#trump delay tactics
webntrmpt · 23 days
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trmpt · 2 months
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Special Counsel Jack Smith has had it with Trump-appointed Federal Judge Aileen Cannon. Judge Cannon has been indulging every questionable whim used by Trump's lawyers in the classified documents case in order to stall it. Her decisions have been blatantly partisan; perhaps Trump promised her a seat on the US Supreme Court – not that he's famous for following through on loyalty.
Jack Smith filed a motion asking Cannon to get moving with the case – with the implied threat that he will appeal to the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to have her overruled or even removed from the case. The 11th Circuit had already, in a unanimous decision, vacated a previous order of hers which would have delayed the proceedings.
Time To Fire The Cannon?
Putting Trump back in office would allow him to appoint more dubious judges like Aileen Cannon. Defeating Trump would not just protect democracy but would prevent the federal judiciary from becoming a corrupt Trump tool.
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qqueenofhades · 10 months
Donald Is Entering the FO stage of FAFO And Oh Boy He Don’t Like It, Part Number A Lot:
The Very Stable Genius, less than 24 hours after agreeing to comply with the order not to post sensitive material, threaten witnesses, or otherwise commit more crimes while out on bail, posts a threatening message on Truth Social ("IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU!")
A few short hours later, Jack Smith and Co. file a request for a protective order, aka preventing Trump from blabbing about anything he might receive from the government in the discovery phase, by citing said threatening post as Example A that he cannot keep his fucking mouth shut;
Judge Chutkan agrees, gives Trump until 5pm on August 7 (Monday) to respond;
Trump tries his usual bullshit delay tactic by asking for 3 more days + oral arguments, which would push it back even further;
Jack Smith immediately files a counter-request for NO delay, including this absolute gem of legal snark:
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Trump, flailing, insists the threatening Truth Social post was actually directed against something something the Koch brothers and other people he thinks are RINOs (this was, of course, nowhere stated and is as usual total bullshit);
Does he know one of the Koch brothers is dead? Unlikely
Judge Chutkan cursorily denies Trump's request for said delay; his legal team still has to respond by 5pm on Monday;
Trump has a Sad;
Did he learn anything, though? Of course not; he's now attacking Mike Pence;
If he keeps this up, he WILL be in violation of his bail conditions and at this point, it's pretty certain that if necessary, Smith would request the court to order him held in custody until trial;
If that happens a) I demand a live feed and b) all of a sudden, Trump would be begging for a speedy trial;
Please proceed, motherfucker.
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Nick Visser at HuffPost:
Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) urged the Supreme Court to reject former President Donald Trump’s claims of absolute immunity from prosecution when it hears arguments on the matter Thursday, saying his efforts to delay and dodge standing trial risk breaking American institutions of law and order.
Cheney, who served on the House select committee investigating the origins of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, wrote an op-ed published in The New York Times on Sunday. In the piece, she said the Supreme Court should quickly rule against Trump’s efforts to see the federal indictment for his role in the insurrection tossed out. The former president has argued he should be immune from prosecution for anything he did while in office, a broad interpretation that would also imperil the cases against him in Georgia and Florida. “As a criminal defendant, Mr. Trump has long had access to federal grand jury material relating to his Jan. 6 indictment and to all the testimony obtained by our select committee,” Cheney wrote in the op-ed. “He knows what all these witnesses have said under oath and understands the risks he faces at trial.” “That’s why he is doing everything possible to try to delay his Jan. 6 federal criminal trial until after the November election,” she added. The lawmaker stressed the work of the Jan. 6 House select committee, which released in 2022 a scathing report of Trump’s behavior, relied on testimony from dozens of Republicans who worked in the White House.
Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) wrote a scathing op-ed in the New York Times urging SCOTUS to reject Donald Trump's delay tactics in the presidential immunity case Trump v. United States.
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comeonamericawakeup · 10 days
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The judge overseeing Donald Trump's classified documents case has "truly crossed the line," said Harry Litman. Aileen Cannon, appointed to the federal bench by the former president, "keeps finding ways" to delay the trial on 40 felony counts brought by special counsel Jack Smith. In her latest "completely loony" ruling, Cannon takes seriously Trump's "nonsensical" argument that by merely placing presidential records in boxes and shipping them to Mar-a-Lago, he reclassified them as personal effects. The Presidential Records Act clearly states that any records created during a term-classified or not--belong to the govern-ment. But Cannon ordered lawyers on both sides to draft possible jury instructions that address Trump's claim that hundreds of pages of classified documents, including nuclear secrets, were his personal souvenirs-even though she refuses to set a trial date. Earlier in the case, another bizarre Cannon ruling in Trump's behalf was sharply rebuked by appellate judges. So Smith could use her latest "surreal" delaying tactic to ask the appeals court to remove Cannon from the case. If Smith loses, he'll have to try the case before an even more hostile judge, so it's risky. But "the umpire seems to be playing for the other team.”
THE WEEK April 5, 2024
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longwindedbore · 29 days
** When Blanche accused the Manhattan district attorney’s office of violating its discovery obligations by not producing certain materials from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), Merchan scolded him. “You’re literally accusing the Manhattan DA’s office and the people assigned to this case of prosecutorial misconduct and trying to make me complicit in it,” he said, “And you don’t have a single cite to support that position?”
Merchan noted that Blanche, as a former SDNY prosecutor, knew that he could have requested materials himself, yet he waited until two months before trial to request them. Blanche also waited until roughly two weeks before the scheduled trial to inform the court that he had requested materials from SDNY that could delay the trial.  His request to toss the case based on meritless prosecutorial misconduct accusations shortly before trial was an unusually brazen — and very Cohn-like — delay tactic. **
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Liz Cheney: I know how Mr. Trump’s delay tactics work. Our committee had to spend months litigating his privilege claims (in Trump v. Thompson) before we could gain access to White House records. Court records and public reporting suggest that the special counsel also invested considerable time defeating Mr. Trump’s claims of executive privilege, which were aimed at preventing key evidence from reaching the grand jury. All of this evidence should be presented in open court, so that the public can fully assess what Mr. Trump did on Jan. 6 and what a man capable of that type of depravity could do if again handed the awesome power of the presidency. Early this year, a federal appeals court took less than a month after oral argument to issue its lengthy opinion on immunity. History shows that the Supreme Court can act just as quickly, when necessary. And the court should fashion its decision in a way that does not lead to further time-consuming appeals on presidential immunity. It cannot be that a president of the United States can attempt to steal an election and seize power but our justice system is incapable of bringing him to trial before the next election four years later.
Mr. Trump believes he can threaten and intimidate judges and their families, assert baseless legal defenses and thereby avoid accountability altogether. Through this conduct, he seeks to break our institutions. If Mr. Trump’s tactics prevent his Jan. 6 trial from proceeding in the ordinary course, he will also have succeeded in concealing critical evidence from the American people — evidence demonstrating his disregard for the rule of law, his cruelty on Jan. 6 and the deep flaws in character that make him unfit to serve as president. The Supreme Court
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webntrmpt · 1 month
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trmpt · 3 months
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valentineish · 8 months
What many people fail to realize (or worse, deign to disclose) about political administrations is the delay in economic impact. Short of giving people money outright, data usually won't immediately reflect new policy's impact on commerce or prosperity. This is especially true with policy that makes the rich wealthier, like tax cuts for corporations – the squeeze felt from money indefinitely exiting the markets is slow-moving. Even so, it is a common diversion tactic to pin current economic success or failure on those most recently in power, thus ignoring or excusing years of groundwork before them.
Anyways. Remember how economists were saying the U.S. was the best it had ever been like a year into the Trump administration
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cosmicretreat · 1 month
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The judge didn’t bar shit, he just said it was too early to decide on that. If Trump’s bullshit delay tactics force him to miss his kid’s graduation, well, he committed a fucking crime, so it’s not anyone else’s fault he’s there. His supporters are just misreporting this because they only know how to communicate by lying and whining and making fake tough guy threats. Because they’re fucking stupid.
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qqueenofhades · 10 months
Speaking of Jack Smith and the indictments, follow up questions if you feel like answering! What do you think the chances of a conviction before the 2024 elections are? And (more worryingly to me), how much will convictions matter given they don't actually stop Trump from running or potentially being elected?
I've been following the investigations pretty closely, until I figured out last night that there are no laws against running for president from prison, and nothing stopping an imprisoned president from pardoning themselves. @_@ And while no one running for president from prison has ever gotten much of the vote, I have a terrible feeling that's one of those terrible firsts Orange-kun could pull off.
The thing with all this is that it is, for America, completely unprecedented political and legal territory. As such, while we can speculate and infer from what has happened thus far and what would normally be on schedule to happen next, we simply can't be sure. As I have said and as we all need to prepare ourselves for, Trump WILL be the GOP nominee at the time of the 2024 election, and if you thought he and his deranged cultists were dangerous to American democracy before, that's nothing compared to what they would be now. Which means we have the obvious task of all working as hard as we fucking can to get Joe Biden re-elected and given back full Democratic control of Congress. That is and remains Job Number One.
Next, Trump's only play is to delay, delay, delay as long as possible, in hopes of miraculously winning and canceling all the charges against himself like a proper banana-republic Autocrat-for-Life. That is obviously a terrifying idea, so see above: need to make sure it doesn't happen. The good news is that Biden beat Trump last time and if we do our part, he can do it again. Democrats are over-performing their 2020 margins by an average of 7+ points in the last 20 special or off-cycle elections, and while this isn't a sign to think we've got it in the bag and can just relax, it also means that the electoral trends are overall much better for Team Blue than they are for the Group Of Pfascists over there, especially since state-level Republican parties are basically bankrupt after throwing away so much money on pointless Big Lie challenges. Trump and his entire vindictive fascist apparatus is, again, terrifying. But it is not genuinely popular or in the actual majority, and we need to approach it like something that can and must be defeated, and not some unstoppable demonic force.
As such, we also need to recognize that even if Trump does go on trial and get convicted on any number of things before November 2024, which is still something of a long shot just because Merrick Garland dragged his feet on this for so long, he will try every bullshit delay tactic and appeal that he possibly can, in hopes of elevating it to a Trump-appointed judge and/or SCOTUS (he will try AS HARD AS POSSIBLE to get it to SCOTUS, since like every good mob boss, he thinks he owns them and they're obliged to bail him out). We don't know the timeline on that or what the effects will be, but as I noted last night, the benchmark for "progress on holding Trump accountable" constantly shifts and doesn't seem to be acknowledged, even when we are in the realm of the unprecedented for any former American president. And yet we do continue to make progress, and as I say whenever there's a development on that front, the LAST thing we should do is pre-emptively throw up our hands, despair about how it still doesn't mean anything, or just won't work. I know pessimism is easy and hopelessness feels like our default setting; the last almost-decade has kicked the absolute SHIT out of us and I won't pretend otherwise. But nonetheless, this is still happening. We just have to hang in there and do our part.
If we do that, and trust that Jack Smith and co. do theirs (as they have been doing so far), then things will probably, in fact, be okay. We cannot ever make the mistakes of 2016 again, which is why it's so maddening that a significant minority of leftist-identifying people seem determined to do exactly that, but it's certainly not as if all hope is already lost and the indictments will be a magic wand to speed Trump back to the White House (again, God forbid). We have to keep that in mind and our eyes on the goal, so yeah. We can do it and we must, and that's about all there is to it.
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Nick Visser at HuffPost:
Special counsel Jack Smith urged the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case to reject any further efforts to delay his trial. Trump’s attorneys recently asked U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to push back a deadline next month to review classified information related to the former president’s indictment into his handling of such material after he left the White House. They pointed to Trump’s separate hush money case in Manhattan that is set to begin Monday, saying the deadline requires time he and his lawyers “simply do not have.”
But Smith’s team said Cannon’s May 9 deadline had been imposed for months and accused Trump’s team of “reflexively” asking to postpone a trial every time the court sets a new deadline. “The defendants have had ample notice that these deadlines would be scheduled and have already had months to complete the work,” Smith wrote in a new court filing. “Counsel should already be prepared to meet these deadlines, and in any event, other commitments are not grounds for postponement.” “Each time the Court sets a new deadline in this case and attempts to keep it moving toward trial,” he added later, “the defendants reflexively ask for an adjournment. That must stop.” Smith went on to note that Trump chose to hire the same attorneys to represent him in multiple cases, and the lawyers agreed to do so. “Having made such decisions, they should not be allowed to use their overlapping engagements to perpetually delay trial in this case,” he wrote. “The Court should reject the defendants’ latest delay tactic.”
Special Counsel Jack Smith is urging Judge Aileen Cannon to reject further delay tactics in the classified documents theft case (United States v. Trump).
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ralfmaximus · 1 year
The thing to keep in mind about Trump getting indicted: it's gonna be boring as fuck. I mean, once we get past the spectacle of his surrender, the mug shots, even possibly (not likely) a perp walk... we're in for months & months of pretrial nonsense.
Then we'll have to wait for the trial date to be set.
When the actual trial comes, it'll be a bunch of boring legalese about accounting procedures and political contribution law.
This could take years. Especially if he pulls his famous delaying tactic bullshit at every stage.
And yes, he'll probably get convicted of these charges, but don't expect to see him an orange jumpsuit after that, because then we'll have to wait for a sentencing hearing. Meanwhile his MAGA crowd will be shrieking & gibbering like rabid monkeys on crack.
I'm glad it happened! About damn time. And there will be at LEAST two other major indictments coming very soon, so it's nowhere near over. I'm curious what happens when one guy has committed so many crimes that his trials literally back up and overlap each other. Has that ever happened?
tl;dr: If you thought the wait for Trump to get arrested was intolerable... well, we're just getting started.
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longwindedbore · 2 months
Nothing says “I have no viable defense” like delaying tactic after delaying tactic.
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