#unfortunately the game is like EXTREMELY grindy though and I dislike co op because I'm a grouchy old hermit
feroluce · 1 year
You seem like you might like Genshin Impact idk why I see that
No no you're totally right, I love Genshin Impact. XD
One of my servermates got me into it last summer! I'm probably not going to be a big participant in the fandom the way I am with submas, but I'm having a ton of fun playing it with Hydrachea!
I've just finished the Inazuma Archon quest and I'm about to start Sumeru's. My current main team is Noelle, Venti, Kaeya, and Heizou. Some of my favorite characters though are Venti, Kaeya, Diluc, Al Haitham, Itto, and Shenhe. And I'm a HUGE sucker for venluc, in a weird not-romantic, qpr-ish, frienemies-with-benefits sort of way. Definitely my OTP for the series. ♡♡♡
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