#unfortunately that can be unfun sometimes but you gotta
ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
i don't know who needs this advice (I do) but not only can you do too much of the things you do to wind down and distract yourself from how stressful real life is and make your schedule WAY worse because you spend too much time fucking around (tragic believe me)
but like maybe these things you do for fun are partially what makes you need so much downtime in the first place. Like for example my escapism has got so bad that I can't go to another room in the apartment without reaching for my headphones so i can listen to a story or a podcast while i. put my empty cup into the dishwasher, which is like a two minute task. my brain is CONSTANTLY inundated with noise and complex storytelling and parsing audio of several different people and. even if that's how your brain works. how you process the world. that is hard work for your brain and forcing it to do that from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep is exhausting and no fucking wonder you can't focus on anything. (not to mention if you're an idiot, like me, and do it all in your second language, and forcing your brain to constantly have to codeswitch back to the world around you).
like idk i guess the message is maybe we should check in with ourselves more to see if we do hobbies at a healthy level, too, because it's easy to miss when it's fun
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