emptyinkvials · 3 months
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making designs for a comic
underweb comic - possibly coming soon
concept: Frisk reset so many times that the timeline reset and most roles got juggled in the process. Sans is the caretaker of the ruins, Papyrus and Alphys are the same, Undyne is princess and Gerson is king, Toriel and Asgore live a peaceful life in waterfall, Frisk and Monster kid are together and have a kid, Hapstablook and Napstablook live in basically the same positions, though Mad Mew Mew takes Mettaton’s place…
Also frisk is an adult and the bartender and grillby is the snowdin shopkeep. Where’s the shopkeeper bunny? She’s head of the Royal Keepers, the substitute for the royal guard. She and her fellow Keepers guard Gerson’s health.
Dogamy and Dogaressa are in the place of the two gay guards, who swapped with them.
Doggo is off living his best life at the head of one of the Royal Keepers subdivisions (illness detection)
Lesser dog and Greater dog maintain a few shops here and there, including running the business side of Mad Mew Mew’s corporate empire.
Nice cream guy and Burger pants are dating and they live in waterfall in the same town as Toriel, Asgore, and the Blooks.
The patience soul took Frisk’s place as the 7th human. Frisk can no longer reset. Chara is missing.
The 5 other humans are also alive and living peacefully amongst monsters.
But is it really the best timeline? Is everyone really happy?
* notes:
- Frisk is amab gnc, and dresses in whatever presentations they feel.
- Monster kid and Frisk’s kid was surrogated by an outside mother, and is legally theirs.
- Frisk refers to their bun as a “them-bun”
- Monster kid remains cis masc, but is open to whatever his family wants him to do when they’re playing pretend and such. He’s a good dad, albeit a bit nervous.
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xghostdeerx · 1 year
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Monsters of the Snowdin Forest: Reference Sheet
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naomiemuffet · 7 months
~Skeleton-spider Papyrus~
Papyrus : Nyahuhuhuhuhu~
Vous avez entendu ça, vous autres~?
Apparemment, un humain en pull rayé se dirigerait par ici, dans cette forêt~
J'ai entendu dire que les humains détestaient les araignées et les squelettes~
Qu'ils adoraient les écraser et à leurs casser tout les os~
Qu'ils s'amusaient à leurs arracher les pattes et à leurs briser la colonne vertébrale~
J'ai entendu dire...
*Papyrus apparaît avec des arachno-gaster-blaster*
Qu'ils étaient radins comme pas d'eux~
Tu as peur que nos spaghettis ne soient pas à ton goût, mon cher humain~?
Permets-moi de te rassurer~
Je crois que ton goût... Est pile ce qu'il nous manque dans notre prochaine fournée~!
*le piège de Papyrus se referme sur vous !*
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He is so cool, beautiful and lovely~!
Papyrus : Nyahuhuhuhuhu~
Don't look so shy, my dear human~
*Papyrus pours a lot of spider spaghetti blue cider on your soul. Your soul is blue now.*
Papyrus : I think blue is a better look on you~! Nyahuhuhu~
*You are trapped in a strange blue bones web ! You try to escape you of the bones web, but it's not possible.*
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theninjadark · 2 years
💜Hi I'm Muffet Spider Skeleton, I'm starting as a Vtuber Streamer on Twitch, Will you join my spider dance? Ahohohoho~ 🕷️💜
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wanderer-is-love · 2 months
I have been meaning to get back into WOF since i read the first 3 books as a kid but lost my ability to read longform books as my dyslexia worsened (currently trying to read the graphic novel but havent had motivation to start) but would LOVE to hear your reaaonings for the dragon types for luffy and sanji and also what you think the other strawhats would be as dragons im SO curious even if my knowledge is very barebones (also soes luffy have stars on the underwebbing of his wings like most nightwings to or are his nightwing features different since hes only 1/4 nightwing forgive my rusty af knowledge its been a literal decade since ive read wof)
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Here is the rest of the first five, so now I will address the reasoning.
Luffy: 3/4 rainwing 1/4 nightwing-
I chose to make Garp a nightwing, bringing in luffy’s nightwing side. Also I think making dragon a hybrid knowing the way the world gov interacts with people not like them so it would encourage dragon more to lead the revolution. Rainwings are vegetarians so I headcannons that he grew up in the nightwing village with his pure blood nightwing brothers (not blood-related) ace and sabo!
Zoro: 4/4 Icewing-
Zoro is very hard on himself, which kind of leads me to relate him to Winter. I also imagine the dojo that zoro grew up in was very conformative and strict [due to Kuina’s view on herself] . Overall his childhood just made the think icewing, n he’s always grumpy, so yeah
Nami: 4/4 skywing-
Nami is purely from vibes. The often snarky and demanding, sometimes even sour moods of most skywings leads me to believe this. I also see parallels in Nami and Peril’s backstory.
Usopp: 4/4 seawing- USOPP IS TURTLE’S EQUIVALENT. USOPP IS TURTLE. USOPP TURTLE. Jesus I can’t explain how similar turtle and Usopp are with their cowardly and imaginative personalities. Always wanting to be the hero. But I also chose usopp to be a seawing due to seawings known for being creative, musical, and airy. Usopp also loves the sea
Sanji: 4/4 Sandwing-
In my mind, sandwing are known to be the most romantic tribes, often seeing romance in the tribe. Also the color scheme matches sanji’s perfectly. Also with sanji’s backstory and qibli’s we can see the parallels of feeling useless at times
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ganzdraw · 2 months
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Promised!Temmie 💛 🩵
The small but essential Temmie is present in this Au!!!
After graduating from college, she earned her graphic design degree. After that she invested her money in a store in Warterfall where she would get her official merchandise... none other than her favorite hero Tamara and her team of Revenants protecting the island. Yes... I know what everyone thinks (fangirl)
Despite almost having a nervous breakdown, Temmie obtained consent and permission from Tamara and her team to display her special merchandise since it was themed about them. Although they only did it to avoid further harassment from her since it was very uncomfortable for them that she appeared out of nowhere all over the Tree House where they lived.
Although it doesn't bother Tamara, she actually enjoys her company every time Temmie comes to see her, or she herself goes to Temmie'Shop to see how her business is going. Since during that harassment she couldn't resist opening the door and inviting her to eat cookies. something that for Temmie was a dream come true to be with her Hero. Thus creating a friendship.
(How sweet Tamara. She never denies the affection of her fans).
1- She created a Tamara fan club where her members are only P | Bob and Toby (Who is P's pet! _____)
2- she has heterochromia
3- Her Cap with her flowers refers to the Cap of Tuyoki (Temmie) Chang's avatar.
4- In her store you will mainly see t-shirts, keychains, Mini action figures of Tamara and her team.
5- It is known that she is making her own fan comic based on the Adventures of Tamara since she has published things on her blog.
6- Temmie has Tamara x Dereck comics mini fanship on UnderWeb. Although she is embarrassed to read it, she enjoys it. since she sees Temmie as having a creative and somewhat peculiar mind when it comes to writing these things.
7- her fanaticism for them occurred. One day Tamara saved her life and her final university project that she did for 2 weeks without a break. In memory of that day she took a photo all nervous being carried by Tamara minutes after almost being destroyed by Eliz the fifth Revenant.
8- After becoming Tamara's number 1 fan. she celebrates the international day of determination "She invented it xd". where she herself holds a mini convention in Tamara's name. (In fact, Tamara participated in the first convention since she promised him days before where she saw a cute Temmie with a letter asking her to go)
9- After so many years she received a gift from Tamara on her 24th birthday. Nothing more nor less than the stick (from Tamara) with which she hit P! Emperor Gaster in the ribs xd the first time . something that seems simple and ordinary (But for Temmie it was the best, so much so that that day she hugged Tamara through tears and promised to take care of her with her life).
He is my favorite character of all undertale x//d
Art By: GanzDraw!
Temmie By: TobyFox and Tuyoki (Temmie) Chang. 
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ask-the-bone-boys · 2 months
what are your alphys and undyne like?
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limerental · 2 years
ficletober day 31 - geraskier with implied geraskefer
It's the night of the annual Halloween party at the Rivia-Vengerberg manor, and a host of supernatural creatures are about to arrive. Too bad Jaskier, the resident party planner and werewolf, forgot that tonight's a full moon.
And this is my last ficlet boys! No warning's for this one. It's just kooky goofy Halloween nonsense. Featuring the Witcher cast as varying creatures in a nebulously modern au.
Hopefully you've enjoyed reading my weird little ficlets this month as much as I've enjoyed pooping them out every day.
“Fuck,” Jaskier swore, cursing the Universe. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
In a perfect storm of unfortunate events, the first guests attending his annual Halloween shebang hosted at the Rivia-Vengerberg manor were due to start arriving in under an hour, the party supply store down the street had had a woefully small stock of fake spider webs, leaving the house scantily underwebbed, Lambert had just called to say he would be late with the keg, the Spotify playlist he had made for the evening suddenly seemed like it was in the wrong order, and he had forgotten, in all of his planning, to account for the fact that tonight was a full moon and that he, Jaskier, was the resident werewolf.
More pressingly, he’d misplaced his favorite pair of fishnet tights.
“Geralt,” he called down into the basement, voice pitched louder than was probably necessary. “Geralt, are you still sleeping down there? It’s nearly evening. Time to wake up.” 
He tiptoed down the stairs, not really wanting to invite Geralt’s ire if he had woken up on the wrong side of the coffin. The vampire had never appreciated his manor being the site of Jaskier’s annual party but tolerated it for reasons unknown. 
In the basement, he crept past the hot water tank and pool table and assorted cardboard boxes to approach the stone coffin set on a raised dias at the back of the room. 
The lid stood propped open, and the pale vampire was sitting up rubbing at his temples as though he already had a headache.
“Geralt, I can’t find my fishnets,” said Jaskier, and Geralt sighed. “Oh, don’t sigh."
“I didn’t sigh,” grumbled Geralt, sighing some more.
“I can’t possibly pull this Dr. Frankenfurter costume together without a good pair of fishnets. I’d just be a sad, goth drag queen rather than– Geralt, are you listening?”
“No,” he said. “What time is it?”
“Nearly six,” said Jaskier. “Pay attention, my friend. Fishnets.”
“I’d check Ciri’s room,” mumbled Geralt. He rubbed at his face a while longer, making no move to rise from the coffin. Jaskier immediately bounded up the stairs but paused at the top, dangling on the hand railing to poke his head back into the basement.
“Oh yeah,” he said, “and I forgot uh… it’s a full moon. May have slipped my mind during the party planning. So like. When I wolf out when the moon rises, don’t let me bite anybody. That would be a smidgen embarrassing, wouldn’t it? Nearly as bad as a few years ago with the ice sculpture.”
He ducked up the stairs before he could hear Geralt’s likely judgemental answer.
Truthfully, nothing could be as bad as the ice sculpture.
And, fortunately, he was a fairly tame terrifying creature of the night. Gnawing non-consensually on people’s flesh was not his thing, even when transformed into a mindless wolf creature.
From what he had been told, because no matter how hard he tried, Jaskier could not remember his monthly episodes, his wolf form was not much different than his human one, except with less vocal skills and slightly better dance moves. 
Horrible taste in music though. One year, his wolf form had ruined his Spotify Wrapped by playing Nitty Gritty’s Fishing in the Dark for seven consecutive hours.
Jaskier entered Ciri’s room with trepidation. She technically no longer lived here, off on interdimensional time travel adventures doing whatever it was a teenaged girl with universe-hopping superpowers did, but it still felt wrong to intrude on her unnervingly pastel childhood bedroom. There were a great deal of unicorns and far less half-dissected dead rats than there had been when she lived here.
Geralt was right of course, and he found his fishnets flung over the back of her desk chair. He thanked his lucky stars that they were not hopelessly tangled, and he had not had to dig through a young girl’s underwear drawer. He had half-worried that Yennefer would emerge suddenly from a darkened corner just when he was wrist-deep in bras.
The witch had yet to show herself today, though he knew she was somewhere in the house because someone kept adding My Chemical Romance songs to his trial run of the Halloween playlist blasting through the bluetooth speakers in the living room.
“Yennefer!” Jaskier called, nearly face-planting down the ornate grand staircase as he tried to pull on his fishnet tights and scurry down them at the same time. “Quit looming in the shadows like some gargoyle and help me with my corset!”
The witch materialized without a sound before him, and he did trip down the last few steps into the faux cobweb-strewn foyer, sprawling on his ass on the blood-red rug. If he did not know that Yennefer dressed like Morticia Addams every day of the year, he would compliment her Halloween costume. As it was, he scoffed at her lack of creativity.
“Come on, Yennefer, you could at least mix it up a little,” he said, wrinkling his nose as he leapt to his feet. “You of all people should fully embrace the Halloween spirit. Wear some jewel tones or something. At least one color.”
“I’m an immortal witch who lives with a vampire and an idiot werewolf in a secluded, haunted manor on a hill,” she said. “Every day is Halloween for us.”
“It’s not really haunted, is it?” he asked. “I haven’t seen any ghosts.”
“Haunted by your irritating presence."
"Yennefer. Help. Corset."
“Turn around,” she said and began to lace and tighten his corset with sharper tugs than strictly necessarily. “Isn’t it a full moon?”
“Yes, yes, I forgot the moon phase. No need for everyone to bitch at me about it.”
“I’m certainly not bitching,” she said. “Wolf man you talks far less. I could do without the leg-humping though.”
Jaskier made an apologetic gesture.
"Don't lie. You love the leg-humping."
Yennefer scoffed.
When he got drunk enough, he was prone to humping Yennefer’s legs even in man form.
Ciri was the first of the guests to arrive, spiling through a shimmering portal into the middle of the living room. She was dressed as the Thirteenth Doctor, and a unicorn stepped through the portal behind her, wearing a Dalek eyestalk covering the slender horn on its forehead. 
Jaskier considered reminding her that this household had had a firm “no horses allowed inside” rule since the infamous Roach in the attic incident, but he wasn’t actually certain if unicorns counted as horses or were just vaguely horse-shaped. Ciri glared at him like he had brought it up anyhow. It was probably rude to accuse a sentient being of being a horse when they weren’t, and Jaskier was nothing if not a considerate and gracious host.
Living with several people who could either read his mind or knew him so well that they didn’t have to was just inconvenient.
Not long later, Eskel arrived dressed as a lumberjack with enough casserole dishes of assorted food to feed dozens of people, holes cut in the lumpy beanie on his head to accommodate his curved succubi horns, and Lambert showed up only a little late with the keg, wearing a leather jacket and cuffed jeans, grinning as impishly as expected, given his nature. His sharp, little teeth glinted, and his hair was slicked with grease around the pointed nubs of his horns.
“No poodle skirt?” Jaskier called, grateful for the arrival of the beer but unable to avoid giving his least favorite of Geralt’s weird brothers at least some shit. 
Lambert flipped him off. His forked tail casually snagged a pigs in the blanket from one of the platters Eskel was arranging.
“I’ll be the one laughing tonight, Wolf Boy,” he said. “How’s that moon feelin’?”
“I have another hour at least,” said Jaskier. “It’s barely dark out. Speaking of, where the hell is Geralt? He’s not going to hide away in that creepy little crypt of his all evening. He’s supposed to stop me from using anyone as a chew toy.” 
“What are you supposed to be anyway? A sad, goth drag queen?”
Jaskier gasped in scandalized affront, just as another My Chemical Romance song began to play from the speakers, and he hurried off to fix his playlist once again.
Triss Merigold showed up bearing several bottles of wine in a blush-pink Playboy bunny costume that clashed horribly with her red hair, and his flagrant ogling of her exposed bosom was cut short when the very scary Philippa Eilhart stepped up to press a hand to her lower back. She was wearing tufted wolf ears and sharp fangs, plus a bright red cape, which he personally felt was a bit derivative of yours truly but was not about to open his mouth to comment and risk being turned to ash.
The rest of the Coven of Sorceresses, or whatever they called themselves, appeared one after another. There were several among them dressed in sexy witch costumes, which seemed nearly as uncreative as Yennefer, who technically had refused to participate.
Fringilla Vigo had apparently missed the sexy part of the memo sent by the group and was dressed in full stereotypical wizard regalia, complete with moon and stars cape, pointy hat, and long faux beard. She got tipsy on Merigold’s wine very quickly and kept accidentally smacking people with her oversized wizard staff, giggling girlishly.
“Geralt?” Jaskier called into the dark basement. “The party’s in full swing, you know. I could transform into a significantly hairier fanged beast at any moment. Geralt, are you busy moping? Is this because the unicorn is allowed in the house and Roach isn’t?”
“I’m not moping,” said Geralt, decidedly moping in his coffin. “I’m meditating.”
“Your brothers brought beer. And those tiny biscuit-swaddled baby hot dogs you love so much,” said Jaskier. “Regis just showed up. He’s dressed as Dracula again, which… come on, does no one have even a small shred of creative integrity anymore? I know he’s a different flavor of vampire than you, what with the whole ‘doesn’t burn in the sunlight and isn’t allergic to garlic’ thing, but it isn’t that a bit of an offensive caricature? He’s talking with a really bad Transylvanian accent. That should be my gig tonight!”
Geralt’s inability to eat garlic bread was really, horribly, desperately sad to Jaskier, so he brought it up in conversation as often as possible, just so that Geralt knew he hadn’t forgotten that Jaskier was incredibly supportive of his depressing garlic-related plight.
“Go away, Jaskier,” said Geralt. Rather than go away, Jaskier took a running jump and vaulted himself into the coffin with his friend, only poking him a little in the shins with his tall, heeled boots.
“Are you having a case of the Mondays?” he asked. “Are you in blood withdrawal? Is it really the unicorn? I can ask it to leave but it does have a four foot sword on its forehead, so if it stabs me right to death I–”
“It’s not Ihuarraquax,” said Geralt. “Or blood withdrawal. Or… it’s not even Monday, Jaskier.”
“As previously-stated, I rarely have any clue what day of the week or month it is, Geralt.” 
“I’m just not feeling up to partying tonight.”
Jaskier snapped his fingers. 
“Case of the Mondays, it is.”
Geralt stared at him with a miserable expression. 
It was not much different than his usual look, but after years of strange, supernatural friendship, Jaskier considered himself a connoisseur of Geralt’s varying moods and quirks. Most werewolves and vampires did not prefer to spend any length of time in each other’s presence, but even Jaskier’s wolf form was unusually attached to Geralt. It was often him he ended up using as a chew toy, after all.
“You mind if I stay down here for my shift?” Jaskier asked. 
"You'll miss your party," said Geralt, his voice almost a whisper.
"Naw," he said. "I'm already going to miss it. Wolf me would probably spend the whole night line dancing again or something."
For a while, they just sat facing each other in the coffin, staring, and Jaskier dropped his chin to rest on his folded knees. He knew he must look as moon-eyed and dopey as usual while getting a good look at Geralt, but that was hardly his fault.
They called it puppy love for a reason.
Without consciously doing so, Jaskier's breathing slowed to match Geralt's even breaths, and he had the fleeting thought that maybe the vampire was faking a bummed out mood to draw him down here, where a relaxed, meditative state would ease the inevitably painful trauma of his transformation.
It didn't suck sometimes. Living with a house full of creatures who knew him so well.
Through the narrow slats of the basement windows, the moon rose bright and full in a crisp, black sky.
Over the thumping bass of a colorful gathering of drunken misfit supernatural creatures, a wolf began to howl.
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aventvrina · 2 months
What made you pick up this character?
9. Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak?
20. If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
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canon questionnaire - @bishonenprince- still accepting!
What made you pick up this character?
I already had my eye on him when his leaks were first coming out. His design felt interesting and the gambler idea was appealing (also knew that he was going to be a boss fight so my eyes were on him as a villain at first). It was only when there started to be more about his personality that it kicked off and when 2.1 dropped I was completely won over. This scene sold me and I knew I was going to write him from then on.
9. Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak?
Already answered here. But I can add more! I'm also making him lean more towards the business cut throat/spy lifestyle. Like sure, it's already been mentioned that he does crazy schemes and that he goes through great lengths to achieve results but I'm also applying that for his life outside of work. He keeps check of his appearance, he keeps track of brands and fads around the cosmos. This is a socialite that networks not only to get the best deals but also the best insights into the underweb to know exactly what's going on so that he knows what cards to use when the time comes. Aventurine is a smart man, although luck helps him (but I will argue about this on a later post) he does a lot of preparation work for his schemes to follow script. A feat like this isn't achieved just by playing a casual business man, he mingles with the crowds and gets the necessary information to make his bets. It's premeditated in such a way that it's impossible for the outcome to be none other than what he planned it to be.
20. If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
Already answered here but this one comes from a book I've been reading that i felt appropriate given the last quest "Even death, faced with the option of death or life, she would choose life."
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whered ya GET that bike? the dump? make it yaself?
Bit of both! I found some odd blueprints in the dump and used whatever I could find there or buy to put it together, she only fell apart a few times thankfully, think I posted a copy of the blueprints somewhere on the underweb so others could do the same
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xghostdeerx · 1 year
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Part 7
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Darkness: Reference Sheet
Oc by @painterundertale 
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devouring-hive · 10 months
Hm. So, how'd you get stuck in the past, anyway? Is it that ClockMan fucker again?
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"T'be honest, I have no clue. I was surfin' through GraveWeb sites lookin' for discarded data to scrounge up and sell on the UnderWeb for some spare cash for my NetOp's recovery expenses when I came across this one portal that just... Closed up behind me after I went through it, and now apparently I'm in the past."
"To be honest, I'm not sure how I'm gonna handle it... But I'm not that concerned to be honest, Alice is a strong girl- And everyone knows that time that's already happened doesn't count."
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theninjadark · 2 years
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Never enrage a spider, let alone a binary monster.
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king-silver · 2 years
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Nalba un día en el parque
Aquí les comparto un dibujo del ship de Nara x Alba caminando por el parque con ropa mas casual
Nara es de @theninjadark
Alba es mía
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