#tysm bec ily!!💗
etherealdemon · 1 year
general - 7 / love - 2 / domestic life - 9 for henry/marina 💖
✨ask me questions about our ships!
7 — who takes the lead in social situations?
it honestly depends on the social situation itself. henry is usually the one who takes the lead when they’re attending public events. his inner ceo likes to come out during those situations and he’s the one who gets to answer all the dumb questions his parents’ business partners like to ask. however, when they’re in social situations with close friends and family, it’s usually marina who takes the lead. henry is a lot more quiet during these situations since he’s a little bit awkward and doesn’t know what to say most of the time.
2 — what are their primary love languages?
henry’s primary love language is definitely gift giving. he’s the type of person who will buy marina something just because it reminded him of her. he once spontaneously brought her a really expensive necklace just because he thought she would like it. henry is also big on acts of service. he will literally drop whatever he’s doing for marina. he’s the type who will carry her to bed when she’s passed out on the couch, make her breakfast at the start of the day, and help her relax whenever she’s feeling stressed.
9 — who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
marina is definitely the one who convinces henry to come back to bed in the morning. henry is very conscious about his schedule and never likes to be late to any meetings that he might have for the day. he likes to set an example for his employees so sleeping in is never an option. he finally broke his impressive streak of never being late when he started a relationship with marina. she was just too good at convincing him to stay in bed that he caved in and eventually turned up to work an hour late.
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chwedout · 4 months
top three concepts you'd like your fave group/s to try 💖
ooh this is such a fun question but also kinda hard bc i feel like svt have done so many concepts already. answer under the cut💗
✨ ask me my top 3 anything (kpop edition)
1 — i would really like to see seventeen do another dark, slutty concept again. i feel like it's been ages since they've done a concept similar to this and would love to see it again
2 — i need to see bss do something extremely high camp. i feel like it would be such a fun concept for them and they're definitely the unit that could pull it off successfully
3 — also i need svt to revisit the music theatre-esque concept similar to home;run. home;run has always been one of my faves and i would literally die if they decide to make something similar again
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parabataisarah · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH MY BEAUTIFUL BELOVED BOWERBIRD PART 2 🎈🎉✨💖🎂🎁⭐ have an amazing night and i hope you get absolutely everything you ask for and even more. you're the loveliest most wonderful person i have the pleasure and luck of calling a friend 💖 i wish you all the best for this year because you yourself are the best 🥰💖
BELOVEDEST 🥺🥰 ilysm and you deserve the absolute world 🥺🥰🤞😭
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etherealdemon · 1 year
general - 8 / love - 10 + 12 / domestic life - 8 for ollie/robyn 💖
✨ask me questions about our ships!
8 — who gets jealous easier?
although neither get super jealous, it’s robyn who gets jealous a little easier in comparison to ollie. before either admitted their feelings for one another, robyn would lowkey get jealous every time she saw someone flirting with ollie. she used to brush it off and say it was because she was protective of him, her best friend, but we all know it was because she was actually in love with him.
10 — do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
robyn and ollie are both very physically affectionate towards one another. they’re both very clingy and just love to hold and touch each other whenever they can. there’s probably never a moment where these two aren’t clinging on to each other in one way or another.
12 — what kind of nicknames do they call each other?
robyn and ollie love to use pet names with one another. they love to call each other ‘bro’, even when they start dating. robyn also calls ollie ‘my hero’ all the time, especially when he starts to tell the story of how he saved her from drowning when they were kids.
8 — how do they celebrate holidays?
robyn and ollie always spend the holidays together. on christmas day, the first thing that robyn does is bring flowers and gifts to ollie’s mums. they have lunch together as well before they take a walk around the winter festival being held in opal cove. robyn makes it her mission to try and pull ollie under as many mistletoes as she can that day.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
general: 3+8 / love: 12 / domestic life: 1 — aiden/katie
✨ask me questions about our ships!
3 — what was their first kiss like?
katie and aiden’s first kiss was actually during rehearsals for love theory. they were both in the dance studio and katie was helping aiden with the choreo. things got a little heated and aiden couldn’t help himself, he had to lean in and kiss katie. at first, he was kind of freaking out, thinking to himself that he shouldn’t have done that, but all those thoughts went away when katie kissed him back.
8 — who gets jealous easier?
aiden gets jealous very easily. he doesn’t like to show it and always acts unbothered when asked, but in reality it actually affects him a lot. he also tends to get a little possessive and clingy when he’s jealous.
12 — what kind of nicknames do they call each other?
their nicknames for each other usually come from the roles they’ve played. aiden’s favourite nickname to call katie is ‘princess’ and katie often calls aiden ‘my hero’.
1 — if they get married, who proposes?
aiden is the one who proposes. he knows that he doesn’t want to make a big, grand gesture, preferring to keep the moment between the both of them. he does however try and make it as special as he can for katie.
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