#unless the nwt attacked i guess
comradekatara · 3 years
sokka's job after the war is just to travel the globe and call every world leader incompetent to their faces. king kuei? oh he is so obtuse, and you guessed it, incompetent. sokka is definitely spending some time in ba sing se (and while he's there, he may as well take some courses at bssU, thank u very much). firelord zuko? he loves the guy, but let's be real, he has a very specific skillset (being dramatic, being angry, having a death wish, etc), and redistributing a national budget isn't exactly one of them. chief arnook? actually nvm that's yue's dad he doesn't really wanna talk to that guy if he can help it (suuuper awkward honestly). king bumi? ok wait no that guy has it all figured out already. ok so maybe it's just kuei and zuko, but still, he has his work cut out for him
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