#unless something finally kills me in the meantime i’m picking him up on monday. i cancelled therapy in order to do this. yes i’m well aware
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
I feel like I’ve lived through at least a month just in the past 3 days. I checked the date just now and damn near had an out of body experience when I realised Monday was only two days ago
#bro the absolute sodding emotional rollercoaster i have been through this past week should be studied by scientists#thursday: unsuccessful job interview. friday: found out that the job interview was unsuccessful. but one of the interviewers (actually a#former colleague of mine lol) gave me a piece of feedback that made me feel like i’d cracked the code for all future interviews#it was this: keep. talking. give as many details as humanly fucking possible. talk about policy. drop in words like safeguarding#list as many examples of stuff as you can. tell stories. bamboozle them#OH i forgot to even fucking mention we had builders at our house until friday. friday was the last day they woke me up with a cacophony#so the weekend was uneventful aside from there was a skip in the driveway and scaffolding all down the side of the house but zero men#monday: successful interview. found out it was successful 5 hours later. got off the phone having accepted the job…… and found a text from#my old boss (the boss i had at the job i really enjoyed. that old boss) inviting me to come back this summer#i had a bit of a mental breakdown but eventually decided to stick with the job i’d just got because it’s a permanent contract and they will#let me sit down#yesterday: found out that the foster doggy i applied for and really wanted is going to her forever home on thursday (which is now tomorrow)#obviously i love this for her but i was like ‘damn. okay’#today: the foster co-ordinator was like ‘hey do you want to foster this rambunctious 3 year old unneutered terrier?’#i was like ‘sure yeah what the fuck. that might as well happen’#(they are neutering him beforehand. and he looks really cute. he’s not aggressive he’s just a young terrier with like 3 brain cells)#unless something finally kills me in the meantime i’m picking him up on monday. i cancelled therapy in order to do this. yes i’m well aware#that there’s a metaphor somewhere in there but it’s fine. i rescheduled therapy#i also have realised i do not know how and when i’m going to get my ssri prescription renewed… i know the pharmacy will call me in a couple#of weeks to make sure i haven’t died. but i think i was supposed to get a prescription renewal at therapy#the therapy i won’t be going to until like 5 days after my prescription runs out. that therapy. foook#honestly withdrawal symptoms would probably just spice up the situation at this point. they’d just make things interesting#i swear to god everything always gets crazy and stupid right before my birthday… remember when i turned 26 and couldn’t drink because i#was on antibiotics for a kidney infection. and when i turned 27 and one of my wisdom teeth tried to emerge#this is like that except with dogs and jobs. at least the skip and the scaffolding are gone now#i AM trying to sell a sofa on facebook marketplace so wish me luck with that ig#personal
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Two To Tangle
This came from me thinking about the stupidest and/or silliest things the guys might have dared each other to do while drunk/partying over the years, and now here we are lol. Very silly, but hopefully fun for y’all to read! 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“What have you done?” 
“In all fairness to us, it is actually quite impressive,” Roger replied. “I certainly didn’t think it could be done, but then I didn’t trust my skill with this...” 
Freddie sighed, and rolled out of bed. “That didn’t answer my question, Roger.” 
“It was an answer,” Roger protested. “Can you just come over and help? We’re at Brian’s, a bit shit-faced-” 
“I’m very shit-faced!” came Brian’s voice, echoing down the line. “Don’t lie to him!” 
“I’m not lying to him!” Roger argued. “Why are you bragging about that anyway?” 
“This hurts!” John’s voice now, sounding equally drunk, but much more irritated. 
“Who’s hurt?” Freddie tried again. 
In the meantime, Jim had woken, a look on his face asking quite clearly ‘what in the fuck is happening?’
Freddie could only shrug as there was the sound of a tussle, then a crash, and then the sound of the phone being dropped.
“They’re probably alright though, you think?” Jim asked as Freddie dressed, the phone call abandoned after no one on the other end had picked up their phone again. 
“I have no idea,” Freddie admitted. “Hopefully? They’re all alive, and drunk, if nothing else.” 
“You’ll call if you need help?” 
“What would you plan on doing?
“Depends on what you find when you get there,” Jim shrugged. “How bad it is. If we need to call any families, inform them of causalities-” 
Freddie laughed. “I don’t think it’ll be that terrible.” 
“Do you put it past them?” Jim asked, but he smiled, the joke evident in his voice. 
“I’ll call if I need back-up,” Freddie said, and gave him a kiss. “And besides, Phoebe is driving me over, he can be part of the cavalry as well.” 
“Lord help us if we need more than the three of us,” Jim said. 
The door to Brian’s home was unlocked, as if he was a medic coming to attend an emergency. 
And honestly, he wasn’t sure if he shouldn’t be treating it like that. 
But instead of injury or blood, he found them in the sitting room. 
“What in the fuck have you done?” 
“So, it started with a bet that I couldn’t braid hair, because Rory will surely need my help with that someday,” Roger said. “Her hair’ll be long enough for it before you know it. Anyway-” 
“I said prove it,” Brian interrupted. “And I do regret that now, I’d like that noted.” 
“...noted,” Freddie sighed. “I think I can guess the rest of this.” 
“No, let us tell it!” Roger said. “Then I said ‘well, let me braid your hair then, I’ll prove it.’ And John pipes up-” 
“Can it also be noted that I regret what I said?” John asked, trying to sip at the beer bottle in his hand. “Because I do very much so.” 
“Are we in fucking court?” Freddie sighed, exasperated. “Sure, yes, duly noted. I’ll dictate this all to Jim later at home and have him send you all a copy of the report.” 
“I’d rather not have any reminder of this, thanks,” Brian said. “But yes, John said to make it a challenge, and since my hair is curls and he’s got his perm-” 
“You decided to have him braid your hair into John’s,” Freddie finished, staring at the two of them, their necks looking painfully cricked due to the set of not terrible, but not great, braids done to keep them attached by the hair. “I...I might actually be almost speechless. Well done.” 
“Just help, please,” John begged. “This hurts so fucking bad, I swear to God, how is it trouble every time we drink together. How does this keep happening?” 
“I mean, I have some ideas,” Freddie replied. 
“If you had been here, this probably wouldn’t have happened,” Brian fussed. 
“Now now,” Freddie scolded. “I don’t get on any of you for wanting to be with your families, do I? Turning down the occasional invite to spend time because you want to be around a spouse and the kids?” 
“No,” Brian mumbled. “Sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry, it’s alright,” Freddie sighed. “This, however...I don’t want to say we need scissors-” 
“No!” Brian and John spoke as one, and he jumped. 
“Fucking hell, no scissors then. At least for right now, because...god I do love you all, but why? Why this? The two worst hair textures in the band to try this little experiment on...” 
“Scissors would make it easier,” Roger muttered as Freddie started to tackle the mess, and he winced as Freddie slapped at his leg. 
“You’re the one who did this! You don’t get to make the scissors decision!” Freddie spat. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’m sorry, but really, Roger.” 
But Roger was pouting, and far too drunk to be responding like the adult he normally was, and he sunk down in his chair before putting his sunglasses back on. 
“Okay,” Freddie said, to hide his growing panic. Any attempt to work on the braids seemed to make it worse, but he couldn’t be sure. “We’re calling in an expert.” 
“No one else can know about this,” John said darkly. “Freddie-” 
“I’m just calling Jim!” Freddie said. “Goodness, you act like we’d have to kill whoever I called so they could never tell anyone about this.” 
“Well, I didn’t know it was Jim you were going to call,” John replied. 
“Are you suggesting we would have killed anyone else I might have called?” Freddie asked incredulously. 
“We aren’t in that situation, so I don’t think we need to explore it,” John answered. 
“I...that’s probably the beer talking, but we’re still discussing this later,” Freddie said, shaking his head as he went to the phone. 
“Having a good time?” Jim sounded half-asleep, but happy. For nearly three in the morning, it was better than most people would sound. 
“No, we need you.” 
“Oh my god, what have they done? Is anyone hurt?” 
“No, but I am tempted to give them all a smack for this,” Freddie replied. “We need someone who deals with hair, and if there’s anyone I would call for that, it’s you. How often do you deal with braids?” 
“Not often at all, if I’m honest,” Jim said. “But I can come over and do my best. And I am awfully curious now to see this...” 
“I’ll send Phoebe over for you.” 
Phoebe, for his part, was having quite the giggle over it all, but he went and got Jim promptly. 
“I’ll leave you two to it,” he said as he led Jim into the house. “There’s enough beer here for us as well, and I imagine this will take some time, so I’ll be fine to drive by the time we leave.” 
Freddie watched Jim successfully bite back a laugh as he looked to Brian and John, the only sign of it a twitch of his lips. 
“What have you boys done to yourselves?” 
“Roger did it to us, actually,” Brian replied. 
“You egged me on!” 
“I-” Brian paused. “Okay, yeah, I did! And?!” 
“You’re as guilty as I am then!” Roger shouted. 
“Okay,” Jim said softly. “You can argue guilty and not guilty later-”
“Think we’re all guilty,” John interrupted. 
“That seems the accurate take,” Jim agreed. “But that all can wait. Let’s get this fixed first.” 
The coffee table was moved, and a chair sat so Jim could sit in between and in front of them, fingers delicately working at the braids. 
“We could get you a beer,” Brian offered quietly. 
“You could? Jim asked with a smile. “How so?”  
Brian blushed. “Well. I could have Freddie get you one, I suppose.” 
“Thank you, but I’ll need to keep my head about me for this, though I can see how you might want to drink to forget this night,” Jim said. “You’re both going to need to be gentle on your hair after this, I hope you know. For a few nights, at least.” 
“Yes sir,” Brian mumbled. John only grimaced at a quick tug of his hair. 
“There’s one undone,” Jim chirped. “Not my usual fare, but this isn’t as bad as I was expecting. And not terribly done either, may I say, Roger.” 
“I don’t think Rory will let me even look at her hair if she finds this out,” Roger said miserably, finally casting his sunglasses aside again to the table. He looked tired, and much more sober. 
“Lucky you are that she’s still a baby then,” Freddie said. “And she doesn’t need to find this out unless anyone should tell her. Which none of us will.” 
“I might,” John attempted to shrug. 
Roger glared at him for a moment, then broke into a laugh. “Fine. You can be the one to tell her, and braid her hair when she bans me from it.” 
“I can work with that,” John said. “Not a terrible exchange.” 
“I’d rather you not tell her,” Brian said. “Would really rather that no one knows about this, in fact.” 
“Right, right,” Freddie said, trying to grab the Polaroid camera Phoebe had also retrieved from the house as surreptitiously as possible. The picture he snapped was quick, but Jim smiled beautifully for it. Brian flipping him off and John rolling his eyes were a wonderful bonus. 
“Freddie,” Brian sighed. “Why?” 
“Memories,” he replied. “Someday we’ll see this picture and laugh at it. Or I will, at least. Think I’ll frame it, actually.” 
Brian seemed ready to reply, but yelped instead.
“Sorry, sorry,” Jim soothed. “That’s another one done though, if it helps.” 
“That does, actually,” Brian said. “Think I can almost move my neck.” 
“Give me another ten minutes, and I think I’ll have you freed,” Jim said, his fingers moving swiftly and deftly now. 
“Are you really making eyes at him now of all times?” Roger asked Freddie with a grin. 
“I like watching my man at work, so sue me,” Freddie said. “He’s doing something wonderfully kind, and he looks good doing it, how can I not admire that?” 
Jim blushed, but didn’t cease his work. 
“What would we do without you two?” Roger asked, leaning back in his chair. 
“Be touring like this, I suppose,” John replied. “Can you imagine?” 
“Forget touring,” Brian said. “What about every day?” 
John was lost in thought for a moment. “Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning at my house, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday at yours, then Saturday and Sunday we take a day to go bother Roger and Freddie at their homes.” 
“Have you been plotting that out this whole time?” Brian scoffed, then shrugged. “Though, it isn’t a terrible schedule.” 
“That’s what I thought,” John said. “Fair amount of time with everyone.” 
“Luckily, there’ll be no need for it,” Jim said. “Done! Go ahead and let yourselves move, before you end up stuck that way.” 
There was an unsettlingly loud crack from both of their necks as they straightened up and moved their heads and shoulders to loosen back up. 
“We owe you,” Brian said with a happy sigh. “If ever you need a favor-” 
“I’ll give you both a call,” Jim interrupted with a laugh. “Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready for bed. “It’s nearly...” 
He frowned. “Or not. It’s nearly five-thirty. I’ve got work by six-thirty today.” 
They all winced at that. 
“Perhaps a day of just you and Freddie napping, with no calls from us?” Brian offered.
“And a dinner at some later date,” John added.
“With less to drink,” Roger said. “Who am I kidding, we’ll still have a good time and probably over-indulge. But no hair braiding.” 
“If that’s a promise, then I can agree to all of that,” Jim said. “We’d best head home. Will you all be alright now?” 
“Nothing wounded now but my pride,” Brian replied. “Thank you, again.” 
At home in Garden Lodge, the picture from that night would find a home on a mantel, in a small silver frame. 
It remained in that silver frame, later, taken by Jim from Garden Lodge. 
And many years after, on an end table in Roger’s home, the silver frame still gleamed, a small note in Jim’s handwriting tucked into it: He would want you to have this, and I do as well. Take care. 
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selenecrawford · 5 years
Selene Crawford :The Tiger, The God of War and The Bro’s
Decided to play a bit with how the story evolves. I hope you liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun making it.
Warning: Cursing
Without hesitating Shingen approached the group with great confidence. Never stop smiling he took the bottle and served himself a drink. Masamune was going to confront him when Nobunaga's voice stopped him.
“Calm down Dragon, The tiger is not alone aren't you?”
“I'm flattered that you may think you know me Oda, but I have to give it to you, yes,  I'm not alone. Kenshin is with Princess and Yuki and Sasuke are checking for bugs...” drinking in one shot Shingen went for another shot but Mitsuhide took the bottle away.
“So what brings your group to our turf?” Mitsuhide served him a glass and pass it to Hideyoshi.
“Your turf uh?” the sarcastic smirk of Shingen went big and wide.
“My, My, aren't we too cocky aren't ya snake?”
“Shingen is late, we are tired and frankly we are having something going on. Unless, you are done rattling the nest, state your business or leave.” said Nobunaga with tiredness on his voice.
Shingen stopped smiling, and took the remaining chair on the table. Masamune was still silent a bad signal noticed by all including Shingen.
“Go check on her Masamune but do not engage, clear?” No response. “Don't make me repeat myself again Date, ARE WE CLEAR?” the second time Nobunaga's voice was raised in a deeper and more authoritative tone.
Masamune couldn't trust his own voice so he gave a nod and went back to his office. He was trying really hard not to kill them all. His blood was boiling with hatred. His mind was foggy and full of many scenarios. He just gave a head shake to clear his mind. She is ok, she is just sleeping and she is safe. The walk to his office seemed longer than usual. When he arrived, Kenshin was facing the door while reclined against the wall. Like Shingen, his jacket and trousers were black with his shirt with horizontal lines between sky soft blue, gold and white. Considering himself an eccentric, he was donning a fedora and a white rabbit pin on one of the sides. With arms crossed and closed eyes he seemed almost asleep. Masamune stood next to the door of his office.
“It's been a while Dragon, I never thought you will look so weak.” the soft tone of voice might not had been loud but it was enough for Masamune to stop mid action and stiffen his back straight.
“I don't have time for your bullshit, God of War, just pray she is ok...”
“And what if she is not?” a mocking smile appeared on Kenshin's mouth.
Before Masamune could react Sasuke appeared at the other side of the hallway.
“Everything is clear, boss. Shall we join Shingen?”
Masamune stopped on his tracks waiting for the next move of Kenshin. With a mocking smirk, Kenshin finally stood and walk toward Sasuke and Yuki before the trio disappeared into the break room. Masamune felt his auto control almost at his limit, turning toward his office he entered trying to be as silent as possible. He found her still asleep, gripping his jacket as if it were a safety blanket. Her face was relaxed and her breathing was even and soft. Looking at her made him, forget the rest of them. He took a seat at the floor near her, he just reclined his head near the edge of the sofa and took in all he could of the image before his eyes. He became addicted to her face and her smile. A bittersweet smile played on his lips while remembering when sometimes he managed to make her blush with his invitations to date. Masamune knew she was going to say no. But couldn't get enough of that flustered face, her scar was more visible and somehow made her look even more beautiful. He closed his eyes for a moment and gave a deep sigh. Letting his mind wondering he couldn't stopped the feeling that he failed her just like he failed his father on that fateful day.
Meanwhile, The trio joined Shingen and reported all his findings. The place was clear and Selene was resting although she might need more than a couple of hours to sleep. The ordeal was more than enough to top the end of the week.
Shingen took the opportunity to finally state his business to the Oda. He hated him but he noticed a changed on the atmosphere of the place. Could it be that she was the cause? The day he saw her looking like a 16 year old attending the phone he thought she was a minor maybe a friend or family of one of them. She was courteous and nice to him but also she display such a wall...Shingen was a courier of information, while he was wealthy enough to last him a lifetime he always felt inclined to help those who were less fortunate. He studied law like Oda and managed and started his law firm to make pro Bono jobs in order to help. While Oda had a different approach both had a common goal. Unfortunately, the difference on ways to achieve their goal also created a rift between their friendship.
Normally he wouldn't saunter into the lair of the Devil but this time it was different. The princess, resting at the office of the Dragon was too precious to be left alone. The web, rattle like a war zone, when news of the shooting spread like wild fire. Oda, might have an idea of how valuable her assistant might be but not the full scope like him. With a knowing smile, Shingen decided to play a bit and poke the Devil on the blindside and see how much he could bleed?
“Say Oda, how much you do you know about your princess?”
“What does that supposed to mean?” Nobunaga raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“Well, the word is that the shooting was for her not for you. And that it was a warning, perhaps?” Shingen gave a big grin like a kid who knows all the answers to the riddle and enjoyed bragging about it.
“ We run a background check and spoke with Kincaid as she told us. So far Selene, had been clear with us and she knows well that lies are not allowed.” Hideyoshi spoke as a matter of fact crossing his arms.
“Shingen if you are done playing, let's go this is boring as hell.” said Kenshin with an impatient tone.
Shingen smiled and decided to stop the games for now going straight to the point. “Selene is well known on the community Oda. Take care of her. No one, still knows who order this but whoever it is is playing with fire. I know you don't want to believe me. But again Princess is more than meets the eye. Keep that eye on her.” finishing his drink the group left the place leaving everyone as confused as ever.
Masamune saw from the office window when the group left. Checking once more on Selene he went back to the break room.
“Good timing Masamune, take Selene to your house and keep and eye on her during the weekend.” was the reception he got upon entering the break room.
“What we can do in the meantime?” was Mitsurani's turn to speak.
“Get all you can on the internet regarding Selene I will go see Kincaid once again to see if there is something missing.
“What's going on?” asked Masamune confused.
“As soon as we found we will let you know” answered Nobunaga with a frown.
The tasks were assigned and Masamune brought the car to the front of the backdoor. Nobunaga put Selene still sleeping on the back seat. He refrained from telling Nobunaga that Kenshin injected her with a sedative to let her rest a full night. He knew it wouldn't sit well with him.
“If something happens call him. I know he might know by now if pick up the messages.” Nobunaga put Selene gently on the seat and made sure she was comfortable.
Hideyoshi handed a bag with several things for Selene including her purse. “See you on Monday.”
Masamune left without a word on his way to the mountains. He had a house on the city but when he needed to be alone the mountains were his refuge. Or lair as sometimes, jokingly Selene likes to call it. The trip was a bit complicated and Masamune took extra measures to not be followed. Once home he took Selene to the guest room and tuck her in on the bed. The next following hours he set a perimeter and managed to activate the security system. Not having slept since yesterday, Masamune took a shower and took some Bermuda shorts and an old t shirt and lay down next to Selene. He laid a gentle kiss on her forehead and then stayed looking at her until he fell asleep.
It was noon when Selene started to awaken, for some reason she felt secure and warmth. Slowly opening her eyes, she found face to face with Masamune. Her heart started beating wildly at the sight of his face so near. Instead of panic a tender sensation made her feel flustered and in awe. She just looked at his face and could see his features up close and personal. After a couple of minutes she decided to get up and a sensation of Vertigo suddenly hit her.
“Shit, what is wrong with me?” while holding her head and waiting for the sensation to pass.
“Lass everything okay? What's wrong?” Masamune sit next to her holding her on his arms.
“ I don't know I woke up and suddenly the place started to spin. I need a shower. Where are we?” Selene's voice sounded a bit groggy.
“This is my house on the mountains. You are staying with me until Monday. Come on, I'll help get you to the bathroom.” Masamune sounded gentle and worried.
Making an effort Selene used the bathroom and then took a quick shower with Masamune at the door. Every 5 minutes Masamune asked Selene if she was ok just to make sure she didn't faint or fell. She was self conscious of being naked and every time she heard his voice her body jolted like she was being caressed by him. She dried herself and took a bath robe. Taking the shower curtain to the side Masamune went to get her on his arms.
“I can walk you know?” she protested in vain.
“Right now you are still pretty shaken. We need to change the bandages. I'm taking you to the kitchen ok?” he was holding her without any effort at all.
Selene didn't respond she felt somehow spoiled it and deep inside she was loving it. The kitchen was spacious with a center island table in granite. Masamune let her on one of the chairs and went to get a shirt and the first aid kit. Closing his eyes he waited for Selene to put the shirt on. Once she was ready he changed the bandage and prepared a small breakfast for both.  Selene still felt exhausted and wanted to sleep some more. Deciding to be stubborn this time she tried to walk with the help of Masamune. Once on the bed, he was going to leave when Selene took his hand.
“Could you stay with me I don't want to be alone right now, please.” her voice was pleading with sadness and desperation.
“Sure.” he didn't tough of anything else when he went back to bed and took her in his arms. He started caressing her hair until she fell asleep again. Kissing her head Masamune closed his eyes until he also fell asleep.
@datemasamunemaiwaifu @la-piperina @unstoppablelinda @elievalentine @colivara @ikesenhell @xathia-89 @masa-little-kitten @epicdragonlady @mikamiw @jennacat84 @kimi00twin @yeshasays @notsafefortum-blr
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masterlistcrawford · 5 years
Selene Crawford:The Tiger, The God of War and The Bro’s
Decided to play a bit with how the story evolves. I hope you liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun making it.
Warning: Cursing
Without hesitating Shingen approached the group with great confidence. Never stop smiling he took the bottle and served himself a drink. Masamune was going to confront him when Nobunaga’s voice stopped him.
“Calm down Dragon, The tiger is not alone aren’t you?”
“I’m flattered that you may think you know me Oda, but I have to give it to you, yes,  I’m not alone. Kenshin is with Princess and Yuki and Sasuke are checking for bugs…” drinking in one shot Shingen went for another shot but Mitsuhide took the bottle away.
“So what brings your group to our turf?” Mitsuhide served him a glass and pass it to Hideyoshi.
“Your turf uh?” the sarcastic smirk of Shingen went big and wide.
“My, My, aren’t we too cocky aren’t ya snake?”
“Shingen is late, we are tired and frankly we are having something going on. Unless, you are done rattling the nest, state your business or leave.” said Nobunaga with tiredness on his voice.
Shingen stopped smiling, and took the remaining chair on the table. Masamune was still silent a bad signal noticed by all including Shingen.
“Go check on her Masamune but do not engage, clear?” No response. “Don’t make me repeat myself again Date, ARE WE CLEAR?” the second time Nobunaga’s voice was raised in a deeper and more authoritative tone.
Masamune couldn’t trust his own voice so he gave a nod and went back to his office. He was trying really hard not to kill them all. His blood was boiling with hatred. His mind was foggy and full of many scenarios. He just gave a head shake to clear his mind. She is ok, she is just sleeping and she is safe. The walk to his office seemed longer than usual. When he arrived, Kenshin was facing the door while reclined against the wall. Like Shingen, his jacket and trousers were black with his shirt with horizontal lines between sky soft blue, gold and white. Considering himself an eccentric, he was donning a fedora and a white rabbit pin on one of the sides. With arms crossed and closed eyes he seemed almost asleep. Masamune stood next to the door of his office.
“It’s been a while Dragon, I never thought you will look so weak.” the soft tone of voice might not had been loud but it was enough for Masamune to stop mid action and stiffen his back straight.
“I don’t have time for your bullshit, God of War, just pray she is ok…”
“And what if she is not?” a mocking smile appeared on Kenshin’s mouth.
Before Masamune could react Sasuke appeared at the other side of the hallway.
“Everything is clear, boss. Shall we join Shingen?”
Masamune stopped on his tracks waiting for the next move of Kenshin. With a mocking smirk, Kenshin finally stood and walk toward Sasuke and Yuki before the trio disappeared into the break room. Masamune felt his auto control almost at his limit, turning toward his office he entered trying to be as silent as possible. He found her still asleep, gripping his jacket as if it were a safety blanket. Her face was relaxed and her breathing was even and soft. Looking at her made him, forget the rest of them. He took a seat at the floor near her, he just reclined his head near the edge of the sofa and took in all he could of the image before his eyes. He became addicted to her face and her smile. A bittersweet smile played on his lips while remembering when sometimes he managed to make her blush with his invitations to date. Masamune knew she was going to say no. But couldn’t get enough of that flustered face, her scar was more visible and somehow made her look even more beautiful. He closed his eyes for a moment and gave a deep sigh. Letting his mind wondering he couldn’t stopped the feeling that he failed her just like he failed his father on that fateful day.
Meanwhile, The trio joined Shingen and reported all his findings. The place was clear and Selene was resting although she might need more than a couple of hours to sleep. The ordeal was more than enough to top the end of the week.
Shingen took the opportunity to finally state his business to the Oda. He hated him but he noticed a changed on the atmosphere of the place. Could it be that she was the cause? The day he saw her looking like a 16 year old attending the phone he thought she was a minor maybe a friend or family of one of them. She was courteous and nice to him but also she display such a wall…Shingen was a courier of information, while he was wealthy enough to last him a lifetime he always felt inclined to help those who were less fortunate. He studied law like Oda and managed and started his law firm to make pro Bono jobs in order to help. While Oda had a different approach both had a common goal. Unfortunately, the difference on ways to achieve their goal also created a rift between their friendship.
Normally he wouldn’t saunter into the lair of the Devil but this time it was different. The princess, resting at the office of the Dragon was too precious to be left alone. The web, rattle like a war zone, when news of the shooting spread like wild fire. Oda, might have an idea of how valuable her assistant might be but not the full scope like him. With a knowing smile, Shingen decided to play a bit and poke the Devil on the blindside and see how much he could bleed?
“Say Oda, how much you do you know about your princess?”
“What does that supposed to mean?” Nobunaga raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“Well, the word is that the shooting was for her not for you. And that it was a warning, perhaps?” Shingen gave a big grin like a kid who knows all the answers to the riddle and enjoyed bragging about it.
“ We run a background check and spoke with Kincaid as she told us. So far Selene, had been clear with us and she knows well that lies are not allowed.” Hideyoshi spoke as a matter of fact crossing his arms.
“Shingen if you are done playing, let’s go this is boring as hell.” said Kenshin with an impatient tone.
Shingen smiled and decided to stop the games for now going straight to the point. “Selene is well known on the community Oda. Take care of her. No one, still knows who order this but whoever it is is playing with fire. I know you don’t want to believe me. But again Princess is more than meets the eye. Keep that eye on her.” finishing his drink the group left the place leaving everyone as confused as ever.
Masamune saw from the office window when the group left. Checking once more on Selene he went back to the break room.
“Good timing Masamune, take Selene to your house and keep and eye on her during the weekend.” was the reception he got upon entering the break room.
“What we can do in the meantime?” was Mitsurani’s turn to speak.
“Get all you can on the internet regarding Selene I will go see Kincaid once again to see if there is something missing.
“What’s going on?” asked Masamune confused.
“As soon as we found we will let you know” answered Nobunaga with a frown.
The tasks were assigned and Masamune brought the car to the front of the backdoor. Nobunaga put Selene still sleeping on the back seat. He refrained from telling Nobunaga that Kenshin injected her with a sedative to let her rest a full night. He knew it wouldn’t sit well with him.
“If something happens call him. I know he might know by now if pick up the messages.” Nobunaga put Selene gently on the seat and made sure she was comfortable.
Hideyoshi handed a bag with several things for Selene including her purse. “See you on Monday.”
Masamune left without a word on his way to the mountains. He had a house on the city but when he needed to be alone the mountains were his refuge. Or lair as sometimes, jokingly Selene likes to call it. The trip was a bit complicated and Masamune took extra measures to not be followed. Once home he took Selene to the guest room and tuck her in on the bed. The next following hours he set a perimeter and managed to activate the security system. Not having slept since yesterday, Masamune took a shower and took some Bermuda shorts and an old t shirt and lay down next to Selene. He laid a gentle kiss on her forehead and then stayed looking at her until he fell asleep.
It was noon when Selene started to awaken, for some reason she felt secure and warmth. Slowly opening her eyes, she found face to face with Masamune. Her heart started beating wildly at the sight of his face so near. Instead of panic a tender sensation made her feel flustered and in awe. She just looked at his face and could see his features up close and personal. After a couple of minutes she decided to get up and a sensation of Vertigo suddenly hit her.
“Shit, what is wrong with me?” while holding her head and waiting for the sensation to pass.
“Lass everything okay? What’s wrong?” Masamune sit next to her holding her on his arms.
“ I don’t know I woke up and suddenly the place started to spin. I need a shower. Where are we?” Selene’s voice sounded a bit groggy.
“This is my house on the mountains. You are staying with me until Monday. Come on, I’ll help get you to the bathroom.” Masamune sounded gentle and worried.
Making an effort Selene used the bathroom and then took a quick shower with Masamune at the door. Every 5 minutes Masamune asked Selene if she was ok just to make sure she didn’t faint or fell. She was self conscious of being naked and every time she heard his voice her body jolted like she was being caressed by him. She dried herself and took a bath robe. Taking the shower curtain to the side Masamune went to get her on his arms.
“I can walk you know?” she protested in vain.
“Right now you are still pretty shaken. We need to change the bandages. I’m taking you to the kitchen ok?” he was holding her without any effort at all.
Selene didn’t respond she felt somehow spoiled it and deep inside she was loving it. The kitchen was spacious with a center island table in granite. Masamune let her on one of the chairs and went to get a shirt and the first aid kit. Closing his eyes he waited for Selene to put the shirt on. Once she was ready he changed the bandage and prepared a small breakfast for both.  Selene still felt exhausted and wanted to sleep some more. Deciding to be stubborn this time she tried to walk with the help of Masamune. Once on the bed, he was going to leave when Selene took his hand.
“Could you stay with me I don’t want to be alone right now, please.” her voice was pleading with sadness and desperation.
“Sure.” he didn’t tough of anything else when he went back to bed and took her in his arms. He started caressing her hair until she fell asleep again. Kissing her head Masamune closed his eyes until he also fell asleep.
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