#uhhhh yeagh
jinxxed-vexx · 4 months
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
you have a point about fandoms as a whole having a sexist lean but isn't mei is literally one of the most popular characters in the fandom and dragonfruit one of the most popular ships in the fandom? It's one of the top 5 most written about ships on ao3 if you remove self insert stuff.
So I'll preface this with I only have experience with the lmk fandom on tumblr.
But like, it's 90% shadowpeach stuff (with maybe MK as a third wheel). I know this, you know this. If you look through the "lego monkie kid" tag right now Ne Zha has more content related to him and only him than Mei does—she's usually gonna be thrown in with dragonfruit and traffic light trio (though, admittedly the lmk fandom has a problem of viewing characters outside of shipping in general). For every 1 Mei fanart there's 1 piece of Ao Lie fanart to match despite their vast differences in screen time. Like, am I insane? Am I insane for thinking it's the sexism?
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handbagman · 1 year
what if alt gabe was o'brien the whole damn time
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starberry-fag · 8 months
the sibling dynamics in voltron are so top tier they make me fucking unwell. like shiro and keith teasing and being honest each other + pidge and matt complimenting and bouncing off each other like ughhh it's so good
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whirligiga · 7 months
put in the tags/explain why if you feel like
personally I love me a good box plot
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myth-art · 2 years
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hihihihi i’m finally no longer dead (sorry school kinda shanked me as noticeable by the start date of this sketch lma)
anyways, hopefully more monstrous bois and such to come with it being spooky month >:)))))
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nerves-nebula · 1 month
Sorry if u can’t answer this because spoilers, but when/how exactly does the incest/SA/CSA come into Loose Stitches. I mean, is it purely referenced, does it occur in flashbacks, does any of it happen during the events of the story, or to any of the main characters (Dotty, Atchkie, and/or Quinton)? Do those themes/events play a major role in the story, and will they be relevant anytime soon? (Also, I don’t know what tone this question is giving off, but for the record, I’m literally just asking out of curiosity. Sorry if it sounds weird or something)
yeagh it is spoilers so im not gonna tell you who it happens to or when so i guess this is gonna be vague uhhhh it occurs during the events of the story and in the past and is talked about between characters explicitly and it isn't just one event it's a bunch of different people's experiences with csa/incest/sa
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handthatyouredealt · 15 days
6: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
8: Have you ever got so wet in the night that you wake up wanting some sexual activity?
9: Tell me your wettest dream?
18: Does a massage get you wet?
20: If there’s one place a girl should touch you to make you instantly horny, where is that?
22: Ever left the house without wearing any underwear?
24: Biggest turn on:
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
29: Best sexual compliment you ever got:
33: What your favorite part of your body:
36: When was the last time you masturbated:
38: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
39: Have/would you ever masturbate at work?
43: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
44: Does size really matter to you?
51: Do you like to have phone sex?
52: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
62: Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
71: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
holy shit anon. you wanna know a lot, dontcha? well, ask n' you shall receive or whatever the fuck
6: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny?
uhmmmm prolly having my chain pulled one time. like it was as a joke to get me to move closer to the group but i like. bluescreened about it
8: Have you ever got so wet in the night that you wake up wanting some sexual activity?
like. often. i thought this was a normal thing
9: Tell me your wettest dream?
sorry to disappoint anon i like. don't have these for some reason? all my dreams are shot like million dollar budget movies. like with camera angles n all. but the thing is it's always about the stupidest n wildest shit. apologies.
18: Does a massage get you wet?
honestly? never gotten one but i feel like it would. like. i already love physical touch to begin with. hm. yeagh. thinkin.
20: If there’s one place a girl should touch you to make you instantly horny, where is that?
this is gonna be odd n specific n out me as a sap but fucking like. grabbing my face. like cup my chin n pull me forward. shit like that. yeah. yeah i will literally get dizzy over it
22: Ever left the house without wearing any underwear?
yes like once as an order. smiles real big. that's all m'sayin on that.
24: Biggest turn on:
VOICESSS and degradation and praise. eyup. the last two tie in very heavily with the first lawl lmao
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
it kinda catches me tf off guard at work bc i'll just be picking up suitcases off the floor and putting them back on their shelves and get reminded of something and bluescreen. i almost dropped a suitcase on m'noggin yesterday. crzy stuff
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
none because i'm the bestest ever at everything and i've never had a bad idea in my life. in all honesty prolly tryin to take a girls fingers all the way down my mouth knowing how hair trigger my gag reflex is . didnt upchuck but Jesus
29: Best sexual compliment you ever got:
uhhmmmm. hm. thats a good question. got told my thighs were really soft n grabbable n i've felt better about my body ever since tbh.
33: What your favorite part of your body:
i don't really. have one? i feel disconnected from it a lot lmao. uhhhh for the sake of it prolly my shoulders n neck tbh. idk why. they just look Nice.
36: When was the last time you masturbated:
quite literally at around 3 or 4 am this morning. what can i say i take it to late nights
38: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
depends on what you'd count as outside. bc ive gotten my shit rocked in the backseat of a car before. i consider that outside. but like. out in the woods? meh. maybe if i was feelin' up to it i'd do it. or like. is a fitting room outside? bc i'd do that too. idk man i need Specifics!!
39: Have/would you ever masturbate at work?
have i? no. would i? tbh prolly not department stores are distinctly Unsexy
43: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
i feel like i'd be kissing and biting at tattoos. i'd also think its just super cool bc i love tattoos and i want a few of my own.
44: Does size really matter to you?
i literally could not care less ever. what do you think humans have tongues and teeth and fingers and imaginations for. size is irrelevant to me overall i don't have preferences.
51: Do you like to have phone sex?
i do but i am also easily embarrassed and ashamed of everything ever so you gotta lure me in like a feral dog first. sorry . smiles sweetly
52: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
i usually don't but i don't mind it. it's like a vaguely weird sensory thing and then its Over after like an hour.
62: Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
who says beggars can be choosers? wildly overestimating how much play i get; i will take what i can get when i can get it.
71: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
i know this is more a question of like kinks and shit and i'm kinda using a linguistic loophole here to avoid the original intention but. weed. all weed is slutweed when you're a slut is a tenet i live by. takes me about 3 hits before i start Losing It a wee bit. it's like a real life aphrodisiac (guy who is mildly high rn)
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zedif-y · 7 days
uhhhh heres another ask to keep you awake. want to see the little guy project im working on ? its not a blorbo of yours but he is one of mine. a blorbo in law even
yeagh show me my blorbo in law its been 10 thousand years
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www-ghost-com · 2 years
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holy shit there's 100 of you guys uhhhh what do i do
do you want cookies??? i have cookies. yeagh.
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sloaaaa · 1 year
On a scale of 1-10 how many korok war crimes have you committed?
(I joke by the way. Just saw that you're playing new Zelda and figured to ask funny question.)
sometimes i like strolling with them! :3 i glur them to the horse harness and trot over to their korok friend! it’s nice n chill and i love it a lot -w-
other times i strap them to a rocket or to the front of the minecart for funsies! <3 so uhhhh yeagh i’d put myself at a 6 maybe jhskjhdfg
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vorpalmango · 6 years
I wish I got as many notes on my regular art then the stuff on my ship blog hot damn
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cry-little--sister · 3 years
hi can i talk about will graham for a bit OK so uhhhh ASPERGERS i fidnd it really cool that he has aspergers bc i also have aspergers!!!! AND i think its so cool how they show how differently he thinks and a level of autism that isnt usually portrayed in media?? and again its like. SO COOL to see the way he thinks and acts differently bc i and other autistic people can see that and kinda relate to it or at least feel seen?? AND brbrbrbrb its like. hey! heres this guy whos at a level of autism that isnt usually portrayed or even acknowledged really and he!!! did something good!!!! he got into the fbi!!!!! like yeagh hes like. ✨mentally ill✨ but hes not portrayed!!!! in a bad light!!!! and its so cool seeing an autistic person at the same level as me being portrayed in media as the good guy!!!! and like. while i do think it would be cool to have him at a higher level that definitely wouldve been harder to pull off plus again!! the lower levels of autism arent usually acknowledged, its usually just the higher ones so it means a lot to me and probably a bunch of other ppl with aspergers and probably just autism in general!!!!! ok that is all <3
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blackvail22 · 4 years
22 october 2020
soo, i wasn’t going to write anything today besides the fact that i had nothing to talk about, even though when i was going to write it it was about 10pm, which isn’t too late, i don’t think, but it is now 12:30am, and my mind is RACING, so this is really just going to be a random rant thing. i’m probably not going to censor/delete anything i say because it is a rant and no one has to read this, so this is just going to be a waterfall of thoughts that are going through my mind so i can get them out (and it all might not make sense). 
i’ve been acting kinda mean lately. i don’t know why, i don’t think i have a specific reason why, but i have. it’s not like im insulting someone and being straight up rude, but i’ve noticed that my tone of voice has been soo negative and nasty, and i know i need to fix it, and i say that to myself after i realize that i’ve done that tone of voice again, but it never stays. i need to work on it harder. i need to be kinder to other people, because how am i supposed to expect people to be nice or kind to me when i’m not even being kind or to them? i dont know. i type with my eyes closed whenever i write things like these so i just let myself flow.... either that, or i look somewhere around the room i’m in. i like typing on a computer because i can type fast, and i dont really type like people usually do. like, people usually type with their hands perfectly straight onto the keyboard with their fingers on the middle row, but i’ve always typed with my left hand straight onto the keyboard and my right hand is at a slant. it’s so weird to explain because i don’t know how to? but, like, yeah, my left hand is somewhat like the usual position that you learn to type with, but my right hand is  turned to the right a little bit, y’know? it’s angled inward, yeah. and i don’t start with my fingers on the middle row, that’s just... very precious. i start with the letters i want to type with, and since i know where the keys are, i know where to put ny fingers to type, y’know? my mind doesn’t race until the night and it’s very frustrating. i dont know. i went to a concert a year ago today, and it’s crazy because today i feel like i can’t celetebrate it because i have this... upsetting feeling about one of the members because they made a joke out of a serious issue, and they poorly apologized for it. i’ll only celetbrate the moments of one of the band members, i suppose. it was a nice night. wait, why did i spell celebrate like that??? twice? all well! i don’t want to fix it. uhhhh, sometimes i- idk, whatever, i’m done now i suppose. wait! no! juice boxes are SO good! holy shit. i had one for the first time in sooooo longh, and it was like h e a v e n. there’s a large part of me that doesn’t want to post this because it feels like you’re going to read it, but there’s another part of me telling me that it isn’t fair for me to do that,so i mean, yeagh, tyhat’s going on too. i don’t want to say that certain things i liked and thought of jars is ruined now that i’m not with her, but it just hurts a little more when i listen to it or look at it. i dont like the color orange anymore because it was an inside joke and it was ruined and she wont talk to be but she needs space! okay. i need to sleep. this isn’t going in the best direction. it feeel so weird being like those straight couples in movies irl just unfavoriting/deleting certain photos of me and her out of my phone LMAO it’s so weird. WOW, this is a very long rant. i’m ACTUALLY going to stop now and get a juice box because i really want one. byeee! x
(also, i send hearts and x’s as a nice thing. it’s just the person i am, lol. please tell me if you don’t want me to.. i can always switch to smiley faces if needed)
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