#tybtm ask
intheorangebedroom · 3 days
Me again!!
I was going to ask about TYBTM: Never Let Me Go
but I’m too scared to know what’s coming next 😭😭😭
Ahahahha!!! No don't worry, this one should be sweet! If I manage to keep the angst at bay (but it's me, so...) (perhaps that why I'm having a hard time with it, lol). The troubles will come later... 😈
You're so sweet 🧡 You're too good with me, ily 🧡
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(just because)
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henrysglock · 5 months
Alice says along the lines of "You're not him" to Henry
How exactly does that scene play out in TFS?
Henry has just finished retaliating against Virginia with a spider-related vision after she gives him some weird jealousy shit about being out with Patty and the theater crew at Melvald’s.
Virginia leaves the attic, and Alice comes up to see what all the commotion is. Henry’s re-buttoning his shirt and singing TYBTM when she enters, and she asks:
“Where’s Henry?”
Henry replies:
“He’s right here.”
To which Alice responds:
“You’re not…Henry. You’re not him.”
And Henry turns to her, then, and tells her to run. She does, and he follows her out. We don’t get to see what happens between them after that point.
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mitsybubbles · 3 years
*kicks down the door* What happened to Dean Domino in dead money?
Oh! He lives cause I wanted to make a joke about Miranda and Arcade leaving him behind in the Madre and then like months later Arcade and River’s first date was a dinner and a show at the Tops and Arcade didn’t realize that Dean was the performer until he came on stage.
So basically instead of killing him I just had a 12 year old beat him up and then had him crash Arcade’s date like 3 months later or whatever.
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intheorangebedroom · 1 month
just caught up with tonight you belong to me and holy hell your writing is otherworldly. i’m in absolute awe. i’m on the edge of my seat with it all.
Hey Annette,
Wait, can I call you Annette? And can I give you a hug?
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That ask is the goddamn sweetest, and so are you 🧡 I always have the toughest time processing nice words, but I hung on to yours as I was sweating blood over the next chapter. I am so thankful to you for reading and taking the time to tell me you liked it. It's so very generous and selfless and kind of you 🧡
My dearest Annette, I hope you have the bestest Frankie Friday 🧡
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intheorangebedroom · 1 month
hi i'm in love with tonight you belong to me, you are an incredible writer and i can't wait for the next chapter!!
Well I'm in love with you 🧡 Thank you so much for reading and even more for this kind ask. I'm currently losing sleep, quite literally unfortunately, over the end of the next chapter, and your ask has kept me going 🧡
I hope you like what's to come.
Thank you thank you thank you, ily 🧡
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intheorangebedroom · 2 months
Hello :) how are you?
Just wanted to let you know that I'm new in your blog and that I just fainted (really, find me on the floor) because I read the last chapter of Tonight You Belong To Me, I mean, I can't even begin to explain, you're amazing, your writing is beautiful!
New fan over here! I can't wait to read more of your story, Frankie Morales is... let's just say that I want one of my own, so thank you so much for your masterpiece ❤️
Hey there Nonnie, to quote PTMY Frankie, “do you really need to be this fucking cute???”
lLet me pick you up from the floor and give you the biggest, warmest, most restorative hug ever (I give bone-cracking ones, you in?) before I offer you the beverage of your choice.
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Listen. I AM SO FRIGGING HAPPY TO HAVE YOU IN THE ORANGE BEDROOM 🧡☺️🥰🥰 You are so welcome here, you can stay as long as you like. You’re amazing, and I’m so happy you’re here and your kind words have made me happier than I can even explain 🧡
Frankie is the man, isn’t he 😌 We need to Weird Science an entire batch of him. For scientific purposes of course. In the meantime, let’s rejoice for all the amazing writers of this fandom! Please, don’t hesitate to come here and share the Frankie stories you’ve enjoyed 🙏🏻🧢🚁🏔️💸
Ily, Nonnie, happy Pedro day to you 🧡
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intheorangebedroom · 3 months
I am frothing at the mouth for more TYBTM
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Eeeeeee thank you 😁🥰🥰🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
I wish you could see me right now, I’m grinning just like this lovely idiot up there!
I’m so very excited to share the next chapter with you too!! I’ve already started working on it 🤓 And I don’t want to spoil too much of it but the Miller brothers will be back and I’ve missed them so much, I cannot wait 😁😁😁
Thank you so much for your support 🧡 I don’t think you can imagine how much it means, how encouraging it is, and how heartwarming your kindness is 🧡
I hope you have an excellent day, just like you made mine 🧡
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intheorangebedroom · 2 months
IS the next chapter Frankie’s POV?!?!
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intheorangebedroom · 3 months
Hey Orange besties
Little orange PSA. I've just realised (yeah just now) that I didn't thank anyone for the comments and reblogs for the lastest tybtm chapter??? I'm so, so fucking ashamed. And sorry. I'm sorry. Because I'm very thankful for each and every one of you, and I hope you all truly believe it. So I'm gonna get to it. Life has been lifing my ass off these past two months with very high highs and very low lows, so thank you for your patience, everyone 🧡 Next chapter coming Friday as promised and advertised. Stay hydrated, ask your friends how they're doing, and try to hug someone you like, ok?
Ily 🧡
ETA: lemme give you a lil Pedro for your troubles
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intheorangebedroom · 4 days
WIP RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Eeeeeee thank you for the tag, @auteurdelabre! I loved that little peek into your WIP folder, and I'm both very thankful and excited that you tagged me, because most of these things listed below will never see the light of day but of course I love an opportunity to put them out there somehow 🧡
Here we go:
TYBTM: Never Let Me Go
Camp counselor!Frankie
Frankie and patterns
PTMY: I <3 So
FishBen Filth
WWI Ezra
Rome (Joel)
PTMY but make it vampire
Cassian Andor x rebellion pilot!reader x Din Djarin
That's it!
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The fact that you can't sort out Google docs is my villain origin story. If anyone knows how to do that, please reach out to me!!!
NP tags: @frannyzooey (*evil cackling*) @whatsnewalycat @julesonrecord @write-down-your-dreams (*even louder evil cackling*) 🧡
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intheorangebedroom · 2 months
hi bby ✨ I’m hoping to spread a little love around today (it is someone’s birthday after all — so you might see others answering this)!
I am a big fan of people enjoying cake and celebrating, and sometimes cake can be just tooting your own horn 💁‍♀️ so with that in mind, I’d love to know what THREE pieces of work you’re super proud of that you’d recommend others reading, and why 🍰
Oh Jo 🥺 You absolute sunshine, you kind, generous, bright soul you 🥹🧡 Whatever I did to deserve your friendship, I don’t know, but I sure am not going to question it 🫂 Thank you 🧡
I am, I think, famously shit at tooting my own horn. The first thing I want to do is return you the question 🧡 Will you indulge me please? Will you tell me about your favourite works 🙏🏻
For lack of time, I’m not a very prolific author. So I don’t have much to offer, but I’m so thankful you thought of asking me, of all people (why me?!!), I want to play along.
One thing I wrote that I like and find myself rereading often is Road Trippin’. It’s based on one of @wildemaven’s gorgeous moodboard prompts. Her talent is so inspiring. It was the first time ever I worked with visual inspiration (and not audio) and it came to me very fast and easy. I wish it were always like this!
Then I guess I should mention something from PTMY. I recently reblogged my two favourite chapters, for my March birthday puppies, but there’s another scene I like, from the chapter called The Deal. I like to imagine her standing on Will’s threshold, with her Master and Margarita t-shirt, blinded by the April sun, and Frankie seeing her. What goes through his mind, then, when he realises it was not a dream. Everything was real. And she never chose her silence 🧡
And I gotta admit I’m quite happy with the last Tybtm chapter! I’ve seldom experienced that feeling, so there ☺️
Thank you, Jo, this was difficult but entirely worth it!! Thank you for your kindness and generosity! Please do share your favourite works of yours 🧡🙏🏻🧡
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intheorangebedroom · 7 months
I wanna know #13 for both ptmy and the new wip!
Well well well, if it isn't my favourite menace... 🧡
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to accompany us while reading?
I don't think I can write without music.
During PTMY, I relied heavily on the playlist, including the wonderful tunes people sent me. When the story was still brewing inside my brain, I listened to a lot of Nirvana. A lot of Laura Marling towards the end. When I'd write for Benny, I'd listen to CCR, and I can't hear Proud Mary without thinking of him. And whenever I felt completely lost, I'd go back to the TF soundtrack. I think I can recite Masters of War backward.
I'm still building a playlist for TYBTM, which I'll also share, but for nom I'm listening a lot to NIN's Closer......👀
Thank you for the ask, my lovely ☺️
Fanfic asks
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mitsybubbles · 3 years
Ngl I was thinking abt making my courier an amputee post dead money bc like come on. That many bear traps + zero access to medical attention essentially + lots of life threatening events? But then I saw what you did w arcade and loved it and also I can’t help but feel like I’m copying which is Dumb but yk. And he was already disabled pre dead money so I also thought “am I doing too much disability?” But I’m literally a person w multiple unrelated disabilities so. Idk why I’m telling you this I’ve kind of lost the thread of the original point of this ask. Anyway I love your art a lot 💘
oghgh!!! Thank you so much anon! ^^ Your courier sounds amazing! Don’t worry you’re not copying- I’d LOVE to hear more about your courier, he sounds awesome! Also it would be wonderful to have more amputees and disabled characters in fallout. It always makes me super excited to see more characters with disabilities in the wasteland, there’s so much to explore with that. Also you do what you want with your character!- esp if you feel as if they represent you and feel like it is what you want to do with them. ^^ There isn’t really such thing as “too much disability” since people vary so much, like you said, someone can have multiple unrelated disabilities. It exists and it deserves to be represented in media. There’s so much stigma with writing disabled characters and I really would love to see more creators break away from that because it’s important to write different experiences and people, not just from a social aspect but also from a story telling aspect.
I’m really glad you liked Arcade’s story in Dead Money :D, it’s one of my favorite parts of his development to write because it’s such a drastic event and it’s really fun explore how it impacts him during and afterwards. Like I love imagining/writing how he copes with the injury with little to no medical supplies while trying to make it out of the Madre and protect Miranda during Dead Money, and then how he copes with the amputation and the trauma of what happened after Dead Money. There’s a lot to unpack with his experiences and how it affects his own arc relating to identity/the Enclave.
I agree with you on the fact that the Sierra Madre is a very dangerous place- by all means it’s a miracle the courier and the others survived, the Madre isn’t kind to those who enter it. I feel like it is very likely that someone would have gotten severely injured or smth along those lines. Dead Money is such a good place to explore what happens when the worst does happen to someone. Being injured in a hostile place with no medical help is terrifying- it’s one of my favorite parts of the DLC. It does a really good job establishing that stress and fear of smth happening.
So yeah! Thank you so much for the ask anon, I really appreciate it <3
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mitsybubbles · 4 years
How well do Arcade and Miranda get along with the DM companions? What are their first impressions, do those impressions change over time, etc?
Christine: She and Arcade and Mira got along well. Hers and Arcade’s first impressions of each other (after the shock of the autodoc) was that they were in the same boat together and they formed a small partnership that ended up turning into a friendship.Their personalities mesh well together and Arcade’s an empathetic person. He’d definitely try to help her and understand her plight. Miranda’d just think she’s cool ^^. They all got a pretty tight bond with each other. Tbh if it wasn’t for her I don’t think he and Miranda would have made it back home,
Dean: Not to give anything away in my fic but he and Arcade definitely did not have a good first impression. They didn’t like each other from the uptake and those feelings only soured, the more they got to know each other. Dean’s incredibly condescending towards Miranda (probably say smth along the lines of “Hey kid. This ain’t Disneyland”) which would immediately make her hate him. She hates being talked down to. I will say that I am not killing him off entirely for the sake of a joke that takes place after the events of Dead Money lmao.
Dog/God: tbh I haven’t thought too much about them yet (though I really should ack >.<). I think Arcade would feel bad for them and want to help, but would also be unnerved by both of them (I.e. Dog’s hunger and God’s antagonizing demeanor). I think Arcade would favor God in the end of the day but I haven’t come to a full decision on that part. As for Miranda? I think she’s be a lot less nervous than Arcade is and would try to pick an argument with God, but I don’t think she’d dislike them or anything. It’s just in her nature to be very blunt around strangers.
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mitsybubbles · 3 years
What's the eventual outcome of Dead Money? Like, what happens to the companions and Elijah (only if it's not too spoilery!)
I won’t give away what happens to Elijah (sorry! It’s a spoiler ^^’). Let’s just say he dies lol.
As for the companions, everyone survives and leaves the Madre. Though not together lol. Arcade and Miranda only leave with Christine. They don’t meet the others again until much later in two separate events.
As for Christine, I was thinking she reunited with Veronica, and then she decided to travel for a little bit on her own to process everything that happened to her and figure out what she’s gonna do with herself from there. After some time she’d return to Vegas and properly reconnect with Veronica. It’s been a very long time since they last talked- I think they wouldnt instantly start dating again cause they both changed a lot. They’d need time to reconnect and stuff.
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mitsybubbles · 4 years
H and K for the fanfic ask game!
H.  How would you describe your style?
oh goodness I’m bad at this sort of stuff lol ^^’, I’d say I’m very descriptive? I like to set up the environment and what a person is feeling/thinking over just getting events down?
K.  What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
gfjhfdgjh oh boy lets see... I’ll talk about a few cause there’s a Bunch
A plot bunny au of fantasy au where Miranda was trapped in the mirror and Arcade was desperately trying to get her out before she faded away because her magic wasn’t strong enough to sustain herself in there.
Then I had a bunch of “bad ends” for Tonight You Belong to Me, the angstiest one from those I think is when Arcade first gets injured with the bear trap and he and Miranda can’t escape the ghost people when the gala event is going on so he sacrifices himself so she can escape- yeah he ends up getting turned into a ghost person
Arcade having to kill River in Zombie AU still hurts me lmao
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