#undertail vore
nom-the-skel · 1 year
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Soft safe vore comic (some bunnies getting up to adult activities here)
Was included in the (very adult, dark themes) Salon of Refuse zine
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tttinytrash · 1 year
The long awaited siren fic! Decided to go for Lust for maximum sass levels (sorry/no worries depending on your preferences here, but despite the AU nothing spicy here, just light sexual humor) Unzipping and food turning to liquid magic are both concepts stolen from @shamedump. 
Siren skele and arctic researcher reader instead get acquainted by accident, then skele helps out their little human before being stuck with the consequences. Enjoy the awkwardness!
The cold never bothered you, but even given that this was a bit much. You were bundled in all the best thermal gear of course, being in the arctic required it, but couldn’t help the shiver as a particularly vicious gust threatened to throw your fluffy hood down. Ah well, get the equipment checked quick and you and Taylor could get back all that much sooner. 
Taylor, your previously mentioned research partner, was slightly ahead of you in the ankle deep snow as you both slowly shuffled towards the ice shelf that harbored the frigid water you two were studying. Coring ice and checking for fossils and chemical dating, monitoring water currents and other various data to guide the calculations required, all of it was rather dull. The crunching of numbers was more your taste, Taylor was the one who loved all their equipment. They each had names, in fact. They treated the machines like they were their kids. You might tease, but you were glad for the levity in what would normally be a tearjerkingly boring job. You didn’t appreciate their insistence to not go alone near as much, however. But you also couldn’t blame them.
After all, sirens were about.
There were precautions against their fabled charms, sure, but the thought of man-eaters being out was terrifying. So with Taylor you begrudgingly went. 
Taylor approached the mooring spot of one of their submersible probes, and activated the winch to bring it up for inspection. It had stopped sending data a few hours ago, which is what started your trip outside. To be honest, you weren’t fully sure what the probes should look like, but the mangled pile of scrap that game up on the end of the line was clearly not correct.
“No! They killed Trevor!” Taylor wailed.
“This was Trevor?” You asked.
“Yes! And he’s dead!”
“Clearly. We’ll need a whole new probe at this point. Better load this hunk of junk up.”
“Rest in peace, Trevor. You will be missed.”
Any funeral rites were interrupted when your proximity sensors went off. As precautions against sonic attacks (read as: siren song) you both were wearing noise cancelling headsets with communication links specifically between both of your headsets and the home base. You both also had sensors that would ping when something moving besides you two got within range, and you had a sinking feeling you knew what it was before you whipped your head around to find the offender. 
Yep, definitely a siren. 
It had the lower body of a spotted seal, but the torso of a skeleton was plopped where the neck should have been. Vibrant pink eyes were oddly hooded seductively at you two. Even deaf to it, you could tell by posture and movements it was singing to you. 
Nope, no thank you.
“Leave the scrap, we’ve gotta move!” You urge, pulling Taylor up by the arm. 
You both move as fast as possible back to the snowmobiles, luckily not too far away, and begin to book it. As you jet away, you scream over your shoulder “Not today, Pinky! Find something less sentient to eat, ya jerk!”
To your shock, the thing looks legitimately offended, and even blows a raspberry at you before it dives into the water.
Did it actually understand...?
You didn’t give it any more thought, instead flooring your snowmobile back to the warm, safe base. You didn’t want to be lunch, and were also pretty excited to feel your toes again.
Repairing that damn probe took so much longer than it should have. But that was mostly because Pinky was very much Not Helpful™.   
Taylor made fun of you for naming the killer skelemer, but you solidly blamed their habit of naming everything rubbing off on you. Regardless, Pinky had become the thing’s title and at this point you were near certain it knew its name too. 
Pinky surfaced not too long after any attempts to retrieve, replace, or repair Trevor’s remains. You were always on guard duty while Taylor worked, so you were the one to spot it first. You’d raise the alarm and you and Taylor would scram, but it was alarming how quickly the mer picked up on what your tiny team was doing. It quickly figured out neither of you could hear their song, so it gave up on that and instead posed in what was probably supposed to be alluring poses, literally beckoning you to come closer. It eventually got nearly lewd.
The first time Pinky went fully sexual, you busted up laughing. He looked offended right up until you posed while channeling your best Jessica Rabbit on the back of Taylor’s snowmobile during your retreat. From that point, he seemed to take it as a challenge and almost seemed to be laughing along at his own ridiculousness. He also seemed to pick up on the meaning of your habitual flipping of the bird as you escaped inland and would return your one finger salute, or even rise up out of the water sometimes with the raised middle phalange the first thing to break the surface.
Ugh, you’d seen this thing too many times. You were personifying it.
It hadn’t ever gotten more than 100 yards off, barely in range of the proximity sensors. So your sightings were seconds each. You’d rather keep it that way.
Fate did not comply.
The day you finally got Trevor 2.0 ready to submerge was the day everything went wrong. You and Taylor lifted the equipment, shuffling towards the edge of the ice shelf to chuck the machine into the depths. Pinky had yet to be seen despite you two having been out here particularly long without disruption. Had it finally given up?
No, the sensor went off which startled both of you, enough so that the equipment was fumbled and ultimately dropped. Trevor 2.0 hitting the ice caused a chain reaction. Both of you stumbled back, Taylor luckily onto solid ice shelf, you less luckily onto rapidly cracking ice. You hit water, and shock made you instantly black out.
Sans lazily went toward where the humans would be. Ever since wrecking the probe, they’d been out there daily. But while his plan for easy lunch didn’t work since they were somehow deaf so his song, he didn’t even mind at this point. Playing with the spunky human, or Brat as he thought of them, was a highlight to his day.
Originally he had tried to lure them other ways besides song, but their ability to sass back at him had gone from vexing to charming, the same way his usual insult for them became an affectionate moniker. As a reward for getting a good chuckle out of him the previous day, he’d decided to give them a little extra time unmolested.
Any plans went out the door when he saw Brat hit the water. 
The other human was flailing about on shore and froze when it saw him, but he paid it no mind. He instead dover underwater after Brat’s panicking form. He watched as shock made them gasp, the precious air they needed becoming a cloud of bubbles around their rapidly sinking body.
Forget plans, all thought went out of his head and a protective instinct he didn’t know he even had kicked into overdrive. He didn’t wanna eat them anymore, but apparently human was on the menu again. At least, in a way. He briefly surfaced, less than a moment and just long enough to flush the water out of his system to replace with air before he dove, snatching their eerily still form. He shoved their head into his mouth and gulped greedily, dragging their unresponsive frame into his body. He had to get them warm, and he was the warmest thing in the vicinity. The air in his belly would let them breathe, and the warmth of his magic would keep hypothermia at bay.
Once they were down, he panted with exertion, feeling their body through his own. 
The hell did he do now?
You woke slowly, not knowing where you were.
Then you remembered and suddenly waking up was very fast. Still didn’t know where you were though. You flailed around in surprise, finding everything rather squishy, wet, and ...pink?
“Huh- what?!” You cried in response to the sudden voice, falling backwards and sliding to the bottom of this weird rounded space you were in.
“delta, i’m not used to shit moving around in there like that. dunno how i feel about that yet.”
“where am i?” panick straining your voice up an octave.
“uh, currently inside a siren. in neither a food way or a fun way, if that helps.” He said, blandly.
“that’s usually what you call me, among insults of various quality and originality. ‘pink tailed prick’ was always my favorite.”
You’ve somewhat realized you’re in his gut now, and a quick once over of your body reveals that it’s intact, if damp. “....why am I not dead?” 
“i already said it wasn’t in a food way. you nearly drowned, don’t you remember?”
Crap, now you did. “The question stands.”
“fair. easy answer though; i begrudgingly like you, brat.”
“I’m a brat? You tried eating me- wait, did eat me!” You clap your hands over your traitorous smart mouth, god please don’t piss off the thing that can easily kill you if he had a mind to!
“well, i didn’t. not for lack of trying, though. and you’re still not food, you’re actually safer in there then out here. even i know you’d freeze to death if i just let you out on shore. you need to be dry, which isn’t really attainable for a mer.”
“...oh.” You can’t really object to the logic, even if your brain were in a place to.
“yeah. i did try to bring you back. other one tried to shoot me.”
“Damn, Taylor has shit aim.”
“they do. which leads us to now.”
“Oh... the ‘how the hell do we get me out’ phase.”
“yeah. and at this point without death. if you’re going to be making such a drastic impact on my impeccable figure for this long, it’d better not be in vain.”
“Excuse me Princess!” you guffaw, tone dripping sarcasm.
That stumped you. “Come again?”
“my name. it’s sans.”
“Oh. Well, I’m y/n.”
“well, y/n, you’re stuck in there until we find a way to get you back on dry land without near immediate hypothermia. so get comfy, because we’re sleeping now. even if i do look pregnant, i need beauty rest.”
“Oh. Uh. Guess I can’t complain. And uh... thanks for the lack of murder.”
He hums in reply, movement finally ceasing.
You slide into a maintainable, comfortable position and finally take in your surroundings, since you’ll be stuck here awhile. The walls do softly glow pink as you’d initially seen. Less obviously, they also have a subtly wavy texture, and a bouncy give almost like a waterbed. The walls are slick and frictionless, but don’t appear to leave slime on your questing hands. 
“that feels nice. feel free to keep that up.” sans interrupts your exploration.
There’s a brief flare of guilt before you take his advice and keep playing with the plush walls, as if pawing will grant you extra knowledge.
You don’t really remember falling asleep, but apparently you did. The soft sounds of his body around you make excellent white noise apparently.
It had been days. Inside a siren’s belly. What is your life?
It was weird, but not too bad without the death to go along with it.
Sans encouraged you to play with he odd texture of his magic, but that got old after awhile. You would say however, that you were extremely comfortable. The walls had a lovely give, and tended to mold to your body in whatever position you took due to their plush nature. They even moved in a soft undulating pattern, which felt kind of like a massage. Oddly, you had gotten used to this enough to almost enjoy it.
Then you were doused with liquid magic. Again.
“Dammit, warn me!” You cried, wiping the pink glow out of your eyes.
“why would i? that’s so much less fun.”
“Pink tailed Prick.” You muttered.
“ah, my favorite title.”
As nice as having a constant companion and warm weight inside was, he was at his wits end with this arrangement. Honestly not even because of y/n. They could come back to visit his gut again after this whole thing was over as far as he was concerned, but they other one was incredibly dense. 
The perceived loss of their companion really made it impossible to break through. Especially since they couldn’t hear him, and wouldn’t get close enough for him to get the headphones (which y/n told him were what made them immune to song) off. If he charmed them, the violence would stop long enough to prove y/n was ok. But lack of communication was a big issue here. Of course, the water had rendered y/n’s pair defunct.
Y/n appeared to have adapted to their space decently too, they didn’t struggle and once he was used to it their readjustments and stretches felt divine inside. They were bewildered by the fact that his magic could sustain them, meaning they didn’t have to eat as long as he intended to care for them. Them playing with the liquid magic his body converted his actual food to was hilarious, if maybe gross under other circumstances. 
He was going to miss his internal companion desperately. 
But that wasn’t the goal for now. Y/n came up with had to be plan H (he’d lost track of where they were in the alphabet by now) which was risky but the best shot they had yet. He’d just unzip on shore and show Taylor that y/n was ok. That meant that his human was risking hypothermia, and he would be in no position to bail if Taylor shot. (They were a bad shot, but that wasn’t a risk he was thrilled with.)
He didn’t really like this plan, but he hauled himself up out of the water by where Taylor would be sure to patrol, and waited for the human to arrive.
Eventually, an indignant “You bastard!” heralded the misguided human’s arrival. A bang indicated a gunshot, but no bullet whizzed by. Wow. Strormtrooper level bad aim, Taylor.
He turned to face them, then raked a finger down his belly, letting y/n throw their damp top half out into the frigid air. “TAYLOR, STOP!” they screamed, waving their hands in a ceasefire gesture.
Taylor either panicked or didn’t see, firing another shot. y/n screamed, pulling their now bleeding forearm close to themself. 
Sans reached a hand down, healing magic already summoned and tending to the new hole y/n had been gifted.
“that’s it, this didn’t work. get back in, we’re out.” Sans growled.
“W-wait! N-N-” y/n protested, blue lips and chattering voice making it difficult.
Sans was about ready to shove them in himself when Taylor called in utter shock “Wait... y/n?!”
Taylor stumbled forward a step or two, grip on their gun slack.
Thank Delta, this was the opening he needed! He used his magic to rip off their damn headphones, and before they could reorient their grip on their gun, he began to sing. With the charm in place, they could finally talk.
He also got to eat y/n again now, which was another bonus.
You strode confidently to the water with Taylor beside you, going to check on Trevor 2.0 like normal. Most things were back to normal, but what wasn’t was far more interesting.
You got three things from the ordeal in the end, and they were as follows:
One, your hair was now pink. Prolonged exposure to Sans’ magic had affected your hair’s natural pigmentation, and there was no indication as to whether it was permanent or not. Eh, at least you’d save on hair dye.
Two, you got a scar. Taylor was endlessly sorry for it, but the bullet hole had left a definite mark on your forearm. Had to think of a cover story for that before shipping home. That was concern for later, though.
Three, you got a new friend or constant pest depending on how you felt at the given moment. The smile that broke on your face at seeing the familiar glow beneath the frigid surface of the water said you were currently leaning friend. 
Sans chilled with you while Taylor did their thing, Taylor also chipping in on conversation as they worked. The typical flow was interrupted when Sans’ belly growled.
“Too lazy to hunt again?” You asked.
Sans shrugged. “guilty as charged.”
“Just go, don’t do your usual beat around the bush thing.” Taylor butted in.
“Hey! I didn’t even do anything!” You groused.
They raised a brow at you, smiling mockingly. “You brought extra clothes.”
“...shut up.”
Sans and Taylor both laughed at you.
From his spot in the water, Sans looked up at you and said “i’m game if you are.”
You hesitated.
“Just go, I’ll have dinner ready by dark. I can get back to base on my own.” Taylor said, retreating to their snowmobile. 
You turned to Sans, who wordlessly opened his mouth wide and waited.
Smiling, you obliged.
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creamyandrich · 10 months
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Handful of big belly robot doodles.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Last Failing Grade (OS)
“So my dear student, care to explain this?~” Miss Muffet chittered as she slid your muse’s test forwards, a giant red F clearly visible right next to your muse’s name at the top and the reason why she asked your muse to stay behind after class, especially when she scooted forwards and rested her heavy bust on her desk obscuring your muse’s test with the view of her cleavage along with various items that belonged to a few of the past students wedged between them, from phones to underwear all tucked away on her person or in her personal hoard she has hidden away in the academy. “I hope I don’t have to remind you what I do with failing students~”
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lycovore · 3 years
Would you ever do a vore comic/ same size comic were horror sans eats fell sans and doesnt eat swap sans and saves poor blueberry sans from almost being vored/eaten by fell?
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nom-the-skel · 10 days
Hello! Do you still exist? If so, can you draw/write a vore scenario between blue and error?
Yes, I'm still around! And still drawing skeleton vore, but short on time lately. Here is some of my previous work about blue and error in case you haven't seen it. But I definitely need to make more uwu
[Lustberry bunnies and the strange fox]
[Mean Fox Error] (warning: mean)
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tttinytrash · 2 years
I am so sorry this took so goddang long. Alright, so a long while back a lovely anon wanted some comfort noms, and suggested a dragon. I decided I’d take creative liberty and go for a dragontaur skele, and go for Horror since they requested a spookier boy. With context out of the way, fluff ahoy!
There were monsters in these woods.
The monsters had broken out of their seal that kept them underground a few years back, allowing them to roam amongst the people once more. The monsters had been sealed away long, long ago fearing a war that never came. Because the mages hadn’t allowed it to. Newly freed, the monsters, the few that remained after their centuries long exile under Mt. Ebbott, prowled the more wild lands around the base of the mountain formerly considered cursed. 
This is where you ran. A rustle in the brush had lit up your senses as a wave of adrenaline hit. What was that? Friend, foe, or just a squirrel? You weren’t taking any chances. You made a run for a nearby cave, ducking into its shadowy depths seeking safety.
Suddenly before you, a behemoth of a monster awoke. It’s skeletal upper half slowly rose from the ground, glowing magic making up the dragon body that served as its lower half. The magic was scarred from many previous fights, and a dusky purple-blue that hedged on red at the extremities and along the deeper scars. The dragontaur honed in on your location instantly, locking its singular, blood red eyelight on your frail body before it.
You breathed a shaky sigh of relief, greeting “Morning, Sans.”
The dragon chuffed at you, approaching to you only to immediately flop back to the ground, snuggling you up to his bony chest like a favored teddy bear and letting out a deep, contended sigh of his own. Sans was a monster of few words.
You laughed while being snuggled by the huge monster, “Feeling especially lazy today, I see. Glad to see you too.”
“y’re shaking. what’s up?” He said, finally reopening his eyes again to fix you with a concerned look.
“Eh, heard something on my way here and got a bit spooked.”
He laughed a little, raising and eyebrow at you (or at least the bone where he would have had one).
“Yeah, ironic. I know. Scared of the critters outside instead of the big monster in a cave.”
Sans could feel how apprehensive his little human still was and decided to take their mind off the fright. So, he did the easiest thing to get them to laugh and decided to lightly brush his fingers up their side, earning a surprised squeak and giggles as they were tickled. He quickly doubled down on the game, and allowed them to fight off his invading hands even though he could so easily overpower them if he wanted to. But that wasn’t the goal, so he allowed them to bat phalanges away. 
After a bit, he caged them in his fingers instead to give them a chance to breathe. They adapted quickly, realizing the new goal was to escape. They squirmed free of the cage and bolted deeper into his den, which made him (somewhat begrudgingly) get up and give chase. He caught them again, flopping onto his back and setting them on his belly so as to make it more difficult to get away a second time. They had a few valiant efforts, but never got the same running start again. 
All this work did get his appetite going, so his belly underneath them started growling a little.
“Hah, getting peckish, are we?” The human asked breathlessly, making a dive away from his fingers only to be caught by his opposite hand. 
“you think so? why don’t you check?” he asked, pressing them into his soft underbelly. It gurgled at them cooperatively, and they tried to push themselves up and off the surface while giggling like a madperson.
Well, it seemed lie the logical next step, so he dangled the human over his open, upturned mouth.
The human kicked in the air fruitlessly, “Really? Sans, cmon I’m gonna get asked why I smell like mulberries again!”
Huh, is that what his magic smelled like to them? Interesting. Well, guess they were gonna smell like mulberries.
He dropped them in, their small size and momentum barely requiring a swallow to send them quickly gliding down into his chest. He felt when they spilled into his belly, and purred as he rubbed at where their weight rested.
“hope you like mulberries.” He chuckled.
They were pressing around in a mock attempt to escape, which felt odd but not unpleasant. “Oh you glutton, you’re lucky I like you. Now lemme out!”
“hmm... you want out?”
“Yeah, this is cheating!”
“mkay, i’ll get you out of my first stomach.”
“Wait why are you being so specifi- yipe!”
He squeezed, pushing them down farther into his body to rest in his second stomach, where his dragon body was. There was a moment of confusion, as they’d never been this deep within him before, but they rebounded quickly.
“So not what I meant and you know it, you purposefully obtuse shyster!”
“creative name calling, but now you’re grounded to tummy jail.”
“Uuuuuuuuuugh, fiiiiiiine.....”
He knew they didn’t actually mind, as this game had been played similarly multiple times before. They settled comfortably, and he decided he may as well follow their lead. Who was he to say no to more naps?
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lycovore · 4 years
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s0riel noms
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nom-the-skel · 8 months
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Kustard Week Day 7: Little Red Riding Hood
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tttinytrash · 2 years
Alright, this one’s another from Shy. Disguised skele accidentally gets revealed and panics, because he is in fact a moron. Our goober of the week is Horrortale Sans this time around, much more mellowed out now that he’s surface side than his unhinged canon counterpart. Again, I’m stealing the concept of being able to unzip from @shamedump because I find it to be a much more pleasant way to get your friend back after tummy cuddles than regurgitation. With the context out of the way, onwards!
“Dude, if looks could kill I’m pretty sure you’d have been vaporized on the spot.” You said, holding the door open for your companion.
Sans threw one last glance at his shoulder at the still silently fuming owner of the establishment as he exited the buffet. “yeah, he wouldn’t be the first.” He tugged on his ever present beanie, his favorite nervous tic.
“Can’t say I’m too surprised.” You say jauntily, trying to distract him from the death glare at his back. You fell into step beside your friend as you two walked back towards your car. “You really can clean a buffet out. The business model for all-you-can-eat really didn’t factor you in. Not your fault it’s a flawed system.”
He laughed, “what can i say, it’s all practice.”
By this point you two had reached your car. You both piled in, your friend with more difficulty than you purely due to his large size compared to your little Corolla’s cab space. Luckily, your drive wasn’t all too far, not that he ever complained. 
Once back at your house, you went inside and he went his own separate way. You never saw him get in a car, but you knew he didn’t live anywhere nearby. He swore he wasn’t walking for miles to get home, which is the only reason you never insisted on driving him home. 
This was just one of many odd things about Sans.
To start, his appearance made him stand out a tad. He had dark olive skin, red eyes (one paler than the other, being blind) and silvery blonde hair. This wasn’t too odd on its own, but his very large size (6′11″ and broad shouldered to match!) size made him easy to pick out in just about any public space. He was a little on the chubbier side, but definitely had muscles buried underneath. He seemed to love picking you up, and hefted you as if you were feather light. 
You’d also never been to his house, or met the brother he always gushed about. But you’d also pieced together enough to know that something less than pleasant lurked in his past so you weren’t going to push the issue even if the curiosity was killing you. You figured he’d open up in time.
He had no reservations about coming over to your place however, which brought you to you next hangout a couple days after you’d been soft banned from your third buffet in town. 
This time it was just a movie night with cheesy movies from the 80s and 90s, the worst the quality the better as far as you two were concerned. You were in the kitchen making snacks (chocolate chip cookies, popcorn, and assorted clearanced Halloween candy) when you noticed Sans about to lick the spoon used to stir the raw cookie dough. 
“Hey, hold it! This isn’t the edible kind, you could get sick!”
He scoffed “trust me, i’m sure i’ll be fine.”
“Nu-uh, no risks tonight, mister. We have to get through the trainwreck that is Batman and Robin. I’ve never managed it before and I can’t have my moral support getting queasy on me!” 
You tied to take the spoon from him, only for him to take it out of reach simply by lifting his arm straight up. This was far from your first time roughhousing like this, so you didn’t hesitate to hop up and try to shimmy up his arm like a kid on a jungle gym.
He was laughing until you actually managed to make it up to his head, when he gave a near panicked “h-hey, watch the beanie!”
“I’m not going for your hat, I just need to save you from yourself!” You did purposefully avoid his hat whenever you played like this, knowing he hated having it messed with at all. You didn’t get it but respected his privacy enough to leave it alone. The tension bled back out of his frame once your climbing hands had not used the crown of his head as a hand hold. 
The horseplay continued, and sadly he did manage to get you off. From that point he pinned you by literally lying atop you, much to your dismay. You were on your front while he leaned back on you as if you were the most comfortable lounge chair on the planet. You tried to wriggle free but Sans took his moment to gloat, tossing his head back to dramatically savor finally dunking the spoon in his mouth. 
You squawked in surprise when fabric fell onto your face, which you pulled off to regain visibility. It was Sans’ beanie in your hand.You two shared a look of shocked silence, before what you were seeing actually registered.
Instead of your friend’s face hanging above you, there was a giant freaking skeleton.
You both gave an undignified “Ack!” while the skeleton scrambled up and off of you, the spoon that had hung from its mouth clattering to the floor.
It was huge! And- OH MY GOD HALF OF IT’S SKULL WAS CAVED IN! Wait, it was in Sans’ clothes...? 
You realized that the skeleton and your friend Sans must be one and the same in the same moment he reached out over the short distance between you two, grabbing you in such a way that your arms were pinned to your sides and dragging you closer.
He looked panicked, and that reaction was only exacerbated by your knee-jerk reaction to attempt to reel back out of his grip. You regretted the small scream his sudden grab surprised out of you as well. 
You managed a baffled “S-Sans?!” before the word was shut out by darkness lit by a crimson glow.
Fight or flight immediately kicked in, unfortunately choosing the least glamorous third option of freeze. You did still quickly realize you were being swallowed alive, the greedy gulping around you dragging you deeper within your friend at alarming speed. 
Once you landed in a wider space you could actually muster enough brainpower to act on the fight part of the previously mentioned fight or flight and began to pummel the plush tissue around you without having a true target.
“Let me out! Sans! Please, we’re friends!” You shouted upwards.
The space around you was rapidly getting tighter, to the point that your flailing limbs were eventually subdued by what seemed to be combination of the tissue around you constricting as well as the two solid bands of firm pressure that had to be his arms smushing in at you from the outside. Only when you were forced to stop did you finally hear the pained hissing from your host.
“please stop fighting. oh delta this was dumb, ow ow ow.” he begged, voice oddly distorted from your current position.
“I don’t have much choice! Get me out, I don’t want to die like this!”
“you won’t i swear, i couldn’t hurt you if i wanted and i don’t.”
His voice rang with sincerity alongside the clear pain. “Then... why am I here?” You barely registered as the pressure ebbed since you’d stopped struggling.
“i don’t know, i didn’t have time to think, i just panicked. you saw me and i just... didn’t want you to run away. so i guess i just wanted to keep you close instead.”
You couldn’t help the bark of laughter. “You panicked? I panicked! You up and grabbed me then downed me like a sardine!”
“i mean yeah... but you saw me. the real me.” You didn’t need to see his face to know he was confused by your reaction.
“Dude, that surprised me for sure but that’s so not what scared me.”
“wait what?” The flat and utter bafflement made you laugh a little despite the circumstances.
“I don’t care that you’re a monster. This explains a lot, actually, but you’re still my buddy. Who gives a crap about species?”
“you know what we did underground. you should be afraid.” This wasn’t a threat. It was sad statement of fact in his mind.
“Bullshit. I’m the one who stayed in the town with the highest monster population in the world. Ebbot City is where I chose to live, and you have just as much right to call it home as I do.” You started rubbing firm circles into the flesh around you. This kind of physical affection was usually directed at his back rather than the inside of his belly, but it seemed to have a similar calming effect anyways. Tension bled out of the tissue around you and made way for quiet sobs. You let him cry, silently supporting him as he processed the flurry of emotions. 
You continued to rub as silence fell. You were taking the opportunity to process everything for yourself as well, but were eventually pulled from your musings when he finally spoke.
He was laughing weakly, voice still watery. “y’know, i thought long and hard about how to tell you about what i really was. this was not even close to any of the half baked plans i’d made.”
You laughed heartily in response, “I’d expect not!”
“so... now that you know.... we still good?”
“I stand by what I said. I was friends with Sans when he appeared human. Still buddies now, nothing changed. Except now skeleton puns are on the table.”
After a beat of stunned silence Sans laughed so hard you were jostled around, which made you laugh in surprise at the bizarre sensation, then continue laughing as his mirth fueled your own.
“paps is gonna hate that you said that, you cannot even fathom.”
“Wait, I’ve unleashed a whole arsenal haven’t I?”
“oh hell yeah you did.”
“Shit! How am I gonna compete with years worth of built up cheesiness?!”
“eh, don’t get too rattled already. i’m sure you’ll find my stockpiled material humerus.” You practically felt the smugness as a palpable force.
“Delta, it has begun.” You groaned, to his delight.
You were eventually released, which was made simple since he essentially just sliced himself open with a finger. You were allowed to clamber out and he sealed himself back up while you readjusted your mussed clothes and hair.
Sans grabbed his beanie off the floor, worrying it between his hands.
“Is that what made you look human?” You asked, pointing at the hat.
“y-yeah. it casts a glamour when worn. maybe i should keep wearing it anyways....”
“Nah. No need.”
You didn’t find it hard to meet the gaze of that big, glowing red light that was his good eye this time around. You heart squeezed seeing his severely damaged skull, sure, but he wasn’t scary. You knew what a goober he was, the lack of skin could never change that. He looked cautiously hopeful from his place on the floor, looking up to meet your gaze for once considering the height difference.
“We’ve still got garbage movies to watch if you’re up for it.”
“and you’re really ok with me... as is?”
You knew you were being repetitive, but if it helped quell his anxiety you didn’t mind. “Course not. One one condition.”
“what condition?” He sounded fearful.
You smiled cheekily “Next time you want me in there,” You poked his belly, which had stayed soft as ever even without the humanoid glamour in place, “Ask first. Deal?”
He blinked, then laughed, cheeks dusting in a gradient of red to blue similar to a blush. “square deal.”
Your movie night went off without a further hitch. Well, except that you still had to bail early on Batman and Robin.
God, that movie was so bad.
But you ended up dozing off on your friend instead after putting on something that was mildly less garbage. One of the last things you heard before losing the fight to stay awake was the happy hum from him as he adjusted his arm around you to ensure you were comfy against him.
How could he ever think he was scary when he was so dang cute?
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lycovore · 5 years
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Spot noms a Gaster
Be nice to Alphys or else X3
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nom-the-skel · 9 months
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Wolf Stretch and merskel Slim :3
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tttinytrash · 3 years
((This one is a prompt from a lovely anon for a naga Red battling his instincts. He warns Reader about coming close, but they’re not the best at listening apparently. Unzipping as described here is a concept i stole from @shamedumpbecause holy wow is it a better way of getting your friend back after tum cuddle time. Onwards!))
The way life changed really was baffling. Being besties with a human of all things was definitely on the top of the list of things he’d never thought would happen, but here he was. Their initial meeting had been pure chance but damn was he glad they’d decided to continue to talk to him. Why they did was something he still couldn’t fathom. But on his end, he was doomed from the first time they sent him an outdated meme in lieu of hello. 
Their perseverance didn’t hurt either. Yeah, he’d done a CHECK pretty early on in the relationship (old habits die hard) but that little purple heart hadn’t shown him anything he didn’t like. They had spunk, they put up with his shit, and most importantly they were willing to dish it back. His human was a blast, and nothing could ruin it for him.
Well. Nothing but his own damn instincts. 
They had their aforementioned spunk, sure, but they also had a lot on their plate. So he was happy to act as their sounding board or be their go-to person to vent to. But the more Red settled into the fact that he did in fact care about them, the more the instincts gnawed at him. Every time they were close he’d have to tamp down the urge to take them in, not helped by the verbal harassment from random onlookers in public. Such sentiments as “That thing just sees you as food!” being tossed their way was far from uncommon, but his human just quipped right back about them being stuck in the middle ages. He still felt a satisfied warmth in his SOUL when they’d snark back at the bigots for his sake, and was also glad the yelling usually drowned out the sounds his stomach was making at being reminded that his buddy was in eating distance.
The urges started off easy to ignore beyond his talkative gut, simple enough to ward off with approximations instead. First it’d been licking them (under the guise of teasing, which was half the reason he did it since their indignant squeals were dang hilarious). That stopped working eventually, and he got a little desperate. Desperate enough to push his luck, and that night was still seared in his memory. 
They’d been watching some cheesy movie on the couch, and with them so damn close it was so tempting to just go for it. Instead, he worked up his nerve and managed to scoot to be next to them. He threw an arm across the back of the couch which left less than an inch of space between his body and theirs, he had been so close he felt their natural body heat from proximity. But he didn’t dare touch them. He knew he was gross, probably even smelled like stale mustard. Maybe if they’d tolerate this for a minute that’d be enough. He was just happy to have gotten this far without dusting in shame. 
They whipped their head towards him when he moved, and he pretended to still be watching the movie instead of them in his peripheral vision. Delta, had he pissed em off? Shit!
He’d been shocked when they responded by instead closing the tiny distance between them and actually leaned on him. The warmth that went through him in that moment was more than worth the subsequent teasing from them.
From there it had quickly devolved. Apparently, his human pal was very much a cuddler. Their default spot to watch TV or game from somehow became nestled in his coils, which he quickly came to appreciate after getting over his own nerves. (Again, why would they actually want to touch him? Baffling, but he wasn’t going to question a good thing.)
Unfortunately that also lost effectiveness after awhile. The only way he could think to keep the instincts at bay by this point was to just not be in proximity at all. He video chatted them daily, giving excuses about being busy and whatnot as a reason not to meet up in person. Whenever they bitched about whatever their greedy landlord had attempted to pull this week, or what drama aunt Karen was trying to stir up lately, his stomach would growl loudly. That was fine. He could ignore that for their sake. After all, their friendship was worth way more than his own comfort. ...He did miss seeing them though.
Eh, it was better this way.
“Edge, I’m telling you he’s avoiding me.”
You glared at the screen, since Edge wasn’t actually here to be glared at since this was just a phone call. “You think I’m lying?”
You laughed, relieved and amused all at once. Leave it to Edge to be this damn blunt.
“Thanks, knew I could count on you Edge.”
You cautiously approached the house. It took a moment to realize feeling this nervous approaching Red’s place was dumb, you’d been here many times before. ...But usually with a more direct invite. You quickly found the key Edge had hidden for you and used it to unlock the front door. You knocked as you opened it, calling into the depths of the house. “Hey, Red! I know you’re here! Why have you been avoiding me?”
You heard a crash like something had been dropped farther into the house. “SHIT! human, you’d better stay the hell away from me!”
“Why?! What did I do?!” You closed the door behind you and followed the sound of Red’s voice deeper into the house. 
“nothing, stupid! just get outta here!” The childish insult really gave away you panicked your friend was. He was usually far more creative.
“Not until you talk to me, stupid!” 
“you are not gonna like what happens if i see you right now.” his voice was low, the warning sounding serious.
Ignoring that in favor of your own frustration, you throw the door his voice was coming from behind wide open. “Try me!”
The way his eyelights narrowed to slits the moment he saw you really had you second guessing your bravado.
Then he lunged at you.
There was no thought. He saw them, and suddenly he was a passenger in his own body rather than the pilot. 
His arms reached out the moment the human was in reach, pinning their own limbs to their sides with minimal resistance. Their shock made it easy to engulf their head, the crown already butted up to the entrance of his throat. He greedily swallowed, which brought their frightened frame within his own. He felt guilt when they started screaming but his body continued despite his mind and SOUL’s protests. Those died quickly, however.
Delta, it felt so RIGHT.
The deep swallows continued and that feeling of all being right with the world only increased, despite the garbled pleas and swearing coming from his chest. He had to have more.
It went by so quickly, and soon he felt them curl up under his ribs. Then the feeling of rightness left as control of his own body returned. They were fighting back from the inside, yelling about how could he, let them out, less than friendly comments about him, etc. The wild thrashing caused them to be shifted down from his torso deeper into his tail, where they had more room to move. The pain ebbed somewhat but his guilt was building, had had to explain but really didn’t know where to begin. He briefly considered just letting them out, but the pained tensing of his stomach around its squalling contents made it obvious that wouldn’t be possible until they calmed down.
He finally was able to tune back into what they were actually saying, re-entering reality mid angry rant “GET ME THE HELL OUT! DID YOU DOUBLE EAT ME?! WHERE AM I NOW-?!”
“well, i do have two stomachs but-” he tried, lamely.
“OH YOU FINALLY RESPOND?!” they interrupted, fury in their voice.
“well yeah, can’t talk with my mouth full-”
They quieted, leaving a heavy silence. 
“I’m waiting.” They said tensely, no longer thrashing but stretching the walls away from them by pushing in a different outward direction with each limb.
The stretching wasn’t the most pleasant sensation, especially after the prior abuse, but he could ignore it as he cycled a breath and started to explain, “this is exactly why i was avoiding you. i wanted to prevent this, but the second i saw you... my instincts just took over.”
“You’ve wanted to eat me from the start?!”
“what? hell no. this is a protective instinct that cropped up once i started giving a crap about you.”
“How is this,” They emphasized by shoving their outstretched arms into the flesh harder for a moment “protective?!”
He hissed in pain, “you’re safe, now would you quit that?! didn’t you notice you’re totally fine?!”
There was quiet again and their limbs finally fell back into a curled up position. “I mean... I guess I can breathe...”
“yeah, i know. you made that pretty damn clear the whole way down.”
“Oh, right.”
He sighed, but continued to explain “nagas historically do this with their loved ones, including mates, family, and close friends. it’s s’posed to be part trust exercise part cuddle or some shit. we call it taking someone in. i’ve been fighting the instinct to take you in the more crap life piles on you. but i knew you’d never go for it, so i ran away like a damn coward instead. then you came and found me anyways.”
They went silent once again, clearly mulling it over. He let the silence hang.
In the meantime, he reoriented his body so that he was within reach of the rounded shape of his companion clearly visible in his upper tail. He hesitated, but did reach out to press in at his best approximation of where their shoulder was. They flinched away in response, gasping in surprise. He gave them a moment before repeating the gesture. This time they didn’t recoil. He felt them hesitantly press a hand outward, trying to touch his hand through him. 
“Look, I’m sorry I reacted the way I did.” They finally said. 
“i’m sorry this happened at all, i can’t even be pissed at your reaction to be frank. i deserved it.”
“Let’s say be both reacted poorly and call it even? Cause while on your end you didn’t talk bout your issues, on mine I barged in against your clear wishes.” They paused,  “I... I just wanted my friend back.”
“...are we still friends?” He asked, hating how small his voice became. His shoulders tensed as if that’d help brace for impact.
“Pfft, what? Duh!” The brightness came back to their voice, “Like you could get rid of me this easy!”
He was baffled into silence, his hand finally falling away. How were they not terrified of him?
“Dude, is that what you were afraid of? Nah man, you’re stuck with me!” They started rubbing upwards at the wall over them, which soothed the ache somewhat. 
The abatement of pain combined with the relief that he hadn’t lost his friend meant he had no chance to avoid purring. He didn’t really care, even as they laughed at his reaction.
“Hey, can you let me out now? I can’t hug you proper human style from in here.” They asked after a quiet moment, bringing him back to reality.
“o-oh, yeah. right.” He slipped a finger into the red ecto of his tail as if he were skewering jello, then raked the finger down his body to open his body like a zipper. The human spilled out in surprise, and he was able to seal the rift while they righted themselves. 
They followed through on their promise for hugs, and he allowed it without protest for once. Still mid-hug, they said “I’m not totally opposed to doing that again, you know. Now that I know it’s important to you.”
He pulled back enough to look them in the face “wait, you serious?”
They released him and shrugged “I mean, once I knew I’d be fine it wasn’t too bad in there.”
Red laughed hard, which got them laughing too. The mood being broken was a welcome change, and they surprised him by pointing out “Now that that’s all done, you still owe me! I’ve been waiting for your dumb butt to finish Dragon Blazers III!”
“pfft, you’re on fleshbag!”
“And don’t think I won’t be taking my usual spot you bag of bones!”
“yeah, yeah. as long as you don’t beat it up on the outside like you did inside.”
“You gonna lord that over me forever?!”
Red laughed, glad things had gone right back to normal. Well, except now his instincts were sated. Sweet relief. They’d wait as long as needed for his friend to be ready for another go.
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