#ugh that first pov shot is so cool... it really drives home how small and cornered she felt...
trying new things || dam
WHO: dani harper & sam evans @sevanshq
WHEN: 6/20/2018
WHERE: dani’s penthouse
WHAT: dani and sam shoot a POV scene, gets hot and heavy, slight tension at the end bc angst is always fun.
WARNINGS: nsfw of course
The idea of doing something more laid back and low key with Sam had her feeling pretty excited, even if she loved the cheesy and rough scenes that they had usually shot, she really did enjoy these type of filming styles. It gave her an excuse to take her time a bit, to admire every inch of his unbelievably and unfair body, and she took any opportunity to do so. Setting up her place, she had a pretty simple set on her tanned frame, two piece maroon satin laying nicely on her curves as she hummed after lighting a candle or two in her large room. For a minute she glanced out of the windows, admiring the view with an almost dreamy sigh as she adjusted the loose high ponytail on top of her head. Checking the time, she heard a knock and put her slippers on and a simple black robe, and made her way to the door, swinging it open, “Good afternoon.” She said with a grin, moving out of the way to let him inside, closing the door behind them as she made her way to the fridge to grab a water, “Want anything to drink?”
Laidback suited Sam, so when Dani suggested a switch up, he was happy to oblige. Creative-wise, it was an interesting concept and he was never opposed to trying something new if it had the right aesthetic. His clothes were casual, dark fitted denim and a simple navy henley, figuring neither would be staying on long anyway. Freshly showered with his hair still a little warm from the blow dryer's attentions, he headed out and towards Dani's penthouse. His grin matched Dani's once she opened the door, his eye as usual drifting to the pretty lingerie she'd picked out, the color vibrant against soft curves and soft tanned skin. "Hey. You look beautiful as always." He followed her inside, and shook his head when Dani offered refreshments. "I'm good."
The compliments from him always made the back of her ears burn with a blush, and she tucked her hair behind them as she shot him a small smile, "Thanks handsome, you look particularly yummy yourself." She said with a smirk as she pulled a water bottle out of the fridge and twisted the top off, shutting the door behind her as she took a swig and skipped down to him, shooting up a grin to the tall blonde as she reached him, "Soooooo, you excited to visit home this weekend?"
"I'm excited to get my truck," Sam replied, easily and with a shrug once she'd returned. "Outside of that, it'll be good to see my friends, and getting to drive back. About as much as you can expect from a short trip home." Long fingers reached out, fiddling with the sash of her silk robe as he asked, "What about you? You've got that wedding, right? Ready to eat terrible food and take advantage of the open bar? Maybe hit on a groomsman, make some lucky bridesmaid blush? Lots of opportunities there, sugar."
"I can't wait to see you in it, it'll totally complete that country boy aesthetic you got going for you." She said happily, nodding as she looked up at the male, "Well, I hope it goes good for you, going back home is always a nice way to remember where you came from." Dani noted as she pursed her lips together as she hummed, leaning forward a bit as she ran her hands up his chest mostly from habit, "Yep, me and Jas go on.....Saturday, should be fun. I've known her for a good handful of years, we met at Hooters. Weddings always make me a big sap, but I can't say no to an open bar. As for my conquests for that night, I'm sure there will be plenty of good options."
Sam shook his head, letting the sash slip from his fingers in favor of wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'd like to think it's more than an aesthetic, but you're right, it does suit me." He was good with shifting focus from his plans to Dani's weekend and her friend's wedding. "Can't say I'm surprised to hear you're a sap. But 'plenty of good options'? That's downplayin' it. Gonna be lookin' so good, it's damn near unfair to the bride. I'm sure you ladies'll have fun though." Sam gave her hip a small squeeze as he stepped back. "So how are we doing this tonight?"
There's a small smile as his arms easily snaked around her waist, and her let her hands rest on his shoulders before running down his bicep with a slow motion, "I know, you're a southern boy through and through, I just can't wait until you bring that truck for a finishing touch of authenticity." Dani explained, tilting her head to the side as she let her eyes scan his face as he spoke, his compliments never failing to make her smile soften and her cheeks warm as she shook her head, "Oh hush, I'm just happy for her. And I will be looking amazing, any excuse to dress up and I gotta go all out. But, it's her day....I'll try not to be too much.." She said playfully, letting him move back before grinning at his question, "Okay, so, since you've never really done a POV.....have you watched any? It's pretty easy, we can leave a camera in the corner for a simple shot and then.....you can pull another out for any angles you think might be hot as hell up close and personal.
"Throw in a cowboy hat too, apparently" Sam added with a grin. "It'll be a real good look." He caught the flush of her cheeks and the playful way she hushed him made him laugh, though he meant every damn word. "I'm sure you will." Sam nodded along as Dani gave him the rundown; he was usually up for trying something new, and this particular concept intrigued him. "Gonna be honest, I never got into watching POVs. Mostly cause I didn't get the appeal or they were usually shitty cam work. But it's you and me workin' together so automatic hotness and also quality camera and editing, so I'm down."
"Ugh, stop, it's all too good now. Do you own a pair of overalls too?" She was only teasing as she shot him a grin, and that familiar sound of his laugh filled her ears. "If I don't, well, at least I still have Jasmine to hold me at the end of the night." Dani said with a simple shrug before walking towards the kitchen, taking another sip of her water before turning around to face him, leaning back against the kitchen counter. "Some of it's, bleh. But when you get it right, god, it can seriously be hot as hell. I'm gonna keep it real though, I've never actually done one before so....looks like we'll be popping each others cherries here. But I don't doubt we can handle it, or I guess mostly you since you'll be doing most of the camera work." She said with a smirk, motioning towards her room, "You can either follow or carry me, up to you."
Sam narrowed his eyes at the teasing, though the glare was offset by a poorly conceived smile. "No, I don't own overalls 'cause I'm not from Kentucky." He was sure that Dani and Jasmine together would cause some kind of trouble or at the very least a distraction, and he laughed at the thought. "I know you'll enjoy that." At least he wasn't the only one in new territory here, chuckling a little at Dani's choice of words. "I'm experiencing so many 'first times' with this job," he joked. "But sure, we got this." He did, however, shake his head at the options she laid out. "You just want me to carry you, I see right through this plan." Nevertheless, he managed to scoop her up, tossing her over his shoulder with grace and ease and headed towards her room. "You got the extra handheld ready," he asked, setting her down carefully.
"I'm only joking, besides, you're like a giant and I don't know if they even make overalls in your size you big boy." She said with a smirk, nodding in response as he said she'd enjoy her time, because she would. It'd been a little while but being reunited with her old friends, alongside Jasmine and an open bar with a gorgeous wedding party full of options? Sign her up, even if a part deep down wished she could bring along Sam and show him off....a girls night was probably for the best. "Well, I'm honored to help share this first with you." There's a playful tone as she placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head to the side with a fake look of shock, "I can't believe you would assume that." She said but her voice was unconvincing as she giggled when he scooped her up, letting him carry her into her room and then sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yeah.....and I already have the one set up right there." Dani explained before rolling over onto her knees and crawling up the bed, smirking as she glanced over her shoulder, "Extra handheld is right here on the bedside table for you."
"I am just big boned," he countered with a scoff. Even if he hadn't bought any bit of her innocent act of hustling him into carrying her, he was still happy to oblige. Once they got to her room, he did a once over on the setup, noting the camera in the corner and the handheld on the side table, as Dani pointed out. "Cool." Sam shed his shirt, tugging it off along with his jeans, leaving on the fitted navy boxer briefs. He folded his clothes and set them aside, putting the condoms he'd brought on the side table and picking up the camera instead. "So, do I ask you questions while filming," he mused, raking a hand through his hair while the other powered on the camera and fiddled with the settings. "Or is like, super cheesy 'come on show me your underwear' dialogue?"
"Big boned.....right, right." She said sarcastically with a nod of her head, but that smirk showed she was teasing per usual, and she settled into the middle of her bed and sat on her knees as she watched him undress. It was always a nice view, so she admired it shamelessly as she hummed. Even if it was a little professional, she didn't mind if she got to see him now stripped down in his boxer briefs. "I mean, it's whatever you wanna do. We don't have to have the hand held out the whole time even, since we got the one in the corner too." Dani explained, leaning back on her hands as she pushed her hair off her shoulders, tanned legs stretching out on the large bed she was seated on. "Mostly if you see something hot, pull the hand held to get a closer few, you can say whatever you want....I know you have a dirty mind when you get worked up enough." She said with a smirk, voice smooth as she tilted her head to the side with a knowing look.
His attention shifted from messing with the camera to Dani and her suggestive tone, and Sam gave a small laugh. "Yeah, I guess that part comes pretty easy to me." The handheld was set up for whenever he decided to work with it, placing it back on the side table for now, while he moved towards the bed, pressing a palm to the mattress as he leaned in to drop a kiss to her shoulder while he asked "How do you wanna start?"
Nodding as he agreed, she knew he would, dirty talk was always best when it tumbled from his plush set of lips and he did it so well every time so she didn't don't he could handle it. "I guess I have to give you control this time, at least I'll try to." Dani said with a slight pout before it melted away into a soft smirk, fingers grazing up the side of his arm that was pressed to the bed, "I know you like a good build up so we can just hit record and we can just slowly start going at it, since it's supposed to be one of those authentic looking videos." She murmured, head tilting to the side as his lips grazed her skin, making her hum under her breath as she ran her hand back down his chest. "Sound good?"
Sam gave her a look that was not at all sympathetic, full lips already tugging into a crooked grin. "I know it's a struggle for you, to not be so damn bossy. But thanks for at least trying." A nice slow build up worked for him, finding it easy to get lost in the moment and he pushed up and picked up the remote for the camera, hit record and put it aside. Sam shifted on the bed, settling beside Dani. Propped up on an elbow, his free hand reached for her, curling at her hip and bringing her close, hooking one thigh around his waist just as he dipped his head and captured her lips in a kiss, heady and unhurried. It wasn't a chore to do whatever came naturally, and Sam always enjoyed a chance to film a good makeout. His fingers skimmed the smooth skin of her thigh to rest at the curve of her back, keeping her close while they continued to kiss.
There's a fake gasp that left her when he called her bossy, "Oh shut up, you love when I'm bossy." She said with a smirk, watching him move to hit record, making her shoulders roll back a bit, getting in the head space for the video. Although it wasn't really hard when it came to Sam, and the premise of this little couple home made video would be a peace of cake considering how well they knew each other's bodies by now. Easily letting him pull her closer with his free hand, leg hooked over his waist as she allowed his lips to catch hers with a second to waste. Her hand rested on his chest, sliding up the smooth surface to end up at the side of his neck, pulling him closer as her lips moved slowly against his, tongue swiping along his plump lower lip, her skin already growing hotter by the minute.
Sam did enjoy it, but he was content to keep that to himself as they both prepped for the scene. Though, considering the laidback vibe, there wasn't much to prep for. Far as filming experiences went, it was pretty lowkey. And there was never much work involved when it came to kissing Dani. A small groan slipped out at the feel of her tongue, teeth catching on her bottom lip in a gentle nibble while his hand trailed up her spine to settle at the back of her neck, thumb stroking the spot below her ear as he deepened the kiss with a low hum.
The girl couldn't help the way her skin crawled in the need to touch on him more, probably because she knew what was coming, and her body was itching for that already. But she kept calm, opted to smirk a little against his lips when he nipped at her bottom teeth through a muffled groan. Slowly, she slid on top of him, knees on either side of his waist as the raven haired girl sighed through her nose deeply at his thumb massaging the spot below her ear, a small hum muffled against his mouth as she let her tongue venture smoothly against his in their kiss. It was slow, but man she felt her heart thumping in her ears from it, and she let her hands rest on his chest with her nails raking along the surface of his skin.
Sam could practically taste her eagerness, and he couldn't help but grin, smiling at Dani's soft sigh and the sounds that followed once she shifted positions to straddle him. That, he really enjoyed, the warmth of her center pressed against his crotch. The hand at her back dipped a little lower, just as the grip on her neck tightened a hair. Her skin was smooth and feeling like silk under wandering fingers that slipped lower to grip a generous handful of her ass, kneading the soft flesh and palming her with gentle smacks. "Put your hands in my hair," he murmured, after another firm swat, thoroughly enjoying the scrape of her nails to his chest but knew it'd feel even better against his scalp.
Dani allowed herself to melt into the kiss for a moment, embracing the warmth that radiated through her body as her stomach was in the smallest of knots, luckily when it came to filming it helped ease the nerves in a way. But behind the act, Dani enjoyed this way more than she knew she should, and probably would ever admit to him. Comfortable straddling his waist, she shifted her weight back for only a moment to give him that pressure against his lap, a small moan of approval when his grip along the side of her neck tightened. His hands really did drive her up the wall, especially when they wandered like they did now. Back arching slightly as he grabbed at the curve of her ass and landed a few nice slaps to it, she nodded as she ran her fingers up and under into his hair. Smirking slightly, she sat up a bit and pulled him along with her to sit upright, "Like this?" She said softly, loud enough for the camera, but still in this teasing innocence as she wrapped her legs around him to keep her silky cover body flush against his.
Sam followed that tug to his hair, letting Dani pull him along into a sitting position with a small smile, thoroughly enjoying the show of her, working and to get her way. His hands continued to grip her up, though the one at her neck traveled a little lower, grazing the swell of her breast pushed up by her bra and he chuckled. "Just like that."
That damn smile, she felt it against her lips, and she couldn't help but do the same. Thank God this was a couple based scene, or else it'd be painfully obvious how much she enjoyed this. Humming as his hands continued to explore her body, she rocked her hips ever so slightly against him, fingers still running through his hair, "Yeah?" She said back through a small laugh, almost breathless as she tilted her head to the side and rolled against him again in a slow grind.
"Mhm." Breaking the kiss, he let his lips wander, skimming her jawline and dipping lower to the curve of her neck, leaving a trail of gentle presses in the smooth skin until he reached her collarbone. Sam was content to focus his attention there, nudging the line of her throat with his nose and back up to nibble the underside of her jaw, all the while savoring the feel of Dani grinding in his lap.  He pushed at her bra strap, letting it slip down her shoulder while he busied himself with tugging at the satiny cup of the pretty maroon bra. Gently, he palmed her breast, his thumb swiping at her pierced nipple in time with the rock of her hips against his, letting out a low moan in the space below her ear when he felt himself twitch against her warmth. He rewarded her with a sharp tug to her piercing and a blunt nip to her earlobe, his hips giving a slow roll to meet hers as he continued to kiss and tease and nibble at her neck.
Head falling back, she let his lips explore along the expanse of her neck, each press like fire along her skin. Her fingers remained combing through his silky blonde locks, eyes fluttering closed as his fingers tugged down the strap of her bra, falling along her arm and welcoming the cool air against her piercings. A soft moan left her parted lips, breathy toned and a small smile tugged on the corner of her lips, earning a slight pull to his hair as his thumb teased the sensitive bud on her chest. But that moan, low and muffled near her ear, with that feeling of him getting harder under the movements of her body, that earned an even harsher grind against him. A small gasp escaped her at the tug though, mixed with a nip to her ear, and she ran her hands down his chest to push him back flat onto his back. Smirking, she pushed her hair back off her shoulders, leaning forward to ghost her lips against his in a teasing manner. Sure, she promised control to him, but that didn't mean she couldn't steal it for a moment. Pressing warm kisses along his jaw, down his neck, and all along his broad chest while pushing the curve of her ass harder against his ever hardening cock.
Sam savored the feel of Dani, soft and pliant against him as her hips continued their hard grind where he wanted her most. The shift in position caught him off guard, though he fell bad to the bed easily, with a low grunt, the sound giving way to a hum of appreciation when Dani's lips zeroed in on his neck. But it was nothing compared to the teasing with her ass, rocking into him and he met the movement with short thrusts, the friction from it all pulling more of those low sounds from his throat though he managed to grip her hips and flipped their position easily, pinning her under his muscled frame and he pressed a brief kiss to her lips before pushing up  and reaching over for the handheld camera. He straddled her thighs, knees pressed into the mattress and he turned on the camera, angling the lens right at the top of her panties, though his gaze met Dani's dark eyes and he offered her a slow, crooked smile before saying,  "Be a good girl and touch yourself for me."
There's a smirk when she saw she caught him off guard, because that was one of her favorites, throwing him off the game he always seemed to have around her that left her at his mercy most days. Now, on top of him, she had a few seconds of control, savoring the way his skin felt under each press of her lips. Hands now resting on either side of his neck as she slid her lips along his broad chest with a slow grind of her hips. The feeling of those small thrusts made her hum, but her breath was taken away when he flipped them and was hovering over her. Smirking up as she ran her hands up her body, she nibbled on her bottom lip as he grabbed the camera, already giddy with excitement to see what he had in his brain. Eyes flickering up to find him, she tilted her head to the side as she put her fingers in her mouth, sucking on two digits before sliding her hand down the path of her body before dipping past the waistband of her panties. "Yes sir...." She hummed, eyes unmoving from his as she slid her fingers through her wetness, a soft gasp leaving her lips for good measure.
"You're so damn beautiful." The compliment slipped out easily, random but genuine, and Sam followed the path of her wandering hand, keeping the camera steady while Dani followed the firm demand with nothing more than that raspy 'sir',  fingers pushing into her panties and though Sam couldn't see, the look on her face and the faint gasp told him just how good it felt. He watched her fingers moving beneath the dark satin of her panties, knowing she was already wet, but it was just a tease. He wanted more. "You like the way it feels?" he asked, keeping the camera trained on Dani's fingers. "'Cause damn, it looks good. I like watchin' you touch yourself. You get so worked up...I can slip right inside afterwards, no problem. Bet it's nice and wet already for me, too. C'mon, angel. Show me how you do when I'm not around."
The compliment almost made her blush, if it wasn't for her trying to stay in that Dani Danger state of mind, because it sounded sincere and it only made her want to put on even more of a show to earn more praise. Fingers swiping up and down under her panties, she hummed as her tongue swiped along her bottom lip when he asked if it felt good, "Mmmmhm, so good." She murmured breathlessly, nibbling at her bottom lip as she let out another smooth hum and listened to him talk, "Yeah? I'm getting all nice and wet for you right now, gonna feel so good wrapped all around you." Dani said in her usual raspy toned voice, head tilting back as she licked her lips again, dipping her middle finger into her heat with a small moan, slowly pumping the digit in and out of herself. The way he was talking, the scene in general, already had her starting to gain that wetness to allow the slick motions. Her other hand ran up her body, cupping her breast as she let out a soft whine at her efforts, eyes finally fluttering closed, "This look good for you baby? Watching me get all worked up like this, touching myself for you....?"
Having to hold onto the camera and keep it steady proved to be a lesson in patience for Sam. The lens had to be positioned just right but his attention wanted to wander, greedy for every aspect of the show Dani put on, the teasing glide of her fingers at her center  and the husky moans that made him shift slightly above her, a slow exhale slipping through parted lips in an attempt to draw his attention from the deep twitch in his boxer briefs back to Dani. The camera panned out to capture the tease of skillful fingers at her breast and the sweet little noise that followed and Sam lifted his gaze to watch her intently, a heated look in olive eyes. "Mhm. I know you like puttin' on a show for me. Ridin' your fingers and moanin' just the way I like. Wanna hear you make some more noises, darlin'."
Teasing was one of her specialties, something she loved and excelled at, and the fact that she was able to do it to Sam? Well, she was going to milk it for all that it was worth, besides....she had to play it up for the camera, right? Sighing under her breath, she arched her back ever so slightly to shift her knee, rubbing her leg up between his legs as she licked her lips yet again. Her middle finger was slowly pumping in and out between her thighs, coating the digits in the wetness that was pooling there, teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she fluttered her eyes open. Automatically locking onto those dark olive hues that were staring down at her, almost hungry in his gaze, and she rolled her hips against her hand once more, "Yeah? Wanna get me all worked up for you?" Dani breathed out, finger slowly joined by a second digit, letting her thumb swipe along her clit, a low but shaky moan falling from her lips as she tilted her head back, squeezing at her breasts again as small whines tumbled up her throat. If he wanted a show, she'd give him that.
Sam knew exactly what she was doing, from the graceful way her back arched and her hips rocked against the mattress to the not-at-all-subtle shift of her leg, pressing right against his cloth-covered bulge. And he indulged her efforts with a gentle push of his own, moving his hips ever so slightly but keeping his focus (and the camera) on her. Because while POV wasn't exactly his forte, he knew the draw was the authenticity. And it was pretty easy to play up for the cameras how much he was into watching Dani touch yourself. And from the sounds she made, he knew the feeling was mutual. Though, that was yet another layer of patience. The fact that he couldn't see beneath her panties, though the darker patch of maroon at the center told him enough, just how turned on she really was and he grinned at that. "That's exactly what I want”, he told her, steadying the cam with one hand while the other reached down, fingers fanning across her throat and squeezing gently before slipping to brush along her collarbone. "Get it nice and wet for me darlin'. I wanna taste you."
POV was fairly new territory to her, but she had been in the industry long enough to know how it went, she had just never found anyone that she was comfortable enough with to get that up close and personal. But Sam? She knew he was good with artistic freedom, and so far it was showing to be the truth. Teeth digging into her bottom lip, she fluttered her eyes open to look at him grinning, a small smile spreading across her lips as she slowly rubbed her leg between his, giving him that friction that he'd picked up on earlier. The fingers at her throat, however, made a small moan crawl up her throat and fall from her lips, fingers still toying with her wetness as she hummed. "Yeah? Wanna taste how sweet I am for you?" She breathed out, licking her lips as she let out a slow whine, her hand that was on her breast moving to take his hand on her collarbone, "You can touch me if you wanna see how wet I am, all worked up for you...." She murmured, eyes locking onto his as she guided his hand down her body, right above her panties as she tilted her head to the side, the offer hanging thick in the air as she waited.
With a slow smile, he let Dani guide his hand lower, trailing against soft skin and the flat plane of her stomach down to hover at the top of her panties. It was easy for the camera to follow then, but Sam knew it would be a little cumbersome to hold and touch her the way he wanted and still have everything look good. Still, he'd make the effort, tightening his grip against the handheld just as his other hand slipped between the maroon satin, greeted by the damp heat of her arousal. Indeed, as he gently moved her hand aside to trail a teasing swipe of two fingers down and back up, he could easily sink into her warmth. The tips of his fingers were already soaked and he pulled them from her center to taste the wet he'd managed to coax from her with very little effort. The taste of her was sweet and heady and Sam pushed out a low groan around his fingers before dipping them back into her heat, this time pushing in and sinking deep with a swift stroke. Gingerly, he paused the handheld and set it aside, letting the camera propped in the corner take over as he leaned, fingers thrusting and moving , curling skillfully while his lips captured Dani's in a deep kiss.
There's a raise of her brows as she watched him expectantly, tongue coming out to swipe across her lips as she let go of his wrist to allow him under the satin material of her panties, a soft sigh of approval when she felt familiar digits swipe through her wetness, watching him work with the camera still in his hand. He liked a build up,  she'd heard him say it time and time again, and she was trying to deliver on her end for him that much was obvious. Teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she watched him move his fingers away and plop them into his mouth between his plush set of lips, she almost whined at the sight because it had to be one of her favorite views, alongside the sound of his low groan at the taste of her. But soon enough, those damp fingers dipped back under her panties, a shaky moan leaving her lips when he pushed them deep into her without any hesitation. "Fuck..." She murmured, letting him put the camera away before grabbing the back of his neck, bringing him closer as they kissed, knees bending and thighs parting in an almost needy way to get more.
A deep chuckle was lost in the fervent meeting of their lips, Sam's amusement at Dani's needy whine shifting into a heated kind of want that urged his fingers to move faster, or as best as they could while confined by the soaked satin of her panties.  He gave a short thrust against her thigh, needing to lessen the pressure  from his bulge and focus his energy on Dani, on plush lips and indulging in more of those messy, frantic presses and the feel of his fingers slipping and out of her wet, letting her clench and pulse around the relentless stroke. His free hand stroked her check before moving lower, fingers relaxing at her throat,  giving her more of those gentle, pressured squeezes from earlier while full lips hovered above her own. "Can you come just like this," he asked, the question nothing more than a quiet rumble, and he nipped at her jawline just as his grip tightened at her throat. The hand in her panties teased her clit, thumb circling the sensitive button in time with the thrust of his fingers, the sound of it shameless in the quiet of the room. Olive eyes were hot with lust, because it was easy to have that reaction with Dani looking as she did, a flush under golden tanned skin and Sam enjoyed watching her pleasure play out across pretty features, knowing it looked even better on camera. "You gonna be a good girl, and come hard for me? Hmm? C'mon babe. Let me hear you."
As his skillful fingers began to move faster, she let out another soft whine against his lips, fingers gripping the back of his hair as she felt that sweet pleasure pumped through her body. The way he grinded down against her thigh was hotter than she expected, feeling just how hard he was growing from just watching her was a rush, and she hummed under her breath as she fluttered her eyes closed at the relentless thrusts his digits gave her. But it wasn't under his fingers lightly wrapped around her neck that her eyes opened, locking onto his and her jaw went slack because he'd never ventured there. Sure, they had some pretty rough sex but...he never did /that/. A louder moan left her lips as she nodded, "Yes, fuck.....please." She begged, eyes unmoving as she rolled her hips up against his thumb as his grip tightened, only turning her on more because having him grip her neck like that had her buzzing. Her hand came up to grip his bicep, nodding as he spoke, "Just like that, yes, fuck.....yes." Dani praised, eyes fluttered closed as she tightened her other hand in his hair, heart pounding in the best way in her chest as that pleasure began to coil hot deep down in her body, moans tumbling in that raspy tone under her breath.
Seeing Dani's reaction, feeling her hips lift and rock against his fingers as her center tightened around steady strokes, Sam couldn't help but smile. A slow lift of lips and a small hum slipped out when her grip tugged harder at his hair. "That's it, pretty girl" he praised, curving his fingers as best as he could while still confined by her underwear, letting them thrust a little deeper to reach the spot that always left her shaking for him, all the while flexing and tightening his hand at her throat.
To say she was overwhelmed would've been an understatement, nails digging into his bicep as her head fell back against the pillows under her. His words were almost muffled in her ear because that grip on her throat had her all over the place in her head, only pushing her harder and harder towards a release even if she knew he'd be smug about it. But she didn't care, hell, she couldn't care because the way his fingers hit deeper, tapping that spot that had her mouth falling open with a small squeak as the only sound she could make, she was easily falling apart in his hand. "Fuck!" She yelped, thighs shaking as she trapped his arm between them, back arching as she came all over his digits. For a moment she felt numb, a small smile twitching on the corner of her lips as she rode out that blissful feeling.
Sam pressed a kiss to her cheek, lips smoothing over soft skin until he reached her mouth, tasting the sounds she'd made with a low moan of his own. It was easier to distract himself that way, knowing he'd looked a little dazed watching her shudder into her release. His grip loosened only slightly on her throat just as his hand slipped from the mess between her panties, lifting up a little, letting his wet fingers brush her lips before capturing them in a deeper kiss this time, savoring the heady taste of her with a heavy groan. He weight moved atop her completely, hips dropping into hers and he moved them in a slow grind, letting the hard bulge of his arousal press tight to  her center, right where he wanted her most as he continued to squeeze her at her neck. "Tell me how you want me," came the gruff  demand between those fierce, heated  presses and he thrust hard, pushing upwards only to slowly drag the weight of his still-clothed cock against her heat, just to make her moan for him.
There was something about that low moan that always made her feel like jelly, on top of those small throbbing feelings of pleasure deep in her stomach. Lips moving slowly against his, she sighed through her nose, hands coming up to cup either side of his face as she fluttered her eyes open, legs loosening the grip on his arm as she found his gaze. Mouth still open as she began to catch her breath, she felt his wet fingers brush along her lips, tongue coming out slightly to run along the tips of them before her mouth was once more devoured by his. A soft hum left her as she felt his weight on top of her, broad frame pressing against her in a way that had her only wanting more, especially when she felt how hard her was when he grinded down onto her. Legs parted to allow the roll of his hips, his hard bulge pushed right against her clit, still sensitive and earning a soft mewl of approval. His hand was still on her neck, squeezing her just right, and she let her eyes flutter closed with a small smile. "On your back." Dani managed to breathe into his mouth, fingers raking down his back as she rolled her hips up against him, "Think you can do that for me?"
He nodded, though it was a little longer until he actually complied, with Dani's request, leaning into the caress of her fingers at his back,  slowly releasing his grip from her neck, only to cup her cheek and kiss her a little more, gentle, teasing pecks until finally he shifted from the warmth between tanned legs to settle beside her on his back. The dull throb of his arousal had him palming the front of his boxer briefs, needing to relieve some of the pressure but touching Dani, seeing her so into the scene had worked him up enough where the touch only stoked the heat that sat low in his belly, leaving him a little dazed and wanting more.
She couldn't help the playful smile that spread along her face as he nodded, fingers running along the back of his shoulders as his hand let up on her neck, a soft sigh leaving her lips at the gentle kiss, almost melting into it for a moment of the fact they were filming wasn't in the back of her mind. Dani had a habit, usually only with him, to lose herself in the moment when it came to work but easily snapped back into reality when he rolled off her. Easily, she shifted up onto her knees, teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she crawled up the bed towards him. Making it a point to arch her back, eyeing the way he was palming at himself, and she grabbed at his hand to help as she laid warm kisses along his stomach. That dazed look on his face had to be one of her favorite expressions, and she smirked as she placed a couple more kisses along his chest and collarbone before traveling back down his strong frame.
Sam watched Dani inch closer, lips tugging into a crooked grin as he tried to gauge her next move. He let her hand guide his with a muted groan, stroking himself through his underwear, jolting only slightly at the feel of her lips on his skin. The soft presses did nothing to soothe the need coiled hotly in belly, feeling spreading all over with every teasing kiss. To his abs, and chest, up to his collarbone and Sam was tempted to wrap his arm around her curves and keep her there, right where eager hands were ready to rip at their underwear (why were they both not naked, dammit) but then she was on the move again, slipping further down and he followed along with her, sitting up to curl an arm around her middle while the other parted her legs, settling her in his lap in an easy straddle while claiming a few more kisses. "Take this off," he rumbled against her lips, his hand sliding up her back to undo her bra clasp in a single, practiced move. The lace slipped down her shoulders and arms and Sam dipped his head to follow, lips closing around a pierced nipple with a moan.
Her plan was to get him worked out, that much with obvious with every teasing kiss she laid along his skin, and even if she had promised him power, she was attempting to do what laid back and POV videos were good for and that was build tension. Plus she knew how he got when he was worked up and that alone was enough motivation to linger and tease. Fingers raking along the sides of his body on the hand that wasn't helping him palm himself over the material of those boxers she so badly wanted off. But as she began to kiss back down his body, on the move to get said underwear off, she felt his strong arm wrap around her and tug her into his lap with a soft gasp as she was now straddling him. Lips now busy kissing him back, she heard the demand and let out a soft sigh as she arched her back whilst he easily undid the clasp of her bra. Soon enough the material began to slip down her arms, and she tilted her head back with a small mewl of approval as his lips wrapped around the sensitive bud, making her toss her bra somewhere in the room without regard. Rolling her hips down against his lap, she threaded her slender fingers through the back of his hair, teeth running along her plump bottom lip as she arched her back to push her chest closer to him.
Sam was far too focused, needing the distraction from Dani grinding in his lap, riding the ridge of him in a way that edged painful but felt so damn good it sent a shiver through him. He moaned around her breast, lips tugging at her piercing while his free hand massaged the other, and he trailed kisses from the valley between her breasts to the line of her throat, nibbling at the skin and skimming her jawline before meeting her lips once more.
She was making it a point to rub that wet splotch of a mess that he'd made right against his arousal, grinding right on it and feeling the hardened length in full form, making her eyes flutter closed as she kept her head tilted back. The vibrations of his moan against her chest made her hum in approval, licking her lips as he tugged at her piercing and palmed the other mound with large and greedy hands. "Lay....lay back." She said breathlessly, palms pushing on his chest as she followed him down, kissing him in a needy way before kissing down his chest, "Don't move." Dani commanded, even if she'd promised him control, she still had a one track mind on what she wanted to do, and after feeling how hard he was when she was in his lap, she couldn't get her mind off it. Fingers hooking through the sides of his underwear, she tugged them down his hips and nibbled at her bottom lip as she sprung him free. "You're all hard for me baby...." She purred, licking the palm of her hand as she kept her eyes on him before taking him in her grasp, beginning to pump and stroke him as she ran the flat of her tongue along the tip which was already collecting that sweet taste that had her moaning under her breath.
He had to bite back on the instinct to protest, especially with Dani grinding and moving against him but Sam managed to comply, settling with his back propped against the pillows and allowing her to drift lower. She seemed so damn determined, and really, how could he deny her. Though 'don't move' seemed especially difficult to follow once his boxer briefs were off and soft fingers were curled around his thick length, stroking in a way that made him shudder. But he resisted the urge to rock into her touch, but he did sit up long enough to grab the handheld camera, powering it back on and hitting record, just in time for the wet swipe of Dani's tongue across the sensitive head to send a hot shiver racing down his spine. "Fuck!" The moan was a rough one, a little louder than the one she'd pressed to him but he felt the vibrations against his dick and damn, if it didn't feel fucking fantastic.  It was a wonder he kept the camera steady but he managed it, even pushing out a breathless chuckle for good measure. "You know, the more you tease me, darlin'...I'm gonna give it right back. I'll have you screamin' my name before we're through, you can count on it."
Hearing the rough moan that flew off his lips, she realized in the back of her head that they hadn't done this too often. Actually, as she mentally racked her brain, she'd only done this once, off camera, and the memories of his reaction had her only eager to push him more. Usually he was good at distracting her, pulling her up on him and touching in her a way that made her unable to think straight. But now, she had him in her hand, literally, and the ball with in her court. As her tongue slid along his tip, she hummed as he spoke, nodding her head, "Promise?" She cooed in her usual raspy tone, glancing up at him as she moved her hands lower down and took his head in between her plush lips, sucking for a moment before sinking more of his thickness into her mouth. The taste of him had her moaning around him, hair covering her face as she bobbed her head slowly, hands now resting on either side of his hips to steady herself. The flat of her tongue slid along the underside of his cock, and she breathed skillfully out of her nose as she glanced up through thick lashes. For a moment at him, then a moment at the camera, a devilish gleam in dark hues.
"It's a guarantee," he bit out, the words wrapped in a muted groan. The interesting thing about filming at this angle, it allowed him to see every damn thing. Normally, he'd drop his head back and let the general camera do its thing, while he focused on the pleasure Dani was giving so skillfully. But keeping the camera steady while watching her work and still feeling every bit of what her talented tongue could do was a real turn-on. Sam reached out, fingers drifting through her hair to push it away from her face, wanting nothing to get in the way of that view. Full lips stretched, the wet suck of her mouth taking him in with every slow glide, paired with a steady stroke of her hand that made his hips rock forward in every pass. And he was generous with his sounds, the rough moans spilling out unchecked and he didn't bother stifling them. "I like the way it feels, when you moan like that" he told her, flashing her a brief smile and he let his fingers slip through her soft dark hair, tugging gently at the strands. "Do it again."
There's a small flutter of her lashes as she glanced up at him, feeling his long fingers push her hair out of her face, head bobbing along the thick length that weighed heavy in her mouth. The sounds were heavenly, soaking in every rough groan to tumble from his lips, and her fingers raked along his skin as she felt his hips rock upwards to only push more into her mouth. Sucking in her cheeks, she slowly pulled her mouth off the end with a small pop, hand replacing her mouth as he tugged at her hair and told her to do it again. "Yeah? You like that?" She teased with a playful grin, nodding her head as she wrapped her full lips around him again, this time humming a low moan as she took as much of him as she could, eyes staying on him as she breathed through her nose and relaxed her gag reflex, throat clenching and fluttering around him as she pulled off him with a small gasp, repeating the motion once more for good measure.
Sam had to stop himself from pulling her hair too hard, though the tightened grip of his fingers in her hair was reflexive, instinctual once Dani deep-throated him with ease. The move caught him off guard, had him considering tossing the camera aside altogether in favor of fucking her mouth the way his body clearly wanted to, judging from the hard roll of his hips once he hit the back of her throat. Dani swallowed against him, best as she could, the sensation wringing out another rough moan from his own throat, as he moved against hers, rocking into every deep glide down and the bob of her head when she pulled back until they'd built up a rhythm that he could feel all over, warmth pooling in the pit of his stomach and lower, causing his breath to stutter. Though his movements never faltered, lifting his hips in hard, fluid thrusts to gently fucking into her mouth, already feeling that familiar pressure building steadily and he pushed out a low groan.
A soft whine left her lips as his fingers tightened in her hair, feeling the small sting that was just right to send pleasure through her, and she slipped one of her hands between her own legs to try and touch herself because she was already getting all worked up. Going down on guys had always been one of her favorites, but with Sam, it was almost like heaven. Earning all those noises and grunts and that look on his face? It was perfect. The hard roll of his hips had the tip of him pushing against her throat and she breathed out heavily through her nose, controlling her gag to her best abilities. Soon enough he got in a rhythm, the feeling of him guiding her head down with every lift of his hips had she in bliss as she tried to keep her breathing paced out just right. Every bob back came with a harsh suck and her hand moved to cup at his balls, rolling them in the palm of her hand to get him to that break that always had him take her just the way she wanted.
Sam felt her whine more than heard it, the vibration meeting his sensitive tip and causing him to shudder a bit. The overstimulation of it all was a thrill, edging the line of pleasurable and far too much, especially once he felt Dani's touch shift lower, cupping the smooth sac and teasing him in a way that made him bite back the strangled sound threatening to spill out. Plump bottom lip caught between his teeth, Sam had to shut the handheld off and gently pushed it to the other side of the bed. He could feel himself hovering right along the edge of his release and knew it wouldn't take too many more of Dani's hands and mouth working him over like that before he'd come apart and that couldn't happen just yet, not when he wanted to feel her clenching around him. "Fuck," came another hoarse groan, followed by a shiver and his back arched, and Sam's hold in her hair tightened, tugging harder to get her attention and he shook his head and pushed out a 'not yet'. He shifted away, just enough to lean over and grab the condom from the end table. Full lips, slightly reddened from biting down on those muffled moans twitched into a ghost of a smirk, his head and body far too focused on getting what he wanted to do much more. "Get on your back," he told her, a little breathless but still firm, releasing his hold in her hair and his other hand gripped his dick, sliding down to the base and giving himself a brief squeeze to ease back from that edge. Steady fingers tore at the condom wrapper and quickly sheathed himself, giving a few errant strokes before he was pushing up onto his knees and moving towards Dani, a determined gleam in olive eyes.
Her heart was hammering in her chest, lust and adrenaline pumping through her with nothing but determination on her mind. Dani chased after those sounds, desperate moves of her hands and head as she fluttered her eyes closed to focus because the more she looked at Sam, the harder it was to concentrate on what she wanted. She hadn't even noticed the click off of the camera, not until he tightened that hold in her hair and arched his back, glancing up at him under her lashes to see that look on his face. There's a small smirk on her face as she felt him shift, sliding out of the warmth of her mouth as she licked her lips, and hearing say not yet, knowing she had him well worked up. Hand moving to give a few lazy strokes, she nodded slowly as she watched him with nothing but an intense lust filling her gaze. A small laugh slipping her lips, she crawled up the back and rolled over onto her back, glancing down at the panties still hanging on her wide hips, "You gonna fuck me, Samson? Make me fall apart screaming your name?" She murmured, loud enough for the camera as she beckoned him closer, knees bent as she spread her thighs and tilted her head to the side, propped up on her elbows.
It was always better to show; they were filming, after all. Still determined, still focused on what he wanted, what they both did, judging from Dani's teasing and Sam and his one track mind was ready to deliver on his guarantee and then some. He gripped her ankles and tugged, bringing her further down the bed and closer towards him, close enough to reach her panties. This pair, he was careful with, sliding them down her body,  letting his fingers span her hips and drift along thick thighs until the soaked satin was tossed aside and she was open to him. And then he gripped her legs again, leaning in just enough to capture her lips in a slow kiss, allowing his tongue and the unhurried glide to distract her while he settled those soft legs atop broad shoulders, widening his stance and sinking into her core with one fluid thrust. One palm pressed to the bed was all he needed, the leverage enough to allow him to pick up his rhythm to a steady pace of thrusts, relentless in pursuing more of those flutters and tapping at her spot with a hard bounce. The position of her legs left her open to him and Sam breathed out a short laugh and brushed his lips to hers just as his other hand closed around her throat again, in that tight hold he quickly realized was such a turn on for her. "This what you needed, Dani?" he asked, possibly unnecessarily, given the mad flutter of her walls and the greedy way they clenched around him. She was so wet, so soft, the stroke was effortless, driving into her over and over, eager to please her and bring them both to the edge, letting his grip on her neck go slack only to squeeze again, tightening on every down stroke and bouncing thrust just to feel that flutter.
When he grabbed her ankles and yanked her down closer to him, she let out an almost giddy laugh, which was sort of out of character for her except for the fact this was supposed to be a homemade type of video which was her saving grace there. Lifting her hips as he let his large hands grasp along her waist, tugging her panties down her legs with ease before tossing them somewhere in the room. The way he was gripping her legs, grabbing at her quickly and harshly, it made her skin burn in a way she didn't know it could, pleasure surging under every touch. Tilting her chin up, she met the kiss with a low hum, tongue tasting his own in a slow glide as her hands came up to cup both sides of his strong jaw while her thumb ran along the surface with ease. It wasn't until she felt the roll forward of his hips that she realized the angle she was at, a gasp leaving her lips as she felt him fill her up. "Fuck..." She breathed out, one hand falling from his face while the other gripped his arm that was pressed to the bed. That breathy, low laugh killed her as her eyes fluttered open to look at him, heart hammering in her chest as his large hand pressed to her throat. "Yes.....fuck, yes. Harder, please." She breathed out to the best of her ability, lips brushing against his as she spoke, small whimpers tumbling off her lips without any hesitation, feeling the way she clenched and fluttered around him while he kept those deep strokes and that grip on her neck, God that grip on her neck had her reeling as she let out another breathless moan.
Sam was happy to indulge that 'harder', backed so nicely with that needy 'please', fingers firming their grip tighter around her throat just as he switched up the rhythm of his hips, giving in to the grinding rhythm his body wanted. He'd lifted up only slightly to watch Dani's pleasure play out, her pretty face so responsive, even without the gasps and whimpers, though he savored every sound greedily, leaning in to nip at her chin. His hair fell between them and he flipped long blond locks and effortless to one side, wanting not to obstruct his (and the camera's) view of her. "Harder, babe? You're so damn greedy." Despite the taunt he obliged her, hitting his stride with those strong upward thrusts, bouncing her harder on his dick, enough to make him moan. That warm, tingling feeling was back, the sensation of it all causing a shudder to ripple through him and he knew he couldn't last much longer, not with the way she clenched around him. "That's my good girl. You gonna come for me? Hmm?"
Her mouth fell open as she felt the tightened grip on her throat, eyes squeezing shut as he complied to her request of harder, twisting in this pleasure that was unreal as he kept it up. She couldn't even think straight, but she able to flutter her eyes open to look at him through a hooded gaze, practically dazed as he leaned forward and nipped at her skin. "Oh my fucking god....." She breathed out, voice barely above a whisper, and she forgot the cameras were even there. Not that there was much of a difference with her and Dani Danger at this moment, both would be absolutely left breathless by his actions. Hand coming up to push his hair out of his face, fingers threading through the silky blonde locks and holding him there.  Moans were tumbling off her lips before she could even check them, mind hazy as she heard the sound of his practically driving into her harder and deeper than she could've anticipated, "Dios mío, fóllame tan bien, no pares." The words spilled from her mouth before she could even think straight, not that she realized it when she was clenching and fluttering around him with every thrust he provided, pleasure building up in the depths of her stomach as her hand gripped onto his shoulder, nails raking down his back as she nodded her head at his question. "So fucking close baby, fuck.....please."
He huffed out a soft laugh, a slow smile stretching full lips when he heard her speak again, the tumble of Spanish that he only managed to catch about every other word but still managed to be incredibly fucking sexy. And Sam didn't know if that was the Danger persona or Dani jumping out but he was far too gone to figure it out, it was all a turn on. "Please?" he repeated, pausing only to push up from the mattress, one hand still clutching throat while the other wrapped around her middle.  With his knees still pressed to the bed, he rested on his haunches, using the leverage to fuck up into her, taking advantage of the switch in angle, with Dani's legs still on his shoulders, stretching her body in a way that he knew could only work thanks to her extensive workouts, but knew the payoff would be sweet, judging from the frantic flutters of her walls around him. Every thrust upwards bounced her in his hold and the arm around her waist brought her back down, meeting every stroke until the sound of skin against skin was the only thing heard. And through it all, he managed to keep the firm grip at her throat, despite the burn in his thighs and hips, his body still craving the release they were both so damn close to. "Show me how much you love it, baby." The words were a low rumble between breathless moans, and he was overwhelmed in the best way, but managed not to falter, even if words were getting harder to form. "C'mon. Be a good girl and come for me."
Her whole body felt like it was on fire, and the struggle to be able to think straight was slowly slipping away from her, body now taking complete and total control. It was animalistic in a way, and she loved every second of it, the pleasure ripping her up from the inside out and she opened her eyes when he repeated her beg. Brows raising as he paused, looking over his face as her chest was rising and falling in an attempt to catch her breath. Her frame was tugged upwards, shoulders pressing into the bed as his strong arm wrapped around her middle, the stretch noticeable but soon overshadowed by the way he began to slam into her again. And that damn hand was still gripping at her throat, a loud gasp leaving her as she slammed her hand down onto the bed to grab at the sheets, back arching in his hold, "Fuck, Samson...." She almost slipped up on his name, but somehow had managed to let it leave her lips in a breathless tone, body shaking as he spoke and kept fucking up into her with the sound of skin hitting skin filling the room. That pleasure was a fire, ripping up through her core along her spine, and she couldn't help the loud cries and yeses that kept flying off her lips, "I'm...fuck, I'm cumming, please....baby, I can't." She was grabbing at the sheets with one hand, the other one grabbing at his leg to let her nails rake down the skin as she shook in his hold, head falling back as she clenched and pulled around her him, cumming hard around him as she let out a spew of noises.
Sam couldn't even find the focus to be smug, far too caught up in the feel of Dani's release and the sight of her, head tossed back in pleasure  and the way her whole body practically buzzed against his. He could feel that tremble in her thighs and with every deep push, chasing down that sensation while she shook and shuddered in his hold. Sam loosened his hand from her throat, both arms wrapping around her waist as he slammed into her heat with a hard thrust, and another, and once more, fucking her through her climax and right into his own with a rough growl, his heart thumping in time to the rhythm of his hips until he shuddered to a stop. "Jesus," he moaned, chest heaving as he struggled to keep them both upright, keep an arm locked around Dani while the other shifted her legs from his shoulders to wrap around his waist.
Her body felt almost like it was floating, loving every touch that he continued giving, even with the absence of his hand on her throat, the hold on her waist was tighter. A soft squeak and moan came with every slam up into her, each one hard and deep, and she knew she was going to feel it tomorrow if she dared to even work out. Not that she figured she needed one anyways, not after this session with Sam tonight. Soon, her shaky legs were slipped down to rest along the curve of his back, right along his waist as she licked her lips. "I know....fuck." Dani breathed out, hooded gaze looking down at him now that she was perched in his lap, pushing sweat damp strands out of his face with her manicured fingers. She could feel her legs shaking still, body buzzing as she rolled her hips down against him with a nibble on her bottom lip with a shaky breath before she leaned forward to press a slow kiss to his lips.
A small hiss slipped out between their kiss and Sam parted his lips when a groan followed, hands gripping Dani's hips to stop the movement he could feel all over, and where they were still connected, warmth still fluttering around him and his own hips jerking at the overstimulation of it all.  "Babe, pause." He pushed a palm up the smooth expanse of her back, moving higher as fingers cupped her cheek, and he offered her a small, shaky smile. "I gotta tap out, sugar. Any more, and I think you might take me out for a few days."
Hands still in his hair, she smiled only slightly because her body was still giving small shakes as she let him make that low groan against her mouth, large hands grabbing at her hips as she let out a small, breathless laugh, "It was an accident." She said innocently, smirking a bit as she let her eyes open to find his, looking into those olive color hues. Nodding as he spoke, she bit down on her bottom lip, leaning into the touch of his hand on her face. "I don't think I could go another round either..." Dani murmured, loud enough for the cameras before pressing another kiss to his lips before leaning over to grab the remote and click the camera off. Still in his lap, she breathed out a soft sigh before pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Well, fuck." She laughed out, running her fingers through his hair again, feeling the sweat beading down her back still.
"Wasn't no damn accident," Sam mumbled, attempting a scolding tone but his smile, small and tired gave him away.  He gave a sigh once the camera was shut off, his head dropping to Dani's shoulder, needing the minutes to collect himself before he'd have to move. "Editing this is gonna be fun," he said with a small snort. His nose brushed the curve of her neck, pressing a kiss to the smooth skin there. "I should probably get up, get myself together..."
She felt the weight of his head on her shoulder, fingers combing through the back of his hair as he was seemingly collecting himself, as was she, trying to make her breathing pattern back to normal. Raising her brows, she giggled a bit under her breath as she hummed, "Yeah, you probably got some pretty good angles of me." Dani said with a playful tone, smiling softly at the press of plush lips to her neck, but she pouted out her bottom lip as he spoke, "Ugh, do you really have to though....." She said, leaning back to look down at him and run the tips of her fingers along his jaw, "We could just, sit here for a few more minutes, and then collect our shit. Because I'm comfy, I'll even wash your hair for you as a trade."
"I did," he murmured into her skin. "You looked so damn good. I know the viewers'll love it." The offer was a tempting one, considering he was tired and Dani's fingers drifting and sifting through his hair already felt good but also made Sam...very aware of things. And he lifted his head, pressed a chaste kiss to Dani's cheek and covered up that moment with his signature crooked grin. "I'm a real diva about my hair, I won't put you through that. But it's sweet of you to bribe me so nicely, darlin'." He gave her bottom a gentle swat before lifting her soundly and setting her beside him. The loss of her heat against him pulled a low groan from his throat, and Sam shifted to the edge of the bed, taking a minute before pushing up. His legs weren't as shaky as he figured and it was easy to head to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and wash up, brushing a hand through his hair as he returned to Dani, scooping up his boxer briefs and tugging them on before sitting back on the bed. "See? Didn't take long."
There was a smile on her face as she listened to him talk, soft as she threaded her fingers through his hair, but suddenly he lifted his head and she leaned back with a raise of her brows when his lips quickly pecked her cheek. Shaking off the feeling, she managed to force a neutral expression as he spoke, "Yeah....no problem." She murmured with a nod of her head, soft laugh leaving her as he gave that little smack and lifted her off him. There was with feeling, a feeling of looking almost silly with her request, not that he owed her any sort of agreement. But still, she swallowed it down and watched him go, tucking a strand of hair behind her head as she sat there and stared at the ground. Scooting to the edge of the bed, she got to her feet as she padded across the room with weak legs, grabbing a pair of soft cotton shorts and a thin knit tank top, throwing them on in silence as she pushed all these thoughts out of her head. Hearing him enter the room again, she nodded, "Yeah, yeah, glad you and your diva hair are all sorted out." She joked, keeping her back to him as she closed her drawers and pulled her hair up into a bun.
His clothes were nearby and beyond reaching for his jeans, Sam made no actual move to get dressed. He did however watched Dani pull on clothes and fix her hair, noting the slight change in the room's mood. Standing up, he tugged on his jeans with a small hop before moving behind Dani, still turned away from him. Strong hands gripped her waist and he dipped his head to press a kiss behind her ear. "We good?"
It was almost a curse that she let her false thoughts overshadow logical thinking, and she closed her eyes to push it all out of her head. It was Sam, for crying out loud, he appreciated her for more than her body.....right? She knew he did, deep down she did, but her mind was alerting her to be more cautious with her vulnerability, something she noticed she let slip when he snapped his head up and got her off of him not too long ago. As she finishing tying her hair up, she felt his presence behind her, hands gripping her waist before pressing that kiss to her skin. Nodding, her tucked one of her shorter layers behind her ear and humming easily, letting her attitude shift as she nodded, "Yeah, I'm just tired, why?" It was half true, she was worn out and she spun around in his hold to look up at him with a raise of her brows, offering the warmest smile she could muster as she smoothed her hands over his bare shoulders. But she had noted the jeans, and she nibbled on her bottom lip as she tilted her head to the side.
Whether or not she was actually tired or just reacting from his earlier moment of confusion, Sam wasn't sure if he wanted to press it further. They were having a good moment, no need to do more overthinking. "Just askin'" he replied, mirroring her casual tone and offering Dani an easy smile once she turned to face him. "Figured you wanted  some alone time, since you got dressed and all. But, I can spend some time with you, if you want me to."
Furrowing her brows up at him when he spoke, a look of confusion crossed her face when he said it seemed like she wanted alone time. That was the last thing she wanted, of course, and there was just this constant miscommunication going on so she shook her head as she rested her hands on the sides of his neck, "I was just putting on something comfy, I couldn't exactly wear what I was wearing...." She explained, glancing over to the satin material on the ground before sighing and glancing back up to him, "I just, I don't know, didn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything....you should know I pretty much always want your company, unless I say otherwise. So, if you want to....you can stay?"
Sam shook his head, feeling slightly sheepish at jumping to conclusions. Gauging her reactions sometimes was a little difficult, but this was on him. "I'm not uncomfortable, it's all good. Well, maybe a little in these clothes." He smiled briefly at his own joke and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Tell you what, I'm gonna head back to my place to change, and then I'll come back and hang out. Sound good?"
There was always that underlying feeling that maybe he was being nice because he felt sorry for her, but then again, Dani didn't really take him as the type to bullshit. In all honesty, she knew the problem deep down was her own jealousy and insecurity, so she took a deep breath and let out a small laugh at his response, "Okay, good, I was just checking because I know I can be a little....extra, sometimes." She mused with a hum as he kissed her forehead, "Yeah, not the comfiest choice. Go ahead, I'll just leave the door unlocked, okay?" She told him easily, pushing up on her toes to press a small kiss to his cheek with a soft smile, "I'll see you in a bit."
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Roses In Thorns
Being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems; enemies grew from every thorn and you were one of the greatest roses to target. 
You didn’t expect the greatest thorn to prick you to be he who was assigned to protect you- Jeon Jungkook. 
Genre: Angst, (the good type), fluff, future smut in story line. 
BodyguardJungkook, Mafia
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Part 2
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Part 1- YN POV
“Can you get down?” Taehyung asked, holding the ladder for you steady. You were worried you were going to fall flat on your ass, but it didn’t matter at this moment. You just wanted to get down out of sight and to Emily’s party. You didn’t drug your bodyguard for nothing. 
“Hold on, I’m jumping!” You braced yourself as you stuck your legs out from the ladder and jumped. Luckily, Taehyung caught you.
“Awh Tae, such a ladies man.” You winked cockily as you were set down. You brushed your dress off, happy everything was left in tact and snaked your arm around Taehyung’s. 
“Aren’t I amazing Taehyung, could you do that?” You asked, smirking. 
Taehyung was the boy next door who you grew up with. Your parents both worked in the same…business. Taehyung and you got each other, you had each others backs in times like these. All you really wanted to do was just go out and have some fun, but being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems: enemies grew from every thorn, and you were one of the greatest roses to target. 
You were from a family that had been in this business since 1809 when the opium trade was rife. Your family had a series of alliances with the British, jotted somewhere in the history books as one of your ancestors amassed fortunes spanning Asia. Over time, enemies had grown in great numbers and they targeted those close to the current head of the entire family. Three years ago, your father was given the role of head and you were on the list of most targeted people in Korea, if not South East Asia. 
“I’ve been given more freedom than you Y/N and you know that.” Taehyung said, taking you to the car he had parked.
Snapping out of your heritage thoughts, you figured Taehyung was right. Some things never changed, including how conservative the people in your world could be to their daughters. Tae, while restricted had the freedom to go out and live his life like any normal 21 year old could; provided he had a gun tucked away under his pocket and security detail following him not far off. 
You on the other hand, were expected to be a rose in a steel glass cage. Sheltered, monitored, protected, guarded- you name every protectionate word and you were supposed to be the object of its affection. 
“These gender expectations irk me you know. Promise you’ll never do that to your daughter Taehyung.” You said, hoping your best friend would never be over bearing as your father and uncles.
“Never. It’s a free world ma cherie.” Taehyung smiled, a hand over your shoulders as he gave the instructions to his driver on where to go. 
“I hope Sir Y/N/F/N is okay with this. I really don’t want to get in trouble for taking you two out without permission.” Taehyung’s driver subtly warned. 
You hid your smile. 
“I won’t have anyone taking the blame for my mistakes, besides- appa needs to learn how to live a little.” You said, hoping the driver didn’t do anything rash like call your dad. 
You saw his eyebrows rise and then a sense of defeat going down as he proceeded to drive.
“What did you do to your body guard this time?” Taehyung asked, scrolling through his instagram as his other arm still rested on your shoulders. 
“I made him a cup of coffee, spiked it and then stuffed a sock in his mouth before getting ready.” You said casually, twirling his fingers that were hanging just off your shoulder. 
“Well it’s a step up from locking them in the food cupboard.” Taehyung admitted, reminding you of your weakest performance getting rid of a bodyguard. 
“I wish appa would just give up, y’know. I’m too smart for the doofs he hires.” You said, lying your head back on Taehyung’s arm. 
“You know, Y/N you really do have enemies. People would love to see nothing more than your dads little pride and joy deflowered and tortured before his very eyes.” Taehyung said, giving you a knowing glare.
“Then why’d you take me out if you’re on his side?” You said, shoving his arm away.
“I knew if i said no, you’d go out anyway and then no one who cares about you would know where you were.” He said in the most calmest voice, like it was the obvious thing to do. 
“No, no, no. That’s- you’re supposed to be on my side, Tae.” You said, annoyed Taehyung was taking you to Emily’s because he didn’t trust you. It seemed like no body trusted you around here. 
“I am on your side, but I’m not stupid. People really want to see you dead, Y/N.I get that your security details can get over bearing, but they’re really just looking out for you.” 
You rolled your eyes.
“Save it, Taehyung. You’ve got your own motives too. You’re probably just trying to get into my pants.” You said as the car halted in front of Emily’s house. You shook Taehyung’s arm off and got out the door the driver had opened for you. 
You smiled at him. ‘Thanks Ajusshi, I owe you.” 
You strutted inside, ignoring Taehyung’s calls to wait up for him. Taehyung, the boy you grew up with but also the boy that was your first kiss. Taehyung, who probably put on the I’ll-take-you-to-Emily’s- act because he knew there could be something in it for him.
Kim Taehyung, son of the other oldest mafia groups- like his father, known for his sweet talk but ulterior motives. 
You weren’t going to be anyones pawn. You weren’t a girl made of glass. 
“You made it, thank goodness I thought we’d have to sneak up and get you out!” You found Emily, the hostess of the party. She was one of your closest friends from boarding school and her mother was a hacker. You were both introduced when you were young whilst your parents went on their business trips. 
Her eccentric attitude was infectious. 
“I wouldn’t miss it, this is the fifth time I’ve managed to get out without being busted. I’m a pro at this now.” You said, as you took a flute of champagne from the waiter who had just passed you. 
“She won’t be a pro any longer if she keeps this up.” Taehyung said from behind, joining you and Emily now.
“T-Taehyung. I didn’t know you’d show up.” You knew that face, Emily had always had a crush on Taehyung. Recently it had gotten worse, and you hoped they’d hit it off soon. Taehyung was a hopeless puppy set on someone closer to his home though.
You sighed. You couldn’t deal with this much emotion. 
“I’m gonna get something else to drink, who else wants some?” You asked, ignoring Taehyung’s warning look. 
“Me!” Emily yelled as you already started turning on your heel. 
The music had risen a few beats up, bodies were swaying to the rhythm as you slithered in an out. You paused every few moments to get lost in the music yourself. Ah, you felt good. You felt free.  
A small part of you inside still had that delicious feeling: rebelliousness. 
“Enjoying yourself there princess?” A cool voice set the hairs on the back of your neck at edge as you filled the punch in your cup mid way through.  
You slowly turned towards the voice, which was closer to your body than you had thought. 
“I hope you wouldn’t mind pouring me a glass.” He smiled a breathtaking smile. Soft dark hair touched the tip of his eyebrows, with warm brown eyes and a gifted face. You were cross torn between saying if he looked angelic or sinful. It was somewhere in between. 
The suit he wore hinted more sin, but the smile on his face was angelic. 
“I need a name first for that kind of service.” You tilted your head, a smirk on your own face as you met his eyes that were boring into yours.
“J. Just call me J.” He said, closing in on you as he put his hands on both sides of the bunch table you were now back against. 
Daring, you thought.
You acted unfazed, turning your back which was now right against him and poured him a glass of punch. Slowly, you turned back against him to face him with an innocent smile on your face.
“Thanks. I’m parched.” He said, backing away as you felt his member come alive against you. 
Make your move Y/N, make your move you said as you pep talked yourself. You wanted him. 
You really wanted him. 
You watched the way he drunk the glass of refreshment in one go, veins straining out from his neck.
Who was this J, and why had you never seen him around before?
“Y/N! What’s taking you so long- oh. Hi.” Emily had come up from nowhere to you, and was stopped as her eyes rested on this ‘J’. 
“Emily! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Thanks for inviting me. I hope you don’t mind I brought along Jungkook, my plus one.” A girl you had seen around threaded her arm over Jungkook, who looked at your annoyed reaction and smirked. 
“Nice to meet you ladies.” He said, acting like the gentleman you knew he so wasn’t by his behaviour just a moment ago. 
“No problem, I hope you both have a good time.” Emily said. This J- or Jungkook’s girlfriend excused them both and Emily turned to look at you.
“We thought you were both about to fuck, what the hell happened? What an idiot!’ She hissed, referring to this new Jungkook.You were going to also agree with Emily, you had your sights fully set on him. He looked and fitted every imaginary box you had in the back of your mind. You were pissed. 
“Ugh, it’s nothing. Come on, let’s get drunk.” You said, taking her arm and pouring yourself shots of punch. You both drunk one, followed by another, and you were going to stop on your second shot but you spotted those familiar eyes burning a hole into the back of your neck. Jungkook. You didn’t even know him apart from his half angelic/sinful face and body but he was already annoying you. You proceeded with your third shot. 
Taehyung had eventually joined you both, who were now tipsy from the 13th shot of sweet poison you both had practically inhaled.
“KIM TAEEEEHYUNG YOU MONSTER, HOW ARE YOU SO CUTE!” You yelled, putting your arms over Taehyung as you sloppily danced with him, shooting Jungkook a death glare since his eyes still followed yours despite his hands being tucked under his girlfriend. 
“HEY, MINE YOU BITCH!” Emily said, laughing between hick ups. You pouted at her.
“I’M SORRY EM, HE’S ALL YOURS- YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE THE MOS-” Your voice was shut up by a familiar sound you had grown up with: gunshots. 
Emily screamed, whilst you and Tae looked at each other confused. 
“Y/N- run!” Taehyung yelled before getting his gun out to shoot someone in front of you. You were dazzled, the gun shots started firing fast and you were caught in the midst. You hated the helpless feeling. Your leg was pulled down by Emily, who was cowering under the bar with tears streaked on her face.
“Y/N…tell me it’s not true. Please, please, please, I can’t be friends with someone whose family murder-” 
“Emily!” You screamed, as a circle of blood expanded from her centre. She was shot. You looked up to see the perpetrator. 
Tears welled in your eyes, angry tears in an instant as you held Emily in your arms. “Em-” Your arm was yanked up by Jungkook.
“Do you know who my father is? He’ll have you fed to dogs.” You threatened in your most dire voice. Jungkook smirked.
“Come on princess, we don’t have all day.” In an instant he flipped you over his shoulders tightly, locking your legs in the process. 
You bit him.
“Ouch, feisty.” He said in the midst of more gunshots. 
“Keep your head down or you’ll get shot, brat!” He yelled, as you tried your best to escape him. 
Who was he?
What was going on?
Emily was dead. Emily, the girl you had been friends with since you were 5, was dead in the space of a few seconds. 
Jungkook killed Emily.
You bit him again. 
“As much as I’m into kinky shit princess, nows not the time. Ahh, you sure don’t hold back do you?!” He said as you proceeded to vigorously bite his neck to get him to put you down. 
You hated feeling so helpless. 
“My father will destroy you if I don’t first- you piece of shi-” BANG!
You opened your eyes to a familiar face: Dr. Jin. 
You felt your eyelids being expanded by his fingers as your vitals were checked.  
“All clear, seems like just a fall. You’ll be fine in no time.” Dr. Jin said calmly. Slowly regaining more consciousness, you tried to lift yourself up from bed. 
Bed. You were home by the looks of it. You had just been smacked out cold a few minutes ago though, it didn’t make sense.
“You’ve been asleep for two days now. I’m going to leave some medication for you to take if you feel like it, but you’ll mostly be fine. Any issues, give me a call.” Dr. Jin said sweetly, his handsome face lathered in empathy.  
Two Days?! You had somehow managed to be taken back to the safety of your home and out cold for two days. 
You were probably a nightmare to treat. You felt bad. Dr Jin was one of those rare people you actually liked and you usually had nigh terrors in your sleep, most certainly not a pretty sight. 
“Thank you. Does my father know about this?” You asked hesitantly.
“I, Y/N that’s not really my place. Please don’t try to get into any more trouble from now on though.” Dr. Jin tried to warn you. 
“You know where I am if you ever need to find me. Come see me about those night terrors you’re having when you feel ready.” His warm smile was something you didn’t deserve, but basked in anyway.
“Thanks, Jin. I really appreciate it.” You said, letting out a small bit of your appreciative side. 
“Anytime.” He said before leaving your room. 
Just when you thought you would be able to get a bit more sleep before the realities of what had happened two days before caught up with you, Jin’s exit paved the way for your parents and their team to come in. 
“Kim Taehyung and you are the most irresponsible mafia heirs I have ever seen in my entire life doing this! Explain yourself!” Mother joy, your mother was clearly distressed. You knew it by how her ever changing nails hadn’t changed from when you last saw her. They were still hot blue. 
“Mother, my head hurts.” You said, trying to escape yourself from her doting wrath.
“We had Dr. Jin give us an all clear before coming in. Explain yourself, Y/N. Surely you know how you’re one of the most wanted targets in this family!” Your mother had another outburst, and small part of your felt bad. You quickly pushed it back down.
“I need to live my life normally. What I want is answers though. One of my best friends is dead, why?” You asked, now looking at your father. He was in a navy pinestripe suit with a solemn expression. 
“The entire hacker family was supposed to die that night. I had put extra provisions in to make sure you didn’t end up there, but you just couldn’t listen could you?” 
The reality of the situation just sunk in.
“You were going, no- wait, you were planning on killing Emily?” Your eyes doubled up into the size of saucers in surprise. 
“Whilst I don’t like involving you and your mother in the business, simply yes. The hackers were swayed away from being loyal to us, the risk they posed was too great to not avoid. You know how we go on sweetheart.” Just like that, your father had explained killing like it was the most natural thing ever. It was what you had grown up with. 
For the first time, you got a taste of how your family was successful all these generations. 
You were ruthless. 
Ruthless killers. 
That didn’t explain who Jungkook- who had killed Emily was. Was he working for your father?
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet your new bodyguard.” Your fathers voice took you out of your thoughts that were just starting to unravel. 
The men separated into two files to reveal the sinfully angelic face that you had met two nights ago. 
“I think you owe your life to Jungkook, Y/N.” Your mother said, forcing you to tear your eyes away from him. They were filled on the brink of tears. He killed Emily.
“He killed Emily.” You said in a solemn voice.
“Emily was planning on killing you, don’t you get it? Y/N. Welcome to the family business. People will use you to get close to you before they do something. Loyalties change. Learn the rules of this family, it’s about time.” Your father tried to reason. Your eyes flitted back between him and your mother, who had her head down meaning she agreed.
Betrayal. Emily was planning to betray you. 
It was all too heavy for your mind and heart, but you’d hide it. 
“I still don’t want him as my bodyguard.” You said, casting him a glance. He shot you a cocky smirk. 
“Jungkook’s one of the finest, I had to go through a lot of hoops just to get him. You will not be attempting anymore midnight excursions with the Taehyung boy, or with anyone else. You’re under house arrest. Jungkook will be with you every moment of everyday. If you by so help me God, attempt to pull one on him- not that you’ll be able to, you’ll be sent off to Seychelles.” 
Seychelles, where your grandmother lived in hiding. 
“Am I 12, to you? You can’t do this.” You fought back. 
“As long as you’re under my protection, I will be. This is for your safety, Y/N.” Your father said sternly. 
You listened to his stern words, but didn’t accept anything he had said. You were still going to live your life, you had managed to get through 3 body guards in the past month alone by confusing them, making them quit or locking them in cupboards with spiked drinks. Jungkook wouldn’t know what hit him.
“Don’t think of pulling anything.” He warned again. 
You smiled sweetly. “Of course not, appa. I’ve learnt my lesson.” You lied, but your father believed you since you were his only daughter and pride. 
You saw Jungkook lowly chuckle out of the corner of your eyes. 
“Good. Your mother and I have a flight to catch in a couple of hours. Make sure to see us before you go.” Your mother and father kissed you gently on the forehead before leaving with their entourage. 
“Don’t let her be too much of a bother.” Your father patted Jungkook’s shoulder as he left.
“I enjoy challenges sir, it won’t be too much of a hassle I’m sure.” Jungkook beamed a breathaking smile at your father back. You could tell your father loved him already, he barely ever smiled at his men. 
The room was empty, apart from you and Jungkook your new body guard.
You stared at him, dressed in a black fitting sweater and caramel trousers. Who the hell glows dressed like that? Jungkook did clearly.
“Hi Princess.” He smiled that same cocky smile you had seen those nights ago. 
“Stay out of my room, Jungkook. All the other bodyguards had the decency to do that.” You scowled.
“I’m not like the others, princess. Room’s airy, no?” He then sauntered over to your window to shut it. 
“I’ll be keeping this from now on too.” He- he’d managed to find your secret pick lock for the windows under your desk too. 
That was your only means of escape.
“Are you serious?!” You yelled.
Jungkook simply smiled at you back. “I know every fucking trick there is to know in the book, princess. Try and get past me. I dare you.” He challenged. 
“You won’t last long.” You said back. 
“I do love challenges. Especially from princesses like yourself. You can’t run to daddy now, not when he knows your always trying to get out.” Jungkook zoned in on you, closer to your bed. Your heart rate accelerated, but you pushed it back down.
“Go to hell.” Those were your last words before you decided to fling the covers off yourself and walk to your bathroom. 
You heard Jungkook’s footsteps.
“Are you going to watch me pee too?” You challenged, ready to throw a punch.
“Call me if you’re showering, then we’ll talk.” He winked, before backing away.
Cocky bastard, you thought. 
Beautiful cocky bastard. 
Luckily you had clothes to change into in your bathroom to save yourself from embarrassment.  Dressed in a white tee and jeans, you came out with wet hair to see Jungkook reading a book from your shelf.
“You know, I never took you for the sappy romance kind of girl. Really?” He showed you the cover of Wuthering Heights, where you had left your bookmark in.
“So much angst, that can’t be healthy you know.” 
“I never took you for the read a book kind of guy.” You shot back as you grabbed a fresh towel from your drawer and started to towel dry your hair.
“I majored in Math, but I had a minor in English in college. Don’t let the looks fool you, princess.” 
“Maybe you can help me with my math homework.” You said absentmindedly. 
“I could help you with a lot of things.” He zoned in on you from behind, which made you stop drying your hair midway. 
It reminded you all too clearly of that night meeting him, where you were set on fu-
Your phone rang. 
It gave you an excuse to leave his trap, so you dashed over to your bedside table.
“Taehyung, are you okay?!” You yelled down the phone.
“I’m fine, I got out there pretty safe actually. My father had some of our men there, I had no clue. “ You didn’t believe that for one second, Taehyung always knew. 
A small part of your heart warmed at the thought though, even without Jungkook- you wouldn’t be dead. Taehyung would have your back. 
You realised you should really apologise for lashing out on him like you did in the car on the way to the party.
“My place, we’ll have brunch on the porch and talk this over.” Taehyung proposed.
“I can’t.” You said looking back over to where Jungkook was standing a couple of feet away from you. He now had a solemn expression, analysing your movements over the phone. 
“I have a new bodyguard. I don’t think I can stuff him in a cupboard just yet.” You said, a little louder so Jungkook could hear what you were capable of.
“I’ll come over to you then.” 
“Great, I’ll make us some brunch.” You said, before saying your goodbyes and putting the phone down.
“Does daddy know you have a boyfriend?” Jungkook asked, following you out of your room as you descended down the spiralled stairs to the kitchen.
You ignored him all the way there. 
“Let’s keep our personal lives secret.” You winked back at him, and Jungkook rolled his eyes. 
“Ma’am. Would you like me to make you anything?” Sylvia, your elderly cook was in the kitchen. 
“No thank you. Taehyung’s coming over, so I’d like to make us something. You’re excused for now.” You said sweetly.
Sylvia excused herself and you got to work taking out all the ingredients you’d need from the fridge. You ignored Jungkook, who was now sat on one of the kitchen stools following your every move. 
“Does appa think I’ll burn the kitchen too, now?” You asked haughtily, as you saw Jungkook glare at you from the corner of your eyes as you whipped up the pancake mix you were making.
Jungkook cast his eyes away from you momentarily. 
There was a silence between you both as you worked, which you welcomed. You could still feel his eyes watching your every move, but you didn’t care. You loved cooking, and the kitchen downstairs was where you were most comfortable. You didn’t have too much control over your life, but you did have control here. 
It was your space.
You had managed to whip up some stacks of pancake, a bowl of fruit salad and freshly squeezed orange juice in no time at all. It felt rude to not offer Jungkook any, and you figured he’d be hungry too. The look in his eyes gave it away. 
“Here. Eat.” You said to Jungkook as you made him a plate. 
“Wow, she has manners.” He said as he took the plate from you.
You didn’t know why, but you were particularly looking forward to his expression once he tasted what you had made. He had on a poker face, but it slipped momentarily when he had his first bite. 
It was…cute. 
“What are you smiling for?” He asked as he looked up at you, face full of pancake like a bunny.
“Nothing.” You said, breaking away from his gaze.
“I brought us some- Y/N get down!” Taehyung’s voice filled the hollow kitchen, and you were grabbed by Jungkook in a split second as he pushed you behind him. 
Taehyung had his gun pointed to Jungkook, and Jungkook had his gun pointed to Taehyung.
Thee testosterone in the room was overwhelming. 
“Tae, it’s okay! Emily’s family were trying to kill me, he saved me.” You said from behind Jungkook’s protection. 
“Why is he here then?” Taehyung wasn’t dropping his gun.
“Appa thinks he’ll make a great new bodyguard.” You said sarcastically. 
“Drop the gun, kid.” Jungkook warned in his most deadliest voice.
Taehyung chuckled lowly before putting his gun back inside.
Jungkook did so too, and you broke free from his grasp.
“Tae.” You said looking at him as you made your way over to him, walking into his open arms. 
“I was going to get you out, you know that right?” He said into your ear.
Jungkook heard and scoffed at your moment with Taehyung. 
“I know you were, thank you. Let’s eat.” You said as you pulled Taehyung by the hand over to the kitchen island to sit where you passed him a plate of pancakes.
“Mmmmm…these are good, right bodyguard?” Taehyung said after his first bite, gesturing to Jungkook who was still on his plate.
He looked like a bunny caught in red lights, a stark difference from the usual stern and cocky attitude. 
Jungkook mumbled what sounded like an agreement before going back to eating.  
“Why’d you think Emily’s family changed loyalties?” You asked Taehyung, breaking him out of his brief interaction with Jungkook. 
“Well, you know what’s common in our world. Money, sex, power. It was one of those three.” Taehyung stated, listing the reasons on his fingers.
“My bets power. The hackers always wanted a bit more respect from your household and it was obvious for them to get to you to spite your father.” Taehyung reasoned.
“You seem to know a lot about their motives.” Jungkook intervened, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Taehyung as he sat back. 
You watched Taehyung’s reaction carefully. “It’s one of the most plausible. Power sells better than only sex in our world. Look at Y/N here, she’ll probably be wed off to the son of some powerful heir to cement alliances. It’s how we work. Have been for centuries.” Taehyung said not breaking Jungkook’s gaze. 
It was uncharacteristic of him. Taehyung was everything you would never expect to be in the mafia world. He was sweet, fun and lighthearted.
It was like Taehyung’s father was talking.
“Tae, you don’t need to be so direct.” You chuckled. 
“It’s true Y/N, you’re going to have to accept it someday or another soon.” Taehyung momentarily flicked his eyes back to you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you pushed them back down like you pushed any sort of feeling you had. 
Always pushing things back down.
“I want to get drunk.” You said, you didn’t care if it was only midday. You wanted to numb the thought of your future wed off to some mafia heir, probably miles older than you, the older the more powerful usually. 
“I have to meet my father later to discuss some things. I can’t see you all the time Y/N, it’s what I came here to say. I’m going to be accompanying him on a few trips.” Taehyung said, ignoring your proposal to do something. 
“But-Tae-” You tried to get him to listen to you.
“It’s time we start to take on our roles Y/N. Last night was just an example of the life we’ll have to face. You’ll always have enemies, I’ll always have enemies and I’m going to be making a lot more as my father passes down his mantle to me.” This was uncharacteristic of the sweet Taehyung you knew. 
It was like he was trying to put on an act for himself. 
“Take care of her.” Taehyung said, after kissing you on the forehead looking to Jungkook.
Jungkook scoffed. Both of their eyes met they narrowed their eyes at each other. 
“With my life. I’m her protector after all.” 
“You know to call me if you need anything Y/N.” Taehyung said, unable to tear his eyes away from staring down Jungkook.
You scoffed. I want my friend back, you thought. 
Jungkook broke his gaze out of respect, realising he was staring down a mafia heir which in your world- his position did not allow. Taehyung tore his gaze away and walked out, slamming the door behind him. 
A few tears escaped your eyes. 
Jungkook was staring at you, a sigh escaped his lips. He took the plates on the kitchen island and took them over to the sink, turning the tap on.
“Where do you keep your washing up stuff?” 
You wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Left drawer.” You replied, surprised by how croaky your voice had been after a few tears.
You decided to help him, as you both worked in silent union as Jungkook washed and you dried the plates. 
The weirdest thing was it was oddly comforting, normal. 
You never had normal. 
Not when you grew up with seeing men in suits with bloodstains on them casually coming into the kitchen for a bite to eat, guns laying around in odd bits of the house and deadly eyes following your every move. Your father tried to avoid business and the home, but they were far too connected for him to realise. 
“What are you smiling at?” Jungkook asked, a small smile on his lips. 
“Nothing.” You said. 
“Thank you.” You mumbled.
Jungkook washed his hands and turned the tap off. He turned on his back and leaned against the sink. 
“I, I couldn’t hear that. Did you just say thank you?” Jungkook mocked. 
You rolled your eyes, a laugh escaping your lips. 
“Okay, okay. Thank you.” You said clearly. 
Jungkook winked, and you hoped the blush that followed your cheeks wasn’t visible. 
“What are you going to do with the rest of your day?” Jungkook asked, turning to tilt his head to you. 
“Wanna get drunk with me?” You asked, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to ask. You could even drug him up in the process and sneak out. 
“Nice try, princess.” He scoffed. 
You sighed. You were alone with an insanely hot guy who- in all other circumstances, if he wasn’t your bodyguard, would be upstairs in your room right now. You started biting your lip at the thought. 
“You’re thinking about it, right? I know you are.” Jungkook leaned forwards towards you.
“I’m thinking about what I’d do to you if we weren’t so rudely interrupted those nights ago.” Jungkook said in your ear, his voice was cool like those nights ago. He closed in on you, trapping you with his arms resting on both sides of the counter. 
“Too bad you’ll never find out princess.” He said as his lips ghosted over yours. 
With that, all traces of contact were ripped away as Jungkook moved away.
“You enjoy teasing me, don’t you?” You said, more of a statement than a question.
“That blush is riveting.” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to mask how upset you were from Jungkook’s reluctance to make a move. 
Eventually you announced that you were going to go down to the library to read, and Jungkook followed suit. It was hard to concentrate knowing he was there, in all his scowling, cocky glory. You were surprised your father had even allowed him to be near you like this, he clearly thought you had no interest in men. That, or Jungkook had charmed him.
He was charming.
“Who are you?” You asked, realising you knew nothing about your new bodyguard. 
You usually never knew anything about your body guard, but Jungkook was different. 
You nearly fucked him at a party. 
He glanced up at you from the book he was reading sat across you on a leather chair. 
“Did you get memory loss too from your fall?” He asked. 
“No, don’t avoid my question. Who are you, where are you from, why did my father hire you?” You asked. 
Jungkook sighed. 
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, my uncle knows your father and recommended me. I’m working my way up the ranks and he hired me because I’m fucking badass.” He said, but you didn’t buy it. In the short time you knew him you figured Jungkook wasn’t the type to work his way up the ranks- he had to be at the top. 
You’d figure the truth out, but you let it slide for now.
You were about to dig in for some more answers to other things, but Jungkook’s phone rang a couple of times. 
“Answer it.” You said. 
“It’s family. Stay put here, okay?” Jungkook sent a warning glance your way. 
You rolled your eyes and nodded. 
Jungkook POV:
“This isn’t a good time.” Jungkook said, looking to make sure the coast was clear as he picked up to answer. 
“Haven’t you killed her yet?” The voice on the phone asked. 
“You think I can just snap her neck on the first day of the job?” Jungkook hissed. 
“Do it soon. The sooner the better, her father will be putty in our hands when his little girl is dripping in blo–” Jungkook cut him off.
“Give me more time. I need her to open up to me.” He said. 
“Just do your job Jungkook.” The voice hung up. 
Jungkook nearly threw his phone across the room outside the library, but clutched it like a stress ball instead. 
He was already supposed to have snapped the girls neck in two by now. He had no reason not to, they were in the perfect situation. A secluded house, a naive girl and the friend who had decided to leave her. 
He was going to do it in the kitchen, he planned to get it over and done with after her friend left.
Then she cried. 
He couldn’t fucking kill her when she was crying, could he? He wasn’t that heartless, was he? 
He was Jeon Jungkook, heartless was supposed to be his middle name. 
He had a knife in his backpocket, ready and ripe to go. He was so ready to just stick the weapon in her neck but she just had to look at him with doe eyes. 
Why did she have to smile at him like that? She wasn’t anything special. When he first took on the case, he figured it would be easy as cake. Difficult to kill the daughter of one of the most feared men alive, but he had no sympathy for the girl before she struck a cord with him. She was supposed to be a spoilt mafia princess that wanted nothing more than to do her hair and play on Daddy’s yacht. 
She wasn’t supposed to be the girl that effortlessly danced around the kitchen, a victim of the mafia world thrust on expectations to marry old men and make babies, a girl with a lot of will power and might. She wasn’t supposed to be any of those things. She wasn’t supposed to be feisty.
She wasn’t supposed to be interesting. 
Jungkook needed to get his head in the right place, he’d seen a billion pretty faces in his time and snapped the necks of them in an instant. 
Why couldn’t he just snap hers?
He was interrupted from his thoughts by a scream that he instantly recognised as Y/N’s. 
No, no no, this couldn’t happen to him now. Were his men deciding to take things in their own hands? 
AN: I can’t wait to write this entire series! It’s going to be one of my main projects this summer, I’m SO excited. 
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indigo-sails · 7 years
Chiroptera Chapter
START "Woah, where am I?" Demetrie was waste deep in a big, golden field of wheat. --- "Hey Zoey!" "Good morning!" "Notice anything... different?" "Why Demetrie, your hair looks fabulous! I wish my bed head looked that good!" "Notice anything... else?" "To what could you be refering? OO do you have a new power?" "I'm thinking along the lines of something fluffly, drooly, barky..." "Oh you mean Ruben! He's my new doggy and I wove him so much!!" "You're dad won't let you have any pets, remeber?" "Did I say my dog? I meant to say your dog." "I don't want a dog." "Mmm, I dunno, from this angle he looks more like an oversized cat to me." "Zoey..." "Aw fine." ~Let's get him back home.~ --- "Okay so - top five favorite festivals: go!!" "Winter and summer festival, they're not even top two, they are both #1. The tourist festival brings so many cool people, world cultures within summer festial, and spring festival. Top five fav festivals: Go!!" "Fall, summer, spring, tourist, and winter! #1 basically counts for all five. It's just magical, the merry go round is my favorite of all!" "Ugh. On the list of my least favorite things; that forest. It's always so creepy." "Yeah," some sort of dream flash back, "It is." From pov of undergrowth, "It always seems like somethings watching me." shot of dog, speech bubbles in bg, "Same! I always feel that!!" "Tho sometimes,  I feel like I want to go into the-" "--RUBEN!"
"You didn't bring a leash or dog treats or anything??" "No, did you??" "What were you going to feed him??" "Pizza, of course!! RUUUBBEEEN" "H-hey! Not too far ahead!" montage of Demetrie turning round and round, creepy angle and what not. "Wait for me!" Small clearing, Zoey's stopped hands on her head. "Did you see where he went?" "No, I can't find him anywhere." Sudden shake in the under growth, both Zoey and Dem freeze. some sequence of panels and horrified faces, Ruben pops out of the bush with a tennis ball "Do they just inherintly know where to find tennis balls?" "I'm pretty sure that's not how dogs work." something alluding to a giant dark creature luming above them in the dark of the trees. -- some sort of transition. I don't want them walking back *zoey dramaticly fake crys* Good bye, sweet Ruben. -- transition "So you really don't want pets?" "Nope! No pets!" "I mean yeah... Is that weird?" "Not even something tiny? Like a fish?" "Nope. I'd probably forget to feed them. Pets take a lot of work!" "You couulllddd get a cat! They basically take care of themselves!" "No cats. No fish. Hey I'm going this way, you want to come over for some lunch?" "Can't! My dad is going to be home soon! I'm going to clean up, and then im going to convince him to let me have a puppy!!" "Awesome!! Tell him I say hi!" "Will do, take care!! -- Later that day... Dem: "So you're sure you don't wanna come over and play Final Destiny 433?" Zoe: ~"Yeah, my dad said there's a good chance he'll be home tonight, I figured I'd clean up a bit."~ Dem: "Awwww okay," Zoe: ~"Quit complaining!"~ Dem: -beep- "Hold on - it's Joey, I'll patch him through. Hey Joe!" Zoe: ~"Heeeeyyy Joeeeyyy!"~ Joe: "Hey! Are y'all going to the premiere tonight?" Dem: "Premiere? What premiere?" Joe: "Battle Force Galactic Blitztasic, it's in 4-D and they got the Hola-cube back up." D + Z: "SERIOUSLY" ~"OMGGGGG"~  Dem: "How much are tickets?" Joe: "Wait, you don't have tickets? I think they sold out already" "WHHAAATTT" ~"NOOOOOOOooooo"~ Joey: "Hold up, I'll patch Damien through. -- Hey Damien" Dame: "Joey! What's up?" Joey: "I got Zoey n Demetrie on the line - Do you have extra tickets to the premiere?" Dame: "Hmmm. What's in it for me tho?" "Cookies!" "I'll commission you an artwork!" "Am I supposed to contribute something??" -car pulls up in the window-- "Sounds delightful! I'll see what I can do. Deme, in the mean time you owe me one! ‍❤️ -click-" Joey: "I'll see what I can do on my end too." Zoey: "I'll see if my dad wants to come!" -knock at the door- Dem: "I'll... have to call you back." Driver: "Hello Demetrie, the Mayor would like to see you." -- Demetrie is in the back of a limo. He pulls up to a big house, he walks inside. "Hello Demetrie! How are you? Have you been well?" "Yeah of course! If you wanted to check up on me, you could've just called-" "Of course my boy, but where's the fun in that? I called you here for more than that, however. The Gaurd Force Cheif wants to include you on a matter of concern." "Oh" "In the conference room to you're right." -- "As you know, we've been getting more disturbances around the perifery of the forest. This morning, we got a call detailing an attack on the west end of town. No one was hurt, but there was a lot of distruction. Similar claw marks were found at two reported store break ins." Shows pictures of claw marks, windows broken, food eaten and missing. "Demetrie, would you happen to know anything about this?" little shocked, "N-no, sir, I do not." "As you can see cheif, I've already told you as much. "Of course. Well, we don't know what it is yet, but it's big..." -- Some notes for tomorrow: "Between the dream and the meeting with the towns gaurd force, I cant seem to catch a break today" "Demetrie!" Deme hearts n like DAW MA FRIENDS ARE MA BREAK /sobs "Wow, there are so many people!" "This is pretty much the only theater in town, but it looks like people came from over the hill. But any way --- That's not important right now." *clasps shoulders srs face*, "Are you prepared." "I was born prepared." *Zoey geeking out in the background* *wooping and cheering* "Guess it's time!" ----- 27 pages at this point SHots of going inside, future tech. Poster of Battle Galactic Blitztastic. Shot of Giant Popcorn Machine "Snap, I always forget how big that thing is" -- Zoey "Yeah, back in the early 3000s they competed nationally to see how big they could get it. We won, of course." "I thought I was supposed to be the history buff!" "Oh, that's right, I forgot that you're brother used to work here." --Dem Alright - let's get ready - to save - the galaxy! *something about representation and synthetics but bruh its straight up about systemic vioelne and oppression, but because robots and synths dont exist yet, it ends up being an allegory abour race. A relatively explicate one, but like, that seems super sucky. A human element is needed Joseph: "Oh yeah! Allissona Zhang is in this! I've been so hyped for this movie, having diasabled actors play disabled charachers is the only way to go." *cracks open phone screen to look up pictures of Allissona, shows Demetrie* Zoey: "Speaking of representation, have you heard the rumors that a Synth is going to be in this one?" Joseph: "What, you mean the robot?" Zoey: "No, a synth, basically a robot with a human brain, but the original human brain was rejected! It's like a person haunting a robot, so trippy." Joseph: "Nah Zoe, synths were debunked, weren't they? We've never had that kind of tech." Zoey: "Yeah, debunked by the US with the New World Council, but that's exactly what they'd want you to think." Joseph: "Dang, true, very true."
Later that night, the premiere is about to start. Zoey shows up, soft aside about her dad not making it to town. We meet more people/characters? Foreshadowing for shenannigins happinging under the facility. The Bat found its way inside from underground, the large old theater is also connected underground to the clock tower (Yes, the small town has a clock tower xD) Establishing shot of the lobby - the complex is pretty huge! There's a huge fountain of pop corn. As the movie starts, the bat peeks menecingly through the projected screen, everyone panics. As everyones leaving, Joey and Zoey rush to Deme's aide and ask how they can help. The bat squirms out into the lobby, starts feisting on the pop corn. They hide behind a counter on the far side. Demetrie runs with the rest of the crowd, then he slows to a stop. He remembers back to the guard force meeting, he feels intense pressure that he is the one who has to defend against this threat. "I'm the one... who's supposed to... protect everyone." flashback: "I've always had faith in you, Demetrie." Vaugely, fuzzily, he hears his friends calling to him, "Demetrie! Come on!" "I can't go." "Deme, this doesn't have to be your fight." "Everyone's counting on me, I feel like I don't have choice." "Demetrie... Fine. If you stay, we stay." "But-"
"We're here to help, tell us what to do!" "Do??"  "What can we do!! Did you see how big it was??" "Don't panic, let's brainstorm." "Right, right." Zoey: "How did it get in here in the first place??" Joe: "The underground tunnels, it's got to be." Zoey: "The basement has tunnels that lead to the outside??" Joey: "That or the creature burrowed it's way down." Deme: "How do we fight a bat??" Joey: "Bright lights? Loud noises??" Zoey: "Maybe we can lure it outside! Joey: "No, not outside, inside. We'll drive it back underground."
Zoey ends up being the one to distract the bat. She notices that it's sweeping along the floor, picking up popcorn. They are both in the isle near the front, it looks at her, it pauses. The bat poses no threat. Either she reaches over to give it popcorn, or she barely has time to think "Wait... popcorn??" and then the emergency sirens blare inside the theater and she snaps back to the plan at hand. "Wait, popcorn??" The alarm sirens blare, the bat screeches and takes out the whole row infront of it, zoey barely dives out of the way.
They trap them under the theater, then realize that the bat is harmless. To save them, they go either underground or sneak their way out and to the clock tower. The giant bat is trapped under some non essential support beams, and the three are talking about what to do with the bat. Zoey notices that its long tounge is snagging tiny bits of popcorn. She runs over and grabs a bag of popcorn that has fallento the ground. The bat calms down. "Zoey! What are you doing!" "No look, he's harmless. He's just hungry!" -- Bat, Demetire and Zoey are in the bell tower. "So. Now we have a bat." "I think I'll name him Ruben!" Deme face palms, "We're not feeding him pizza." shot of the tower and zoey's speech bubble, "Of course not! Duh, bats are insectovors!" END
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