#truth be told I don't stick around a fanfic long enough to really know how bad the portrayals are if the fanfic isn't great to begin with
cat-scarr · 6 months
What is something you feel people need to keep in mind when writing Ben in a fanfic or crossover? What is something that could instantly get you hooked if someone added it (except having Ben) or that could get you to drop the fic instantly?
Perhaps saying it like this is not specific enough, but I dislike when they don't make him seem real. I think that there's more depth to his character than just overconfidence or overconfident quips or whatever you'd call it. Similarly to one of the common criticisms which claim that Ben is either strictly a serious or comedic character, as if he can not have both qualities. As if those qualities don't actually connect underneath the surface.
And I don't say this to try to make him seem like some kind of insanely profound character. He's not that complicated. There are good fanfics that don't dive into character analysis territory. But, like all other (well-written) characters, Ben is the person he is because of where he came from. It's insult to that to dumb him down or ignore that.
Something that turns me away from a fic is probably if the author didn't bother to look deeper than the most simplified version of the character. Cartoon Network sometimes does this to a degree, too. I don't like when they make him like, a caricature. Or like, a mascot. I don't know how else to describe it. Often by focusing on one character trait (usually overconfidence) and then chalking him up to just being "a jerk" (overused descriptor that isn't even entirely accurate or deserved). That's probably due to how seriously I took the character, but there's just something disrespectful about it.
If you don't care to get to know a character, you're not gonna write them correctly.
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Choked In Confusion
Tw: Self Harm Mention, Heavy Angst, Self Loathing. Hurt/Comfort
This was the first-ever sander sides fanfic I ever wrote.
Roman was a mess, he had bruises all over his arm from hitting himself and red eyes showing that he'd been crying for a while. The creative side sat on his desk, he knew he had to take off his mask and write his feelings down. Patton had broken his heart he didn't know what the moral side wanted from him anymore. Logan always hid his feelings too. So he decided to pull off his mask in a more creative way. A monologue, he knew that would suit him a least he thought it would.
Roman conjured his feather pen and began writing his emotions. He wrote like he was running out of time. All the emotions came, he knew the others would scold him for feeling that way but he didn't care anymore there was no point in being what people wanted him to be. Anger, Regret, Sadness, Confusion and Insecure.  A knock broke him from reality, he knew it was Patton, probably wanting to scold him for laughing at Janus's name. He still kept his mask off as he knew it was time to give Patton and the others the wake-up call they needed. The King was everything they loved but then they split him and tried to create a creativity without flaws.
"Hey Kiddo, it's me, Patton can I come in?"
"Fine but not for long?!"
"Kiddo we-"
"I'm fine I have ways of getting my emotions, I honestly can't your first instinct is to come crawling back to me when you and I ignored every word Logan had to say."
"What doe-"
"He obviously feels unwanted and not listened to. Especially since he made his facts optionally. I mean I stood there and let you skip him. Me I'm probably the one out of all of us who drove him to hide and lie about his feelings."
"That's not we-"
"Right, you totally do, ever since the others started to desire being listened to you shut me and Logan out."
"That's not tru-"
"It is Thomas has the right to listen to all of us and not shun us. Go see Logan, please. Janus can apologize-"
"Roman you shouldn't have made fun of his name."
"I know! I'm an idiot I hate myself and screw up, when I make a mistake it's spat in my face but when you guys act rude nobody calls you out on your behaviour."
"Roman, kiddo aren't you over-"
"Overreacting! Patton, I have the write to express how I really feel and not have it brushed off, same for Logan."
"Alright, I'll go see Logan. I'll leave these cookies for you here but please understand we do love-"
Roman felt bad for rudely slamming the door in Patton's face but he didn't deserve comfort he just wanted to scream till he couldn't speak and then put on his crumbling mask as if everything was ok again. He thought by sending Patton to Logan he'd be doing something right for once. Roman nibbled one of the cookies and got back to writing his monologue.
After a few more minutes of writing down his feelings, Roman cleared his throat. This certainly was going to be a heartbreaking performance, deep down however he just wished someone would watch him and acknowledge his mental health struggles.
Lost I feel lost, from the day I was born I have felt nothing but lost. I feel like a statue that has to be perfect otherwise they're just filthy and an old rusting relic never meant to be touched. I am strangled by vines of expectations. Apparently, I was created to be flawless but im more than just a figment, im- actually I don't think I really know who I am anymore at all. 
My voice feels like a cold weapon wanting to lash out when everything feels too much and when everything gets other whelming. I fire away but I can't stop myself, I am a flame of passion desperate to not die out. Life feels like thunder I want to strike and harm someone to cope but it's wrong. Justice, I get karma but the others never get it whenever they insult people and act mean.
I'm fighting the urge to cut my throat and slice it till I can no longer speak. I feel so vulnerable myself so of course, I'm stupid enough to mock someone else in a vulnerable moment. A name defines who are you and what you stand for. I feel like I should be nameless. I hate myself so illogically I project my feelings out to someone else via name-calling. Me, I try to get better but I only seem to get worse. If I could turn back time I would stay silent and bluntly accept the truth that the world isn't black and white. My only wish is to take all those cruel worse and project them onto myself.
Sadness and Betrayal!
I feel helpless like I should have never ever been creative. Am I really that pathetic that the storybook ended sadly? Am I a hero! No, I'm nobody's hero everyone I've ever cared about have been pushed away by stupid egotistical self. My darling brother isn't evil he's better than me! He deserves my seat at the table. Janus is correct I'm a piece of trash that can be replaced it's not like there's two creativity's after all. Nobody has ever been on my side.
When was the last time I had an idea that was actually helpful? Even Thomas's fans think I'm useless and annoying. Back in the courtroom, I was scolded by Virgil and Patton for siding with the bad guy, the snake. I wanted to understand De-Janus especially since the others pointed out that I never treated Virgil with kindness. But no I'm wrong for giving Janus a chance, have I ever been right? Patton always gets what he wants and giving up that call back felt like I was having my petals picked off.  Then he decides to do a one-eighty and tells me I'm wrong for being the selfless Prince. Also, im supposed to trust the snake after being told he manipulated me and used me to get what I wanted. I was wrong to label the others dark. The truth im the bad guy, not the one who's being used as a puppet. Grey, I've never liked the colour but it appears I must get use to it.
I am the fanciful side, the ego, the passion, the good creativity. They we're wrong I'm a mirror cracked. I never ever should have been crowned the Prince. I'm not royalty I'm an earthquake bringing destruction everywhere I go. 
Janus was right I should have been crowned the Duke! I'm rude, bratty and pathetic. My fist reels, desperate to punch every single mirror I come across. I am broken! Who am I?
I'm an idiot choking on the confusion I feel.
A loud applause made Roman flinch, his brother was sitting on his bed, full of tears. He never expected his brother to be here especially since Remus had been told he's just like his twin. Warm arms wrap around him pulling him into a tight hug. Roman did not expect this he really thought his brother hated him.
"Oh, Ro-Ro, fate time hasn't treated you kindly. Part of me wishes I didn't knock you out."
"You did right you gave Logan his time to shine."
"Ro, Janus was wrong and even if have to skin all of his scales off to make sure he apologizes to you. I'll do whatever it takes."
"Thanks, bro but that won't help, I honestly feel bad for you, now you're stuck with Orange and we know he isn't a nice side to hang out with."
"I don't care at least I'm not stuck with a bunch of losers who ignore every single time you try to say you need help. Janus is a jerk, heck they're all selfish jerks."
"Remus I know I was wrong for labelling you guys the dark sides and us the light sides. We're all flawed but it's just too hard to accept."
"You know what you need?"
"I think you need a job where you're allowed to be yourself and not strangely by people's expectations.
Ever since they've wanted us to be black and white but we're not."
"Wait bro are you proposing that I take your place?!"
"Yes I'm proposing I take your job and you take mine. Join me I'm not gonna let them bruise my self-esteem and confidence as they have done yours. Join me, let's work together and show these sides that we will no longer be controlled by their words. So are you with me or are you gonna sit here and stay silent. All I know is that you shouldn't go speechless."
"Nice Disney reference and I accept Its about time I crumble my mask! Thank you, bro I'm glad someone loves me."
"You've always been my hero."
The twins held hands and a bright flash accrued. It was about time the brothers worked together and stick together. Nobody was ever gonna separate them again.
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