!!!!!
the worst part is i have no one to talk to, my parents think im exaggerating about how sick i feel and i dont have any friends to vent to. i was literally getting tested for leukemia and lymphoma last year bc of all this and not one person asked how i was or why i was visiting the hospital so often LOL.
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