#tumblr user galaxywhump ilu ❤❤
thewhumperinwhite · 2 years
what's the best thing(s) you discovered in 2021? (as in, songs, bands, books, films, games, hobbies, etc)
Hm!!! This is a hard question bc 2021 felt like it lasted 80 years, but also like it Didn't Happen? But I will do my best
This isn't a discovery exactly but unequivocally the best thing that happened in 2021 is I started talking regularly to my high school bestfriend, One Of My Favorite People, and got to hang out with her in person the most I have since hs and It Fuckin Rules (@sweetheartblue MWAH)
Oh!!!! The best thing I actually discovered this year was!!!!! GODZILLA!!!!! I love him so much. I started watching a buncha different godzilla movies with uhh... with one of my fwbs? Lmao? And I Love One Lizard ❤❤❤❤ I've seen probably 15ish 'zillas now. Shin Godzilla, the Japanese stand-alone film from 2016 I think? is the Best One (and also by far the scariest) but my favorite so far is Godzilla vs. Ebirah The Horror Of The Deep, from 1966. My great ambition now is to run that one as an rpg campaign (and not tell anyone it's A Godzilla, since the Boy doesn't appear till like halfway through).
2021 was a hard year, I think for everybody, and for me in terms of health struggles and a big loss here at the end, but I am also extremely blessed to have had such good company throughout, including everybody who's ever sent me an ask or commented on my writing. Happy new year, everybody. Love you 🥰
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