lightoball · 2 months
he knew it was rude to stare, but he couldn't help it. at first, it was the ears, and had thought about trying to jump up between them, but the gap looked too narrow. he wouldn't fit and it might hurt to press down on them. but then he noticed just how much of the human he could see.
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so after trailing for a minute, he pounced forward and leaped onto the person's shoulder, laying his tail flat on his back. it wouldn't do much, not with how tiny he was, but it would be something. ϟ aren't you cold? it's not summer enough to go swim at the beach. ϟ
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sendousha · 5 months
Having led the Mahamatra into the living room, ensuring Wingal wouldn't effectively pounce him again had been instrumental in letting the conversation spark as intended. For the moment, at least, the High Beast appeared to keep his calm and watch their guest, Momo even lifting her head from the bundle into which she'd curled. As for Aichi, he had reached for the deck box perched on the corner of the table, drawing the cards as a collective.
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As if ritualistic, he'd kept Blaster Blade atop his allies, but Wingal's card had been deliberately ordered beneath the knight, making for easy locating once the stack had been presented to his guest. "I'm glad we could figure out a day, with how busy everything's been lately. Here—" With a number of footfalls, Aichi neared the sofa and within arm's reach to extend the cards. "You were eager to see what Vanguard looked like. How does it compare to games you're familiar with?"
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khaenriahn · 6 months
USING THE COOKIE MACHINE THIS WAY, well... perhaps it should have been something expected, given how subtly childish the cavalry captain could be at times. already the design is apparent, shaped nothing like that of a human, rather a rectangle which now begins to become clear what it is 一 a tcg card, elaborately brought to life with gumdrop decor and polished off with icing. another one, as if its creator was intent on making a full deck for a player side snack.
if anything, he was fairly amused at how it all comes together, only to catch sight of a passing gaze upon his designs. quietly, he wonders if that brief spark in the other's gaze was one of recognition, only serving to have him promptly address the other.
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❝ What do you think? Should I make a little player to go along with them, too? ❞ depending on how the other responds, he would get his answer, all while getting a, hopefully, intriguing conversation along the way.
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contractuum · 1 year
and on that day, cyno became the tallest man in sumeru.
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castilium · 2 years
Leaving things as they were was not an option, and nowhere would be better to search for teh Master than at the ball come the eve of Halloween — only one possibility would keep her away and the very idea of humouring it turned her stomach. No matter the emphasis on costumes, once Galahad had entered the castle walls, he complied with ingesting the descension candy, allowing Mashu back her true form. And from there, it was a matter of hunting down the target.
A feat much easier said than done — though the knight had been witness to Ritsuka’s costume, the volume of attendees made for difficult spotting her amongst the crowd, not to mention she may have changed appearance since then. Leaving Mashu looking for a needle in a haystack which might have been in another entirely.
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“I should have thought this through more,” she sighed. The lingering gaze of a nearby ghost bore into her, turning on the spot in order to find the very origin hovering above one of the tables its spread dominated by finger foods. “Oh— This might be a long shot, but have you seen a redheaded young woman around? She was dressed as a demon the last time I saw her”.
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bornofrose · 2 years
@twilightjudicator​ ~ New Roommates
It really had not been a long time since she had first arrived in Isola. The place was new and strange. Normally she enjoyed exploring new places and new things, however, she was becoming largely overwhelmed. She had received help in finding her abode - the location she would always remember. But when she arrived the whole place was… strange. 
The floor was not made of dirt… there were so many strange-looking items that she supposed must be something called… fur-niche-urn? She couldn’t remember the common word for them. She could feel her nerve kicking in as she ran around the room, unsure of what to do or where to go. She needed to be safe somewhere- where could she go? 
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Her searching eventually took her into the weird area, with an odd material on the floor that her talons made soft tick-tack tongs upon. She flung open cabinet doors. Assorted pots and pans were placed inside. Gyess had no idea what these were. She quickly took every piece of kitchen equipment out of the space and moved it onto the floor.
In no time at all, there was enough room for her to crawl into the cabinet and shut the door behind her. Finally, in an enclosed space of her own, she took several deep breaths and calmed down. She hugged herself into a ball and began to close her eyes to try and sleep. Though she heard some strange noises that stopped her from doing so.
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heavensvoid · 2 months
studying another's fighting technique was something of a hobby for Musashi. granted, this 'studying' was often done up close and in the heat of the moment, usually when she's trying not to die so perhaps that doesn't make it count as 'studying'. but in her book, it did! luckily here, there was no life or death combat involved. in fact, she was nothing more than an audience to someone's training session.
was she invited? no. would that stop her?..........also no.
the dummy continued to receive the end of the stranger's precise strikes with the training spear and it reminded her of a particular monk. and as they drove the spear swift and hard, the tip of it breaking off before piercing the dummy's hardened exterior, she speaks before she has time to think.
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" Well." the Saber breaks the silence as she walks up to the other, lips pressing together to hold back the snort that tries to push past. " You took a stab at it."
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viridescentarrow · 2 months
"There you are," his tone is certainly a bit more huffy than expected, but the general proved a bit more difficult to track down than expected. Luckily, Kaveh had given him the lay of the land as much as he could before they fell too far into their cups, but Cyno proved as difficult to catch as ever.
(Usually Cyno visited him, and not the other way around, given their respective positions. He wondered if the other had even known he was here.)
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"Kaveh briefed me on our situation, and the people I'd know here. I've already run into Alhaitham, so you were the last one of our...Odd little quartet I needed to find." Pulling his hood over his head, the sun is coming over the dunes of the Land of Burnt Umber, and he can already feel his face reddening.
"...Regardless, I'm glad you're here."
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isolaradiale · 7 months
the very loud voices within me took over so, I'm reapping Cyno from Genshin Impact
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Cyno!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 206.
You will retain everything you had in your previous stay.
– mod pleiades.
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heavenshield · 2 years
  originally, it was a curiosity. going to this ‘monster massacre’. Orihime didn’t feel any fear nor was she scared-- after all the things she has seen and experienced, zombies and werewolves and vampires lost their frightening factor years ago. she had just wanted to observe for awhile and help any who may need it, but as it is something she learned, enemies aren’t always content to let you sit on the sidelines. and so, as her gaze turns to the left, she spots one of the werewolves running full speed at her. but rather than use her powers....a plan hatches. 
       hands firmly gripping the handle of her giant hammer, heels dig into the ground as her body twists, taking a stance. as if she was playing baseball, she swings the hammer back and, at the exact moment when the creature is within range, she swings the hammer down and up with every ounce of newfound strength in her body. there is a loud ‘thud’ and the next thing she knows, the creature literally goes flying back into the frenzied crowd. lips part into a surprised ‘oh’ as her body relaxes. that worked better than she thought. 
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     as the woman turns to finally make her leave, her curiosity being satiated, she spots someone on the sidelines after nearly running into them. “ Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there!” a sheepish laugh leaves Orihime as she swings her hammer to rest over her shoulder, a friendly smile present on her features. “ What’s a ghost like you doing in a place like this? “
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sanctummilitis · 2 years
He had certainly been enthusiastic to play the part of a deceased; taking advantage of his ethereal form to pass through obstacles in search of candies rather than abide habit of those bound by the physical realm. On each instance during which he would emerge without news of a target located within or having startled occupants on the other side of the wall, the look upon his face could be described as a glower of disappointment. that said, it had become apparent rather swiftly that he be one whose expression gave nothing away of feeling, not unlike the King of Knights herself.
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And thus, they had established a partnership, situated within the streets of Golden, abuzz with shoppers and festivalgoers alike winding around the Servant as she stood, gazing toward the upper level of a store specialising in household appliances as one more did the ghost emerge and descend. “How did you fare? If there were none to be found, it may be cause to change our strategy”.
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isolaradiale · 11 months
we're making very bad choices on this fine day. if no one else has sent in something already, I'd like to reapp Cyno from Genshin Impact please. thank you!
Welcome back to radient Isola Radiale, Cyno!
You'll be housed in HOUSE 105.
You will retain everything you had in your previous stay.
Enjoy your stay!
– mod solaris
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isolaradiale · 1 year
I adore my short king but unfortunately I'm gonna be dropping Cyno from Genshin Impact. there may be a time where I bring him back later, for now though I feel it's best to let him chill for a bit. he was in condo 404
Cyno will be dropped for you!
– ⋆ diadem.
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isolaradiale · 2 years
since the patch just went live, as long as no one else has sent anything first, I'd like to app Cyno from Genshin Impact please. everything required can be found under profile on the sidebar or /app
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Cyno!
You will be housed in CONDO 404!
You’ll retain the ability to imbue your spear with electro up to five times a day.  You will also receive a wooden spear.
– ⋆ diadem.
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