#unhelpful hindbrain suggests instead of reading: More Boxes
spockandawe · 2 years
Hmm. I think I'm inhabiting the exact right place of Malaise where it would hit just right for me to reread svsss, and gorge on both binghe's plot-centric spiral and the numb hole that shen jiu leaves in the narrative. But that malaise being noticeably present suggests that maybe i shouldn't do that thing. Probably mdzs would land better with wwx's deflection and humor to smooth the way, or maybe clone wars fic that diverges from the blunt, heartstopping tragedy of canon, but then if I get lost in thought and muse too hard on things, I might kneecap myself by accident
(i cannot afford to kneecap myself right now, I have made work Commitments, i'm losing my whole weekend to a craft event pileup, then losing most of the next week to holidays, and have made social promises to slot in wherever they fit, and aaaaaaaaaa. but every urge to consume that i have loops back around into wanting reading material that will flay me but not wanting to actually be flayed)
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