#tw antitrans legislation
tylovesmushrooms · 11 months
I live in the southern US
Where I live there hasn't been ant anti-trans legislation passed, but there also hasn't been any pro-trans legislation. I've had to watch my state slowly get redder and redder on all the legislation trackers. I'm trying to hold out hope but I just feel numb. My city is pretty blue, so that's good. But I still don't feel safe. It's just so scary. And I know that the conservatives can't make trans people disappear forever, that's not possible, I'm just worried about me and my friends. I need to talk to my parents about what we'll do if bad legislation gets passed here, but I just don't have any words. I can't detransition, I just can't. I'd need to move somewhere, but I don't know where. My mom has a store here (which has a lease) and an apartment (which has a lease) and she doesn't have enough money to move right now. My dad could move but I don't know if he would listen in time if things really started getting bad here. I just don't know what to do. If you stuck around this long, thanks for listening, and if you don't mind could you send me something that'll make me feel better every once in a while? My interests are fungus, plants, jumping spiders, and cats. Mostly fungus. Thanks again for listening.
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fungalnebula · 1 year
Tw about anti trans laws and whatnot
I think no matter how bad it gets, I'm going to stay. If I get top surgery before any legislation passes, I can be the trans person children see. The trans person that humanizes our community. I'm going to be the trans person that shows people that we're not evil, that we're not pedophiles, that we don't hurt anyone, that we're just people. These kids love me and when they find out I'm trans and that the worst thing about me is that I get math problems wrong every once in a while, maybe they'll be the change. Maybe they'll show up when things get really bad.
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sucklett · 2 years
vent below, tw for transphobia mention
okay fr the sudden influx of transphobia like everywhere (i would guess very likely spurned by a certain few rich people along with the increase in antitrans legislation) has been extremely like, exhausting lol
been having trouble going about a day online without one way or the other coming across t//e//r/f///s or typical right wing bigotry
i said it on my art blog but if you’re a transphobe of any kind or any degree you’re not welcome here and i hate you and will block on sight, im not interested in debating or justifying my existence thank you
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tylovesmushrooms · 1 year
So I live in North Carolina in the US
In the past 2 days the NC government has introduced 5 new pieces of anti trans legislation. There's a don't say gay/trans bill in NC that has passed the senate, but hasn't passed the house (and hopefully won't). There was recently the first federal anti trans bill introduced in the US. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. My dad thinks I shouldn't be upset about this because they haven't passed (and hopefully won't). I am trans. I live in NC. If these bills pass they very well could kill me. If they don't pass they are still normalizing anti trans ideologies. People at my school are becoming increasingly open about their transphobic views. I do not feel safe. My parents are supportive (but, honestly, pretty uneducated), I am very grateful for this. Because my parents are supportive I will be less affected by some types of anti trans legislation, which is good. But it doesn't change that most of these bills can and will harm me. I have a very conservative classmate and I am terrified that he will harm me. He likely won't, but with how things are progressing, I'm scared. I know this is the inevitable regression before progress but that doesn't make it any easier to live through. My anxiety and depression has been getting worse. Getting through the school day has been getting harder. I don't know what to do.
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