#tssers once again taking out their earrings and offering their beers to anyone in the near vicinity to say
Hello Anon, Hi Sarah! Here are my thoughts on Phoebe and Bo/Taylor and Matty: I think the vibes are definitely similar in that Matty and Bo both have a lot of controversy surrounding problematic comments they've made under the guise of comedy/satire/performance art. They've both addressed it, and, to me, it does seem like some comments and actions were taken out of context, but they happened regardless.
I think the key issue in both situations is feeling the pain of the songwriter through their work and being happy that they finally get to be happy. Both Taylor and Phoebe have gone through terrible heartbreaks, and seeing them "end up" with their perfect man made many fans happy, thus making the subsequent breakups very sad. And then it hit harder seeing them try to move on with someone not so perfect. With Phoebe's fan base, there's a major overlap with Paul's, so it was also hard to lose the pairing of two faves.
I think another big similarity is that neither of them have come out with new work focusing on the breakup, so details have not been revealed. With Taylor, there's conflicting information on if the relationship ended amicably or if Joe cheated or did her dirty in some way, so while people don't like Matty, the hate is directed more towards making feral choices and condoning or even being attracted to dirtbag behavior. With Phoebe, there is some unsureness on whether there was cheating (on Phoebe with Daisy Edgar Jones or on Paul with Bo) or if it was an open relationship/throuple situation. Seeing her with Bo now makes it a lot more murky as it might confirm that he was the reason they broke up, which definitely makes him a target for hate. I hope this helps. Thank you for crowdsourcing, I'd love to hear other's thoughts!
This was a delightful "and that's what you missed on Glee but written better" summary. Thank you so much.
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