#uggh the heat even affects tumblr
officersnickers ยท 2 years
Assumptions time! You sleep with multiple pillows like a psychopath, can do multiple weird voices and wear at least one layer of clothing more than normal people do at all time
*rubs my dirty little hands* let's see which impression I give off on here!
Assumption 1: ... kiiinda. I've got one normal sized pillow and a small one right beneath it. I prefer it when my head rests slightly higher, but honestly, the difference is marginal.
Assumption 2: Yup. When reading stories to children I love to differ my voice, and sometimes, when discussion, ahem, fandom tpics with my sisters, I voice over different characters. Not really good, but I can't help myself ๐Ÿ˜…
Assumption 3: If it's not over frickin 30 centrigrade like right now, I have no problem wearing thick and layered and warm clothes, so a big fat yes from my side here ๐Ÿ‘ But right now I'd really like to fight on your side against the sun and overbearing heat ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐ŸŒž
Thanks for asking, @the-silliest-idiot!
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